Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Women: don't cut your damn hair

Athol Kay explains why it is a bad idea:
Dozens of times in my life I've experienced having one of those mild background crush feelings for a woman, instantly disappear as soon as she cuts her hair very short. I mean seriously, real feelings of attraction just instantly gone. Monday I was into you with your pretty shoulder length hair; Tuesday morning arrived and you walked in with it trimmed away to not all that much, and I have no more attraction to you.

Of course all her friends and coworkers just love her new hair style! Of course they would, she just botched her appearance and if she falls off the top of the sexy ladder, everyone else gets to move up a place. So like OMG I just love it!
I am among the many men who absolutely despise short hair on women. If a woman's hairstyle is described as "cute", I can just about guarantee that I'm going to hate it. Even when an attractive woman can pull it off, she almost invariably looks even better with long hair. Spacebunny has long, blonde hair, longer than it was when we met, and I like it just as it is. I would hate for her to cut it off. Athol is correct to point out the ulterior motive women have for praising women who chop their hair off, as it makes them look more attractive in comparison.

So why do women do it when so many men actively hate short hair? I think there are two reasons, one which applies to younger women and one which applies to older women. Because only a very pretty woman can look attractive in a short hairstyle, female logic tells the woman contemplating hair-butchery that if she cuts her hair off and can manage to pull off the look, then she must be extremely attractive. This sounds absurd to the rational mind, but remember, most women overrate themselves by at least two points because they rate themselves by their hottest-ever hookup rather than by the average of their past romantic record. And since she will inevitably be rewarded with praise from her female friends, she wrongly concludes that she has indeed pulled it off and is therefore highly attractive even as her attractiveness drops a point or two in the eyes of all the men around her.

The second reason is that women are much more concerned about hair health than men are. So, as they age and their hair turns grey and loses texture and body, they believe they will look better if they just cut it off. Which is ridiculous, at least as far as men are concerned, as evidenced by Athol's preference for his wife's "badly-damaged-with-an-accidental-bleaching-incident" hair to her healthy, natural, brunette hair. One need only to have lived in the 80s to realize that men could not possibly care less about the appeal of "healthy hair" what with all the perms, home-bleaching, and cheap hair spray that was de rigueur back then.

The unpleasant, but observable fact is that post-menopausal women who cut their hair off tend to look like short, squatty men, even if they elect to rock that inexplicable blue puff perm on top that is apparently meant to signify female status. Forget who is more attractive, who looks more female, this woman or this one? Guys of any age don't care how healthy a woman's hair happens to look if she looks like a freaking man; it's not as if men turn gay because Matt Damon's coiffure has a healthy, well-conditioned shine.

Anyhow, if you're a woman, let your locks flow long and don't trust any woman who encourages you to chop them off. The more hair, the more better.


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Amused Observer said...

There is another reason women cut their hair - they have decided they are lesbians. Nothing signifies that better than chopping great long hair down to what could pass for a man's conservative haircut or to practically bald.

Tired of tomboys said...

Another reason: longer hair takes more time and work to manage, which girls cannot afford because they are too busy trying to do boy things. Also, when trying to do boy things (like sports), long hair gets in the way.

revrogers said...

You make a case somewhat for younger women, but I do think it is still primarily your personal taste.
My opinion is that the majority of older women with hair as long as they had when they were in their twenties look horrible.
Part of the reality of life is that there are seasons of life and at some point a woman needs to realize that she is not in her twenties and will never be able to look any younger than about ten years if even that (even with plastic surgery and all that).
In her late forties most women need to realize she cannot compete as "hot" with the twenty year olds and needs to begin thinking about how to transition to a classy, dignified and yet attractive presence.
As a pastor, I see and interact with all ranges of the seasons of life of women on a regular basis. I have rarely seen a woman past her fifties with long hair that looks attractive.
I don't know how old you are or your experience of interacting with a range of ages of women, but you have your opinion and I have mine.

Anonymous said...

There's another reason that has little to do with the sexual marketplace. People are naturally curious about what they would look like when they try a different style. It's not permanent, after all. Hair grows back.

I grew a full beard, and then just a moustache, for the same reason. I satisfied my curiosity, didn't like the way I looked, and then shaved them off. If my sexual opportunities were diminished as a result, I didn't notice.

You might be getting carried away with yourself on this one...

VD said...

In her late forties most women need to realize she cannot compete as "hot" with the twenty year olds and needs to begin thinking about how to transition to a classy, dignified and yet attractive presence.

Long grey hair is classier, more dignified, and more attractive on an older woman than the shorn, permed, and purpled look that is so common among the post-menopausal set. It's hardly comparable to miniskirts and leather pants.

Christopher said...

With regard to the young women, maybe they cut it off knowing it will lower their attractiveness _because_ it will lower their attractiveness and not as a sort of test of that attractiveness. As in, they cut it off because they are disappointed with or frightened by or otherwise somehow put off by what's on the offer at that long-hair ultimate attractiveness level. Disappointed? Then cut-off hair for a sort of re-set. Able to pull guys that seem to put your father, brothers, and 'safe' peer-age 'friends' to shame? Then cut-off the hair for a re-set. Attracting just the type of guy --in fact a particular guy, who might just be the one? Nervous about that? Because the last one like that broke your heart? Cut the hair and return to the safety zone.

I think this theory also works for stuff like piercings and tattoos.

ox said...

OK, This is so totally passed the top. Long hair is absolutely THE signature stamp of femininity and female beauty. If there are attributes that are, let us say, less than conforming to Pythagorean proportions; tresses more than compensate for the derth.
Women with pixie clips look like...pixies. Who wants to marry a pixie? This entire unisex mentality is so so so devoid of real life.
In every instance of social movements that tended "back to the land" or "back to nature" that I have observed two notable things occur. Women grew long hair. Men grew beards. No clearly articulated code mind you. Simply happened instinctively.
My wife's hair is very very long and nary a gray hair in it. I tell her its because I've taken good care of her all these years.

revrogers said...

"Long grey hair is classier, more dignified, and more attractive on an older woman than the shorn, permed, and purpled look that is so common among the post-menopausal set. It's hardly comparable to miniskirts and leather pants."

I agree about the miniskirts and leather pants being a horrific look on the older set.
I have seen very few examples of long grey hair worn down in public looking good, classy and dignified. Many women who have the length in their older years put it up which gives it a visual shortness. Emmylou Harris is a rare exception, but I do wonder what she would look like with it shorter. Shortened hair need not be absolutely masculinized.

TLM said...

That's rich Rev. A Christian pastor knocking long hair on older women.
You may want to study 1 Cor. 11:15 this week-but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For her hair is given to her for a covering.

Long hair on all women will never go out of style!

VD said...

Shortened hair need not be absolutely masculinized.

You're missing the point. Shorter hair is masculinized; the amount of masculinity is determined by the shortness. That's why a crew cut on a woman is more masculine than a bob and why a bob is more masculine than a ponytail.

Note that even when women cut their hair short, they usually leave an element of it much longer than any masculine hairstyle. Why? To signify that they are still women despite their short hair.

Only an unusually attractive and feminine woman can get away with short masculine hair and still look like a woman. That's why short hair is a female status marker, albeit one which is no more attractive to men than fashion brands or social science degrees. It's actually dis-attractive.

It's interesting to note how some women with long hair talk about other women trying to convince them to cut it off. Do women similarly encourage other women to grow their hair long? If not, how does one account for the dichotomy?

Joseph Dantes said...

Let's add a Biblical reason.

A woman's hair is her glory and covering.

Women who are sluts, damaged, etc, and no longer feel feminine and pure, disproportionately go for body mod and cutting hair short.

Because they feel insecure about the incongruency of having long hair, and what it signifies.

Other women encourage this because they also feel the incongruency and approve its removal.

Joseph Dantes said...

The last line I meant since they're herd animals, and long hair is taken as an indictment.

revrogers said...

Vox and others,

I understand your points. I have a different opinion.

Without going too extensively into the research regarding the 1 Cor. passage references to hair, some current research suggests that there is a liklihood that in that culture modest women wore their long hair up and wrapped/arranged around their heads (peribolaion) in public settings and immodest women wore their long hair down and loosed around the shoulders. (See P. B. Payne, Man and Woman: One in Christ).

TLM said...


Some current research suggests.....

That sounds like another attempt at revisionist Christianity (Jesus Seminar etc). Hopefully you're not a Rob Bell acolyte. Maybe it means exactly what it says.

It's really not that complicated. Long hair good, short hair butch. It doesn't need any additional research.

Anonymous said...

There is a difference between mannishly short hair and long flowing tresses. Many women's hair loses thickness and health when she ages. If she has other problems like polycystic ovaries or hormonal problems her hair becomes so thin and brittle that growing it out to any significant degree is counterproductive. If the choice is between very thin long hair (think male combover thin) that is uneven and unkempt (because as brittle hair gets longer it breaks more often) and shorter hair that is somewhat thicker and permits the use of wiglets and falls, looking well-groomed requires the shorter hair.

Giraffe said...

I find some women with short hair very attractive. For example, in the Victoria Beckham photos linked above, I prefer the short hair. Perhaps because I prefer straight hair.

Mrs. Giraffe looks great with long or shorter hair.

I agree that most of the time long hair is better. Maybe 75% of the time.

As for older women, short hair certainly doesn't add anything, most of the time.

SarahsDaughter said...

Due to an inept stylist over-processing part of my hair, it was breaking on one side and not the other, I had to continually cut it to even it out. It was shorter than I've ever been comfortable with. Now that it's growing again I hear from women "oh, I just loved your hair shorter." I don't believe it. They also try to convince me to go back to my natural color (dark "dirty dishwater" blonde) instead of the color my husband prefers (platinum). Again, a suggestion I think is insincere and catty. Of course not all men prefer blondes but mine does, and women should not be taken seriously when suggesting hair styles to each other, unless they are trying to prevent the good idea fairy from convincing them to "chop" their hair.

ox said...

First of all, a good transliteration of the word for long hair is tresses. Tresses. Long flowing locks.
The "wrapping around" (peribolaion) translates = her hair is given to her as a covering, to wrap around herself. Her hair is given to her as a covering for her body.
Honestly, the culture card gets played too much. I'm not disregarding the implications of cultural context to understand scripture. I do not appreciate the notion of culture being some neutral ground to disqualify a tradition of the elders. But Paul himself, when addressing the issue says, "Does not nature itself teach you?" Nature, not the culture, teaches us that short hair is a shame for a woman and that tresses are a shame for a man.

mmaier2112 said...

I think I'm just going to start saying to every woman that cuts her hair: "Coming out of the closet, eh?"

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Rev. Vox is right on with this one...

Markku said...

Short hair ranges from horrible to tolerable.

Athol Kay: Married Man Sex Life said...

Thanks for the link love, much appreciated.

Got a ton of postive comments on this one as well.

Anonymous said...

Bedroom hair...enough said!

rycamor said...

The set of all women who can get away with really short hair is Halle Berry, and even she looks better with long hair.

zoegirl said...

Now that my medium-long brown hair is graying, several women have suggested that I dye it and/or cut it off. Funny thing is, I've never in my life received as many compliments about my hair from men as I do now - even from the under 50 set. Most importantly though, my husband thinks it's hot!

Wendy said...

"Another reason: longer hair takes more time and work to manage, which girls cannot afford because they are too busy trying to do boy things. Also, when trying to do boy things (like sports), long hair gets in the way."

Long hair does not take longer than short hair. I'd say the inverse is true. Plus, short hair requires frequent trims.

Hair long enough to put in a pony tail does not get in the way for sports. It's better that hair doesn't get in the eyes.

What's wrong with a woman playing sports? That's the most fun way to get exercise.

Juhana said...

My wife periodically flirts with cutting her hair short(er). I actively encourage her to grow it longer (currently mid-back) and very often compliment her on how lovely it looks.

Only a pert woman with a pointed nose and a sharp chin and pronounced cheekbones, a "pixie" look, can get away with short hair.

On the rest I want to see long, sexy porn-star hair.

Practical, "soccer-Mom" hair styles are, well, indicative of frigidity. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Perfect example. Emma Watson of the Harry Potter movies. With long hair she was extremely attractive, now that she's cut it all off she does nothing for me.

Anonymous said...

The Greek and Roman "short" hairstyles were ok; when you look at them, you know that they require long hair. Even hair in a bun is fine; it shows the woman HAS the hair. And it leaves it to the imagination what you'll get when she is alone in the bedroom with you and lets it down.

Men can detect long hair. It is actual short hair we don't like. The rest is up to taste. There must be some Amish in my genes; women wearing long skirts and bonnets are very attractive to me too.

revrogers said...

TLM, ox and others,

Vox’s argumentation stands on its own, and I will determine whether it is persuasive enough to change my opinion or not in contemporary contexts.

With regard to Scriptural matters, I am hesitant to delve too far into this since this would likely take us on a too far off topic tangent. However, I have been challenged, and so I elect to make a few additional comments (completely understanding if this needs to be deleted due to it being potentially tangential).


“current research” = Rob Bell/Jesus Seminar

From whence does that follow?

I have never read Rob Bell and am decidedly unimpressed with the alleged scholarship of the Jesus Seminar. I am a biblical exegete who, especially on difficult interpretive matters, consults with the original languages and does more intensive contextual research to discover the intended meaning. I do not naively assume that the English translations are automatically right (nor do I assume them wrong). I have indeed looked into this and find the conclusions of Payne and others to answer the contextual matters of the passage 1 Corinthians 11:2-16.


The contextual issue is HEAD covering and not BODY covering. Her hair is given as a peribolaion (covering, throw around) for her head, since that is what the whole passage is referencing. This matches with the literary and archeological parallels of the first century which depict modest women having their hair done up and thus covering their head. Greco-Roman statuary and portraiture of the time show women of dignity with their hair arranged up on their heads. Women with hair loosed and hanging down are portrayed in contexts less modest from a Jewish or Christian moral first century perspective (e.g. , prostitution, orgies, and religious ecstasies).

However one wants to apply this in our modern/post-modern societies is one matter. I conclude, however, that the Scriptural context in that culture describes that modest women wear their long hair up arranged on the head in public and immodest woment let it hang loose.

Blessings on all, even on those with whom there is disagreement.


Lurky the Laconic said...

Some women compliment a new 'do not out of competitive instinct, but because failure to affirm is considered a gross violation of etiquette. It's a form of social self-preservation.

Or so I have been given to understand.

ox said...

Rev, Just a little reason. The actual context is, "Let her be veiled". Why a veil if it is bundled around the head? I emerge from the Anabaptist traditions. The Hindus, Seeks, Islams, and a multitude of sects and religions historically and in a contemporary context acknowledge the value of long hair. Christianity historically has acknowledged the veiling as a covering for long hair. Modern Protestantism's glib cultural adjustments based on the context of the Messianic Movement's decadent Greco/Roman culture really blows me away. It is that venue that has made the church effeminate. .

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

The validation monster...I am rather split on women over 60 cutting their hair. Some women can carry long and short hair well, some cannot. To each their own - with the input of their husbands. If my mate wanted the hair to remain long til I die, I'd leave it long w/ out a doubt.

On long hair and working out. Last summer the back of my hair got ultra long. I was not paying much attention to it. Condition it, as usual and its nice. Not hot or uncomfy due to the weather. During my walks and swimming I just toss it up in a bun, pin it and I'm done.

I did have to re-think the pig tail look b/c it looks kinda silly at 30 w/ pigtails.

Markku said...

Although I agree with "the more hair, the more better" as far as it goes, the law of diminishing returns strikes at some point. The added attractiveness after a certain length is no longer in proportion to the added work needed to maintain it.

But under no circumstances is this point anywhere at or above the shoulders.

Timothy Webster said...

Hair in a bun is ok. It hints at delights yet to unfold. Actual short hair is NOT.

ox said...

Rev, proof I'm correct. Can't have these women cutting their hair and taking pastoral roles:

Jill said...

Has it occurred to any of you that we women couldn't give a crap what you think about our hair?

Honestly, this whole discussion makes you guys appear to be pathetic, shallow, and insecure. You're the last people I'd EVER want to impress so why would I care if you like my hair or not?

Anonymous said...

This makes me want to chop off my hair to filter out people like you.

Alrenous said...

I'm a weird outlier on this too?

I not only like short hair, but prefer it - though there's definitely still a 'too short' that's not too short on a man. Probably other details as well - that poor old lady. Grow it out, woman. And tar/feather whoever's been giving fashion advice.

Oh well, not a problem. Converting long hair to short is much easier than the reverse.

"You're the last people I'd EVER want to impress so why would I care if you like my hair or not?"

You're repulsed by me and I'm repulsed by you. We have something in common! Let's be friends.

SarahsDaughter said...

Jill, Jill, Jill.... we "real" women do actually give a crap.
These men are the last people you'd ever impress.
Mrs. Jill might like what you've got going on so it's important you continue to impress her.

Jill said...


Oh, pray tell, what is a "real" woman? Is there an application process? A diagram? A checklist?

"These men" seem like they'd be impressed by a blow up doll with a waist-length wig so I'll pass, thanks.

rycamor said...

Guys, don't you often get a touch of sadness when you see a woman who would be stunningly beautiful if she just lost 50 pounds?

That anger you too, Jill, Anonymous? You prefer us not to have any preferences except the ones you give us? You mean you don't just want men to be 'honest' with you?

Jill said...

You can prefer whatever the hell you want. What's offensive is that you seem to think that your preferences = fact. Not to mention the ludicrously misogynistic idea that women with short hair are 'sluts' and 'damaged' simply because you have decided that YOU "prefer" long hair.

It's just...incomprehensible where you people got these ideas.

rycamor said...

My my, Jill... cue the sputtering anger and the 'you people' talk. A preference is a fact, or are you saying we are lying about our tastes?. I never said anything about sluts, nor do I care if a woman wants to cut her hair. I will just find it less attractive. Simple as that, and that happens to be the whole point of this blog; exploring what attracts men and women. Whether you like it or not, the great majority of men have this preference.

SarahsDaughter said...

Jill, seriously, did you click on the links comparing Victoria Beckham's short hair vs. long hair. The difference is Pavlovian. The question is, have you ever been honest with yourself? Not liking reality is a far cry from what IS reality. Why is this offensive to you? And really? Misogynistic? Pleeeaaassseee. Sure, it's not "Dear Woman" but no woman honestly wants to screw those guys.
These ideas are not, in the least incomprehensible, have you ever looked at a Playboy? How's denying the man in your life the very thing he physically desires workin' for you?

Anonymous said...

Jill needs to tell her hamster to STFU. Seriously.


As women, we *should* care about what men think about our hair! It is often one of the first things that attracts a potential mate-- or marriage partner. We demand that men have bulging biceps, tolerate babies crying, and help out now and then around the house. Is it so bad that in our part of the deal, we keep our hair long and maintain it healthily?

To think, I once thought like you! (shudders)

-Lia S.

SarahsDaughter said...

@Lia S.: Great link! Long hair - an indicator of health. I've seen more and more bald women (due to the treatment of cancer), I can't help but appreciate my own mother's decision to wear a long blonde wig as she fought the miserable disease. When I see these bald women, I feel sympathy and sorrow for them. When I think back to my mother's synthetic locks, I think of a fighter who never let her femininity go in the face of death.

revrogers said...


Your link proves nothing. Please deal with the biblical text and not what later church sectarian traditions have introduced. There is no word for veil in the text written by Paul. The context is about a woman covering her HEAD. Her hair is given as a covering. Her hair covers her head as it is arranged up. In the verse 1 Cor. 11:10 some translations insert an English word "symbol/sign" that is not in the Greek. The verse should be translated "the woman ought to have control over her head" or "have a control on her head". In other words, in public settings she should control her wild loosened hair by arranging it up on her head since loosened hair in that culture conveyed a sense of sexual looseness or pagan religious excesses.

I said nothing with regard to the pastoring issue.



Athor Pel said...

1 Timothy 2 and 1 Peter 3 demonstrate that how a woman adorns herself externally isn't all that important, it is her spirit, the intention of her heart that matters. Sounds pretty familiar that message does, hmmm, where have we heard that one before?

Besides, a bible based justification for hair up, hair down, hair braided, hair cut, or hair not cut, is off topic.

This post is about what most men like in respect to women's hair. From the comments here it should be pretty obvious that any woman that wants to attract the attention of a particular man should find out what he likes in regards to dress and appearance and then DO THEM. Don't whine about your failure because you didn't want to change anything; you being too prideful to deign to submit to his wishes.

revrogers said...

Athor Pel is correct with regard to the trajectory of off topic-ness of what I have recently posted. That is why what I've said is the last I will offer and will feel no offense if the comments need to be cleaned off.



Anonymous said...


My heart goes out to women who are recovering or are in the process of chemo. It must be very difficult, the the medicine does NO ONE any favors. It's usually easy to tell though when someone is suffering a major illness, versus when they are just cutting their hair off.

In my cultural upbringing, I was taught that hair was a woman's beauty and it took me many, MANY years to understand why! Then again in one's younger years whatever elders say usually gets tossed out the window anyway :P

-Lia S.

SarahsDaughter said...

No one is exempt from illness, at some point you or someone you love will suffer one. Women sporting the bald look while being treated for cancer is a whole different level of s-test. They should have a scarf at a minimum for a covering. Yes...cancer sucks, yes...I'm sorry when someone is ill, I don't need the shock factor of seeing a woman bald to feel empathy for her condition. There is nothing more cruel than using an illness to s-test your partner, your friends, or your children. Even when the s-test yields the pity sought, it does nothing to help internal healing. Towards the end of the illness onto death, I would much prefer those around me to speak of my dignity and grace rather than how I made them feel like crap.

Joe A. said...

From my limited experience, it has a hell of a lot to do with hitting the "reset" button because of stuff happening in the female's life.

Some of them also do it sometimes because they know it's less attractive and want to see what type of males come to them anyway. It's sort of an attempt in their minds of testing the male's values, so if he comes to her he must value personality over the superficial, for example.

teehee said...

because of your sexist comments, i wanna cut my hair short! :) pixie cut

Anonymous said...

Take 10 women over 40. Five have long hair, and five have standard older woman chops which other women love on them. For me, the five with long hair are the ones I will notice. Flip the hair lengths, and the OTHER five will catch my attention. Very few women look their very best with cropped hair. I've seen it, but it's rare! Maybe 5 in 100. Ron

Anonymous said...

One more point: Gals like Teehee will complain that the guys in her life want to be "just friends".

Anonymous said...

WOW what a massive bunch of ignorant males.
I'm sat here hazarding a guess that as you are so direct, arrogant and aggressive of your views regarding short hair that you are social insignificant, balding, unattractive men.
You are also attractively shallow. If cutting my hair short means I would NEVER end up with a man like you I may just shave my head tomorrow.
As far as I was concerned Frankie Sanford has been voted as one of the sexiest women of 2010 and probably will be voted as such again for 2011.
Grow up!

Anonymous said...

Guys out there, you really are showing your true colours about your opinion of short hair on a womn, I couldnt care less if a guy likes short hair or not, i would never live my life around a man nor would i ever change who i am for a worthless man who has horrible remarks and are utterly out of line towards short haired woman, we woman dont have problems with men with long hair, so whats yours? tuff we cant all be lush long hair for you pathetic guys, like it or lump it. women can rock the pixie crop guys. you know this descrimination towards short haired woman sterotyping them all the time has really got to end, grow up and move on, times have changed, everyone is entitled to look the way they want. If a guy really loves a woman hes accept her for whatever she looks like.
peace out!

Anonymous said...

my fiance has really beautiful long thick dark brown hair almost black.she keeps it to just above her waist.she loves having her hair this way and so do i.sometimes when we are at church she always gets such nice compliments about it.especially from some of the older ladies that are there.they just love to touch her hair.they love to run their fingers through it and they also love to grab it and twist it around with their fingers.they wrap the curls at the ends of her hair around their fingers and tell her how lovely it feels and not to cut it.

Anonymous said...

I love the angry women who can't accept the truth. Enjoy the loser guys that settle for you and your boy cuts. The truth sucks doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

I actually dated a guy who preferred shorter hair on girls, but mine was always long while we dated. Why? Because it was my damn hair, and I wasn't gonna change for him or anybody else. Just be yourself, and if 9 out of every 10 guys don't like it, who cares! There are still plenty of guys out there who will. Some dudes just want you to think they speak for all men.

Manwithabrain said...

Thank you for posting this insightful article. You have affirmed me the deep shame I carry with me every day for being born a man in a society built by other men whose values reflect your own.

I wish you all the best in the future with whichever self-hating woman you end up with.

Anonymous said...

You like Amazon women=long busy mess. Short hair is neat hair.

Anonymous said...

You just like long hair to 1) cover your girlfriend's ugly face or to 2) pull it when she's giving you a bj.

Anonymous said...

if short hair is sometimes associated with lesbians, why do some men (gay men) that want to be women wear short hair too?

Anonymous said...

Do you like "Thing" from the Addams family, because that's what you'll get if women really take your advice?

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of lesbians with long hair duh

Sad Face Joe said...

This is correct

Anonymous said...

Should men not have an opinion? Should we just be quite and be gratefull for just hips and lips, and call it a night? I say and tell Hell NO! From a young age we men are taught to be clean, groomed, have a job, be respectfull, be great fathers and a long list of otehr things that are right. Nothing is wrong with the things men must do in order to attract and keep our future wives and mothers of our children. My problems is that it seems like TOO MANY women ( not all of course!) hate it when a man suggests anything of them!! We men must do alot to keep our women....and real men will gladly do it. Its unfair, and just plain stupid that a man can't ask his lady to keep her hair the length he likes it with out such flak in return!! Its stupid. MEN.....KEEP STANDING UP FOR WHAT YOU WANT.....AND ALSO FOR WHAT OUR REAL WOMEN WANT US TO BE ATTRACTD TO... and thats THEM! Im tired of all this mess! I PISSESD! Nowadays we got men looking like damn women...and women looking like damn men, and stupid adults saying that crap is the only way to be! Society got gay men looking like they are Gods belssing to women, while the rest of the heterosexual men are being scoffed at and scolded for actually likeing a woman looking like....A DAMN WOMAN!?!?! GTFO!! thats BS!! Too many heterosexual men are being aske to stand in the corner and shut up, and either turn gay and be a women...or dont have an opinion about women at all!! Hell no!! HELL TO THE DAMN NAW!!!! If a women can wear a short sexy hair cut, or is a damn fine sexy grandma, or is still sexy and still has to go to chemo...good for you lady and GOD BLESS YOU!! But ladies until you get to that age...DONT be cutting off your hair just because Tyra, or Oprah, or Lady GaGa tell you too, rock your lovely hair for as long as you can......or else we men are going to just lets loose and be that fat dude playing video games, watching football, and hunting you down like a fat artic wulrus and smoothering you with of winter fat, all because we mistook you for a BALD female walrus in heat!


Anonymous said...

There are many reasons for a woman to cut her hair, but one that I feel needs to be brought up is that women don't need to grow their hair long just to please a man.
I'm a little offended that the writer asks, "So why do women do it when so many men actively hate short hair?"
It is OUR hair, if we want to sport a short do, we shouldn't be told we won't attract male suitors for it. Sure, long hair is beautiful, but beauty extends hair. Personalities can be beautiful. Faces can be beautiful. Even a woman's body can be beautiful even if she doesn't have a "feminine" haircut.

Anonymous said...

So I think people are taking this a bit too far. I happen to be female with almost knee-length hair. I do it cuz I like it and a lot of guys are of the opinion it's "too long," which is totally fine with me, because I like long hair on guys, but there's definitely a point where long becomes too long. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Albiet, I'm only 19, and who knows what it will look like on me in 30 years. Not with all older women, but many, long hair just makes them look really old. My aunt kept her hair long to please her husband until he pissed her off one night and she cut it markedly shorter. Not only does she look 100x better, she feels better about herself too cuz she's no longer a 50 year old woman who looks 70. However, some older ladies can pull off the longer hair, and I am secretly hoping I'll be one of those.
Maybe I'm not being a responsible feminist by saying this, but honestly, I thoroughly enjoy feeling attractive to men (although I don't wear makeup, which is a whole 'nother can of worms) and it's only by appearing pleasing that I feel justified in expecting men to do the same.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a NON-angry comment from an older woman with life experience, so here goes: I'm a 53 year old woman with a short hairstyle that you would all hate. I understand your love of beauty in a woman. Everyone loves beauty, and hair is part of beauty. I'm not angry, but I AM sad. It has been so very difficult being a woman, and dealing with all the pain that men have caused me in my life, (starting in my childhood when my older brother began molesting me, and continuing on to having been raped by a stranger, and other assorted painful experiences). As a result of my experiences I have always had a lot of ambivalence about being attractive. You see, a beautiful woman doesn't just attract the nice, loving guy who wants to cherish and protect her. She also attracts all of the OTHER men, too, like the ones who were attracted to me - the ones who want to harrass her, and to pressure her, and to manipulate her, and to use her, and to rape her, and - do you get the picture? It is just as difficult for a woman to be attractive as it for a woman to be UNattractive. As for myself, the actual reason I cut my hair short is because I have sensory issues and I don't like the feeling of having long hair hanging down in my face. Whenever my hair starts getting long, the feeling of it bothers me and I get it cut. Now that I am an older woman with some extra pounds and short hair I am not attractive to men anymore (in general - believe it or not, on occasion I still get some men who act like they're attracted to me). I am definitely NOT a lesbian, and like I said, I'm not angry - just sad, that's all. I wish that I had been born into a perfect world with unconditional love between people, men and women alike. But that's not the world I was born into, and I have no choice but to accept that. The way I am dealing with life now is to follow my spiritual path and to search for God. I realize that I will never be loved by a man the way that I want to be loved, so I appreciate the love I have with the two or three people in my life I'm close to, and I no longer worry about all of the people who will never love me. When I was young and attractive, with long hair and a nice figure, there were lots of men who wanted me, but none of them loved me. So what I have learned is that nothing in this world can bring you life, love, and happiness. Physical beauty, long hair, strength, wealth, or whatever. It is all temporary, as fleeting as an icicle on the first warm day of spring. Only the holy love of God can truly satisfy the soul. God bless everyone of us - men, women, the young, the old, the beautiful, the ugly, the haves, and the have nots. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

There needs to be a NON-angry comment from an older woman with life experience, so here goes: I'm a 53 year old woman with a short hairstyle that you would all hate. I understand your love of beauty in a woman. Everyone loves beauty, and hair is part of beauty. I'm not angry, but I AM sad. It has been so very difficult being a woman, and dealing with all the pain that men have caused me in my life, (starting in my childhood when my older brother began molesting me, and continuing on to having been raped by a stranger, and other assorted painful experiences). As a result of my experiences I have always had a lot of ambivalence about being attractive. You see, a beautiful woman doesn't just attract the nice, loving guy who wants to cherish and protect her. She also attracts all of the OTHER men, too, like the ones who were attracted to me - the ones who want to harrass her, and to pressure her, and to manipulate her, and to use her, and to rape her, and - do you get the picture? It is just as difficult for a woman to be attractive as it for a woman to be UNattractive. As for myself, the actual reason I cut my hair short is because I have sensory issues and I don't like the feeling of having long hair hanging down in my face. Whenever my hair starts getting long, the feeling of it bothers me and I get it cut. Now that I am an older woman with some extra pounds and short hair I am not attractive to men anymore (in general - believe it or not, on occasion I still get some men who act like they're attracted to me). I am definitely NOT a lesbian, and like I said, I'm not angry - just sad, that's all. I wish that I had been born into a perfect world with unconditional love between people, men and women alike. But that's not the world I was born into, and I have no choice but to accept that. The way I am dealing with life now is to follow my spiritual path and to search for God. I realize that I will never be loved by a man the way that I want to be loved, so I appreciate the love I have with the two or three people in my life I'm close to, and I no longer worry about all of the people who will never love me. When I was young and attractive, with long hair and a nice figure, there were lots of men who wanted me, but none of them loved me. So what I have learned is that nothing in this world can bring you life, love, and happiness. Physical beauty, long hair, strength, wealth, or whatever. It is all temporary, as fleeting as an icicle on the first warm day of spring. Only the holy love of God can truly satisfy the soul. God bless everyone of us - men, women, the young, the old, the beautiful, the ugly, the haves, and the have nots. God bless us all.

Anonymous said...

Are you men just idiots or something here? I'm a woman who has tried it all, short to long, dyed odd colors to natural, etc. If you judge a woman by her hair saying it makes her "sexier " you're an idiot. I've been told by men I'm pretty regardless what my hair has looked like. Yes getting boyfriends even with oh yes your most hated short hair! Before you bash a woman for cutting it off think how much time, how many painful tangles, how often it gets pulled from just about anything, and see how hard it truely is to wear long hair. Heck in fact, grow it out yourself and mess with it. Feel the pain, before you tell me how to wear my hair. Maybe a woman is just TIRED of it. I'm surprised half of you even have a girlfriend or wife. I must say I truely feel bad for her, she shouldn't have to put up with a man like you. What are we all here? Like five? Grow up and except it. Its my hair, I'll do what ever the fuck I want with it. You know what? My husband finds it sexy no matter what I do with it! Oh no! How could a woman possibly be able to make a choice LIKE YOU and do what she wants with her hair!

Melody said...

Please. When I was in college I chopped my hair off. It wasn't my best look ever, but you know who gave me a million compliments on how great it was?


Guys I barely knew came up to me and told me how great I looked with my short hair. Men are known for not noticing, so they could have said nothing and been fine, but they chose to rave over it, something that has happened with no hair-style before or since.

It could have been an anomaly, but I grew it out and chopped it off again and again - all my male co-workers told me I looked great. Just because YOU like long hair, doesn't mean every guy does.

Anonymous said...

If all men have this attitude, then I wouldn't blame women for making the switch.
Geez...get over yourselves. What do you want, another dumb blonde Barbie knock off?

lynda said...

i have no problem with this blog.why arn't men entitled to their opinion,it's harmless.they just like long hair.they are not attacking you with a big stick and threatening you.this is just their preference,my husband likes my hair long so i keep it that way,such a small thing when he does so many nice things for me.

Anonymous said...

wtf what is this shit sports are not a boy things think about what ur sayin before u become sexist

Anonymous said...

its not that we have a probolem with there opinion its just there being so sexist and that we shouldnt have to keep our hair long because they are atracted to us its cuz thats how we like it there just being so so so sexist sport is not a boy thing people need to watch what there saying it can really ofend lloads of women including me

ps im 11

Bocaj6487 said...

I know the kind of guys who complimented you, i used to be one. Gammas who worship women, who worship(ed) you. You could do no wrong in their pathetic eyes, and thats why none of those guys have a chance with you either.

Zaina said...

All I'm hearng here is that men are attracted to long hair; i.e., the woman's personality and qualities do not get factored in. If a man is attracted to a woman only because her hair is long, then the woman should run screaming in the opposite direction! Get over yourselves, guys. Some women don't like men who are bald, but that's not a deal-breaker if he is a good man with all the other good qualities. Only confident, sassy, and sexy women rock the shorter hair. It's possible you're not strong enough to handle us confident gals. Or maybe it's because you can't drag us back to the cave once we've cut our hair, Mr. Caveman!

Anonymous said...

I like the way people express their opinion here.I can understand why people love longer hair and dislike shorter hair. As a heterosexual female i can say i also prefer to see longer hair on girls.It adds a certain softness to their face, which compensates for the (mostly somewhat present) masculine features.

Of course, i also think people should do with their hair what they want. Some girls/women have good reasons to keep their hair on a shorter length and i definately don't think these girls are all ugly.

Becoming more feminine has also to do with. To name some:
-chosing the right clothes
-acquiring the right manners
-keeping yourself in a healthy weight range

So, a lot of factors determine if you will be perceived as more masculine or more feminine.

Anonymous said...

Shut up.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Kudos to you. I am a man and a Christian. I truly believe that God smiles upon your short hair. You are very brave! Thank you!

Anonymous said...

I'm the same guy, but, well. I just want to say, I am quite struck by the seriousness of what men have done to you... I can really see why you would lose hope in the physical beauty, strength, wealth and so on there is to be had in this mortal coil. However, please, do keep trying to obtain power. Don't give up! I'm not saying you ought to try and be physically attractive. No, no, no. I mean, work, make money, make lots of friends, give back to your community, the works! Trust me, there's nothing like the feeling that you really are doing something worthwhile for yourself and the people around you. It's... exciting. By all means, try this.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am chuckling right now because you are so right! I'm a man, an old man. I'm 61. Don't you worry about some of these misogynistic male commentors. Yes, there are always ridulous macho guys out there, but they always trip themselves right up. You're married, but to any single women out there, by all means, pick up the tough guys because they are easy game. They worship you! Trust me. You can do whatever you want with them if you think hard enough. My older brother was just the toughest guy until he got married almost 50 years ago. Now, he's just a rag... Me too, sadly, but my wife takes care of me, so, no harm done here at all.

Now, about short hair... After reading all these comments, I would probably say, yes, it does for the most part diminish a woman's beauty. But, no, of course it's not wrong. And no, most normal men, even traditionalists, don't consider this technically wrong or somehow again God's law. That is just a lot of baloney! God looks into the heart, not the outer appearance that people see.

Anonymous said...

Bear in mind, I am a Christian. I am a staunch believer in liberty, in justice, in equality. I stand for the rights of the individual. I hope from the depths of my heart for true freedom and respect not only in the church or in the state, but among people in general. I must say, even in this day of science and incredible knowledge, human folly prevails... It is a horror now, but let's keep chipping at the beast. ;-)

Anonymous said...

You're a creep, that's what you are. Short hair rocks!

Anonymous said...

Femininity is dead.


HELLZ YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I hate MEN with short hair. Fucking ugly and boring.

Anonymous said...

Agreed, females with long hair look waybetter

Anonymous said...

My husband prefers my hair short. It looks better short with my face shape. When I wear it longer, even if just to my chin, it makes my face look fat. What I see in the mirror is Audrey Hepburnesque, and I like it.

It really bothers me when men seem to think women can only look attractive in long hair. Yes, many women do look more attractive that way but I am definitely not one of them. Most men could use some tips on how to look more attractive, by the way. Facial hair is a turn off to me, for instance.

Anonymous said...

A preference is an opinion actually.

Anonymous said...

It's offensive because you're attacking women with short hair by calling them lesbians and sluts.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Exactly. I had to cut my long hair because it was damaged and it did not look good at all on me; short hair looks so much better on me.

Anonymous said...

But that is just one example. There are plenty of women out there who have gorgeous hair, and they look better that way, but there are also women who look better with short hair, or those who look good both ways. Telling one time that long hair looks better doesn't mean that it looks better on everybody.

Anonymous said...

And short hair can be just as hot as long hair.

Anonymous said...

But it isn't just suggesting something, you're calling women with short hair ugly, unattractive, or lesbians, so yeah, women get mad when you suggest that we grow our hair out again, because you like long hair better!

Anonymous said...

Finally, someone non-judgmental.

Anonymous said...

Another thing, why do people keep putting their profile as anonymous, but sign their name at the end of the message?

Anonymous said...

This is a really dumb subject... hey and most comments are from MEN, go figure!

Anonymous said...

the person who wrote the blog is right. I totally agree with him.

I'm worried though about how to wear it as I get older and greyer. Maybe up instead of down? I have never liked to cut my hair or wear it short.

Anonymous said...

what a stupid ,outdated remark!!
i cut my hair short,because i like it!
nothing to do men or gayness!
and women who say,,,i keep my hair long because my partner/husband likes it!
who gives him the right to dictate ???

Anonymous said...

OMG!..if you have to demand that your man tolerates ur crying baby
take ur baby and get out NOW
pity the child when he cant tolerate it any longer
and you shouldnt have to demand he helps out!
jesus,,that kitchen sink must be heavy to drag around ,as you seem to be tied to it

Anonymous said...

Women cut their hair short because most of them simply just like it.
There is nothing wrong with short hair.
I have short hair(Halfway to my shoulders)and a lot of people tell me it looks amazing.
Every women is beautiful, no matter if they have short or long hair.
And if a man has a problem with a women having short hair, well that's their problem. Not her's.

Anonymous said...

My life consists of more than attracting a mate. If you don't think I'm "attractive" with long hair, or short hair, I dont really care because I don't need to be attractive to you, to do my job. My hair length reflects only my hair length, and not my sexuality, insecurity, or desire to please another person. It doesnt matter if I lose attractive-points with you, because I never really cared how I was doing in that arena anyway.

Everyone who responded to this blog is entitled to their opinion, but you're not entitled to make someone feel bad about themself, just because of your opinion. There is a big difference between saying, "I prefer long hair on women," and "All women who have short hair are ugly lesbians I would never talk to." It goes into the idea that you have no purpose for women in your life other than having sex with them. If you can't fathom talking to me, because I 'look too masculine,' then pretend I'm a boy and get out of my way.

Anonymous said...

Beard vs. no beard is completely different than women with a bieber cut vs. long hair

Anonymous said...

Haha...this cracks me up. Another one well on her way to becoming a lesbian because she refuses to meet societies standards on attractiveness. Don't worry, some outcast loser will join you and your "woman power" movement.

As a side note, I don't think that you are going to go for a guy that has a bone pierced through his forehead and nose simply because self defacement isn't appealing to society in general. Thus you wouldn't be proud to walk around with him in public due to the stares and general uncomfortable feelings everyone is experiencing due to his social deviancy. Unless you're one of those people who still hate mommy and daddy and can't seem to function normally in even an increasingly diverse and accepting modern society.

Anonymous said...

it's not about 'the right to dictate'. just as you have your preferences, so do men. in a relationship, we have to make compromises, and the fact that you think that your partners thoughts and feelings don't matter, means that you don't need to be in a relationship.

Anonymous said...

Either up or down is fine. What goes up, must come down, they say. LOL Play with it until you find YOUR individual best long hair look. The guys in your life will tell you if you ask!

Anonymous said...

No, it's not my "problem". I respect every woman's right to select her own style. Luckily, there are many women who choose to grow and keep long hair that most guys enjoy.

Anonymous said...

U know u need help ur whole article is ridiculous, and why don't u look in the mirror a little more because I bet there are things women would change about you....women cut there hair because they want to end of story, if u can not look at a beautiful woman because she has short hair well then there is something wrong with you and its just hair....and clearly no woman is lucky to have a man like you....

Anonymous said...

I agree. I think it's ridiculous when beautiful women chop off their gorgeous hair into some "pixie" cut, claiming how it looks so cute. Then of course, when a man says it looks bad, our opinion is instantly dismissed. When a boyfriend or husband says they don't like it, the women-folk again go off on feminism and say his opinion doesn't matter, or they tell him he's shallow and "it's just hair".

So for that matter...I'd love to see men who become victims of the wife/girlfriend chopping her hair off scenario to fight back. Shave your head if you have hair, or put it into a mohawk or something women will find hideous. Grow a beard if she loves a clean-shaven man. Tell her how you think it's looks great and dismiss her opinion or call her shallow when she makes a stink.

I'd also love to see one day single women who get pixie cuts come online to complain how guys pass them up for women with long hair. Some third-wave feminist who chops her hair short, never wears dresses or heels, then she goes out and men won't approach her, or she gets on dating sites and men won't email her. Let her email a guy and one just says that he's not into women with short hair. Let a grocery cashier accidentally call her "sir".

I know it sounds mean, but put it all to rest. Let the pixie cut become the absolute end of her appeal to men. Women can go on the attack for my words, but I notice they're the same women who claim guys never "grow up" or guys hate commitment or "there are no good men out there".

Tisha said...

May I just clarify and say that, I think the majority, if not all, the women here are not offended by your preference of short hair, you don't like short hair, fine. I think they are offended by a poster saying something along the lines of, "all women with short hair are ugly and are ugly lesbians". Stop that. Only ugly people have no problem calling other people ugly and generalizing and degrading women. Some of my male friends, both "alpha" *cough* male and not, liked seeing the slender nape of a woman and would give comments about how a lady looks more well groomed and looks neater and cleaner. For those who are stating their preference and dislike for short hair, that's fine, I respect that. For those who are stating their preference in the form of an insulting, degrading, hurtful, derogatory manner, shame on you. Telling us that we've lost all our feminimity and all our beauty was just in our hair. FYI, I'm sure Lesbians can be feminine too, even lesbians with short hair and so can straight girls with short hair. So please don't insult women with short hair AND lesbians by using their name in a derogatory manner. I'm sure we all respect your opinion but there is a line that has to be drawn when an opinion turns into an uncalled-for insult which then turns into a general bashing for boys' distaste of hair length in a woman. It's alright to say you don't like it, there is no need to be insulting to another person.

I've also noticed that women with shorter hair are more low-maintenance and are not as hung up and obsessive about their looks and I rarely see superficial or shallow short-haired women. I'm not saying this is generally better but some, if not most, guys much rather prefer a low-maintenance to a high-maintenance girl. Some girls just prefer to chop it all off seeing as they thought it looked hideous when other women with long hair jumped into a pool and their hair would be like a wet animal or "Sadako"-like (scary girl from "The Ring" or when one sees her friend with long hair get lice and how it takes them forever to remove it and then they're too tired to wash it afterwards because that will take too much effort and time on their part. Long hair and all.

I'm not bashing long hair, generally, I'm giving accounts on the pros and cons and having short and long hair and since it seems this thread seems to be lacking a good balance of seeing the beauty in the two, I just thought I should even it out.

I personally, love both. I love when a woman't hair is long, clean and lustrous. I also think that women who can pull off long, flowy hair are just drop-dead gorgeous and I find it so beautiful when a women has extremely curly hair and it complements their features.

I think it's just a matter of whether a person CAN pull it off or not, because believe me some women can and look a lot better with shorter tresses.

Julia Ormond in "Sabrina"
after her make-over (she chops off her long hair)

Rachel Leigh Cook
Long Hair:

Short Hair:

Shannyn Sossamon:
Long Hair:

Short Hair:

I think the long hair was dragging them down.

Anonymous said...

Right well it's obvious here that this article was written by an ill-informed snot who believes he's the ruler of the world. Number one, if women complemented women with short hair to move up the ladder of 'hotness' then please explain to me why 'short hair' is now the new 'chic' that modelling agencies are looking for and why many female celebrities are now cutting off their long locks. Not that they haven't done that in the past, I mean 'twiggy' and 'Audrey Hepburn' were idolised for their unique looks. Number two, 'short hair' has only until the past maybe 200 years or so been associated with men. Long hair on a man signifies bravery, short hair considered unattractive and cowardly. You'd be surprised how many women still prefer a guy with long hair but you don't see them writing offensive blogs. Finally number 3, have you considered that in the end it doesn't really matter? How pathetic would you sound if you broke up with a girl because of her new haircut. It wouldn't help your reputation. Women would see you as controlling and avoid you like the plague. Not to mention all the people laughing behind your back about how much you suck with women. I understand that you've been brought up listening to stories about how you have to go and save Rapunzel from the tower with her long and luxurious locks, but this is the real world darling, not a fairytale.

Anonymous said...

Tell me none of these women have/had male admirers when they had short hair/even though they have short hair: 'keira knightley', 'Miley Cyrus', 'Anne Hathaway', 'Twiggy', 'Halle Berry', 'Michelle Williams', 'Emma Watson', 'Audrey Hepburn', 'Natalie Portman', 'Angelina Jolie', 'Audrey Tautou', 'Ginnifer Goodwin', 'Carey Mulligan', 'Rihanna', 'Selma Blair', 'Hayden Panettiere', 'Sarah Harding', 'Agyness Deyn', 'Frankie', 'Solange Knowles', 'Dannii minogue'...the list is endless.

The reality is, ugly guys like long haired girls because it makes them feel better about themselves, good looking men (and successful men) like short hair girls because they like the challenge e.g. 'Heath Ledger'

John Wesley said...

This is going to be hard for you to understand because clearly your a guy who is very insecure about himself and feels like retaliating against a well informed comment will make him appear bigger.

You see most guys these days are moving on. Growing balls. Clearly you lack some mate. I think any girl would turn lesbian at the sight of you. Nowadays, it's guys that are confident enough to say 'I can be with a girl who wants to remembered, confident and strong' that gets all the chics. Sorry to burst your delusional bubble.

Anonymous said...

Sorry but if this wasn't an attack why would there but such horrible comments on this site.

Anonymous said...

Haha I love this. :D Completely agree.

Genny said...

Hell yeah! :D

Anonymous said...

Exactly. Posts and lectures on the male gaze should reference this post and comments.

Anonymous said...

Love it! Man with a brain indeed. :)

Anonymous said...

Very well stated. It is interesting how worked up some men get by the level of women's gender performance. Honestly, I find gender policing to be a bit weird and creepy.

Anonymous said...

Just to address your comment about how men should fight back when their wife/girlfriend chops off her hair by doing something different and "hideous" with their hair: I find this suggestion kind of amusing. I could care less what my husband does with his hair, body or whatever. I love him for who he is and my love is not tied to his appearance. And just as an aside, I would actually love it if he got a mohawk but so far, he hasn't agreed to do it. :)

Anonymous said...

I am feminine because I have female chromosomes, reproductive organs and not I am 49 years old post menopausal after having I estimate from age 13 to 47, 408 menstrual cycles. Had babies pop out my vagina larger than a football the size of a football. All for nature in the end to give me hot flashes, gray my hair, slow my metabolism,put hairs on my chin to hear some of you complain about the length of a woman's hair. Go to hell! And for gods sake most of you need to work on your beer guts!

Anonymous said...

You do realize short hair is just a matter of personal preference, I'm sure. Maybe you haven't realized that some women honestly don't care what male strangers think of them?

Stupid, ugh.

Unknown said...

This post really makes me laugh. As a drop-dead sexy woman in my very early twenties, I am rocking a buzz cut like none other. I am very straight, and I honestly don't really care what people think of my hair because I got it for myself, not for the occasional old-fashioned and very single old man on the street who thinks so much of his unattractive self that he believes his opinion actually matters to me.
Personally, I think men can have any length of hair. I have a thing for men with mustaches, beards, clean-shaven faces, clean-shaven heads, long luscious locks-- you name it. Basically, I have a thing for men. I think it works both ways. Men who think they have a thing for really-long-haired women probably just have a thing for women in general.
I cut my hair for several reasons--
Because I can.
Because it's my business and no one else's.
Because there are more important things in my life than hair.
Because it saves me time getting ready each day.
Because it saves me time in dealing with nonsensical people- they are just too intimidated by my good looks and confident hair to approach and waste my time.
Because I look fierce, daring, confident, and independent. I've always felt that way, but now I look like it too.
Because I don't think that any man who fixates on one aspect of my appearance [i.e., hair] has the depth, experience, and maturity necessary to win my love.
Because it brings all of the attention to my facial features, and I have a great face.
You're right- there have been some differences in the way males treat me since I cut my hair. It certainly scares all the boys away! Men, on the other hand, absolutely love it.
While every person's hair is personal and relatively unimportant in the grand scheme of things, you are certainly welcome to your opinion on my hair, just as I am certainly welcome not to care.

Kelly said...

Good stuff here. I also wanted to mention (as have others) the Bible on this subject, in particular I Cor 11:6-16. Just another modern problem we have. Maybe should invest in wig industry?

CallmeAnn said...

It's funny, I had my hair cut off recently because it really did look like a fright wig due to its coarseness as it grayed. I was 50 at that time. My 57 year old brother told me I had embraced getting old by cutting it. The funny thing is, men and women (hubby also) told me I looked younger. He was a merchant seaman for years, only recently taking an on-shore job for health reasons. He wears his hair down to his shoulders. He has always and absolutely defined himself as a rebel. He feels trapped and controlled when any life circumstance dictates a shorter cut. He has cheated death a few times and now I think he just figures he has earned the right to do with his hair as he pleases. So, my point is, as a man, he probably prefers long hair on a woman but mostly, to him it's an age thing. He associates short hair with being old and lacking vitality. I think lots of men associate long hair with youth.
My husband actually does care a lot about hair looking healthy. He knows that from time to time, I have to cut mine so I can grow it back out. I also just like some novelty and the occasional haircut does that for me. I now have discovered keratin smoothing and my once-blonde, once-curly hair is now smooth and silvery blonde and shoulder length. As for the tone of the blog, it does come off as "if a woman doesn't value my desire to drag her down and have my way with her even though she's likely married and doesn't even know me, then she must be a dyke with no worthwhile man in her life". I get that you are saying that your opinion equates to all "real" men's opinions but really, I don't buy it. As for meeting your husband's tastes, mine would prefer me to lose the excess weight and wear the hair however I like. Trust me, I'm trying. I just don't think the hair is the main deal for all that many men. It's just the icing on the cake. Oh, and that second picture of Victoria Beckham looks slutty.

Anonymous said...

Rachel, hate to break the news, but guys are NOT "intimidated" by "fierce" women. In fact, since the buzzcut gals look like one of the boys, (even Charlize Theron), we are very comfortable around you. When there is no sexual charge, we can be completely relaxed. Victoria Secret long-haired sirens, that's another matter.

Unknown said...

I think that everyone on here should have their own opinion but not impose it on everybody else because
all people should have the right to look how they want and wear their hair how they like. Some people
look better with short hair than long others look better with long. Women shouldn't feel the need to change their looks for a man if he loves you he loves you.

Long Haired Lady said...

I know this may be unpopular, but I'm a long haired female who is never cutting my hair again (except for trims), and many men love my long hair. I don't do it for them, I do it for myself. If it attracts men, then that's cool.

Oh, and by the way, I'm VERY liberal, Atheist, Pro-Gay, Pro-equal rights. I'm guessing people assume you have to be a extreme feminist to not like having long hair, or taking care of yourself. All these girls with short hair are acting like they're getting attacked, but take it from someone who has long hair and admires long hair, we get way more hate than short haired girls. It's mainly coming from girls who have short hair. You can look at any video, or picture on the internet of some girl with hair past their breast, and 80% of the comments are from girls telling them they're ugly, disgusting, monsters, and selfish. Why? We have this "charity" called Locks Of Love, and now everyone assumes if you have long hair, that you're this selfish bitch who doesn't care about hairless cancer children. I do care. In fact, I'm taking my time and money to donate to charities, and just because I have long hair, it doesn't mean I should be obligated to donate it to a charity that is known to be a scam.

I'm also sick of hearing about how women past a certain age "HAVE TO" cut their hair short. My hairdresser cousin keeps telling my aunt that she needs to cut her hair because she's 50. If you were to look at my aunt, you would never think of her as a 50 year old woman. She looks like she's about 35. She doesn't even look 50, so why should she force herself to cut it, just because girls these days are into bobs and pixies?

I'm not a superficial person, but I do realize attraction is important to an extent in a relationship. It's in our nature to want to be with someone because they're attractive. Even science says long hair, round breast, and wider hips attract men, mainly because it shows that these women are healthy and can produce healthy offspring. Many people can sit there and say "if someone loves me, then they shouldn't care about my looks", but it doesn't work that way. If you cut your hair off, and stop eating healthy and stop working out, maybe it shows a little disrespect for your partner. Both partners should take care of themselves for the sake of their health and their relationship. Let me tell you this, I've heard men and women, have their relationship go downhill after the decide to "let themselves go". Attraction is important in your sex life, as well as sex life being important in relationship. There's literally no such thing as a healthy, sexless relationship. It's just how it is. We're mammals, and mammals love sex.

It's also funny to hear extreme feminist crying sexism at this post, but these are the same women who expect their men to pay for everything in the relationship, and women DO turn down men with smaller penises. A man without money, or man who doesn't blow money on her, is usually seen as "cheap" and dumped in no time. So guys, if your wife cuts her hair, ask her if she'd be okay with you wearing a dress and make-up. I bet she'd be totally against it, and think you're gay because of it. I've seen many women with short hair and pants, who sit there and say men who wear make-up are gay to them. They wouldn't date a "feminine" man.

Remember, sexism goes both ways.

Unknown said...

Such a pity men don't think the same about female legs...
If they could love them hairy as well...

Anonymous said...

Have you ever heard of trichophilia? I think that's more of what you're pointing at here, with your apathy towards the health of hair, so long as it's long, and your loss of attraction towards women who cut their hair. In other words, you are attracted to a woman's hair, not the woman herself. It's a fetish. It's not necessarily a bad thing, but it definitely colors your opinion a bit. Just thought I'd point it out there.

Anonymous said...

theres nothing wrong with cutting your hair. im 13, my hair doesnt grow, and i would rather have a style that im happy with, than hair i hate. who cares if shallow guys dont like your hair? a real guy will like you for you!

Lucy said...

See, the thing is, your article just makes me WANT to cut all my hair off.

If that's a promise that it's going to put guys like you off attempting to get me in to bed?

Well hand me the clippers and goodbye Goldilocks!

Anonymous said...

Wow, some men are a disgrace to their gender. As a heterosexual Christian female, I chopped off 15 inches of hair for charity. I would have done it without the charity, too. I have boyfriend who, prior to cutting my hair, urged me to grow it out. now that I have hair just over an inch in length, he told me he was sorry for doing so, and told me how much more beautiful I look, how much more confident I appear, and how Muhammad enjoys running his fingers through my hair. my own dad was like you, and when I said I wanted to cut my hair, he was horrified. As soon as I got out of the chair, he lit up. he told me how much I look like my mother, who died when I was only ten years old. He tells me how classy and mature I look, and I watched him tell off people who say that he shouldn't have let me do it. I've been urged by my church, friends, and even girls I know who say they wish they could pull it off, and thy think they can't because of men who tell them they can't. Don't hinder a woman from doing something that could improve her self confidence, make her feel beautiful, and help her see herself in a new light. Short hair brig out the beautiful features of her face, and long hair, which looks beautiful as well, can't be pulled off by all woman, as it can actually widen a woman's face and hide beautiful features. And don't ever pull the culture card. Many cultures around the world actually considered the ultimate sign of feminism short hair. the Egyptians considered the ultimate feminine beauty a bald head, polished to a shine. There are men who prefer women with short hair, and women who prefer men with long hair. Each of us are entitled to our opinion, but please don't state it as fact or force it upon others.

Anonymous said...

I'm friends with many short-haired women. Do I think that most of them would look better if they grew their hair out? Absolutely. But I don't say anything unless I'm asked, and yes, I've been asked by several. Men are not a "disgrace to their gender" if they love long hair on women, and are disappointed when they cut it. That's over the top. We always want to see more of what we think is beautiful. It's human nature.

Anonymous said...

True Men...Sacred Men... Don't talk like this...
They love all Women and their beauty...

and as said above that's why we cut it... because were trying to wake people up out of the Hollywood dream...

When a true woman rocks your world, grabs your heart... her hair wont matter...

Anonymous said...

or...she's doing it because she likes it. I'm personally thinking about cutting my hair really short and I don't care if guys find me less attractive or completely unnatractive. I'm confident enough in myself that if I like it I am not bothered by the opinion of others about trivial matters. Plus it's just hair, it'll grow back.

ed said...

u ppl sound so butthurt about something that isn't even that serious lol

Anonymous said...

Only insane men pursue the "Hollywood dream". But most of us LOVE seeing long hair on a woman. An average-looking woman become beautiful! Sorry for pointing out reality!

Anonymous said...

So, here's what...up until a few weeks ago I had very lo g brown hair. I've always been what you would call a girly girl and loved keeping my hair long, wearing makeup and high heels and putting on perfume every day. Then around a year ago my hair started falling out. Not the normal shedding but I literally started balding. After seeing several doctors and having round after round of blood work I was diagnosed with alopecia. I can't even begin to describe how upsetting this has been for me. Something that I enjoyed so much was taken away from me and there is nothing I can do except apply Rogaine and see IF it will grow back. In the meantime I cut my hair into a bob and am in the process of coloring it blonde so that a) it's easier to tease up and b) it's harder to see my scalp when it's lighter than my natural brunette shade. It's been nothing short of devastating to me. But the most amazing thing has happened--I've realized that my hair doesn't define my femininity! Sure my aesthetic preferences fall in line with what most people consider to be traditional signs of femininity, but that in no way DEFINES my female identity. I just would like to know, after hearing my story, what do the commenters here think about that?

stg58 said...


After reading 100+ comments, it is abundantly clear to me that some women will not allow us to have our own opinions or express them, as the harridans that oppose us had to find this blog so they could be then horribly offended and and outraged. Their reaction to us having a semi private conversation (as far as the internet goes) would be more appropriate to a demand by the Saudi or Iranian moral police. These women are also most likely deceived into thinking Islam is the religion of peace.

The hamster, she spinneth...

Anonymous said...

Luckily, there are plenty of women who have NOT been brainwashed by over-the-top extreme feminism. I see them and their FEMININE long, swishing hair every day, and they put a smile on my face! LOL

NYgirl said...

I have short hair because I like it that way. It has nothing to do with what the hell some man thinks. I get many compliments on my short Hallie hair, which I have been sporting way before Hallie made it popular! I have been told that I have the bone structure and the face and I have no problems attracting men! Long hair does not dictate attractiveness, femininity radiates from the inside to the outside. Have any of you heard of lipstick lesbians? The chicks who sport the long locks, the manicures, heels and short skirts but would never kiss the boys, she wants the girls, so many of your judgements are simply based on ignorance!

Anonymous said...

Hmm, no responses to my alopecia. However, I'm guessing that some people see that as a sign of poor health and makes me not optimal for childbearing.

Anonymous said...

About alopecia, or any other reason that a woman loses hair, I do NOT think that hair alone defines femininity. I understand that it is devastating. We guys who find long hair extremely sensuous can easily accept hair LOSS on a woman. It is not your fault. Just like you are no less of a woman if you lose your breasts, the same goes with hair. But for those who HAVE a choice, it surely is nice to see it in full blossom. And YES, I would be perfectly happy to have an alopecic woman by my side, with or without a wig.

Anonymous said...

Long hair is not inherently feminine. People who think so have been culturally brainwashed. Long, flowing hair is a western idea largely and in America all the women held up as sex symbols (mostly all) have long hair, Victoria's Secret models, starlets, porn stars and so men equate it with sex/femininity and come to expect this. Any deviation is seen as unattractive, masculine on most women. Personally if you need long, flowing hair to be attractive (pr blonde hair), you don't have much going for you in the first place.

Btw, too super feminine lovely women in show business with short hair are Halle Berry and Michelle Williams. They look strikingly beautiful with their cropped hair - with longer hair they look meh.

Anonymous said...

Actually, there are always an endless numbers of "experts" who keep telling us that short hair is "trendy", "modern" and "chic", but most guys aren't buying it. We SEE what long hair looks like on women every day, and when properly cared for, it is striking and eye-popping. No one need to "brainwash" us into believing that long hair is sexy. Sexy is as sexy does, and when it is draped over US, magic happens. At least, for me it happens. *wink*

Anonymous said...

So sexist. Just go with whatever makes you happy. Anyways, your love is insincere if it is just based on appearance.

Anonymous said...

There is a technical term for a man who claims that he does not enjoy seeing physically beautiful women: "liar". Sexist, schmexist! And yes, Halle Berry was SUPER hot when she had long hair.
Please don't tell me that women never have a hand in "suggesting" ideas for their guy's appearance! lol

Anonymous said...

I have long healthy sexy hair that I always have nicely done and I still think you're a sad little asshole.

Emma said...

What's with all the butthurt comments?.. Especially that chick who was gonna chop her hair off because of this article. If everyone was that easily affected by random internet articles, we'd never get anywhere.

So he doesn't like short hair on women. Most men I spoke to, don't. "When we fuck doggy style, it feels almost like fucking a man". And yes, every time some woman gets a haircut, no one is rude enough to just admit it's a turn for the worse. But they secretly admit it to me.

Emma said...

Wow it's not just one woman who decided to uglify herself because of this article, I counted three. Holy shit. Before anyone else reaches for the scissors, ask yourself whom it's supposed to hurt. It won't be the author.

Anonymous said...

I don't give a crap what MRA or Alpha/Beta pseudo-psychological morons think about my hairstyle. I wear my hair in a way that I like it. Also, not all women like men or care what they think, especially Cro-Magnon arseholes like the owner of this blog.

The woman with the longest hair I know is lesbian, but all of my heterosexual friends have shorter hair. It's just hair... dead cells. Fortunately, most women aren't trying to be attractive to you. Live and let live. Sometimes I like a pixie cut, other times chin length is good- a small-minded man determine's a woman's 'worth' as a person according to her haircut.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous Dec 10th 12:53--
Thanks for your response regarding alopecia. It did make me feel a bit better! Although, I will say that everyone, both men and women, place far too much importance on physical attraction. It's such a temporal thing!!! If the goal is to grow old with someone, then we are all going to be gray/saggy/wrinkled/bald/hunched over for a good season of togetherness. A firm foundation of respect, humility and humor will serve a much greater purpose for happiness in a relationship than say, perky boobs, tight ass, bulging biceps, washboard abs and disposable income. Give me a small house to share with someone genuine any day:)

Anonymous said...

Yes.. girls cut their hair because they want YOU to think they're attractive.

Honestly, shut the fuck up. I understand that opinions is one thing, but in here you're dissing people for having short hair?? Really?? I might not like long hair, but you don't see me storming on the internet and telling everyone that their hair looks like crap. The whole argument that girls should have long hair because it's attractive is bullshit.

Anyone of any haircut, hair chape, and body can be attractive. Stop.

Anonymous said...

The fact is that the short haircuts that are wildly popular among women are much less so among men. And YES, the "beauty" industry consistently exhorts women to go shorter with age, as if somehow long hair begins to make the entire appearance sag. I say, BALONEY!" If a woman loves her long hair, her female friends should shut up and respect that. The most that woman might need to lift her spirits and appearance is a slight fringe, NOT a major cut----even though said female friends will gush effusively after said beautiful hair has vanished. Jealousy assuaged, perhaps?
It is clear to me that some are betraying a real resentment against women who enjoy wearing their hair long and alluring, whether for themselves or their guys. BTW, this whole subject has not a thing to do with any woman's WORTH. That's a crazy inference, frankly.

Rachel said...

It is true. My hair is waist length and brown and I always wear dresses/skirts. I get a lot of complements even though I'm not very attractive (I'm not ugly just not a supermodel). Feminine is the way to go!

Anonymous said...

As a hairdresser, I am horrified at the comments & judgements that you men & women alike are passing off to women who choose to wear their hair short. But as a heterosexual, 20 yr old, 5'3, 230 lb woman who prefers short pixie style hair for myself, I pity those so ignorant enough to not take personal preferences & personal opinions into consideration. I had long wavy hair all my adolescent life, but I was never quite comfortable in my skin then. Upon graduating from high school & working at my first salon, I decided to give short a hair a shot. When I asked a few of my co-workers their opinions, my manager, said that I would look horrible with short hair, and that I shouldn't do it. Me, being me, cut it all off the next day. I absolutely loved it. & to my surprise a lot of other people did too. Even strangers. & since then, I have kept it above my shoulders & hot pink&black, even going as far as to shave one side of my head & get designs etched into it. People family, friends, male, female, old, young, conservative, liberal alike have expressed their like & dislike for my hair. The people who like my hair, fine, the people who don't, fine. Why because it's my damn hair. Absolutely no one has an authority of what I do to my hair, my body, or my life.

Men, yes, you prefer long hair on women, but don't you dare degrade those brave & beautiful few who don't fit into the mold of what kind of women you want on your arm.

Anonymous said...

As someone who has had long hair and short hair, I have to say I prefer medium length.

Short hair was nice, but I felt limited in what I could do with it. It was lovely to be able to do my hair in two minutes with out needing to use any things like a curling or hair straightener, but it was difficult to dress up and play with. My shorter hair was incredibly healthy and soft though, which I loved.

Long hair was pretty and flowing, but it was a huge pain in the butt. I had to wake up over an hour early to get ready for school or work because it took so long to brush and dry. On a day to day basis I had to keep it in a pony tail or braid because keeping it loose and unbound usually just lead to horrible tangles, and getting things stuck in my hair, so most people never saw it when it was loose and pretty anyway. Not to mention, long hair is hot ad heavy. In the summer time it was like constantly wearing a blanket on my back unless I wore it up, which was still heavy and caused me a great deal of head aches.

Personally, I've found that I like my medium length hair the most. It's just a couple inches off my shoulders and it's lovely. It's soft, and light with a lot of body. My natural curls and waves aren't weighed down by the length so they make my hair more lively and bouncy. It's still pretty like my long hair though, even more actually. It's not limp and lifeless like my longer hair was, but it's not boring and limited like my short hair. It's the best of both worlds. I get a lot of compliments on it from both men and women. My boyfriend loves it because it's long enough to run his hands through and grab, but short enough that it doesn't tangle easily.

And for all the people out there who think that the only reason women compliment other women is because we want to trick them into looking worse so we can get more men than them, get over yourselves. Women are competitive, I'll give you that, but most of us aren't bitches. If I compliment someone, I genuinely mean what I say. We don't have this huge secretive plot to get all the dicks in the world. If that were the case I doubt any of us would seriously believe each others compliments.

Anonymous said...

Personally, I have seriously considered cutting my hair off(as in really short-pixie cut) precisely because, like some before me have said, it lowers or even completely wipes away "attractiveness". One thing is for sure: it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to objectify a short-haired woman(unless she has a freakishly sexy, hour-glass figure,and shows it off, like Marilyn Monroe did) .
Short hair basically makes your face, your features stand out and forces people to look you in the eyes, treat you as a person.
Plus, from a strictly aesthetic point of view, you can still look gorgeous, like Halle Berry or Charlize Theron have proven, times and again.

Anonymous said...

Wow... too bad we can't harness the power of spinning hamsters for good. If we could, this thread could solve world hunger.

Anonymous said...

Women do encourage other women to grow long hair if they themselves are on their way of growing long tresses:

Anonymous said...

The Hamster is strong in this one...

Anonymous said...

(Man speaking here)
I have seldom seen so much pathetic masculine insecurity as from the "men" here who equatebshort hair and masculinity. The pathetic comments anout women being subservient or oblogated to please your narrow and quasireligious ideals of "feminine" unmask you all as self righteous tyrants in domestic best...and at worst closet cases afraid of your partner being masciline and you secretly liking it....or having somene think you like dudes cause the woman isnt the neanderthal stereotype of "femininity". Some women lool good with short is quicker to style if cut correctly...and you are all sick amd emotionally crippled in your insistence that your personalnpreference should dictate what a woman "must" look like to be "acceptable" and attractive amd to avoid beong labeled a slutnor damaged. I would say that a vain woman who is morenconcerned with a mans approval of her outside than our Lord's approval of her heart and mind is the real "damaged" "slut".

Anonymous said...

(Another guy talking) YOU like short hair on women.Most of us, I believe, find the majority of women much hotter with long hair. My best friend has a pixie, and I love her to death. But she well knows that her cutting her mid-back hair short was a sad day for me. "Self-righteous tyrants" b/c we think that long hair is magnificent? Who's over the top here?

Anonymous said...

really? so girls only change their hair to attract (or not attract) guys? like anything a girl does to her appearance is meant to please the boys? what about what SHE likes? isn't she entitled to have her own opinion, or not even able to form one? funny thing is I agree, I like long hair on girls waaaaay more (it's called taste). but this article was just horribly sexist.

Anonymous said...

Any guy who comments about his tastes or distastes in women will be perceived as sexist by some, but I call it being human. YES, women often do what THEY like, but when they just so happen to enjoy their hair long, I silently applaud!! LOL

Anonymous said...

The world does not revolve around what little boys think of women, if so you should have been playing with the Barbies when you were babies.

Anonymous said...

My girlfriend has short hair and she is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Dude, I feel sorry for you. You obviously do not know any nice, down to earth women. We aren't all catty bitches who secretly want each other to fail. We seriously are not all worried about being the "hottest". I would never tell my friends to do something that would make them look unattractive so that I would look more attractive. That honestly doesn't even make sense to me. Let me put it this way...I was NOT the hottest in high school. I had braces and was slightly chubby. I went to college and discovered the gym, got my braces off, started wearing more make-up and was all the sudden "hot". I didn't change my personality, but I seriously got asked out every day, multiple times a day. It was strange and of course I liked the attention, but I was still never worried about being the hottest girl in the room. I'm still not. I'm 30 now, and have had a kid, and no longer have the time to spend 20 minutes on my hair every day since I work, care for my child, cook all the meals, keep the house clean, etc. I'm thinking about chopping my hair off to make that part of my life a little easier. I am not concerned with what my husband thinks about my hair. If he wants me to keep it long, then I will be gladly to time warp back to 1954, be a stay-at-home mom only, and have no other responsibility. Where do men get off? I am expected to work just as much and as hard as my husband, yet, still have all the responsibilities of a stay-at-home mom, and I am still obligated to look and dress exactly as my husband would like? Nah.

Get over yourself. Step into 2013 and say hello to a world of women that don't give two shits what you think and don't need you to validate our self-worth.

Anonymous said...

Chop your locks to the nubs if you wish. You are being overly sensitive. If a woman posted that men should pump up to become more attractive, it's up to each guy to take the "advice" seriously or not. No one would be offended! Most guys LOVE long hair on the opposite sex. But, we understand the practicality of short hair. Thus, we are ever more pleased to see women who choose to wear it long anyway.

Anonymous said...

Fuck you, I'll cut my hair to my chin and leave it at that. Short hair RULES!!!

Anonymous said...

And MY man loves my short hair. He actually asks me over and over again to cut it when it gets past my collarbone. I have very thick hair and keeping it long is a PAIN! Whenever he snuggles me, he gets a face full of my hair. So if you like long hair, cool, but don't judge a book by it's cover. It's the girl behind the hair as well :)

Anonymous said...

Short hair may "RULE" in YOUR mind, but you have a problem accepting men who will not patronize you.
As for the last posting, I think it is cool that you and your husband are on the same hair wavelength. I hope he appreciates how much you love him. Something tells me that he does! I wish much happiness to you both.

Anonymous said...

well i have to agree with the guy writing. i mean long hair does make a difference and looks better. Short hair is just not as attractive. there are very few that look good in it. but i think women are meeant to have long hair.

Tedius Zanarukando said...

Long hair is healthier for women than short hair. I agree with the guy who wrote this article. I do not like pixie cuts or boyishly short hair styles on women; they are butch. Women are not meant to wear those hairstyles. I can slightly tolerate chin-length bob style. Short hair gets women nowhere. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it has nothing to do with me preferring long hair over short hair. Contrary to conventional wisdom, long hair is healthier and easier to care for than short hair. Those who favor short hair for women are too politically correct. I do not believe in romantic love, because women may use it to control men, and I hate controlling relationships. Also, I believe that women should not wear trousers, and women are not meant to do so. This has been documented in my blog back in 2008.

Emily said...

Actually, a woman in my village is known notoriously for her long hair, which causes her to be called "mutton" due to the fact that, from behind, you would assume her to be anywhere between 20-25, yet when she turns around you are greeted with the face of a 50-odd year old! My university tutor, who is also pushing 40 and attractive, currently sports waist length grey locks and we are all continuously left wondering whether she has dyed it grey to look "quirky" or is actually old?! It is so unheard of that noone seems to "get" it. The sad thing is, be it wrong or right, society doesn't "allow" long haired beauties to be seen as normal past about mid thirties/forty. I, too, hate the pixie crop/lego/generic man length hair on most older women. I much prefer the classy curled-under bob, or slightly longer than shoulder length hair. Anything longer is a no-go though! Also, as a side note, I recently (I'm 22) cut my waist length hair to my shoulders and instantly hated it, as did my boyfriend. I'm now on the lengthy journey back to long, short just isn't feminine and contrary to how fresh and exciting the idea seems, you almost always regret it!

Marie said...

Funnily enough most women don't live their lives based around what will make us more or less attractive to men.
If I cut my hair short it'll be because I want to cut my hair short. And then maybe I'll even write a blog about it...

Anonymous said...

Luckily, in my state of Pa. it seems that there are more long-haired women of all ages than ever before. SO, the women who decide to cut their locks short do not disappoint nearly as much as in years past. The Miley Cyruses of the world no longer set trends with their dreadful short dude cuts.

Anonymous said...

First, I want to say that the most offensive thing in this blog is the idea that a woman will intentionally lead another to cut her hair to make themselves more attractive. I have a friend and sister in law that both have long beautiful blonde hair and I will tell them if asked not to cut their hair because it is gorgeous and very flattering on their face shapes. Now, I'm considering chopping my hair off from just below shoulder length to very short. I have two kids, and I don't have time to deal with long hair. Especially since my hair is very fine and tends to make me look frumpy if I don't spend time on it. Personally, I would love to have long, sexy, Denise Richards hair, but that has and never will be an option for me. Every man and woman has an opinion on physical appearance of the opposite and same sex, and that is perfectly acceptable. Recently, I have been taken by the pixie cut sweeping Hollywood and want to give it a try. Which is proof that women don't compliment short hair to put a member of the same sex down, we are copying it because we like it. I may end up hating it, but I know it will grow back. The most important thing is mine and my husbands opinion. I need to feel attractive and I want to be attractive to him (no one else matters). I don't believe you can make the generalization that most men find short hair unattractive. Yes, if two women walk into a bar, one with long flowing hair and the other with short hair, the first will probably get the most attention. The irony is that the woman with the short hair probably doesn't have that "everyone look at me personality" and will get the attention she wants. My husband prefers my hair shorter and when I showed him what I was thinking about doing, he said I should go for it as long as I don't look like a boy. Then said that I probably wouldn't/couldn't because I am petite and do not have masculine features. A confident woman will do what makes her happy and hopefully will take her husbands feelings and preferences into consideration but won't let them be the final deciding factor. And a good man will give his opinion but acknowledge that it is her decision in the end.

Anonymous said...

This is the most misogynistic, ill-researched, bullshit article I've ever read on the subject.

Anonymous said...

Hey asshole, here's a reason why women cut their hair short; because you, and men like you, are not the end all arbiters of what is attractive on a women, nor are your opinions the sun that our world revolves around.

Anonymous said...

Oh no! Some men here have the *audacity* to have opinions contrary to what they "teach" in wymyn's studies! *shudder*

Anonymous said...

I actually can't believe most of the comments at the start of this.
"On the rest I want to see long, sexy porn-star hair" and "I'm just going to say to every woman that cuts her hair 'coming out of the closet, eh?'"?
Seriously, that's ridiculous. Who are you to say what women should and shouldn't style their hair like? And why would she want hair like a porn star? Surely it's more important if she feels more beautiful that way, and if SHE is happy with it, and SHE feels freer for a change. Women aren't objects with the sole purpose to 'look pretty for their potential mate'. Not all men are turned off by short hair, and if they are - well, maybe they should learn to be a bit less shallow, and actually get to know the PERSON as well as the image.

Anonymous said...

To all the men that equate women's attractiveness by how long hair is - you are saddos. No doubt you're all sitting in the spare bedroom of your mother's house, typing away with your sad little lives on your computers, belittling women inbetween wanking away to internet porn because you can't actually get any real sex from a real woman. And why can't you get any real sex? You're sad misogyists. Women pity you. But not really (hehe). Have fun getting rickets boys. You deserve them.

Anonymous said...

Are you saying that misogynistic, creepy jerks can't get real women? Just watch the "girlfriends" line up at a prison before visiting hour! LOL
Look, guys who like long hair on women are as common as locusts in Egypt. My wife has long hair, and my two best women pals have short hair, TOO short! But I love them despite this failing!.

Anonymous said...

I am a woman who likes women and I HATE short hair. It is a crime against female beauty and just a conspiracy to get women to go to a hair dresser and pay shit loads of money to leave the hair dresser's uglier.

Anonymous said...

Wow. Okay, here's a thought. Maybe I cut my hair short because I am a busy college student who doesn't have the time and energy to maintain long hair. Maybe it's because, as a college student, I don't want or need a time consuming boyfriend, and thusly don't feel the need to keep my hair boy-catching long. Or maybe it's because any man who's attraction to me is gone immediately because of my hair length is only into me for my looks and is therefore not anyone I am interested in dating. Or, maybe it's just because I like how I look and feel in short hair! You act like everything women do is because we want to attract men. Well, guess again.

Anonymous said...

No one can speak for all women, or men. Do SOME women and men wear their hair and dress to impress the opposite sex? Obviously. The fact that you do not is fine. Personally, I believe in liberty. You have stated that you couldn't care less about attracting anyone. That's fine, but know that neither men nor women fall for the other's mind exclusively, at first glance. Ultimately, there can't be true love without a mental connection, but what first attracts usually has SOMETHING to do with some physical facet. That includes hair, and maybe it's YOU who may be passing on someone great b/c you think that his love for the physical is shallow.

Anonymous said...

You seem to forget that women's sole purpose in life is not to please men.

Anonymous said...

Women not doing everything they can to please your sense of what is aesthetically pleasing? Oh poo, what woman would be so foolish to do something for themselves? WHY CAN'T WOMEN JUST ALL LOOK THE WAY I FIND THEM ATTRACTIVE.

No one gives a shit about your opinion you sexist shit.

Anonymous said...

So the article tells the truth but rather than accepting it you start screaming sexist this and that. You cant handle the truth and you miss so much in life because of it

Anonymous said...

Haha you guys are so pathetic. I have alternated between long and short hair and while I get more attention with long hair, I tend to get more quality guys with the short. Why? Probably because I'm confident and show that I don't give a fuck what people think.

Of course, when you're dating breathing fuckdolls with nothing else to offer then I can see why it would be such a big deal for you! Oh wait I forgot you're a bunch of virgins :-\

Also, any women who think they need to have long hair to find a man is equally pathetic. Think for yourselves for once!

Daniel said...

Aww, she got the velcro.

On her head.

Anonymous said...

hey silly pissed off women, all he is saying is that more men are attracted to long hair than short hair. and it's true. why are you getting all worked up about it? the truth is the truth. wanna cut your hair off? go ahead. who the fuck cares? we don't even know you. this post is addressed to the women that DO care but just aren't aware that most men find long hair more attractive.

think of it this way. more women are attracted to strong confident men than sniveling weaklings, right? right. well shit, i'm sure that fact is annoying to a ton of men out there with low confidence. but it's still TRUE. there's no use getting pissed off about it.

come on now.

Fatty McManjaw said...

This thread is a veritable habitrail of female hamster thought.

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