Friday, October 23, 2015

Delta Man: Don’t laugh

I was recently around a group of women who were really cutting it up, the problem was that none of their jokes were really funny. Of course some of the other guys dutifully laughed, because it’s polite to laugh at women’s jokes. Eventually the “leader” of the group mentioned something about me not finding them funny. I didn’t bother to respond. I had other things on my mind than their jokes so I seriously didn’t care about anything they were saying.

Suddenly the looks at me changed and I’m not just another guy in that place. So a word of advice, unless you are one on one and talking a girl up, don’t laugh unless the joke is funny.


Anchorman said...

You can go one step further.

When a group of women talk, they're almost never going to be talking about interesting things. Just zone out or find some other mental activity.

Related, I met the woman I'm currently seeing in an open environment (social, non hookup setting). She came over to talk to me for the first time and sat within feet of a music speaker. I could barely hear her (hearing damage from the military). I didn't lean in. I didn't ask her to repeat or talk louder. I just gave polite acknowledgment while she talked.

She told me later she was convinced 1) I wasn't at all interested in her (I was, she's an age-adjusted 9 - pretty, fit, South America born and raised from a wealthy family) and 2) she "scared me off." It only made her want to talk to me again and again. Until I asked her out, she had no idea I was interested in her.

I don't know if it's that I internalized RP or I just returned to my natural, non-Churchian state post divorce.


Laughing it up for their benefit, leaning in when they speak, etc. are all forms of pedestalizing.

Anonymous said...

And when in a one on one only give her two laughs for every three jokes she tells.

test said...

Reminds me of a day I was tagging along with a group of two women and one young shy boy. We were at some kind of church where they sold talismans and shit. Girls went crazy about it, boy pretended interest. I considered faking interest, but did not. Guy from the church noticed that I did not seem into it. I said I was not. Felt great, to have integrity. But the girls were pissed at me, anyway, so nothing came of it.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Reminds of this:

The Drink Crow Show S1 E12

Mindstorm said...

@Tom Arrow
You weren't obnoxious enough. Aren't talismans in general an idiocy? So many opportunities for merciless teasing.

MichaelJMaier said...


I'd just say "My Dread Lord Satan would not approve of such stupid trinkets."

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Are their jokes ever that funny?

One of the funniest women I've ever known was my ex-wife. Her humour was mainly physical, slapstick, and hilarious imitations, often involving sacred cows like blacks and jews. Plus, she was not American, so had a different perspective on things and a lack of pc inhibitions.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Being very funny is not a good trait in man at all. The man who are successful with women are not the ones who smile all the time. In fact smiling are very rare in them. Smiling too much shows low status and by the way you don’t look very smart either.


Robert said...

Right, LBF, women just don't know how to be funny, period. Real comedy requires taking chances, which is anathema to them.

Anonymous said...

[I]Being very funny is not a good trait in man at all. The man who are successful with women are not the ones who smile all the time. In fact smiling are very rare in them. Smiling too much shows low status and by the way you don’t look very smart either.[/I]

You sound really fun to be around.

Humor makes the world go round. If you suppress your natural smiles and jokes to be "successful with women," then you've essentially pedestalized them by giving them priority over your self-expression.

MichaelJMaier said...

Typing LOL all the time has gotten into women's brains. You see women say "That's so funny" instead of laughing. It seems really off.

Of course, then you see women laughing like brain-addled idiots because they're so wet for the guy who is "funny"... who really isn't funny at all.

Desiderius said...

"So a word of advice, unless you are one on one and talking a girl up, don’t laugh unless the joke is funny."


More like especially if.

test said...


I will keep it in mind for the next time.

Unknown said...

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