Tuesday, March 8, 2016

The fruit of the female pastor

The Sports Guy had no idea that he was a theologian when he coined the aphorism, "The lesson, as always, is this: women ruin everything":
After 70 years of weekly worship, the church’s last service will be Sunday.

“This took me by surprise,” 20-year member Zelda Erickson said Monday after learning of the closing at an announcement during Sunday’s church service. “I feel terrible about this.”

North Heights once had Sunday attendance of 3,400 at two church locations. But attendance has fallen recently to several hundred — not enough to keep the church afloat.
I know this church very well. My parents went there and my uncle was on the board. They were foolish enough to permit a female pastor, and she managed to destroy the church, in both locations, in a few years. 70 years of community, all flushed right down the toilet because one idiot woman wanted to play pastor and talk about herself from the pulpit.

The Bible is the Word of God, Christians. Don't be shocked when you proudly ignore it, insisting that you know better, and everything rapidly goes to Hell.


Unknown said...
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Haus frau said...

So this is the follow up story on the pastor lady who wanted to make her own fusion of Islam and Christianity? I suppose it couldn't have ended much better. At least it removes Bak from her platform.

Terrific said...

For every Joyce Meyers (whom I use only as an example of a numerically/financially successful woman speaker (not pastor), there are 1,000 women who couldn't lead a Bible Study.

Women can make it as side show acts, but they CANNOT lead men. A man who submits to a female pastor is not a strong man.

I'm reminded of Kathryn Kuhlman, a wonderful evangelist. But the few times she tried to pastor in the 40s or 50s she FAILED terribly and she knew she could only be an evangelist (side show).

Anonymous said...

@ Tom K

Interesting. Joyce Meyer can't lead a Bible study either.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Hey if women can do the job, why can't they? I don't know, I'm not really a big fan of churches anyway.

Verne said...

The bible does not call woman teaching men a sin. It just puts it as a, don't do this. In other words woman pastors will not send you to hell, so much as they just do not work, so do not do it that way.

But we know so much more than mere scriptures.

CarpeOro said...

I remember as a child being freaked out by a woman at the pulpit as a substitute pastor. It just felt wrong. Looking back, just a sign of the crumbling of the denomination (American Lutheran Church at that time, later combined into Evangelical Lutheran Church of America). It has been over twenty years since I told a pastor to strike my name from their rolls.

The only one I am familiar with has been horrible as an organizer of the Sunday School teachers(not a pulpit preacher or youth pastor even).

Anchorman said...

The female pastor is in rebellion. How is that not sin?

CarpeOro said...

Actually, the church appointing her is in sin. She didn't take it by force.

Haus frau said...

Arnold, if you're not a big fan of churches anyway then why would you care? It is a question of obedience to the Bible. If a woman is one of the very few who can competently lead and hold together a congregation then she is still defiant of scripture which means she isn't doing the job of a pastor in anything but a worldly sense.
By the way, glaciers are sexist because science and gender studies:

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Haus Frau (if that's even your real name) would you say you're lawful good or maybe more towards the chaotic neutral end of things?

Mike said...

I was a parishoner of my church for nearly 15 years. Three years ago, our Monsignor retired, and turned the day to day duties and operations over to a "parish life director" lay-woman who makes all the decisions. During the past 3 years I started noticing little "feminist" things at first. Then she started making speeches from her at the pulpit about women's rights and how we need more women in the Church. Last Christmas Midnight Mass it got to be too much. At the beginning of the mass a giant video screen came down, her huge image projected on the screen. It was all about Cambria (Parish Life Director), ending with "I'll be out at the grotto after mass, and would love to meet you." That was it. I would take no more. I go to mass, particularly Christmas Midnight Mass to celebrate the coming birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Not to visit with some self-centered "Parish Life Director" who is slowly corroding the Church with political statements while demeaning men. A month later I resigned from the parish and am looking for another parish actually run by a priest.

Mr. B.A.D. said...

Arnold, clearly the woman couldn't do the job.

Mr. B.A.D. said...
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VD said...

Hey if women can do the job, why can't they?

They can't do the job. It is forbidden to them. They can only lead the institution into destruction, which we have seen time and time again.

Mr.MantraMan said...

Most of the Delta types I know probably wish they did not have to go to church. The role they get assigned seems to suck if you are not one of the big shot men of the church. Bossy gossipy women making the congregation their hierarchy playground, don't sign me up.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


Aren't there any exceptions? Why can't women run a church? They run everything else!

Mr. B.A.D. said...

What a fag

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Whatever, "BAD". Get out of your mom's basement and put down the cookies. Maybe you could start lifting or something, fat boy.

Mr. B.A.D. said...

Actually I'm in your Mom's bedroom. And yeah, she's heavy

Mr. B.A.D. said...
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Arnold Sigmanegger said...

If you even lifted you wouldn't be so tired.

Haus frau said...

It isn't about me Arnold. It's about biblical adherence. A woman cannot be in good standing with the the word of God and a pastor.

Mr. B.A.D. said...

I think everyone is tired of your menstral cycle bable

Mr. B.A.D. said...
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Haus frau said...

Yes, Arnold, Haus Frau is totally my real name.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

You really shouldn't use your real name on line, Haus Frau. People can steal your identity very easily.

Matthew said...

Frau is German, Sigmanegger. See if you can figure out what Haus means.

Hint: It's also German.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Google translate says Haus means house. So what I Googled Jiggle and it means gay.

Matthew said...

In your native manlet language, maybe.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

You mean Austrian?


Matthew said...

Look, your Austrian hero has to take voice lessons to keep his "authentic" accent, and he stuck it to his Columba-Bush-esque housekeeper. Big damn hero.

Chent said...
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Chent said...

Well, the woman thing is clear (just look at the Bible). But I am more than fed up about non-Christians telling the way Christian people have to conduct our Churches. I only admit this kind of lecturing about the working of Churches from my priest.

Would a member of the Democratic party admit that a member of the Republican party starts lecturing him about how to run the Democratic party?

This is for Arnold "I am not a fan of Churches anyway but I don't get why Churches should follow the Bible". Arnold, believe me, I won't tell you how you run your family, Mr. Busybody.

Now stop trolling about my religion. Go somewhere, for example to your religion of political correctness, who believes in nonsense, such as that a man who wants to be a woman is a woman.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


You couldn't spin my plates if you tried.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

I'm a SIGMA, remember?

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of churches out there that allow women pastors. They are just as good as another, as far as I am concerned. I have met some good ones and some bad ones. Just like men.

Haus frau said...

Sperg Alert! Sperg Alert!

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Haus frau,

You wouldn't last a minute in my harem of honeys. Don't feel bad, most women couldn't.

Matthew said...

"women pastors"

Pastor == Shepherd.

There's a reason they don't let women be shepherds. There are wolves, for one. Sheep are heavy, even your little lost 100th lambs are too heavy for women, who on average have 35% less upper body strength than even men like Sigmanegger.

Haus frau said...

You wouldn't last a minute in my harem of honeys.

I have this vision of a neck bearded chubby man sitting on the floor of his bedroom with doll parts strewn all around him....chilling actually.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


My sense always told me that brute strength doesn't always win fights. Technique is superior, such as when delivering a finely tuned supiningu hasu no ken (spinning lotus fist).

Anonymous said...

Picking up female pastors is easy. Not even a challenge. Almost as easy as Den Mothers from the cub scouts.

Look, if a church wants a woman pastor, so be it. If you don't like it, go somewhere else. No bigs.

Mr. B.A.D. said...

I can't be lead by someone who's had a dick in their mouth. Which includes Arnold

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Hey Haus Frau whatever makes you happy. Sorry gotta go. Got two blondes calling my name. TTFN

Patrikbc said...

My church isn't a church per se, I won't go to some uptight , self righteous building full of hypocrites. My church is an NA meeting on Wednesday nights, it's led by a female pastor, she didn't have go to school, she points out, that only Paul said he didn't let a woman teach, duh, he was a Jew...we aren't Jews. Our pastor didn't ask to be pastor, but she has so much wisdom, we just took to calling her Pastor Barabara. Pastor Barabara is equipping us to stay away from cocaine and become leaders. We do monthly foot washings, where we wash pastor Barabaras feet, Jesus did it, and she said that a leader should be a servant, so it's actually building us up and equipping us to lead.
Also, there is only one Alpha, and one Omega, Jesus...I'm just a sigma....drop mic

Anonymous said...

Arnold, "harem", rilly?

Nobody calls their stable a harem any more. The early 2000's called and they want their lingo back, aight? Are you still trying the Mystery method? Lolz.

Anonymous said...

Jiggle, I knew this woman marine...man, she was a freaking behemoth. She had almost as upper body strength as me. She wore me out!

Anonymous said...

Varanus Dread - finally, a voice of reason!

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


I'm old school from back in the day. I was pulling trim when you were using crayons.

One Fat Oz Guy said...

Notice how her failure to lead is blamed on sexism of the people leaving. It can't possibly be anything she's done.
The biggest fear I see moving forward is men not wanting to prevent women from making mistakes:
You're sexist if you stop her from realizing her plans and if you let her proceed and she fails, you're sexist because her plans would have worked if you had supported her.
Either way, you're sexist.
BTW - I'm not a church goer and don't presume to know how to run a church, but observations like this can be seen in any organisation.

Anonymous said...

Women pastors fail when they suck at pastoring. They succeed when they don't.

Me? I just want them to suck...wink wink

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Oz Guy,

If I was running that church I'd show her the meaning of respect.

Anonymous said...

Arnold, what day was that, grampa?

VE Day?

Nobody calls it "trim" any more, bud. It's called poosy now, ya coot.

Anonymous said...

In my day, it was beaver.

Anonymous said...

and I skinned many a pelt!

Matthew said...

I like man talk as much as the next guy, but is this lewdness getting us anywhere?

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


Do you have any idea what it's like to take a woman for lunch?

No? Then shut it.

Anonymous said...

You've got to be kiddin me, austrian nagger. Wimminfolk have one job.


And I'll let you guess what it is. Clue: it ain't runnin a church. takes a LOT of gayness to even suggest they could or wanna sit in a pew there.

Yer a sigma...? my butt.

Anonymous said...

"Beaver" - dude, don't ever let a girl catch you saying "beaver". It'll dry up her poosy faster than sitting on a hairdryer that's specially made for drying poosies super fast.

You've got to be smooth with the ladies. Saying "beaver" makes you sound like your 12. A man calls it a poosy, a hunny pot, or if you know the girl well you can refer to it with a wink and a sexy smile as a dick holster.

Just some friendly advice.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Skinny Dippss,

How about you mind your own business? The ladies can come sit in my lap if they want to. Plenty to hang on to...

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Hey Sigsauer1979 when I picked up Gunny Sergeant in 1999 we called it beaver. Or poontang. So suck it.

Matthew said...

"Do you have any idea what it's like to take a woman for lunch?"

I don't know how to parse this sentence. I have before taken women out to lunch.

Anonymous said...

If your a real sigma (like very few of us are... hint hint... it ain't you), you just walk away from this one.

And I asked a question, to: whats a womans job?

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

A woman's job is whatever I say it is. Excuse me, Tiffany needs some attention.

Matthew said...

Sigma in another person isn't something you can question, Skinny Dips, primarily because you have no way of knowing. On the internet, we all may seem like loners. Which are the real loners, and which are the ones who are just playing at being isolated?

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Like I'd even allow any of my honeys to comment here anyway.

Anonymous said...

"which are the ones who are just playing at being isolated"

Pshaw.... no playin here. Driving a truck, hitting a rest stop on the highway at 3AM in San Fran halfway thru... you know loneliness. there's a reason we pick these careers. I can question it allright and I will. No one knows this midnight road, no one.

Anonymous said...

Gunny Sargeant? That's cute. I can't tell you which outfit I was in, but lets' just say I've seen some serious shit bro and I'm not impressed by some artillery pog. Lolz.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Ooh let me guess Sigsauer1979 you were supply? I was 0321 ok?

Anonymous said...


Yeah, son. You could say "supply". I did some special "deliveries" via black UH-60 Blackhawk. Can't say that my "customers" were always "happy" with my "package" though. Lolz.

Don't mess with the best, because the best don't mess. Capeshe? Nuff said.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

What did you do, Siggy baby? Air drop some bad MRE's?

Anonymous said...

"Can't say that my "customers" were always "happy" with my "package" though."

I'll bet very few of your 2/10 girlfriends were happy with yer package either, buddy.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Good one Skinny Dippy

Anonymous said...

What a woman really wants isn't to run a church from the pulitp... she wants a bear to grapple with her in the supply closet.

Anonymous said...

Laugh it up guys. You think you're unanimous on the internet? Think again, lolz.

You have no idea who you're are dealing with.

Think I use this handle just because I'm a Sigma? No, boys. It's because in my wet ops days I used to always dual wield a pair of Sig Sauers akimbo.

Not so funny now guys? Yeah that's what I thought.

Matthew said...

"she wants a bear to grapple with her in the supply closet."

"Bear" is a slang term for the larger and hairier man in a homosexual relationship. Is that the connotation you meant here?

Anonymous said...

Arnie shparnie I don't think you know much about the military. 0321 is a freakin file clerk ya moron. No self respecting sigma would be a file clerk.

Siggy sissy you are also off base. Pretty sure a black hawk is a tank.


Matthew said...

Information is power. A file clerk has the power to misfile the records of those who have disrespected him.

Anonymous said...

Higglety jigglety. I did not say the job wasn't important. I said it was not a sigma job. I was pointing out that arnie gave himself away.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


Keep flapping those gums, jerky. We all know you're a poser. Doesn't matter what you think. The ladies love them some Sigmanegger.

Anonymous said...


It's a stealth attack helicopter, ya dink!

Pretty sure I'd remember if I bagged a bunch of headshots on some ISIS bad boys with my twin Sigs from the undercarriage of a tank!

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Keep yappin' buddy. No one's buying your bullshit Sig.

Anonymous said...

(Sighs, shaking my head, sips a rare single malt from an expensive crystal decanter)

Look hoss. I didn't come here for a dick measuring contest. I could win that any Friday night in the bathroom at the VFW or down at the Merc club.

Let's just say The Sig Deuce is a callsign that those in the now in the SOCOM community respect. If you haven't heard of me, it's because it's way above your payday, son.

Anyway, keeping it real here and not getting drawn into any more neener neener stuff. Back on to my main point about poosy.

If you want to get to fourth base with a girl, as I have many times, youve got to make her feel sexy. Don't use words like "beaver" or "poontang". Complement her hair and tell her her poosy is the best you've ever seen. Girls love complements.

Over and out.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

What do you think you are Siggy? A damn SeAL?

Patrikbc said...

Sigsauer1979 your full of shite, only faggots and girls drink out of crystal decanters. A real man would drink out of a silver flask, that says bad motherf@#ker on it. If you want to win a dick measuring contest visit a maternity ward junior. I didn't go through Buds twice ( once alone, once with a new Delta team) so that little Gammas like you, pretending to be me, could make the teams look like a support group for tranny rpg"ers like you.

Aeoli Pera said...

North Heights once had Sunday attendance of 3,400 at two church locations. But attendance has fallen recently to several hundred — not enough to keep the church afloat.

Where on earth did all the money go? Hundreds of butts in pews is still in the 99th percentile for attendance. Surely they had a nest egg before they were infiltrated.

That church needs to get audited ASAP.

Haus frau said...

You wouldn't last a minute in my harem of honeys.

I have this vision of a neck bearded chubby man sitting on the floor of his bedroom with doll parts strewn all around him....chilling actually.

Timmy3 said...

Can the former parishioners buy them out? They should at least decide to turn their shell church to more competent people.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

Or you could turn the church building into an EDM club with the hottest tunes, sexy bitches in nun outfits dancing in cages like in every Blade movie!

Anonymous said...

Sorry ladies and boylets. I was a little busy, "if you know what I mean" wink wink
Look, I spent time 'in country.' I know my military vehicles. THe UH-60 ain't even a dam blackhawke. It is a Hooley. The Blackhawke (or ladyhawke, as us military dudes say) is a dam tank. In fact, I was in one of those units in the 'stan.

We went out in our hawke and got hit by the tallyban. Had to kill all them fuckers. Their ladies were sure glad to see us coming to the house instead of their men, I can tell you.

But i digress.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


Anonymous said...

Now, back to the church stuff.

sure, they had thousands of people, but have you ever paid for church bills? the heating bill alone would bankrupt a small country. When you add in staff salaries, and the other overhead, to fund a building capable of housing a 3400 church is expensive. Plus them bastards in Minn are freaking cheap. They probably don't even tithe.

maybe t hat woman papster should have been preaching more about tithing

liberranter said...

It's very revealing that even the women of this congregation apparently aren't impressed with this pastrix either.

Bill Henry said...

She is a Narcissist... If the money is gone check her pockets.. Women Narcs are the biggest thieves you have never seen.. They burn your house down then bring you cookies the next morning to see how things are doing..

Ive lived it.. Its best to just walk away and restart

Unknown said...

I'm very highly perturbed that not ONE of the commenters here saw fit to pass judgement on the true nature of the cultural artifacts we are witnessing here. In spite of its highly dubious and utterly contradictory teachings over the centuries, at least the religion known as Christianity--the people of the Christos--has maintained an iron grip on the wanton nature that is woman. Until the past half-century. Until now. It's obvious that the Cross God religion has run its course, and it is high time for a neo-Gnosis to arise and assert its self.

Specifically, we need a new belief set to keep woman in her proper place--in the thrall of male superiority and wisdom. I purport that the answer should be obvious to any not having his head firmly ensconced within the nethers of the female race: animism. But not an ignorant pagan animism. We need to bring woman to the place where she once again worships the spirit of the physical things around her, as our pre-Christian ancestors in the north of Europe worshipped the rocks and the trees. But whence such an animism? In our time, it should be about items of technology. Let women be imbued with a sense of awe at the spirit within the iPhone, or the tablet computer, or the personal drone. The creations of men, yet having a force within that they comprehend not. It will finally be the rise of the intellectual set of mankind. While football players and rock stars speak of their thanks to "God" for their success, engineers and programmers will show them up for the outdated fools that they are, with their pedestalized worship of all that is female. We will teach them what it is to fear... when their network stops, when the digital devices that are now the lifeblood of their strange social obsessions fail to work, we will be the few, the proud who will lead them out of darkness. Technology will be the religion, and we shall be its priests.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Well that is a huge load of bullshit.

Unknown said...

Let me guess, "Animal Mother". You're some sort of mall cop brawn boy who thinks the future is bright for your type. You apes will be bred out of existence within at minimum 3-4 generations, due to genetically-modified crops (Yes, I have inside knowledge there) and socially-engineered eugenicism. What do you think Facebook is, anyway?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Does your name refer to your head, dickface?

Unknown said...

I happen to use my professional name with great pride. We Germans have always produced proportionally more scientists and intellectuals than any other race or culture. Deal with it.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Didn't I see you in the trailer for Human Centipede?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I thought so. Just about out of words eh, grunt-face? I see you are incapable of paragraphs. Do you grasp that this is a sentence that is part of a larger structure?

Aeoli Pera said...


Student in Blue said...

Why are you guys still responding to the obvious troll? You know better.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Trolls must be located, closed with and destroyed by fire and maneuver.

Ominous Cowherd said...

``Trolls must be located, closed with and destroyed by fire and maneuver.''
Or just ignored?

There is stuff to say about this heresy and its sad outcome. The silly peeing contests with the troll leave it unsaid - which is what the troll probably aimed for.

Unknown said...

I comment with some levity of course, but my core propositions are dead serious. Trifle with them at your risk. In the future, that is. I have no need to face the bravado of the oversized lunks on their own playing field. When the right playing field comes...

Aeoli Pera said...

Why are you guys still responding to the obvious troll? You know better.

These particular trolls seem to be immune to social shunning. SIGMA woo!

Rex Little said...

Vox, do you know how, specifically, this woman pastor ruined the North Heights church? Did she, in fact, talk about herself from the pulpit? Or are you extrapolating based on how it usually goes with female pastors?

Harambe said...

The bible does not call woman teaching men a sin. It just puts it as a, don't do this. In other words woman pastors will not send you to hell, so much as they just do not work, so do not do it that way.

I vaguely recall a passage in the Old Testament where God pronounces a curse (or warning) that i Israel keeps doing what they're doing, one day all sorts of bad things will befall them, one of which is that women will rule over them.

LAZ said...

The UH-60 is a transport and mainly supply helicopter which carries side guns only. They made only 1 stealth version. It crashed in Pakistan in 2011 with all hands lost. Care to steal some more valor so I can blow more holes in it?

Honordads said...

Isaiah 3:12 ...Youths oppress my people, women rule over them. O my people, they which lead thee cause thee to err, and destroy the way of thy paths.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...


Please tell me you're not buying Sigsauer1979's stupid black helicopter bullshit on the UH-60.

VD said...

Vox, do you know how, specifically, this woman pastor ruined the North Heights church? Did she, in fact, talk about herself from the pulpit? Or are you extrapolating based on how it usually goes with female pastors?

Yes. Yes.

Arnold Sigmanegger, you're out of control. Either get yourself under control or I'll do it for you.

Arnold Sigmanegger said...

This place just can't handle a real Sigma like myself.

Revelation Means Hope said...

I thought we'd put the "look at how Sigma! I am, much more Sigma! than you are" crap behind us a couple years ago.

Guess not.

One problem I see growing in my own denomination is that the male pastors themselves can be sorted into the socio-sexual hierarchy, and there are too many raised to be Gammas who feel called to ministry. Too many is any number greater than zero.

Another problem is that the Deltas are good solid men who lack the insight into women and fall too much in line with the cultural feminine imperative. But I'd take a good Delta pastor any day over a Gamma, as the Gamma is not going to respond well to me and others like me.

Revelation Means Hope said...

Mr.MantraMan said...
"Most of the Delta types I know probably wish they did not have to go to church. The role they get assigned seems to suck if you are not one of the big shot men of the church. Bossy gossipy women making the congregation their hierarchy playground, don't sign me up."

I don't understand this comment. Are men in churches assigned roles? Why would they sit still for this unless this was some kind of passive club? If you are called to become a Christian, it comes with the package of being a leader, a high priest. God assigns you a role. The church should just affirm the role by making it formal, and perhaps suggesting that you take on another task needed for the smooth functioning of the church.

Not interested in homeless ministries? Don't sign up. You're too busy giving Bible studies to those trying to learn english, and by the way, we need more men to participate in THAT ministry.

Don't want to be a greeter at the front door? Then be busy with some other church role.

Most churches are DYING for volunteers for important duties, and that is how the SJWs creep in.

This comment makes it seem like Deltas are members of a once a week god club.

Anonymous said...

No arnie smarney, we can just tell a poser from a hole in the ground.

Austin Ballast said...

A sigma wouldn't be boasting about how sigma he was.

The quality of these comment sections has gone way below former bottoms.

Patrikbc said...

A sigma wouldn't be boasting about how sigma he was.

A sigma wouldn't be so insecure as to think about that, or care what you think...that's why we come and share our experiences, so Gammas like you who can't get laid, can learn something. So sit down, shut up, & take notes junior.
Maybe someday, you'll bang something other than a pocket pussy.

Anglican said...

I recently had a cousin--a fat, short-haired, sixty-something bitch of a woman--ordained as an elder in some apostate branch of the Presbyterian church. Shortly before her "ordination" she sent me a message filled with vitriol against me, and my recently-deceased wife. My crime was saying on FB there was a reason I married a woman twenty years my junior. That's just what you need in a church leadership position.

SirHamster said...

The bible does not call woman teaching men a sin. It just puts it as a, don't do this. In other words woman pastors will not send you to hell, so much as they just do not work, so do not do it that way.
I vaguely recall a passage in the Old Testament where God pronounces a curse (or warning) that i Israel keeps doing what they're doing, one day all sorts of bad things will befall them, one of which is that women will rule over them.

Isaiah 3: "Youths oppress my people, women rule over them." (Is 3:12a)

It's certainly a bad result, but in context, this is the aftermath of God's judgement on Israel when he takes away "supply and support", "the hero and the warrior, the judge and the prophet, the diviner and the elder."

In the absence of male leadership, women/child leadership fills the void. The women leadership is a result and symptom in this case of rejecting God and His commands. So for that example, it's the punishment rather than the crime. Compare the punishment of going to jail vs the crime of robbery; going to jail is not a crime, but does indicate something has gone wrong.

All that said, Paul points out that the woman was the one deceived. A church choosing a woman pastor is choosing leadership that is more easily deceived - where then is their love for Truth? If done in ignorance, God is gracious; if done in rebellion ... the punishment is getting what we want.

Anonymous said...

See Masterwood, here is your problem: "a fat, short-haired, sixty-something bitch "

any woman that cuts her dam hair ain't worth tagging, if you know what I mean.

Anglican said...

I ignored her since most of her comments were mere projections from a woman who had the reputation of being the family whore when she was younger.

sysadmn said...

“We are either going to be reborn,” said interim pastor Mindy Bak, in a silent church hallway, “or we are going to go through a slow death.”

Nothing slow about it... 70 years to build, 1 year to destroy, 5 months to beat the corpse.

Ron said...

@Mr B.A.D.

Normally I hate online flame wars, but your lines are brilliant.

Ron said...


Isaiah 3: "Youths oppress my people, women rule over them." (Is 3:12a)

My God, I finally get it. I've seen that line so many times, but it clicks now.

Lately I've been looking around me, and thinking to myself that the "men" of the west seem to be very childish, even immature in their thinking and mindset. And that's it, that's the curse.

The "youths" are the childish men. these immature gammas (VD's description of a gamma seems to simply be a childish man who refuses to grow up). These immature men with their childish egos put women over the rest of the men in the community. They inflict these ridiculous silly women on us for the silliest and vainest of reasons.

Ron said...


the punishment is getting what we want

It's terrifying to contemplate, but what if the suffering is actually nowhere near as bad as what it could have been had we really gotten what we wanted.

Ron said...

@Stg58/Animal Mother
Trolls must be located, closed with and destroyed by fire and maneuver.

When I read that I immediately thought of this


That's you Stg58, getting your gear on for some righteous Troll-hunting

Stg58/Animal Mother said...


That phrase is burned into every Marine's mind. It's the mission of the Marine rifle squad in the offense.

little dynamo said...

Important post, deserving of thoughtful responses. Too bad it was derailed so quickly. No accident probly.

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