Wednesday, October 28, 2015

This explains a lot

Namely, why Western Europe is being overrun by unarmed Muslims while the heavily armed Islamic State is being simultaneously destroyed in Syria. I strongly suspect Russia could solve Western Europe's migration problem in an afternoon.

Female suffrage was bad enough. Turning national defense over to women is literally societal suicide.


Anonymous said...

All of the European states (no point calling them "powers") have armed forces and police. They are simply choosing to not employ them to defend their populations from invasion.

justaguy said...

Much of Europe turned their armed forces into jobs programs years ago. They had the United States to defend them, so they didn't need defense forces that were actually capable. A few small holdouts of professionalism remained, but how could one expect your feminist Defense Minister to understand or support the male privileged clique trying to keep funds needed for PC outreach.

7916 said...

This should be posted to #bringbackthepatriarchy

Hammerli 280 said...

I won't say that a woman can't do a competent job running a military organization. Merely that the number capable of doing so is extremely small. And politicians who put a low priority on defense are very likely to use that position for social signaling, instead of filling it with someone who really knows their business.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

The is what happens when you rely on other countries for national defense.

If NATO were abolished, the defense ministers would be tough old warhorses overnight.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Insanity. I'm beginning to suspect erotic motivations are at least partly to blame for the admission of so many swarthy third world men into White countries.

AJ Popo said...
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Anonymous said...

A picture is worth 10,000 words. Great post.

PhantomZodak said...

how these clowns not just allow but encourage the invasion of their own countires defies logic.

Miguel D'Anconia said...

Heaven help them all when the real push back starts. The random killings and protests that are currently occurring are nothing compared to when the fight really begins.

Krul said...

So what's the problem?

Oh I see, the one on the left has short hair. Gotcha.

Anonymous said...

The elites are weak...

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Nothing is easier than attack them – imagine Russia attacking Germany. It would be such an easy task that from a rational point of view Russia should be encouraged to occupy Europe as a whole. Stalins dream would never have been accomplished more easily than now. A nation withoug balls is a nation to be doomed.


APL said...

Phantomzodiac: "how these clowns not just allow but encourage the invasion of their own countires defies logic. "

A woman doesn't care who impregnates her, she always knows the resulting spawn is hers.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

"Heaven help them all when the real push back starts. The random killings and protests that are currently occurring are nothing compared to when the fight really begins."

Indeed. Traitors will hang. Collaborators will be shot. I'm not sure those women welcoming the invaders realize how serious this is.

Remember their names. Create a database with their details. Justice will be served.

The European liberation war is starting.

Quadko said...

That reminds me that you have to achieve justice before you can go beyond it to show mercy. Too many who say they are being "merciful" are just lazily or maliciously avoiding reaching justice.

Similarly, you have to be able to stop the incoming hordes before you can "generously accept them in"; if you can't stop them, you aren't being generous when they come in, you're just being weak.

But still, I'll grant that they could defend their countries against each other, just not the cold cruel world...

Jeff said...

Hammerli280, I would say that women are incapable of running a nation's military. A woman would have to overcome her maternal instincts and the only thing that comes to mind would be just the right amount of psychopathy - I can't see that ever working out for the best.

Anonymous said...

Are there no decent hairdressers in Sweden and Germany?

Harambe said...

Why entrust your safety and security to someone who is biologically wired to avoid conflict?

liberranter said...

I won't say that a woman can't do a competent job running a military organization.

I will.

They can't. Period. Having served with women in the U.S. military and having seen too many of them, both military and civilian, put into positions of authority within the DoD, the results have been stagnation at best and disaster at worst. Then again, as others here have said, an effective national defense force is on no one's agenda here in the West. The fact that these four estrogen vessels have been put in charge of national defense shows how contemptuously their countries treat the very idea.

liberranter said...

If NATO were abolished, the defense ministers would be tough old warhorses overnight.

Nope. Not unless you exhumed bodies of veterans from military cemetaries of World War II and could figure out how to reanimate them. Even then, most of Europe lost the battle against Germany and was subjected to occupation, so the military experience value of any such resurrected "heroes" would be negligiable. Otherwise, forget it; none of the Western European nations have seen any military action since WWII that would have created "tough old warhorses." In fact, I doubt anyone can even conceive of what a "tough old warhorse" is.

little dynamo said...

Photos tell the tale. Happy smiles at being awarded power to rule over their betters, i.e., men. Well males anyway, don't guess there are any men left in Sweden. The grrls have no clue what to do, hey, now my precious princess has the career she deserves. I'm alright, Ingmar!

Hello Janet Napolitano. Hello Val and Huma and Hillie. Here are our nations, hope you like them, please don't hit me with the stick any more Missus!

Sweden, like the rest of the western gynarchies, should be spaded under and limed.

little dynamo said...

"Are there no decent hairdressers in Sweden and Germany?"

LOL. All the homo hairdressers are in America, getting rich and buying real property off the chumpchange of the Kardahians etc.

little dynamo said...

"Not unless you exhumed bodies of veterans from military cemetaries of World War II and could figure out how to reanimate them"

Well we can't. I know somebody that can, though.

They wouldn't fight for what America and Europe have become. Probly fight against them.

Troy Lee Messer said...

Turning national defense over to women is literally societal suicide.


If these women where like, say, Margaret Thatcher, I would feel safe. But I guess that they are more Lindsey West than Margaret Thatcher.

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Ron said...
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liberranter said...

If these women where like, say, Margaret Thatcher, I would feel safe.

Iron Maggie also had the good sense to defer to men in positions of knowledge and power when the situation called for it, which is part of why her term as PM was so successful.

These puppet bimbettes on the Continent? I came already hear Maggie sneering and snickering from beyond the grave...

Hammerli 280 said...

"Are there no decent hairdressers in Sweden and Germany?"

Big advantage of long hair. Anyone can do a trim.

Unknown said...

Good luck Europe too bad I'm too old to help you this go around. Maybe if you had a 2nd amendment you could rely on the men you hate the most.

Unknown said...

You'd think they would wear some kind of uniform.Maybe it's girls' night out.

maniacprovost said...

You should be required to kill a person in battle to be on the Joint Chiefs or SecDef.

Tommy Hass said...

"I strongly suspect Russia could solve Western Europe's migration problem in an afternoon."

Western Europe could "solve" it in an afternoon too.

It's called "pathological altruism".

Terrific said...

I think the poster above who suggested these women wanted the woman-dominating males of the middle east to come and save them from their beta males was on to something. I mean, do these women look happy? Do they look like they are comfortable leading their nations military forces?

If course not!

They long for a man to tell them what to do, to get control them. To keep them from running their countries off a cliff!

Too late.

AA said...

These countries are not sovereign states like Russia and China -- their defence and foreign policies are largely (maybe completely) controlled by the US. So it doesn't matter whether their defence ministers are make of female -- they've been emasculated.

AA said...

meant "male or female." Apologies for the typos.

Anonymous said...

how in the everliving fuck does ANYONE consider it appropriate attire for ANY professional position, much less a 'Minister of Defense' to be wearing above the knee skirts?

i mean, i suppose i'd let the one from the Netherlands defend me from blue balls ... but otherwise?

why would three of these women be advertising their sexual availability?

makes me wonder how many of them have given Putin a blow job.

Anonymous said...

Nice find, reblogged and expanded on my blog

Unknown said...

Europe is WEAK. I've been saying it for years. In my 9 years in the USAF I've trained with many NATO allies. Many have good equipment, but not enough of it and no funding to buy more or actually operate it on a routine basis. It's really quite sad to see these once great powers reduced to their current state.

Unknown said...

Europe is WEAK. I've been saying it for years. In my 9 years in the USAF I've trained with many NATO allies. Many have good equipment, but not enough of it and no funding to buy more or actually operate it on a routine basis. It's really quite sad to see these once great powers reduced to their current state.

Invader ACE said...

Ah, swedens sec def is this guy:
While no military heavy weight he is actually quite good in our sorty excuse for government.
The women in the pic is much better looking, btw.

Anonymous said...

Invader ACE said...
Ah, swedens sec def is this guy:

and the TWO defense ministers before Hultqvist were .... ?

Anonymous said...

how in the everliving fuck does ANYONE consider it appropriate attire for ANY professional position, much less a 'Minister of Defense' to be wearing above the knee skirts?

Yep Bob, that's just the icing on the cake. Silly grins, mildly-to-moderately buzzed expressions, and clothes you'd expect 45 year old MILFs to wear on Girls Night Out (the German one seems to have dragged something out of her closet last worn in teh early 90's, or else something she bought at Goodwill). NOTHING about that picture says "serious about their job" and that's even before you realize what their job is.

liberranter said...

Let me finally just leave this:

In an era where the big bad meanie on the block (the U.S.), the "Superpower Sugardaddy" to Western Europe, is allowing gay/"transgendered" creatures into its ranks, is forcing (what few remain of) its special forces warriors to parade around in high heels, is allowing recruits in basic training to "call time out" when they "feel stressed out," and is otherwise making a hollow, emasculated mockery of the institution that it supposedly relies on to carry its Big Stick[TM] with which to bully the rest of the globe, should it really surprise anyone that its gonadless, toothless European vassal states are sinking even lower?

Unknown said...

The German one looks enough older that I'm thinking she's the aunt of one of the others. They only let her come along because she offered to be the designated driver; but when it's time to go home, they won't be able to find her because she rode off on the back of a Harley with a guy named Buck who smiled through his one tooth and told her she had a great ass for a Kraut.

Clarity said...

1)At least the countries above have ministers of own ethnicity (dutch,swedish,norvegian).Because Shoigu (the minister of defense of Russia) is NOT a Russian.He is from Tuva, these are sort of Mongols who are either MUSLIMS or Buddhists.

2) "I strongly suspect Russia could solve Western Europe's migration problem in an afternoon".

No need to suspect.Russia is unable to solve its own migration problem.
Video 1 (muslim prayer in moscow):
Visual 2:usual behavior of muslims in Moscow

There are regular ethnic tensions and even riots.The policy of open doors introduced by Putin and his cronies at the end of 90s in order to solve the shortage of workforce in Russia has changes the demographic catastrophically. You will hardly see a russian face on the streets of large cities nowadays. In absolute numbers Russian migration is way above German.

As to the clown Shoigu-he has never served in army,and has nothing to do with army really.He is one of the most corrupted of Putin's cronies, one of his long term buddies.This is his palace for example:

Clarity said...

This is the picture of himself and his daughter:

I would rather have a white European woman on top than a corrupt Mongol.

Forbes said...

The defense ministry is just another time-serving step on the ladder on the way up, not a post at the top of the government. It's a jobs program. Other ministerial posts like health or education rate higher in the government. Ministerial prominence is based on the size of the spending budget--Defense is quite low as a national priority. Only foreign affairs minister jet-setting with international elites merits prestige close to the prime minister/head of government post.

7916 said...

This has now made Zerohedge. I'd be pleased if it hit drudge as well.

Nice meme job!

Alexandros said...


And yet, we would rather have a proud half-Mongolian such as the like which bravely stood down an entire column of Georgian troops with nothing but a machine gun than a single one of the 'white' cucks that infest Europe.


Race baiter please go.

Anonymous said...

The German one looks enough older that I'm thinking she's the aunt of one of the others

Maybe was their RA in the dorm freshman year.

liberranter said...

1)At least the countries above have ministers of own ethnicity (dutch,swedish,norvegian).

So what? If your "own ethnicity" is worse than useless at leading an effective national defense, what does it matter? You might as well have a cardboard cut-out or an inflatable sex doll sitting in the Defense Minister's chair.

Because Shoigu (the minister of defense of Russia) is NOT a Russian.He is from Tuva, these are sort of Mongols who are either MUSLIMS or Buddhists.

Again, sofa king what? He very clearly has Russia's best interests at heart and obviously can do more than just spell "defense," unlike the four useless token bimbettes in the top of the photo. Otherwise he wouldn't be Defense Minister under Vladimir Putin. If I were a Swedish, Norwegian, Dutch, or German citizen right now, I would gladly enter into trade negotiations with any nation that had a Shoigu to spare. Of course the Westernn Europeans would have to really sweeten the deal with something valuable on top of the four slatterns, as I can't imagine anybody wanting four washed up, useless Euro femihags by themselves.

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