Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Leaning in on their own daughters

Can you imagine how much that girl must hate computers now?
Reporting on Google exec Susan Wojcicki's appearance at DreamForce, Inc.'s Tess Townsend writes: "The YouTube CEO said her daughter had stated point-blank that she did not like computers, so Wojcicki enrolled her in a computer camp. The camp made her daughter dislike tech even more. Wojcicki reported her daughter came back saying, 'Everyone in the class was a boy and nobody was like me and now I hate computers even more.' So, mom called the camp and spoke to the CEO, asking that the camp be made more welcoming to girls".
Nothing like having your parents repeatedly force you to do something they know you hate in order to encourage you to make a career of it. This girl doesn't need a more female-friendly computer camp, she needs a new mother who is capable of understanding that HER DAUGHTER DOESN'T LIKE COMPUTERS OR TECH GEEKS.

This comment on Slashdot summed it up nicely: "Daddy, daddy, computer camp was so great, we uploaded Justin Bieber videos, we connected to Wifi while riding a pony and I even convinced a really gross dork to fix our computers ! All the girls were just like me, cool, popular, white and totally not poor."


Hammerli 280 said...

Excellence is a calling. You can't beat it into somebody. And someone who has no interest in one area may be superb at something else.

Pity parents don't always grasp that concept.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Fail. She should have said she hates shoes, handbags, and cute dresses instead.

Dalrock said...

Now that this is a story in the media I am sure she only hates it more. "Hey everybody, guess who spent her summer at nerd camp!"

Crowhill said...

The narrative is more important than anything. Including daughters. That's what being "pro woman" is all about.

Anchorman said...

I love football. I played it. I coached my kids' teams.

My youngest son didn't like it one bit because (he was too young and didn't like the contact.

He tinkered with baseball. Never really into it, but kept playing. He sticks with it as a bench player-type for a few more years and then wins (local) back to back championships in little league from 10-11 years old. Then, walked away to play soccer. He's back to being a mediocre player, but he likes it.

I never understood parents forcing kids into things. I can see making the kids stick with commitments once made, but not pushing them to commit to new things the kids show no interest in.

My son would've probably played a year or two more of football before faking an injury or something and would have never known what it's like to be a champion in a sport he was initially terrible in (I mean, beyond "new player" bad - the kid stunk for the first 2-3 years).

hank.jim said...

I thought the idea of forcing your kid into something new is the whole point. That the parent thought she could force the computer camp to conform to her daughter is completely the wrong idea. If the kid hates computer camp, tell her life won't live up to her expectations and she just has to adjust. The computer camp probably hates to talk with the parents after this, but they also likely saw a business opportunity with the busy body wealthy class.

Ominous Cowherd said...

I've forced my kids to try things they didn't like, such as sailing, emergency trauma tech training and karate. Results were mixed, but it never occurred to me that I should try to change the curriculum to fit my kids. So, all along I should have been whining like a spoiled brat whenever reality didn't meet my or my kids' expectations? Who knew?

John Williams said...

This one should go under "Parents of girls ruin everything". Whatever changes were made to make the camp 'girl friendly' will surely be enjoyed by those who really want to be there.

natschuster said...

I'm wondering what would happen if the girl wanted to go to cooking camp, or beautician camp, or make frilly dress camp.

natschuster said...

I'm wondering what would happen if the girl wanted to go to cooking camp, or beautician camp, or make frilly dress camp.

Marissa said...

"That the parent thought she could force the computer camp to conform to her daughter is completely the wrong idea."

She had no business being there in the first place.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

There are natural differences between the sexes. These cannot be levelled out, no matter how hard some people may try. The result is nothing else but reducing the performance level to such a ridiculous low standard that every person would be ashamed of admitting to have attended such classes. It's the same with the stupid and harmful dogma of "not letting anybody behind". Some people are smart, some are giftet others are not. In general there are topics women and girls and women are good in in others they are not. The same is true for boys. Technology, ingeneering, mathematics and the like are not the strong areas of the female in general. That's the truth and we shall not close our eyes before this fact.

from http://freedompowerandwealth.com

liberranter said...

Living vicariously through your child = L-O-S-E-R.

Days of the Broken Arrows said...
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Days of the Broken Arrows said...

Gender issues aside, this is actually disrespectful to the child, period. I know because I was once the boy who wanted to be a writer, but was placed in teen computer courses I despised. At the same time, I was writing freelance for the local paper, but to my folks that didn't count.

If their girl is into fashion or writing or music or even wants to just marry early, this shows callousness in general on the part of the parents. It's likely to impede her in whatever she wants to do and shake her confidence. I later had a lot of success in writing, but it could have come much earlier had my folks not insisted on banging a square peg into a round hole. This included the demand that I start college as an accounting major -- something they laugh about now, but wasn't funny at the time.

Anyway, seems like these parents are using gender issues to try and control their the future of their child. I wonder how many other parents do this how and many girls will grow up absolutely HATING feminism because of it.

little dynamo said...

'So, mom called the camp and spoke to the CEO, asking that the camp be made more welcoming to girls".'

This -- and not immigration -- is what's destroying America and the West. The U.S. might have withstood limited immigration, and even a limited amount of Race Card playing and hucksterism. But it cannot withstand feminism and the Identity Bloc acting in concert, over decades, with millions of parents of daughters. That leaves too few (white males) left over to, you know, actually do the thinking, suffering, fixing, dying, creating . . . the actual work.

Overturning and corrupting all of America's institutions was not enough for Daughter Daddy and Daughter Mommy. ALL autonomy and power must be removed from males, and all male groups and activities must be invaded by Precious, even when Precious doesn't WANT to invade. She is forced to invade by . . . Big Mad Mammy. And when Precious rejects the latest empowerment and resentment-o-thon arranged by Mammy, America's solution is to force the group she rejected to 'change its hostile (i.e. male) environment'. Which of course was all Mad Mammy and her legions of controlfreak thugs cared about anyway. But but but it's For The Children. Homeland Security.

little dynamo said...

"He sticks with it as a bench player-type for a few more years and then wins (local) back to back championships in little league from 10-11 years old."

That must have been satisfying for you both. We always had two or three guys on the LL team that couldn't play or hit a lick. (Not suggesting your boy was like that.) But they showed up every time to practice, tried hard, rooted on the others, and contributed in whatever way the coach directed. Including not complaining about playing time.

I always had a soft spot for those guys, who knew baseball (or whatever) wasn't exactly their thing, but wanted to be a part of the experience anyway ... they enjoyed learning and participating. It wasn't until years later that I grokked that the team needed those guys, as much as the stars. I expect each of them was rewarded in some way thereby, tho not always with championships of course.

Hosswire said...

It is a classic female move to demand that an existing group change to accommodate someone who is not in that group. Men tend to accommodate themselves to the group first, and maybe try to change it later.

Terrific said...

What is SO amazing about this is that the mother assumed THE ENTIRE CAMP WAS WRONG, NOT HER.

That the CAMP needed to be DIFFERENT because her daughter didn't like it.

This woman is a danger to herself and others. She should be separated from society until she demonstrates, as Mr. Bennett demabdedt, that she has spent at least five minutes in a rational state of mind!

Terrific said...
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Millionaire Blueprint said...

A physic office on if you want harder version go ahead get ready and begin because feet up on a ball for the heart a version otherwise is completely extended out on the Pre Workout Ignite floor make sure those hands are right next to those hips as close as you can you know one kicked out to the side kiddos elbows facing straight back behind you as you dip down as low as is comfortable at least trying.


Unknown said...

This is just representative of the illness that has utterly infested the West. Parent (s) force feeding their ideologies on their children. "You will live your life to fulfill me!" This is how refugees are celebrated. Mudsharking is lauded. God is despised. I will make you fit into my warped beliefs for public consumption or I will simply not care anymore and pay for your college far away and see you for 4 hours once a year.

These people are the most atomized in history. They would cut off their childrens' genitals to get approval on Facebook.

Shimshon said...

I was an early adopter. I went to computer camp in 1981. I was 14, with the rest of the camp being similar ages. It was indeed mostly boys, but there were at least four girls I can remember (out of about 20 in total), who were there of their own volition and enjoyed the camp. They weren't hard core geeks by any stretch. Their fathers (or in one case, both parents) were involved with computers, and their interest rubbed off.

little dynamo said...

"This woman is a danger to herself and others. She should be separated from society until she demonstrates, as Mr. Bennett demabdedt, that she has spent at least five minutes in a rational state of mind!"

Who will separate her tyranny and psychosis out from society? The State? Her tool. The Churches? Her tools. The People? She is The People. Count the demographics and 'votes'. Look upon your leaders.

She is not an anomaly, she is legion, there are millions of mothers, in America alone, just like her. Or worse. And when any individual needs 'separating out' from the culture, it is she who makes that decision. She doesn't receive the commands, she gives them, as the article attests.

Dexter said...

"What is SO amazing about this is that the mother assumed THE ENTIRE CAMP WAS WRONG, NOT HER. "

Not amazing if you realize she is a CEO. It has been many years, maybe even decades, since anyone told her she was wrong.

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