Friday, October 30, 2015

Never apologize on demand

Roosh underlines what I have been repeatedly telling everyone. NEVER APOLOGIZE to SJWs. It is like confessing a crime to the police; they won't forgive you, they will PROSECUTE you.
Back in September 2015, it was revealed that the two men who owned the Waking Life coffee shop in Asheville, NC were also running a blog that documented their sexual exploits with various women. They were immediately branded as being misogynists. Local feminists arranged a boycott and picketed the business. How the owners reacted and the subsequent fallout shows us the frightening parallels between methods of social justice warriors (SJW) and Marxist techniques....

Predictably, the cringing obsequiousness did not appease the SJW. Waking Life had to be closed in response to the furor. But rather than going down fighting, Rutledge and Owens prostrated themselves even lower to the SJW in their farewell posting, in which they again disown the manosphere and blame it for validating their “regrettable behavior.”

    Two and a half weeks ago, blogs, podcasts, and tweets which we ignorantly assumed would be kept anonymous were linked to us. We had made an effort to stay anonymous because at times we used demeaning, harsh, and violent words that expressed hatred and fear towards women. This anonymity allowed our words to knowingly bypass the checks and balances of the community in which we live, and avoid the reactions of real people. The red pill community provided us with validation and adoration as we engaged in this regrettable behavior.

They even submitted themselves to the two minutes of public hate. It sounds like a modern day version of the pillory.

    In the aftermath of us being identified… We felt lost, ashamed, and confused. A few key community members and friends showed up and gave us the opportunity to face the anger and pain we’d caused. To lean into it… We realized that we’d quantified and objectified living, breathing people. People who deserved much better. We’d used cruel words to belittle them and relieve our own insecurities and fears. We’d shared private memories that should have remained secret and sweet… We have discovered that some of it wasn’t about us, but was about a society-wide problem for which we’ve become the focal point.

They promised to continue to receive counseling to aid the “process” becoming model feminists and to become evangelists to the “red pill community.”
Women HATE HATE HATE weakness. Their demands were a public shit test, and the coffee shop guys could not have failed it more completely. They have been accordingly punished.


Trust said...

Reminds me if Dr. Emerson Eggrich's at (the otherwise good) Love and Respect conference. He advised husbands that "a husband's apology is an aphrodisiac to wives." Wives smiled, nodded, and nudged their husbands. But it was nonsense.

An apology is first and foremost a confession.

Aeoli Pera said...

Lol, fags.

Hammerli 280 said...

I'm becoming more and more convinced that the correct response to any demand for an apology is a flat refusal, followed by a sneeringly polite request that the challenger identify his arrange a proper duel. Pistols for two, coffee for one.

Rek. said...

I wouldn't be rhetorically qualified and quick enough to come up with the right on-the-go answer, were I to face such a situation, I might not even be prepared enough to have a later convincing/killer strategic answer. The difficulty being that you are facing a collective force, not a single individual.

Would in that case the best way to proceed be to just stay silent, say absolutely nothing, then collect your thoughts and come back with a prepared answer. Or say someting short along the lines of "This is non of your business."/"Mistakes were made." and leave it at that with no further explanation, or prepare a wordier comeback for later instances. Is it even necessary at some point to address the issue with a longer reponse?

Vox have u detailed this in your book? If so, it is time I bought it.

David said...

Holy fuck is that pathetic. How long before a fake-rape accusation is made as one or more of the girls suddenly has regret for sleeping with these guys?

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Pathetic. They'll be chopping off their cocks in no time.

Miguel D'Anconia said...

Pussies. They should have told the broads to f off. They deserve the bitch slapping they're getting. I hate to think how pathetic the women are they're tagging.

ThirdMonkey said...

Instead of apologizing, they should’ve hired bikini-clad models and trained them as baristas.

liberranter said...

Had they not only not apologized, but doubled down, perhaps adding a "go f*** yourselves, you pathetic dykes!" to the mix, the Waking Life coffee shop would probably have gotten so much new business that they'd have to open a second location.

Unknown said...

If you're under attack and not absolutely certain what to say, keep your mouth shut. Clam up like a mob hitter on the witness stand. The impulse to "say something to calm the waters" is always wrong.

These things are inertia-driven, and have to run their course. If there's really a crowd wanting your head, you can't soothe it. If there's no such inertia, you don't need to. Either way, speaking up prematurely can do no good and may make things worse.

They should have said nothing at all, but spoken with or studied some people who have survived similar situations. Then, if it didn't blow over (which in many cases it will if you don't feed it), they could have worked up a properly dismissive response.

The Divorce of a fat bloke aged 44 1/4 said...

Never apologise. Had they fronted it out and flat refused the outcome could not have been any worse than the loss of the business. It may have even improved business.

deti said...

Shutting up would have been the best option.

But if they were going to say anything, they should have gone full Trump. They should have said something like this:

"Yes, we did do those things, and yes, we did say those things, and no, we aren't sorry for it. We didn't break any laws. We didn't do anything with any of those women that they didn't want to do. All we did was write anonymously about it. If anyone has the problem here, it's YOU PEOPLE, because you're fixating on sex (something people do every damn day) and the fact that a couple of average men had it and then wrote about it anonymously in a not completely obsequious and apologetic way."

deti said...

And... just to be clear about it:

No one has ever said these men broke any laws. No one has said these men raped anyone, assaulted anyone, or did anything to or with anyone without the others' express consent.

The ONLY thing these men are accused of is writing about their sexual exploits in blunt, typically "male" terms.

The ONLY thing these men are accused of is not "being nice".

tweell said...

Truth is the affirmative defense to claims of libel and slander. Shutting up is better than nothing, especially when you've been blindsided, but claim the pedestal of Truth as soon as you can. "I told the truth" is very hard to beat in the court of law or public opinion. This means you should tell the truth, that goes without saying unless you're gamma.

ThirdMonkey said...

Cail is right. STFU. It's like playing dodge ball. The SJW tries to pelt you, and most idiots pick up the ball and toss it right back at them, only to get hammered again. Pick up the ball and hold on to it until you're certain you have a shot. Or pop the damn thing with your pocket knife. Heck, even steal their ball and take it home. Anything is better than the apologetic verbal diarrhea that was on display in this instance.

Unknown said...

Wrong, deti. They questioned themselves as to whether one of the girls was too drugged to consent, which was subsequently pounced upon and used as evidence to their complete and utter irredeemability.

deti said...

Cruel World:

Source that claim.

Unknown said...

Just to be clear: I'm not saying never respond. I'm just saying don't respond to the first person who calls and says, "What do you say to these charges that you abuse women?" Don't feel like you need to hurry and say something to try to head off trouble, because you probably don't, and you probably won't help things unless you're very good at that sort of thing. Take some time, give it a chance to blow over on its own, and then decide what to do.

The worst thing that can come from not talking is that someone goes ahead and writes the attack piece he was going to write anyway, and then puts in, "So-and-so refused to comment." Big deal, people do that all the time. While some people probably think it indicates guilt, others will figure it means you're smart not to play the media's game. It's no big deal.

deti said...

Cruel World:

And... if there's any truth to an alleged lack of consent; or if there was a question about whether one of them could consent, then let the alleged victim bring a claim. Or let the State charge, seek an indictment, and prosecute.

Until then it's bullshit.

Mr.MantraMan said...

Those two sound like males not men, clever for SJWs but not dominate like men should be or could be if they studied game as it is supposed to be studied (IMO). No wonder women hate them, I on the other hand have women who compare and brag about my performance to other women who have shared in it, they on the other hand have shamed their women, they deserve complete physical emasculation then subsequent sale to a gay harem in ISISland.

Unknown said...

I said it before and I'll say it again: The only truly offensive thing these fellows did was sell coffee for 4.75 per bottle.

Dark Herald said...

For fucks' sake guys. They ran a coffee shop.

I guarantee you that eighty five percent of their customers were SJWs

I am willing to bet (and even pay up) that these two jackwagons were that most loathsome and disgusting of all things on Earth. The Left Wing Pick Up Artist. Yes they do exist. Both player and the worst White Knight you've ever seen in your life.

Famous example; Cataline's pet bitch Doctor Nerdlove

Terrific said...

I knoe none of the particulars of this case. I've read none of the source materials. But just from what I've read here, this seems to be what happens when a couple of beta boys put in the mask of alpha to get laif but have never internalized the alpha frame.

As an example, my son had been in Martial Arts for about three years, four/five nights a week with a fantastic instructor. I think he had earned his brown belt after three years.

One day coming home from school he got jumped by a kid for money. Without detailing the fight my son kicked his ass! Later I contacted the police and had the kid arrested and ultimately convicted of attempted strong arm robbery.

What is important is how this encounter changed my son. He said, "It was exactly like you said dad! I didn't even have to think. I just let my training take over." My son was not the same kid after that.

These guys learned tobact like alphas but never BELIEVED they were Alpha.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
There is a reason why successful and powerful people never apolize. Take Donald Trump – there is nothing to apologize for. Such people not only know that the demand to apologize is an evil personal attackt, but also have the guts to resist. said...

It has nothing to do with shit testing. The power of the apology demanders, lacking in morality that they are, is that they try to jujitsu your own morality against you with the language of shame. They know if you agree with them, you will be ashamed, and your own internal prosecutor will do most of the work for them. The power of refusing to engage in this is not necessarily that it is attractive--though it is, to men and women alike, as a sign of conviction and strength--but that it defangs their strategy from the get go, by showing you don't accept their major premise, that is, you don't believe you did anything wrong.

A simple, "it's a free country, I have nothing to apologize for, and I thought you people were not interested in policing what goes on in someone's bedroom," would do the same thing in reverse, putting these attackers on the defensive because of their self-confessed concerns for privacy.

Norok said...

Nearly every publication in the manosphere understands and describes the proper way to deal with SJWs. I don't understand how these guys failed to internalize the wisdom of reading countless male prostrations that made things worse for the men involved.

Then again I am not in their shoes and don't know what was going on in their heads. It just seems so backwards that they could come from an enlightened position and not know how to push through. Either way they lost their business, which is what I think they were trying to save. In this course rather than staking a flag and creating a rally point they alienated people that would never like them as well as potential allies.

CarpeOro said...

"lean in to it" kind of jumps from their mewlings. The only thing I can think of leaning into as a man is the swing of a bat.

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