Friday, March 25, 2016

Supplication: the failed seduction strategy

An engineering student at university publicly abases himself in print:
When I experience success the assumption of others will be that I earned it. So, you and I cannot be equal. You have already conquered far more to be in this field that I will ever face.
Translation: To the women in my engineering classes. Please to have sex with me. I will say and do and be anything you want. 


Anchorman said...

Did you ever chew on a cotton ball? That's how all two of the women in the engineering college felt after reading that.

S1AL said...

I'm curious if that was actually written by a guy, and not a girl under a pseudonym.

pdwalker said...

He'll get a crick in his neck staring up at that pedestal.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

There has someone fallen into a trap! Someone has to educate that guy.


liberranter said...

You have already conquered far more to be in this field that I will ever face.

If by "conquered," he means that they overcame:

1. Their own internal misgivings, doubts, and disinterest to enroll in a program because of GrrrrrlllllPower peer pressure,

2. Shame at knowing that they were admitted into the engineering track in order to fill a politically dictated quota, NOT because of their own merits or abilities, or

3. Reluctance or qualms about using sex (or empty promises thereof) to get qualified and capable (Gamma/Delta/Omega) men to do their course work for them, usually at considerable expense in time and resources to these men for little or no ROI, and obtain unearned grades and degrees,

then, yeah, I guess you could say that they have indeed "conquered" as women understand and use the term.

Jehu said...

It is funny that he pretends to believe this. I've run STEM hiring task forces before at a major technology company. Here's the deal, even when we have a hiring freeze, we're ALWAYS hiring women and URMs (under-represented minorities). That anyone would seriously believe or even pretend to believe that it's hard to get a start as a woman or a NAM in STEM beggars belief.

Dark Herald said...


Oh no. Women are not capable of this level of self abasement. It just isn't possible for them.

This was written by someone who keeps women as a species on pedestals.

No woman can do that.

Only Gamma males can.

Dark Herald said...


You can tell he hasn't lost his job to an underqualified applicant yet.

I will grant that you do get used to it after a while.

Verne said...

Geeks never get it. Geeks be bright, but have such a narrow focus. They are blind fools. How would I know? I was a 12 year old chess champion, at my school. My father would have saved from that fate, but he had been toss from our lifes for a few years and those were the years. I was brighter than most, interested in everything, including geeky stuff. That made me a geek at 12. I was over grown at that age, as guys who are going to be bigger than most often are. By 14, I was just to tall, athletic, muscular, aggressive (thank God for testosterone) and yes too physically attractive to be a geek. But I do know what goes through the minds of geeks, I have not forgotten it. They are simply smart enough that they think they see things as they are. Not smart enough to see what it is they do not know. They are blind, socially they are unintelligent.

Before you think I pity them. No I do not, they are arrogant self deceiving fools who deserve the life they get. Pity them not

Hammerli 280 said...

I doubt he'll graduate. Engineers are rarely prone to that level of pedestalization, and utterly contemptuous of double-standards. Steel, sea, and sky don't give a damn...screw up, and you find that men and women die just as fast.

ScottC said...

These men = lust > dignity.

Even if this strategy worked, how could you live with yourself? It's shameless fawning over pussy.

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm curious if that was actually written by a guy, and not a girl under a pseudonym.

That was my thought. Either it's a woman posing as a man, or it's a man who's not rational enough to make it as an engineer.

Terrific said...

The one thing I never asked myself in my Red Pill Days was, "What would I think or feel if someone said something this patronizing and insincere to me?"

It seems so obvious now. No one wants to be pandered to. They don't necessarily want to be challenged or told they ain't shit. But they generally don't want to be damned by false praise.

S1AL said...

"That was my thought. Either it's a woman posing as a man, or it's a man who's not rational enough to make it as an engineer."

I knew a guy like that in college (a strictly stem university). He didn't make it and was pretty much a stereotype of the swpl white knight gamma, but I don't think even he could have written something this thoroughly idiotic.

Dexter said...

Engineers are rarely prone to that level of pedestalization, and utterly contemptuous of double-standards.

Dude. WRONG. I went to a STEM school and the male students were ALL the most nauseating, whiteknighting betas and omegas you ever saw.

Psychomancer said...

It is clear he is more in love with women in engineering than women engineers themselves. I have to give him credit though, that psycho linguistic bait and swap is masterclass gamma wizardry.

Rex Little said...

That's how all two of the women in the engineering college felt

That number might have been realistic in the old days, but they're packing the girls in now. I'm told that at MIT--either the #1 or #2 (after CalTech) engineering college in the US--around half the undergraduates are women.

Bob Loblaw said...

I'm told that at MIT--either the #1 or #2 (after CalTech) engineering college in the US--around half the undergraduates are women.

That just means all the women who are right for State U went to MIT.

When I went to college we had all kinds of blacks and women in freshman classes. Some of them were smart enough to go to a bit less prestigious school. By graduation they were all gone except for a couple Chinese girls.

Dexter said...

"That just means all the women who are right for State U went to MIT."

And of course, that a lot of men who were qualified for MIT got denied.

Ron said...


Pity them not

Speak like yoda you do

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Engineer jokes exist for a reason. Engineering companies are not filled with swaggering alpha males armed with slide rules. The few who are leave and become salesmen.

One of the difficulties of industrial sales is Uber extrovert salesmen trying to get information and straight answers from introverted, conflict averse engineers, who won't tell you yes or no, how your pricing and technical offering stacks up, whether you have competition, who your competition is, etc.

Rex Little said...

Engineer jokes exist for a reason. Engineering companies are not filled with swaggering alpha males armed with slide rules.

Hey, I resemble that remark. . .

Dexter said...

How do you know if an engineer is extroverted ?

He looks at YOUR shoes when he's talking to you.

Ba dum bum.

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