Friday, July 8, 2016

It won’t be fun, but you must endure

The police shootings in Dallas are textbook 4GW tactics and highlight the reality of the fragile society we live in. In case anyone doesn’t understand 4GW, it is low tech warfare designed to remove legitimacy from a government in the eyes of the people. Attacking the police is a chief way of accomplishing this goal as they are necessary to keep civil order. Don’t kid yourself either, even the simplest of societies have always had some sort of policing force to keep order and protect the citizens. You may love the police in America today or hate them, but one thing is for sure they are not going away. That doesn’t mean they can’t and shouldn't be reformed and improved.

What isn’t fun is living in a 4GW world which is an obvious reality in the United States of America today. I believe things will get much worse before they get better too, and it will be awful to watch and dangerous as well. One of the best ways to help those around you outside of knowing some basic self-defense is keeping a level head as society frays apart around you. Most of your friends and family will be in a state of near panic as events like these continue on the news cycle, not because they are cop-lovers, or love the government, but because they subconsciously know that civil order is under attack.

If you find yourself becoming extremely angry and wanting to lash out at everyone around you, or find some specific group or person who is suddenly the ultimate evil in at the moment, step back for a bit. Remember that we are living in dark times and there are plenty of evil people around. Cherish the good around you, especially your family and friends. Endeavor to protect them and plan for difficult times, but do not lose hope, wish for violence for the sake of violence, or lose your cool because of the news. Be the rock that people can depend upon in hard times. Be the foundation of a future society which can be better than the one we are currently living in. 


Anonymous said...

Amen. God give us guidance, thy will be done.

This seems more like a VP post.

Daniel said...

It is about being a man, praetorian. It is about saving Western Civilization: the armed freeman, the classical thinker, and the follower of Jesus Christ. Or, in reverse order, breaking the chains, winning the games, and saving Western Civilization.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Good advice.

Read, lift, train.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Also, network and organize with like-minded folks.

Establish a street presence.

Fuck BLM said...

Black lives matter members are domestic terrorists and should be arrested on sight. If they resist, they should be shot.

crazyivan498 said...

thank you vox. I really needed to hear this.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

@ FuckBLM ~ Agreed.

Robert What? said...


7916 said...

@Fuck BLM;


Around here the cops consider "constitutionalists" to be the main threat. Apply a shoot on sight policy to BLM will quickly be morphed into a "Shoot [survivalist/constitutionalist/nationalist/whoever DHS tells us] on sight" policy.

Demilitarize the police and knock off the kind of policing that pisses people off, namely the kind that generates money for the state or the department.

Anonymous said...

@ Fuck BLM

That goes double for the aryan nation, yet no one calls for their arrest.

I'm waiting.........

Al From Bay Shore said...

What "crazyivan498" said.

liberranter said...

What Bluntobj Winz said.

Also, ask yourselves if the sudden eruption of gunfire at what is described as having been an otherwise PEACEFUL demonstration isn't just a little too coincidental and a little too "convenient" for people itching for an excuse too crack down even harder on what few civil liberties remain?

Just sayin'...

Ken said...

The police shootings in Dallas are textbook 4GW tactics and highlight the reality of the fragile society we live in.

I disagree. I think it shows how robust our society is. The freak out over the last couple days is a near exclusively a digital phenomenon and isn't translating into the real world. Pretty much 100% of Americans got up today and did the same thing they would have done regardless of what happened last night. Sure maybe a couple hundred because of the shootings over the last couple days, which is statistical noise in a nation of hundreds of millions.

That's the problem with social media and media outlets in general. They magnify what a small minority think and some stupidly think that this means everyone thinks that. Thoughts like propagating the that "your friends and family will be in a state of near panic as events like these continue on the news cycle". This is the typical "people are stupid and to be looked down on" attitude of the wannabe elites that permeates leftist circles. Whenever I see such an attitude, I think of the contrast of the fantasy of The Siege and the reality of the aftermath of 9/11; the comparison could not be more stark, with the fantasy being 180 out of phase with actuality. In reality the people are doing all right. Americans are still a good strong people despite what a puzzlingly high number of people wished otherwise.

YIH said...

Remember that we are living in dark times and there are plenty of evil people around. Cherish the good around you, especially your family and friends. Endeavor to protect them and plan for difficult times, but do not lose hope, wish for violence for the sake of violence, or lose your cool because of the news.
Exactly, work out, stay in shape and keep going to the range. Spend some time learning (and practicing) some useful skills, like maintaining a garden, dust off (or buy) those Mason jars, learn how to use 'em. Buy and stock up on 'junk silver' (pre-'64 US coins).
As Vox pointed out, things are going to get nasty, and unfortunately when SHTF more than a few folks you like/love ain't going to survive - your coalburning niece, that friendly Starbucks barista, those who need various meds just to make it through the day. Be ready for bad news... It's coming.

Anonymous said...

@Fuck BLM

No, the (((elites))) whipping up a moral panic with their racebaiting narratives in news outlets and in colleges need to be held liable for inciting violence.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Today people concentrate permanently on the negative and forget the good in their life over it. It was very good to mention this point in your post.


dc.sunsets said...

Mass-mindedness is the product of the impulsive mind. For 50 years people in the masses stair-stepped to ever higher levels of manic optimism, yielding all the stupid beliefs & policies we now decry.

The plunge toward mass pessimism is simply part of nature's cycle, and the tug of irrational rage will grow apace. Self-controlled people must see those impulses for what they are and refuse to heed their pull.

Family, family, family...and tribe. Ours is the civilization that lays the golden eggs desired by all, and all we need to do is keep our heads while others go temporarily mad.

dc.sunsets said...

@ Sokrates, as you know, happiness is a choice while circumstances are a condition. In my case I'm living the life of wonder, with a fine wife & partner, wonderful & successful sons, charming daughters-in-law and a growing family of promising grandchildren. Best of all, my sons see my life as the path most likely to yield happiness.

We change the part of the world near us by living the path that wisdom & logic dictate. Carl Watner is right, tend your own garden & be the change you wish to see.

Aeoli Pera said...

If you find yourself becoming extremely angry and wanting to lash out at everyone around you, or find some specific group or person who is suddenly the ultimate evil in at the moment, step back for a bit.

Been there, got the T-shirt. Good advice here.

Aeoli Pera said...

"thank you vox. I really needed to hear this."
"What "crazyivan498" said."

Those are sincere compliments, Delta Man.

Unknown said...

You need the consent of communities to police them otherwise the police are just an oppressive, occupational force.

BLM may not be the best vehicle for it but government policy has decimated black communities, ghettoised them, and the police are routinely and arbitrarily killing people. This probably isn't even racism, just ego fueled bullies on a power trip and they know they can get away with it.

This is what the second amendment is for.

R Devere said...

"BLM may not be the best vehicle for it but government policy has decimated black communities, ghettoised them, and the police are routinely and arbitrarily killing people. This probably isn't even racism, just ego fueled bullies on a power trip and they know they can get away with it."

That is complete and utter BS and you know it! The black community and its culture revolves around racially-based entitlements. They hate being policed because it interferes with their drug/welfare culture. Almst 80% of all violent crime is committed by blacks mostly against other blacks. If they don't want the police to attempt to control their own kind, I say pull the police out---which is what has more-or-less been done in South Chicago, which is currently on pace to break records for shooting deaths and violent crimes.

I say let them eat their own. Just keep them in their own self-made zoo/'hood!

Unknown said...

It's not bullshit. The working class has been systematically destroyed by feminism, welfare and other 'progressive' programs and policies.

Black folks are overwhelmingly effected by this because they are overwhelmingly poor/working class as a demographic. It's not wealthy establishment black guys getting shot.

the fundamental building block of civil society, the nuclear family, has been utterly decimated and now civil society is breaking down, the police no longer have the consent of the people because they are agents of oppression in the employ of the people that have wrecked these people's lives and futures.

It is dumb to turn against them and try to have a race war, we are fighting the same war, the black demographic are just the canary in the mine, the lowest rung on the social ladder (a result of historical racial prejudice) who are suffering the devastating impact of cultural and economic corruption first.

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