Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Never date an SJW

And never, ever, even think about dating, or even talking to, an "anti-rape activist":
Meghan Warner, a senior at UC Berkeley, serves as the director of the university’s sexual-assault commission and is part of a federal complaint against the school for its mishandling of assault cases. She’s appeared in a Glamour issue honoring college women who are about to change the world. And she says there were men who wouldn’t approach her or date her after recognizing her, or learning of her work.

“Nobody ever explicitly said, ‘Oh you’re a survivor, we can’t date,’” she told me. “But they’d assume that I was just doing this for attention, or more frequently they didn’t want to deal with it. It was too much. They assumed I’d have a lot of needs.”

Then there were those who were a little too eager to make it know that they would never, ever assault a woman. “Their first response is ‘I’m not one of those guys, I would never do that,’” she said. “I mean, what, should I be carrying gold stars now?”

Chrissy Keenan, a UCLA senior, is the president of Bruin Consent Coalition, a campus group that works to raise awareness regarding sexual assault on campus. “When people know of me but they don’t really know the work, they hear the term ‘feminist’ or ‘sexual-violence prevention,’ they think, ‘super-extreme, bra-burning feminism,’” she explains, which often puts people on the defensive.

Keenan herself, though, sometimes finds it hard not to go on the offensive. She’s so used to laying down the nitty-gritty details of consent that she's been known to open romantic interactions with a spiel that feels straight out of a student handbook.

She animatedly tells a story about a recent Tinder rendezvous: “One time, I agreed to meet with this guy at 8 or 9 at night. Before we met, I said to him, ‘This is the work I do, I know the chief of police ... so, don't try and get creepy; I know all my rights.’ And five minutes later, he was like, ‘Actually, I'm really not OK with how you just assume I'm a bad guy. And I get very bad vibes from that, so we shouldn't hang out anymore.’”
Just black knight and eject. "I'm sorry, I need to leave RIGHT NOW. I don't want to talk-rape you."


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Universities really mess with women's minds.


Anonymous said...

This is how it will end, when men make it known how they really feel (this behavior is a turn off, isn't sexy, isn't attractive, isn't nice, is bitter, sad pathetic, etc.) AND are unashamed to say so.

Give then the freedom to be feminists, but don't give them rewards or accolades for the choice. and don't give them hate either. Just give them indifference and don't give them your time or investment.

PhantomZodak said...

thank goodness that last guy was smart enough to see the red flags & dumped her.

i love how they continue to use their real names to complain about men. I'm sure they will be shocked when it happens again. "waaaah, why do my actions have consequences?"

Unknown said...

“When people know of me but they don’t really know the work, they hear the term ‘feminist’ or ‘sexual-violence prevention,’ they think, ‘super-extreme, bra-burning feminism,’” she explains, which often puts people on the defensive.

No, lack of bra would make them happy. What they think is, "super-extreme, man-destroying-as-soon-as-she's-unhappy-with-him feminism." And they're right. They go on the defensive because she's already on the offensive, hammer cocked.

Happy Housewife said...

I like how she thinks they don't want to date a survivor". Sure, honey. That's it.

Unknown said...

And from what I hear, the fact that she uses Tinder means she's looking for casual hookups. So she meets guys for the purpose of having impersonal, dirty sex out in the alley or something hot like that; but she warns them that if she feels bad about it at any point in the present or future, she'll blame them and knows how to hurt them.

Yeah, can't imagine why they run away.

Mindstorm said...

https://dalrock.wordpress.com/2015/10/27/way-ahead-of-you/ - Vox, this needs to go viral. "Knowledge abuse"? It's not merely doubling down, it's downright Orwellian.

Res Ipsa said...

But they’d assume that I was just doing this for attention

I assume the sun is coming up in the east tomorrow because....Oh wait, that's how it works. You can't be a shrill man hater and have people not catch on. Surprise, men don't want to waste time on you.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Banks rape dad and I. I struggle

Feminists are un-dateable. Men can easily screen, pick up on those traits and should neg, neg and then black knights the F'ists into hamster spins.

I won't befriend any feminists or any hint of hatred for men within any women. I opt to encourage and promote the good men offline or online as they are honorable, promote valor, hard work, diligence, consistency, stability and masculinity. Read; no weakness but strength, no evil but godliness. Feminism and the men who follow women into F'ism are UNGODLY!

I might not have a many girl friends but the Lord blessed me with wonderful normal other women in my life. Now if only I can cope better with grief and continue to improve thus moving forward.

++ Really feminism impacts me on a daily basis, its a terrible conquer and divide method among women yet women don't see they are co-opted by such evil.

Feminism is still evil! And the men I reference know it just as those here know too; Fi'sm is untenable, pure crazy, anti-civilization, pro-death, lies. All lies, feminism is a dying, lying worldview!

Terrific said...

WTF is wrong with these women? She's afraid of date rape then Trolls Tinder?

She's a secular college bitch who rejects traditional gender roles and she begins a date telling men she'll ruin their life with a false rape allegatuon if she ever loses the Tingles.

So tell me, WTF is she good for? WHYWHYWHY would any man date her? What does she bring to the relationship?

The crazy gies DEEPDEEPDEEP!

Arthur Isaac said...

Sadly for them their proactive feminism has preempted male tears.

But that is good for men.

Anglican said...

She uses the rape talk to disqualify and run off betas and lesser males, but is realizing it is running off the alphas as well. Only the most desperate male will accept damaged goods.

Miguel D'Anconia said...

Easy one. Like Vox said, tell the bitch she's a psycho and haul ass. Do what you can to have an alibi so when she falsely accuses you of something you can bury her ass.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Run isn't the word, change phone numbers, dis-dysinfo meaning LIE about where you live and where you are to the feminist and then magically say you've moved away. Leave the good men to anti feminist women. Ditch the bitches AND then their hamster spin wake up call, hit the wall might start before they hit 25 otherwise feminists only doom themselves and we laugh in complete disregard for their precccciousss feelings.

Bike Bubba said...

I'm with Tom Terrific here. OK, we have women whose "platform" (to use the Miss America nomenclature) is the prevention of sexual assault, and they're trolling Tinder for hookups? And then they're surprised when guys decide that the risk is not worth it?

I would have thought that someone genuinely against date rape and such might, you know, try to develop a relationship in which consent would be mutually understood, but I guess I'm just wildly optimistic here.

frenchy said...

I don't think we'll be able to defeat feminism if we don't address it by its real name--the spirit of Jezebel...and spiritually fight it.


totenhenchen said...

Can't get laid because all the boys are afraid of post-coital consent withdrawal and rape accusations? #ThankAFeminist

totenhenchen said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
little dynamo said...

Let's see, sits down for coffee with a male and opens the conversation by informing him that she's pay-pals with the local police, that she's Kommissar of Kontrol for the local college, and that any word or act that Offends her will result in a 9-1-1 call and subsequent legal and academic repercussions on his life.

Yup Meghan's Amerika, she is Legion, and it ain't lasting long. Praise God.

Unknown said...

It's funny how the article writer uses the term "Tinder rendezvous." Despite clearly sympathizing with these women, she doesn't even try to dignify it a little with terms like "date" or "relationship." Just straight hookups: spot a good-looking guy online, meet, and if he still looks good, it's on. But we're all supposed to make sure it always goes perfectly for her, and some man will pay if it doesn't.

liberranter said...

Never date an SJW

In bygone eras such advice would have been superfluous, falling under the heading of "'Common' Sense*," the fact notwithstanding that SJWs, as now defined, did not then exist.

(* For those too young to have encountered it, this was a form of human behavior ubiquitous throughout most of human bistory until becoming extinct sometime between 15 and 20 years ago.)

liberranter said...

to use the Miss America nomenclature

A question suddenly occurs: why isn't it now named Mizz America?

Get with new century, you sexist, raping, woman-objectifying, patriarchal monsters!!!!!

Jay Lucas said...

1) This is clearly a good time for a girl to go to college to meet a husband.
2) This is clearly a terrible time for men to go to college... unless they're looking for a husband.

Run isn't the word, change phone numbers, dis-dysinfo meaning LIE about where you live and where you are to the feminist and then magically say you've moved away.

I never dated girls in the same high school I attended or ones that I shared classes with in uni. The idea of looking for A) 'hookups' using B) a service connected to your facebook profile seems to be asking for trouble, even assuming you're not running into radfems.

The hippies decided hygiene was a joke and we got whole new kinds of disease. These twenty-somethings have done away with discretion and whole new social diseases have resulted.

‘This is the work I do, I know the chief of police ... so, don't try and get creepy; I know all my rights.’
She uses the rape talk to disqualify and run off betas and lesser males, but is realizing it is running off the alphas as well.

She should really go with a classic like "my dad's a gun nut." Mostly is sounds like her head is too full of politics to have fun. Doesn't mean you can't get her to that place, it's just that she's not going to help you. That's what frigid means: You do all the emotional work in the bedroom. That's just tiring.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Recognize that the kind of men these women are interested in are both attractive and are not unattractive. They are looking to date the top tier men so fake rape allegations or harassment charges probably would be the last thing on their minds.

But such men are more cunning than these women. They know that getting with the girl who will put out and not possibly file a false rape charge later is a better option.

Bike Bubba said...

Point well taken, liberranter. Mizz America it is. Mizz America with the clap and legal papers in her hand.....be still my fainting heart, I am awash in lust!

Or not.

Timmy3 said...

You also should not date a rape survivor, a person molested as a child, a person in domestic violence relationship, a single mother, or has tattoos. Add lawyer too. These are all red flags. It should be mentioned that some PUA take advantage of women in fragile states. Maybe the sex is better, but the risks are multiples higher.

Dark Herald said...

‘Actually, I'm really not OK with how you just assume I'm a bad guy. And I get very bad vibes from that, so we shouldn't hang out anymore.’”

“I was in a rage. He was a total fuckboy about consent,” she said.

Well done fuckboy! Well done!

You totally dodged a bullet there son.

(* sniff...sniff**) Cataline wipes a tear from his eye.

Note for players: This guy got lucky.

He only found out in advance that this one had the testicle mulching Alien projectile bitey jaws of life ruining, vaulting out of her happy hole because she told him up front. Many another feminist won't let you know about that until it's too late..

Social media is for once your friend here. When getting ready for a Tinder hook up. Check her out on online. SJWs cannot live without Facebook and Twitter. It's impossible for them to survive without constant ego stroking affirmation.

Unknown said...

It should be mentioned that some PUA take advantage of women in fragile states.

Should it? Why so?

Timmy3 said...

Hint: easier

MichaelJMaier said...

Yeah... pretty sure I would make sure I have an audience and turn on my video camera on my phone before telling her why the date is over. And make sure she knows I think fems are hypocritical liars that will mess my life up for no valid reason. Let her call me whatever she wants, while I leave with evidence I didn't initiate violence or threats.

Anonymous said...

“I was in a rage. He was a total fuckboy about consent,” she said.

No sweetheart, he was a wont-fuckboy about it. As in "won't fuck a social retard like you." Aspies have more social awareness than this Keenan dunk.

TidyCat and Hitachi will make a lot of money off her over her lifetime.

Desiderius said...

"I would have thought that someone genuinely against date rape and such might, you know, try to develop a relationship in which consent would be mutually understood, but I guess I'm just wildly optimistic here."

She's too young for a relationship. Doesn't want to get tied down, too busy getting her career settled so she doesn't have to rely on a man just like her daddy raised her to do. That's why she needs all the consent rules and such.

LAZ said...

"It should be mentioned that some PUA take advantage of women in fragile states. Maybe the sex is better, but the risks are multiples higher. "

That's why you always go to her place or get a room.

Mr.MantraMan said...

Never date a political, politics being the art of fucking with people's heads combined with the cultish nature of SJWdom is not good in any way.

tom said...

To be support If you feel that your buddy that is always starting off an eating plan turning out to be frustrated as well as giving up could possibly stay with it if your performing it jointly GC FIT 360 threes a chance your amazed to get how disheartening that person will be when it comes to your own personal work Find someone who will likely be beneficial over it.


GB said...

Went on a date a long time ago with a woman admitted to being feminist. This was when I was more ignorant of the finer points of the ideology:

Her: "So are you a feminist?"

Me: "No."

Her: "Oh that's too bad. I like feminist guys."

Me: "A male feminist though? Isn't that like a jewish Nazi?"

Her: "That's your male privilege talking."

Me: "What is that? What does that mean?"

Her: "It's the privilege you have automatically just for being male."

Me: "Okay, give me an example."

Her: "Well you have the privilege of not being afraid for your life when you walk to your car at night."

Me: "What makes you think I'm not afraid? Do you think having a penis makes me immune to bullets?"

And that was the end of that date.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

SJWs are losers, whoever dates them must be a complete moron!

From http://freedompowerandwealth.com

Haus frau said...

So funny. Another unintentional truth tumbles out of an SJW's maw. If you are hooking up with random men on Tinder, you aren't really worried about getting raped. Those women know this and their whole consent/don't you dare rape me speeches are likely just meant to assuage her slutty conscience.

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