Friday, September 25, 2015

Delta Man: Gammas are invisible

The only reason men pay any attention to Gammas is that they are so damn annoying, and if they aren’t being annoying they offer little else. Their capacity for general knowledge is consistently overrated by themselves, and they typically don’t get involved in any competitive sport or even help spot you at the gym. They might be good at their jobs, in fact damn good, but so are all the other ranks. You can barely rely on Gammas at work and in crunch time they often fold up like a cheap tent and become worthless.

Women ignore them all of the time until they need a man to do something for them, and then the Gamma bounces on his hind legs like a good little puppy looking for female morsels of attention. Other than using him for things average and above women have no desire to associate with him, talk to him, or most of all have sex with him. The women who do end up with him long for something better, fill his life with verbal abuse, and boss him around like a servant.

All Gammas want to be Alphas, sometimes they fool themselves into thinking they are some sort of Alpha but generally their own lies can’t hold as they look around and for some reason see an incredible shortage of women in their lives. So what to do? The Gamma becomes that kid in the corner making fart noises while the adults are having a conversation. At least the adults might look at him because the rest of the time they pay him no mind. He might paint his hair blue, constantly try to tell bad jokes, latch on to weird causes which he thinks will get him close to women, continuously posture about his incredible superiority, get more and more hysterical when he is still ignored, and can literally go a little crazy when his true colors are shown.

The typical single Gamma leads an incredibly boring life of computer games and porn with countless hours of solitude and nobody who wants to talk to them outside of a few friends. In this, I do have sympathy as I’m not heartless and loneliness is a terrible thing for anyone. The married Gammas do much better in this regard and can at least have the love of his young children and the companionship of his wife for what it’s worth.  When his children get older it’s unlikely they will have much respect for him and it’s possible that it will turn into loathing.

So the next time you see a Gamma being annoying keep in mind that he’s a man who is chronically unhappy, insecure, and worried about his life. No matter his monetary success, or how his children turn out, he’ll still be a Gamma until he isn’t and make life miserable for those around him to a greater or lesser extent. 


rumpole5 said...

I have to confess that I really like being alone much of the time, and apparently I'm not alone in that regard:

"The more powerful and original a mind, the more it will incline towards the religion of solitude."
Aldous Huxley

Student in Blue said...

Introversion isn't a characteristic of Gammas, poor or no social skills is characteristic of Gammas.

There are also a number of Gammas I've run into that fall under "extroverted" but they still exhibit very poor social skills.

Building Magic said...


Sounds like Huxley could have been a gamma.

357Delta said...

Desiring solitude isn't loneliness.

Anonymous said...

"The Gamma becomes that kid in the corner making fart noises while the adults are having a conversation.. . . .he’ll still be a Gamma until he isn’t and make life miserable for those around him to a greater or lesser extent."

Negative attention is better than no attention at all.

rumpole5 said...

Perhaps the better quote, from another solitude lover is : “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.". -- The Gammas just lack the good sense to shut up about it. All said, though, I would still choose manhood of any level.

Anonymous said...

You can barely rely on Gammas at work and in crunch time they often fold up like a cheap tent and become worthless.

The biggest problem with Gammas at work is the difficulty they have admitting when they've made a mistake. They tend to double down instead of fixing things, and start acting out and causing trouble when the rest of the group starts to notice the problems caused by their mistake.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, I spend most of my time playing computer games and looking at porn. What should I do to change?

357Delta said...

Rico Suave,

It's an easy and comfortable trap to fall in to. If you want to meet women and get out of your room start here: Alpha Game: Delta Perspective: Dating Part I

The best thing you can do now is shake up your routine. This weekend just get out, go somewhere, anywhere and watch people and think about your life. If you have a favorite park or nature spot, head there with a lunch and relax and contemplate. It doesn't have to be a production or all day, just so it takes you out of your routine.

From there start making some changes in your life to get you out of your rut. Join a club, a sport, a group anything but sitting around all weekend and evening doing what you are doing now. This has direct application to Game as "I'm a member of a car club/ home brewing club/ basketball league." Is a much better answer when she asks you what you like to do than, "The internet, watching sports, computer games, and porn".

I recommend dumping the porn completely, but there's nothing wrong with computer games as I play them several times a week, but that's not all I do in the evenings and the weekends. They just can't be the focus of your life or take you away from getting out of your home.

Anchorman said...

Fuck, I spend most of my time playing computer games and looking at porn. What should I do to change?

Your mouse.

Anonymous said...

I might need to put more work into my dating profile and responses but I haven't had any luck in a while from dating websites. I get messages from like 2 and 3s *shudders*. I am a decent looking guy, Id say a six.

Anchorman said...

I get messages from like 2 and 3s *shudders*. I am a decent looking guy, Id say a six.

Couple things:

First, remember there are a good number of fake female profiles to get you to think, "Hey there are good looking women here."

Next, the 2-3s risk nothing by punching above their weight class, in both senses of the expression.

Next, online dating is absolute last resort for meeting women. If you are in a major metro area, try It's a non-dating site which sets up groups of people with similar interests. You meet chicks in social settings, without dating/hookup pressure. Let's you weed out the tubbos and psychos and hit a few choice targets here and there. Besides, the more social you appear, the more your social status climbs, right?

Finally, if you want to maintain an online profile for occasional fishing, rewrite the profile as if you've written the same things over and over and over again and gotten no responses, so you decided to respond with, "Eff it. I'm not taking this seriously and I'm done getting messages from Shamu."

Anchorman said...

And dump whatever pics you have if you're getting lousy responses. Get pics of you hanging with friends, not staring into the camera like a deer in headlights. Preferably, have a good looking woman under your arm. And no hover hands or, so help me, I'll box your ears.

357Delta said...


You are getting responses, but you are sitting at home? Why? Go out with the best of them. You aren't marrying them or even having sex with them unless you choose to, the point is to get away from the porn and games. If 4s and 5s aren't giving you any attention you probably aren't a 6 or your profile is a wreck. Hey don't feel bad, pretty much everyone constantly overrates themselves.

This is where I strongly differ from other men who offer their opinion on dating, I say date what's available so you get better at dating. One small example: Let's say this weekend you decide to go have dinner with a 3, go buy a nice, new shirt for the date, and look your best. Why you might ask? She's just a three... Because then you have that nice, new shirt and look your best when you are out and you are ready to go when you finally meet that 5 or better.

This isn't rocket science: You get better at socializing with women the more you socialize with women.

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna try your advice Owen. I'll post the results.

Anchorman said...

I agree with DM (You get better at socializing with women the more you socialize with women).

I also agree with him about "slump busting."

Slump-busting can be helpful if you use it to clear your head (or pipes) of frustration with no action/interest. You can also practice "amused mastery" because you're dating women you'd dump in a second.

The danger is one-itis the minute you jump to a 6-7. So long as you are aware of the big pitfall with slump-busting, you can navigate it.

Also, remember what DM posted before (I think it was Delta Man) regarding the "average" woman. The average American woman is 5'4" and about 150lbs.

If you want better, you have got to put in the work to get better than average results. Diet, weights, keep your mouth shut more often, value your time enough to recognize she should be more grateful you are with her than vice versa, etc. Put in the work or accept that you're best chances are an average women (5'4", 150 lbs).

Anonymous said...

Lol I'm calling 2 and 3s 200 pounders who are 5 4.

357Delta said...


Then pick the one the prettiest face and you think you'd most enjoy talking to and spending time with and get to know her. If this is where you are at with women, then make the most of it. If you've had a dozen girls respond to your profile, then pick the top three tonight and get in touch with them.

Let me tell you how it's going to sting though, if you start talking to a girl who you think is way beneath what you think you can get, and then she turns you down or doesn't like you, it's going to hit your ego hard. There's a certain safety in hitting on only the hot girls, because they turn down most everyone because they can. If you get turned down by an 8, well at least you took your shot right? But if a 3 turns you down... uh oh... what does that say? Probably nothing. Maybe she hated your cologne, but you have to learn how to deal with this sort of thing to get better with women.

Think in Game terms too: Monday morning at the office, the cute girl you've been eyeing asks, what you'd do this weekend? A)"Nothing much" (Porn and games) or B)"I had a great date this weekend with a new girl I met. Yeah, we went to my favorite park and had a good time. You know what's funny, she had the best hair/perfume/dress/eyes, that's what I remember most."

The alarm bells will go off in her head: Date! Park! She has nice features!!! He never mentioned my feature!!!

What's great about this is there's no lying or bragging involved. Nearly everyone has a nice feature, note it, and tell others women how you like it if they ask about your date.

Ben Cohen said...

Delta Man,

What does a man do that can't have sex before marriage and doesn't masturbate? Ever since I stopped my libido is out of control and I have almost a rage in getting things done that I set my mind to. My problem is that I see women as taking away from my momentum and being a distraction, just like when I used to play video games and masturbate all the time. I'm a much better man than I was 14 months ago since I stopped, but I don't want to risk yet a woman potentially ruining getting my life together. As for hobbies, I tried basketball and was blown away by the guys I was playing with and was basically kicked out of the league for not being good. My mindset was "I'm not good at basketball. What can I learn from this experience and use it to benefit me in the future?" All in all, a great experience to be rejected and realize you only get stronger from it. Now I embrace rejection and get energized by it.

One book that really helped me and I think would help everyone here is Mike Cernovich's Gorilla Mindset. The guy is great at laying a lot of this stuff out.

Good Day.

Manu said...

Being Gamma sucks. Best way out? Go to the gym, read this blog, shut the fuck up. Not necessarily in that order.

Unknown said...

You will get messages from 1s and 2s on dating sites no matter how high your own SMV, because they have nothing to lose. (And some of the dating sites try to match you up with them, because they're trying to keep them paying.) The ones who are halfway attractive don't go out of their way to contact guys, just like they don't normally hit on guys at bars. They're waiting for you to contact them.

I won't tell you to date women who are so repulsive that you can't hide your revulsion during the date, because that's not nice. Contact the ones who interest you. If you can't get some of them to respond, then you're shooting too high. Either your SMV isn't as high as you think, or your profile needs work.

Whatever you do and don't want, say so in your profile. Say you only date girls 10+ years younger, or won't date anyone who has kids or whose body fat is over 25%, if those are your standards. You'll get more interest if you show that you have high standards. (You'll also get complaints from women who don't meet them, which are good practice too.)

In the meantime, practice on women you meet in real life, even if it's just the checkout girl at the grocery store.

Anonymous said...

Being Gamma sucks. Best way out? Go to the gym, read this blog, shut the fuck up. Not necessarily in that order.

Pro comment right there.

I'd also add: Control your drinking. Go teetotaler if need be. You may not think so, but women find your behavior most attractive when you're stone-cold sober.

357Delta said...


You earned my respect by doing what you are currently doing. It takes tremendous self-discipline and commitment particularly given today’s pornographic culture.

I recommend taking up another sport in which you are more of an individual like a strong man club, hiking club, cross-fit, or such. You’ll need the physical workout to stay on track.

As for women, remember they aren’t succubuses who are destined to ruin your life, nor are they sweet angels who make everything better. When you are ready I think you should begin to date with the intention of marriage, not just a relationship. 1 Cor 7:9 “But if they cannot exercise self-control, they should marry. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.” Don’t just rush into this because I say so. If you pray, pray about it regularly. Be sure you know what your goals are and stick to them.

Whenever a man starts dating a woman the man either becomes a better or worse man. If you date someone and you find yourself being a better man, then she has real potential, if you the opposite is true then immediately end the relationship. If you have this much self-control, then you should have enough to know when a woman is making your life worse and you should end it.

I think you are on an upward path, are figuring out your life, what you want out of it, and will do fine.

Desiderius said...

"But if a 3 turns you down... uh oh... what does that say?"

She knew you were out of her league. Nothing more.

Unknown said...

gamma, omega, alpha, beta, ....labels, labels, labels....what a crock of shit.

Aeoli Pera said...

Gammas are not necessarily introverts, but they are characterized by anxiety which also tends to characterize introverts. So much so that this is the popular understanding of "introverted"- a person who enjoys company temporarily but eventually flees in order to relax from the strain. Probably this is true for 80% of introverts, whereas the remainder have Charlton's endogenous personality.

maniacprovost said...

What does a man do that can't have sex before marriage and doesn't masturbate?

If you don't look at porn and don't dwell on lustful thoughts, you should eventually lose the need to. You should have wet dreams at least every other month. Basically, if you don't think about it, it's not a problem.

I agree with getting married asap, but try to show SOME discrimination. The most important thing to look for is a common objective, ie, will you both work, and how many children are you shooting for.

After that you basically have to pick the character flaws you're willing to live with. Do you want a lazy woman who leaves the house a mess, or one who bitches that you left a crumb on the coffee table? Cheapskate or wastrel? Innumerate idiot or know it all?

David Ronaldo said...

Good post,.
learn more

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Thank you for that post - there is far too little Information about Gammas in general.


Terrific said...

Cut and save this to post after every trolling gamma comment (with proper attribution, of course).

Anonymous said...

Gammas are not necessarily introverts, but they are characterized by anxiety which also tends to characterize introverts. So much so that this is the popular understanding of "introverted"- a person who enjoys company temporarily but eventually flees in order to relax from the strain.

@Aeoli Pera
I think introversion is a whole different animal from social anxiety. They can indeed go together, but it's possible to have one without the other. Social anxiety correlates negatively with sociosexual rank, whereas introversion is independent of, and irrelevant to, it. A socially confident introvert will still withdraw from company, but because he gets bored with it rather than anxious.

Anonymous said...

Excellent post above.

I enjoy my space and alone time. Marriage isn't for me. I get bored too easily and will stray. Same with girlfriends. So I have a three girl stable as my go to currently. Even with three I get bored.

Went out Wednesday nite and picked up an 8 at the club. She drove us out to an old friend of mine I haven't seen in awhile who owns a bar closer to my home. Big hugs from him upon entering his place. As he knew he was going to get to dance with a hottie until it was time she took me home.

Next day we had lunch and she dropped me off at my car. She made sure to have my number within the first ten minutes of meeting. I've done the usual and ignored her (two) calls. As often do with the other girls in my stable, depending upon my mood at the time.

Obviously had a good nite and next early afternoon with the 8. Now it's time for some me time for awhile. Btw, also got the bartendresses number at the first club where I picked up the 8. She was between a 7-8 and wants to go out.

Moving from introvert to extrovert or extrovert to introvert comes easily to me. Never thought much about it. Just doing what makes me happy in life. But there's no fleeing or anxiety socially, just the opposite. At the same time I could spend a week camping and fishing in the woods by myself and be happy. So I would definitely agree with the post above.

The Original Hermit said...

"You are getting responses, but you are sitting at home? Why? Go out with the best of them."

This is great advice. Treat it like any other interest, practice and experiment and see what works. Pull out some super-cringey material and watch their reactions. Then do the same with alpha-material, see if you can pull it off.

"If 4s and 5s aren't giving you any attention you probably aren't a 6 or your profile is a wreck. Hey don't feel bad, pretty much everyone constantly overrates themselves."

Also, a picture only goes so far. A lot of alpha rock singers are ugly as sin. A lot of pretty-boy actors are whiny losers IRL. A good pic that highlights your strong points with interesting things in the background is a good start. That will draw them in to read your profile. But if your profile is boring or cringey, you've just lost a potential date.

Aeoli Pera said...


>I think introversion is a whole different animal from social anxiety. They can indeed go together, but it's possible to have one without the other.

This is true, but you are missing my point.

>Social anxiety correlates negatively with sociosexual rank, whereas introversion is independent of, and irrelevant to, it.

That is not true. Introverts have higher average anxiety.

>A socially confident introvert will still withdraw from company, but because he gets bored with it rather than anxious.

Yes, those exist. But they are less common than introverts who are more sensitive or more generally anxious.

Aeoli Pera said...

>Social anxiety correlates negatively with sociosexual rank, whereas introversion is independent of, and irrelevant to, it.

Forgot to mention that this is also untrue because introversion directly reduces sociosexual rank. All else being equal, an extravert will be more popular and well-liked. But the effect is small when compared to anxiety, which reduces SSMV by an order of magnitude more.

Anonymous said...

Me humid you and him and me mutilations her until you feel you really need to get in and when you do get billion special who live here he will be raise your haven't everything angry that he Dermaluxe can through Ruth will be an expression that red taking you or is it going and you well yes and again get whose and him nothing funny I just saw a woman driving by.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Deltas are loved, gammatudes and mcrapeytudes are just ignored, annoying, creepy.

Deltas have expectations minus the defeatism, gammas are defeatist. Vox is correct they are unhappy The problem with gammas is when they target a woman they pedastalize her, blame her for anything that goes wrong and wonders why the gamma alert bell sounds upon reading a crowd of men.

Delta can play aloof, gamma-beta begs for validation from lesser pursuits while deltas are busy doing their own thing. Gamma wants his ego and pride now, deltas know that the fruits of their labor may not be known or seen in their lifetimes but eventually the gold rises into history.

Profiles are problems, if a women sees what they attune or feel that the women the man was seeing or knows are not so great the lower chances the higher SMV woman will want even slight contact with the man with...cringey pals or contacts. Facebook again is great for the spying, err, research upon a man whom presents himself to me while dropping the error of FB. I look him up and misjudge or properly discern/assess that he is not a person I will have contact with. Of course FB has backdoors of tracking just saying FB profiles explain alot.

Forgive me, its that deltas are smarter than gammas but I could be wrong just a observation which could be in error...

redpiller said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
redpiller said...

I am 31 years old, I have been steadily going to the gym for 2 years, seeing some improvements, especially in stamina and strength, managed to lose about 20 lbs of fat, all of this after breaking up in 2013 with my LTR girlfriend and also with a really attractive but older dark triad female who probably wanted to get all my savings, my seed and even deplete my credit capacity; thankfully I dodged every bullet, and that's how I decided to embark on a path of self-improvement since 2014 began. I made great strides, doubled my notch count from back then to about 70, and met some nice women who I rejected their attempts to turn me into their boyfriend/long-term provider. I have been doing great professionally and financially, I have no debt, and I'm about to pay in full for a modest house of my own.However, not everything is fine.
When I was in high school I was the geek of the class. As is often with "geeks", we're preyed upon by others. As such, I think I have scars that I haven't been able to move on from, let alone I'm not sure I can handle being the center of negative attention by former classmates who may also not be over anything about our relationship. And while I have a high IQ and got an ivy league grad school education, my social/emotional skills have never been the best (improved w/time though).Thus, there's still stuff I haven't gotten over with, or worse, I want to be able to handle any and every future social challenge without being shamed or embarrassed in public, and for some reason, I don't feel ready for that. So sometimes I just avoid some people in my cohort who I had bad experiences with, and just resort to hanging out with my best friends, which means I'm often a loner.
I have several best friends, about 3 groups of friends and a couple of very good friends in each, but unfortunately there is sometimes an asshole or two that I can't stand, either in social settings or at work. I don't want to have to resort to violence; I do think violence is necessary sometimes, but I also don't want to end up in jail, or ending looking as "the bad guy", assuming I do pick a fight and win. This is why I am training for strength and why I plan to take on martial arts, but I would rather get so skilled and strong that using force will be unnecessary. At the same time, there might be something in my frame of mind or emotions that is missing and that I would like to learn and put into practice so that I can handle social/emotional/verbal challenges without being shaken up, leaving violence for me to be only a matter of self-defense rather than a matter of "well he started some shit with me verbally so I couldn't contain myself and picked a fight". Finally, I've found out that some people that have a personal issue with me have badmouthed with me so I wonder how to use game to dodge that. So, any kind of social/verbal skills and sources any of you might recommend? It would be very helpful
I also have my own character flaws. I am kind of narcissistic, get pissed easily, sometimes tend to overshare my thoughts which make me a target of criticism and expose me to unwanted attacks from the same people that I'd like to put in their place. I live in a town where everyone knows everyone, and while I have enough people that love me, unfortunately, there are also a bunch of people that dislike me (even people that I have never said a word to), and while I can't erase my past social mistakes, I'd like to handle people and maybe improve my reputation (if that's even possible). That is, unless it's better to move to a different city or country in case too many bridges have been burned (which I don't feel like it is, but at least twice it has happened that two girls didn't date me for things they heard about me, even though I don't know what they heard or who told them). So what's my rank and how do I improve?

Stan Hai said...

There are three more things that Gammas go through-when they start to recover from being Gamma. There's the soul-crushing humiliation that comes when you discover, "Wow, not only do I not know everything, I don't know anything. My flailing attempts at normal behavior and thought have been a sad, pathetic mockery of human existence and everyone has been humoring me the entire time." This is followed by anger, as you realize that your parents didn't tell you any of this, and that society is dedicated to keeping you in your place in the social hierarchy. Then comes the daily grind of concentrating every single second of every day to keep from slipping back into Gamma behavior. Being a recovering Gamma is like being a recovering alcoholic, except that there is no G.A. and if you fall off the wagon, no one cares.

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