Friday, October 9, 2015

Delta Man: Supply and demand

There have been some articles floating around lately about Tinder and the hookup culture it has fostered. This article is interesting as it Rihanna claims she’s holding out for a better man.

I have some bad news for her, the current demand for men with Game is outstripping the supply so to the victors will continue to go even more spoils. If you live in a city there are really only three requirements for consistently hooking up on Tinder. 1) Don’t be ugly 2) Be in great physical shape (show off the abs in the pics you send back) 3) Have some Game. If you don’t chase the hotties but rather focus on average women on Tinder you only need to be average in #2 and good at #3.

Rihanna is also 27 so she’s probably seeing The Wall approaching and the hottest guys are now looking at the 19-24 year olds and not her. Welcome to weaponized hypergamy hell Rihanna. The article in question also has this laughable line, “Repeatedly we’ve been hearing about the demise of millennial relationships being caused by thoughtless or lazy young men.” If only the high ranking men would settle down with me and not play the field! This closing line is also a hoot, "So, ladies, don’t waste your time having casual sex with beta males in hopes that your Prince Charming will show up." The women hooking up generally aren't having sex with low ranking men, but high ranking men because it's exactly the type of man they hope to land long term. The idea that one can "hold out" for an Alpha is delusional, as the Alphas are the ones with notches all down their bed posts by definition

The fact is that there are little to no incentives for a modern man (outside of religion) who does well with hookups to settle down unless he wants to create a more stable environment to raise children. Even then, marriage is optional. There is an endless supply of young women who believe that hookups in their early 20s are empowering, fun, and don’t think of the long term consequences. If a woman sleeps with two or three dozen men between 18 and 27 and then suddenly wants to settle down, how does she deal with that sexual history when a man asks? If a man at 30 has slept with a dozen women (or many more) in the last year alone, why would he suddenly stop with her? 

Since I'm not a heartless man I can say in reading the article that there are hints at a deep loneliness and a realization by the author that she may be on the way to a life of being single, cats, and there's a certain tragedy to this. The Western world is literally stacked against a woman who is approaching 30, ridden the Alpha carousel for years, and suddenly wants to settle down with even an average man. Average men are retreating out of the field to games and porn, have already gotten married, or looking to up their game to hookup with women. I don't like seeing people suffer, and there's a lot of suffering going around in relationships today.

As I’ve said before, your actions in hookups and dating aren’t neutral and will have long term consequences. If you are a woman reading this and are hooking up with men realize that your pool of potential husbands you’d actually like to marry shrinks with each encounter as the longer you wait the smaller the pool of eligible bachelors becomes. Men who are hooking up a lot have a different issue, which is the ability to always find another woman means long term commitment for you will be difficult even when it’s what you are desiring.  


Student in Blue said...

The Western world is literally stacked against a woman who is approaching 30, ridden the Alpha carousel for years, and suddenly wants to settle down with even an average man.

The Western world is stacked against women in the same way that reality is stacked against people who intentionally punch themselves in the face constantly.

My Dead Gramps said...

"She’s refreshingly honest about what it’s like to take a break from dating. Yes, it feels lonely from time to time, but that’s okay. Loneliness is an aspect of life. Using sex to fill that void is, as Rihanna has found, more trouble than it’s worth. So, ladies, don’t waste your time having casual sex with beta males in hopes that your Prince Charming will show up. Take Rihanna’s advice and keep yourself busy."


Unknown said...

Using sex to fill that void is, as Rihanna has found

Women are so indoctrinated and clueless that they don't even realize a woman going around talking about how much casual sex she's had is driving her attractiveness into the ground like a tent stake. Every single time she says, "all the sex I used to have," another man thinks, "Eh, no thanks, not even for the millions of dollars." Even when we know a woman has had sex before, we don't want to hear about it. We want her to act like the previous sex wasn't really sex at all, and nothing even worth remembering, at least not compared to the rampaging-beast sex she has with us.

We certainly don't want to hear her humble-brag about how she's had so much sex that she got bored and decided to take a break.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

"The fact is that there are little to no incentives for a modern man (outside of religion) who does well with hookups to settle down unless he wants to create a more stable environment to raise children. Even then, marriage is optional."

Yes, exactly, this is what I've been saying.

What has been surprising to me is the number of submissive young women with "daddy issues," as an 18-year old demonstrated to me the other day.

357Delta said...

Student in Blue,

Yes, but they were taught to be self destructive from a young age, which is the great tragedy. In fact, they were taught to be self destructive to the point that the ability to recognize their own behavior is detrimental to themselves is absent.

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Student in Blue said...

@Delta Man
Yes, but they were taught to be self destructive from a young age, which is the great tragedy. In fact, they were taught to be self destructive to the point that the ability to recognize their own behavior is detrimental to themselves is absent.

Everyone is being taught self-destructive things. The Western World is not "stacked" against carousel-riding women, because it is not singling out carousel-riders or even women in particular in regards to untrue things being taught.

Student in Blue said...

*in regards to the amount of untrue things being taught

357Delta said...

Student in Blue,

Pick up any women's mag at the register, most any romance novel, the entirety of modern feminism, nearly every TV show, movie, and even pop music and the narrative is the same for young women. Even the churches generally support the narrative. The young men are being told "you are bad" and retreating, the young women are encouraged to participate in destructive behavior and when things go bad they are told it's not their fault. It's a different dynamic.

Unknown said...

What has been surprising to me is the number of submissive young women with "daddy issues,"

Considering that about half of them were taken away from their daddies, and many of the others have daddies who are second-in-command to Momma at home, maybe it's not so surprising.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

It's unbelievabel how litte some guys understand the social market. A bad product is only bought by bad people. The good ones would never settle for less.


Student in Blue said...

@Delta Man
It's a different dynamic.

It's not that different. Women are effectively encouraged to act like men, and men are encouraged to act like women. Women are shown in pop culture that acting like a man is what lands you men. Men are shown in pop culture that acting like a woman is what lands you women. It's self-destructive to both women and men.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

The damage done or the current problems in relationships are sad and offer diminishing returns, stress, heartache, economic costs. Most of all the spiritual losses/hurts or the spiritual distortions in what was once harmonic (not always perfect harmony as humanity is fallen) relations between men and women.

Men are somewhat justified to not bother, retreat, save their money and avoid the risks. However risk taking is part of every area in life as relationships are most challenging.

Mindstorm said...

Schadenfreude is simply overwhelming, so that must mean I am a heartless man. It feels rather good. :)

S. Thermite said...

Great examples of the female rationalization hamster on display here. Rihanna says "Now men are afraid to be men...They won’t be a gentleman because that makes them appear soft...girls are settling for that". Then the female author states that "men aren’t incentivized to treat women well because there are a surplus of women...if enough women were to boycott rude behavior, perhaps men would take the hint"

The alphas women are riding the Carousel with may be a lot of things, but "afraid" isn't one of them. And as we all know, women aren't "settling for" bad boys in spite of themselves- they're attracted to these men, are actively pursuing them, and are encouraging them with easy sex. It's Rihanna herself who sings about getting it on with a "Rude Boy" as she taunts her listeners with "Can you get it up? Is you big enough?"

A boycott of bad boys would be an 180-degree reversal from what we're seeing now, Men aren't failing to take a hint. We're hearing loud-and-clear, courtesy of promiscuous female behavior and divorce-rape, that "gentleman" warrant an anti-reward.

It isn't until women such as Rihanna and the author are eventually used and discarded by enough rude boys, that they project fear and beta status onto them. Yeah, he dumped her, but he wasn't man enough to handle her and was never worthy anyway, amirite? At least Taylor Swift, with her continual odes to the Carousel, seems honest enough to acknowledge personal responsibility and the limitations of slutting it up.

Anonymous said...

Going the way of Whitney Houston, sans the Bobby Brown:

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

LBF is there an 18 year old in the OC that hasn't experienced your tender ministrations?

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