Friday, June 19, 2015

Delta Perspective: responsibility part 1

One of the chief characteristics of a Delta is that they have responsibilities and do not normally shy away from them. In fact, taking on responsibilities if you have few or none is a way to enter the ranks of the Deltas if you are looking to move up. If you are a Delta, taking on appropriate responsibilities is a way to earn respect and even rise in rank as a Delta.

Irresponsible parents are rightfully shamed, and irresponsible men are never taken seriously in life. So if you are a father, your family is a chief responsibility particularly your children. This isn’t a post about fatherhood though which will come at a later date. The point here is that people notice irresponsibility even if they don’t say anything, and being responsible is part of manhood and fatherhood.

Become More Responsible

The best way to become more responsible is to take on more responsibilities if you don’t have any. Every church, charity group, club, organization, or even just regular group of friends who get together needs men who can do small and large things for them without being the leader. If you are part of no organizations, clubs, or a church at all go join one which meets your interests. If you can’t muster anything else on a Friday night except playing World of Warcraft at least start there and join an active guild. You need to join some organizations or clubs in your life because being part of a group is part of being a Delta as only Omegas have no affiliations. Even a Sigma will probably have a few forced on him.

Once in the organization you have to be a member of good standing, so give it time after you join one, and then when the opportunity arises volunteer to do something for the group which meets your talents. If you are an accountant by day be the treasurer of the car club, an artist can design a new logo, the developer a new website, or just help load the chairs around after a meeting if you can’t figure out anything else. Too many times it’s easy to complain about the leadership and things not getting done, but you have to ask yourself, “What have I done to help?”. If nothing besides showing up, participating a little, and complaining, then the answer is "not very much".

You Don’t Have To Be the Leader

Deltas can lead when called upon, but that’s not our natural role. We are support-oriented by nature, so look to take on a role in which you can do the most good. If an organization isn’t running well Deltas don’t abandon it immediately. They try to help change it from within first and only leave when necessary. Rage-quitting an organization as soon as you are upset about something is what a Gamma does. Sometimes you will need to leave, but this is the last option for the Delta, and not the first.


CostelloM said...

Why shoot for delta? Being a delta is asking to be married to a carousel rider who later divorce rapes you. No one wants to be a delta - you have no rights - no respect and get no thanks. You also won't get any play from any woman except those who are desperate to lock in a child support check before their looks completely dissolve.``This is asking to be used and tossed away. The men at the top delegate their responsibility down to their underlings and do not take the blame when their plans fail. You get a Bill Clinton apology at best from those in command and they still flourish and prosper. I may not want to be those men for moral reasons but I also do not wish to serve them by obediently serving as their delta.

VD said...

Why shoot for delta?

Because that is as high as most omegas or gammas can aspire. Delta is good. Delta is normal. Delta is honorable. 99.999 percent of all men are never going to date a supermodel. 99 percent of all men are never going to date a swimsuit model.

To tell every man he should aspire to be a Fortune 500 CEO is insane. It's mathematically impossible. The point is improvement, not perfection.

Aquila Aquilonis said...

Who is writing these posts?

Rek. said...

The real challenge is not so much becoming a delta, which is quite easy really (just go about living your life without standing out), it's accepting your intrinsic averageness, which predisposes you to what most would consider a mediocre life.

Once a gamma/omega comes to terms with this, he'll fall into place.

Harambe said...

It's a much gentler hop from Delta to Beta than from Omega or Gamma to Delta.

Anchorman said...
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hank.jim said...

I'm wary about the call to man-up, which this sounds like. I'm sure Gammas behave as they do because they are angry and bitter.

"Being a delta is asking to be married to a carousel rider who later divorce rapes you."

Don't date a carousel rider. That is the first step. If you can't find someone less sexually experienced, then you're not really looking. Anyways, you have that as an excuse to not marry so stick with it.

Anchorman said...

Why shoot for delta?

There's no self-loathing.

Self-loathing makes it far easier for "progressives" to get men to accept clearly destructive practices and laws. Self-loathing men will never understand the importance of masculinity because they've never experienced it and move their social circles away from it.

The delta is more likely to find common ground across the spectrum of men, from rich to poor, manual labor to professional class. The delta is more capable of shrugging off shaming than the omegas or gammas.

The omega and gamma will make efforts to avoid the men who display masculinity openly because the omegas and gammas sense of shame increases in their presence. The self-loathe because they've been cultured to believe it's horrible and when they see it and it doesn't conform to their conditioning, they double down on shame.

Hammerli 280 said...

Vox raises a good point here. Deltas are the troops in the's their strength, steadiness, and numbers that wins the day of battle. And ANYONE can join. Not everybody can be Alpha, the number of positions is a proportion of population. But everybody can be a decent, contributing member of the community.

Two related thoughts. First, people seem to think of Alpha, Beta, etc., as specific ranks. I think they need to be thought of as a spectrum. Gamma to Alpha on the extrovert side, Omega to Sigma on the introvert side. There's no sharp dividing line. Be a better Delta, and you can slide into Beta.

Second, I think Vox has done some rethinking and concluded that while Omegas are a problem for themselves, Gammas are a problem for everybody. And is turning his attention to that problem.

Anonymous said...

Being a delta is asking to be married to a carousel rider who later divorce rapes you. No one wants to be a delta - you have no rights - no respect and get no thanks. You also won't get any play from any woman except those who are desperate to lock in a child support check before their looks completely dissolve.

Not necessarily. With the rising percentage of Gammas and Omegas around, and the small numbers of Betas, Alphas, and Sigmas, the average Delta is probably somewhat better off than the average man.

And a Delta who has studied Game and avoids making the usual Gamma/Delta mistakes with women is certainly better off. Probably about as good as a Beta who has never studied Game. Good enough to get a HB7-8 wife and have a low chance of divorce.

Anonymous said...

The lack of self-loathing is important.

Because of that, in my experience, Deltas are much more intrinsically likable than Gammas. I want to swap brewskis with Deltas, but I want to bitchslap Gammas.

There's no sharp dividing line. Be a better Delta, and you can slide into Beta.

Essentially. I do get the impression that a Beta is simply a higher grade of Delta with more self-confidence.

Bastiat's Ghost said...
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Bastiat's Ghost said...

How do I know if this applies to me? I'm not involved with much because I'm to busy with improving my skill set so I can go expat. It's not like I'm coasting I have a plan. I do know eventually I'll have to start running game again. I don't see the benefit to being a drone. Which isn't to say that's what Vox is suggesting here.

357Delta said...

To answer a few questions:

I wrote the post which will be a regular Friday feature.

JP is correct, Gamma to Delta is a big and difficult step while top Deltas and low Betas blur.

Delta is the average man, which is what almost every man reading this blog can be if they are of lower rank.

There won't be any "man up and marry sluts" advice, but if the only women who will give you notice rank very low think about what this means for your own rank. I have a future post on dating in the works.

Bastiat's Ghost said...

Delta Man said...

.....but if the only women who will give you notice rank very low think about what this means for your own rank.

See I don't wait for them to notice. I make the approach or at least I did.

Brad Andrews said...

I'm wary about the call to man-up, which this sounds like.

Men can and should make themselves better. Just because some ignore women and focus on men is irrelevant. The primary person each of us can change is ourselves and this blog is aimed at men, not women.

"Man up" is a perfectly valid call. It may not be appropriate for some things, but we should not drop it from our toolbox because some misuse it.

Would you stop using a hammer because some were using them to drive screws into the wall?

Anonymous said...

"Delta is good. Delta is normal. Delta is honorable."

Correct, and one of the measures of a society's health is how much it appreciates its Deltas.

Ours does not. When Sam Gamgee returned from Mordor he found a pretty little wife. Today's Delta gets nothing, unless he also has game.

Yes, this can be mitigated. However, as we encourage individual men to improve their own individual lots in life, we need also train individual women to appreciate all the good Deltas do for them.

Loyalty, reliability, and courage mean almost nothing unless you're also able to master a woman's lizard-brain. Learning Game is and always has been important, but the sad fact is that today it's more important than it should be.

I accept that that's how it is, but I don't have to like it.


SirHamster said...

Why shoot for delta?
There's no self-loathing.

Also, incremental improvement. You can't develop yourself to be the leader of a group if you have no idea how group dynamics work.

Some elements of life are age-based. The snotty teenager simply does not have what it takes to be a wise leader ... but after 40 years of taking on responsibility, being a follower, and seeing how other leaders do it, he may be equipped to be the leader, even if not especially gifted in that area.

Patrick Kelly said...

All the surveys/quizzes I've taken place me squarely in the Delta ring, which surprised me because I have stared into the Gamma abyss quite often.

This advice here just reinforces what I've already discovered just about being a better man or human in general. My motives are still mostly selfish, I want to be better because it is ultimately better for me.

Maybe if I ever get my head firmly outside my bitter, cynical ass I'll have some real love or care for anyone else; this blog and Vox Populi (with related links and side trips)help me have a regular reality check and kick upside the head to re-direct me when I'm wavering.

Brad Andrews said...

we need also train individual women to appreciate all the good Deltas do for them.

And exactly how are we to do that? Do lots of them follow this blog?

John Williams said...

Why shoot for delta?
It's also reasonable and possible.

Anonymous said...

@ Brad Andrews: "'we need also train individual women to appreciate all the good Deltas do for them.'

And exactly how are we to do that? Do lots of them follow this blog?"

Calling out PC crap when we see it, creating art (that people actually want to watch or read) that promotes traditional values, calling out the spoiled brats in our midst who think that air conditioners and the roofs over their heads appear as if by magic, insisting our wives set good examples for the women around them, no longer indulging women's ridiculous sense of entitlement or saving them from the hell they create for themselves, raising our daughters correctly, training good men to be Alphas so that tingles coincide with healthy examples as much as possible, men supporting each other and helping them to be good men AND influential in their social and peer groups, socially shaming feminists, etc.

It won't happen overnight, but it can happen.


Manu said...

"Why shoot for delta?"

Because Gamma and Omega are far worse, and Delta isn't that bad. Most Deltas are honorable, civilized and decent. They are not particularly dominant, strong, or successful, but neither are they foolish, weak and a drag on civilization, as Gammas are. A society in which there was a balance between Alphas, Betas and Deltas would probably be a good one -- certainly better than this Gamma-infested crap we have now. Yes, you higher ranked folks can rag on Deltas for their flaws, and you are perfectly correct to do so, but remember that the hierarchy is relative. In simple terms, you can be a lot worse than Delta.

That, and if you want to go from Gamma to, say, Beta... you're going to have to go through Delta first. That's just practical application.

deti said...

I'm wary about the call to man-up, which this sounds like.

I'm not worried about it. Men in the manosphere can- and should - be telling other men to "man up" -- i.e., get your shit together, get with the program, stop being a pussy, etc.

It's women and feminized men and traditional conservatives from whom no man should even listen to "man up" calls.

Anonymous said...

You need to join some organizations or clubs in your life because being part of a group is part of being a Delta as only Omegas have no affiliations. Even a Sigma will probably have a few forced on him.

I had to chuckle at this statement.

I'm not at all a group animal -- I'm very much on the Omega-Sigma spectrum, and prefer to be alone most of the time -- but groups can be fun in small doses.

Maybe I have to know the right people IRL. I'm in the Vile Faceless Minions, but only joined at nearly the last possible moment on a whim. And I'm not sure that would count as a legitimate group though, since it's loose and online.

Kiwi the Geek said...

"Why shoot for delta? Being a delta is asking to be married to a carousel rider who later divorce rapes you."

Or you could marry a pleasant, attractive, Christian woman who doesn't understand the dating game and is told to just wait on God. Or whose parents have protected her from alphas. Or who just doesn't like callous, arrogant jerks. And a relationship with such a woman is much easier to maintain than with an alpha-chaser.

"And exactly how are we to do that? Do lots of them follow this blog?"

I have no idea how many, but there are women here who want reliable delta/beta husbands, and haven't been on the carousel. There are more at Dalrock's & elsewhere.

maniacprovost said...

Would you stop using a hammer because some were using them to drive screws into the wall?

I see you're familiar with Arizona real estate.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Deltas are rational.

Omegagammatudes are emo, irrational, femi'ed, confrontational, forget them. Deltas are not doormats or weak either.

Anonymous said...

"Rage-quitting an organization as soon as you are upset about something is what a Gamma does. Sometimes you will need to leave, but this is the last option for the Delta, and not the first."

Maybe I'm Gamma for life then. My cycle has been to be a joiner because I optimistically think I can have something positive to contribute to something bigger than myself. But then after a while things go to hell. I got active in my parish and got to be part of a number of things. One was running the beer tent/band section. My second to last year was their most profitable in 15. When the parish canceled the annual summer fest, I successfully argued for a fest with only a beer tent/band in the fall. Pure profit, without all the other loss-leader sections. But the Knights of Columbus wanted to take it over, so they successfully painted me as a Miserable Failure in spite of my great numbers ruining my chance to run anything in the future and grabbed it, and I left the parish rather than be their permanent field hand go-fer for what I used to run. I got active in a local service organization, and it didn't matter what grunt work I did, the fact that I was not a Democrat or in favor of gay marriage made me virtually a pariah. Sure, come set up the event, and help at 2 a.m. with teardown the last night, but we won't hang with you or even say hi at the store, you hateful bigoted Republican. I was going good with my union until a neighbor outed me to one of the movers as a conservative and now I am an Orc to them. Give me the two choices of changing my morals to supplicate to the group or holding form and being left alone, I'll hold ground. And that makes me a Gamma rage quitter, I guess.

Brad Andrews said...

Exactly Deti. We have such a knee-jerk reaction against telling men to be better that some jump against any mention of it. It is especially appropriate in a post calling for people to climb the ladder to Delta.


This blog has plenty of posts and replies noting the foolishness of women. It can also handle a fair dose of telling men what they should do.

Robert What? said...

I appreciate the sentiments of the article, but as a responsible, hardworking, taxpaying adult, I can say that the benefits and incentives to be so are getting thinner and thinner.

glad2meetyou said...

"I appreciate the sentiments of the article, but as a responsible, hardworking, taxpaying adult, I can say that the benefits and incentives to be so are getting thinner and thinner."

True. I hope it's the poolsiders and delusionals destroying civilization so that the likes of us can rebuild it one day. Day-to-day this sucks.

Anonymous said...

The primary person each of us can change is ourselves

Yes. It's easy to sit around waiting for someone to "fix" women, but that ain't going to happen. It takes more work to make yourself better, but results are a lot more reliable. It's also, ironically, the only way to make women better.

we need also train individual women to appreciate all the good Deltas do for them.'

And exactly how are we to do that?

By shooting the Gammas. I'm only half-joking too. Maybe just say "shoot your inner gamma". I think most men drastically underestimate how much women's behavior is influenced by men's attitudes. You can get a hint of it by how ape-shit feminist women go whenever a man of even modest social standing says something judgmental about them. They can't stand being criticized by a man - if they can't make him stop or can't knock his status down, they'll actually change their behavior - one way or another they need the criticism to end. The other common feminine trait is solipsism, and so women will often react to criticism of another woman as if it was personally directed at them, so the criticized woman will likely have lots of sisters-in-arms in her attempt to shut the man up.

Gammas have the same solipsism and fragile self-esteem of women, so Gammas are also a source of allies to the poor put-up thing, who was just minding her own business being a destructive element in society when some rude man told her to knock it off and behave herself. So Gammas are a source of allies as well.

Every Gamma who makes the transition to Delta is one less ally for feminists, and one more voice more likely to side with holding women accountable than to side with the people shouting down men trying to uphold civilization. Not to mention, the more masculine the men in a society are, the more incentive women have to be feminine. Yes, yes, it goes the other way too, but that gets us back to the fact that women aren't going to fix themselves.

Weak men are feminism's allies. Strong men - and Deltas absolutely qualify - are its enemies.

Gordon Scott said...

mts1 said..." Sure, come set up the event, and help at 2 a.m. with teardown the last night, but we won't hang with you or even say hi at the store, you hateful bigoted Republican."

I have to wonder what you project when you're involved in this. Me, I'm the hateful bigoted Republican in a city of lefties. Yet I get along with folks, get invited to events and to hang out, and actually bang some quality women who, to a girl, say "God, I never thought I'd be having sex with a Republican."

Yeah, I bite my tongue a lot, when casual conversation in such a group assumes that everyone present is a lefty. I do a lot of quiet eye-rolls when I hear them say that all Republicans are hateful bigoted homophobes, because they have a cousin-in-law that's an asshole, and that means ALL Republicans are that way. On the other hand, I have fun, get laid and have influence far beyond what I would if I were the Guy who wears the Romney t-shirt to the gallery opening.

If you're doing service, do the service. It shouldn't be about you. You shouldn't expect to own the event. If someone else thinks they can come along and make it work better, and folks are inclined to let them, they let it go with a smile. Enjoy the festival as a guest this time.

There are people who are really, really good at small-group dynamics. I'm not such a person, and I don't think you are either. Trying to compete in such an environment is foolish. Find your own ground, don't fight on theirs.

Anonymous said...

I have no opinion on whether or not this is a good workable definition as to what constitutes a delta.

I do have an opinion on the contents: until fatherhood and manhood are restored to respect, one should expect only personal satisfaction and the esteem of only a minority of your peers if one undertakes this role. Certainly, young women will not respect it.

Unknown said...

Yes. It's easy to sit around waiting for someone to "fix" women, but that ain't going to happen.

Right. There are some behaviors women have to change that men can't do for them in a free society, like not riding the carousel and delaying marriage. But they won't choose to do that on their own; it will only happen when men change the incentives. Women don't fix things; men do. Some will read that as shifting the responsibility to men, but so be it. If we leave it up to women, we'll all be living in mud huts before long. (Of course, part of men "fixing" it will mean taking some freedoms away from women.)

I think most men drastically underestimate how much women's behavior is influenced by men's attitudes.

Definitely. It was a real eye-opener for me the first time I bluntly contradicted a woman and watched her turn on a dime to agree with me. It wasn't easy to get past that fear of, "But what if she's offended or doesn't like me anymore because she thinks I'm wrong?" But women don't work that way. They don't see claims of fact as something to fight for, but as conversational grist. Once I understood that I had to stand up to her and let the chips fall where they might, it was amazing how well it worked. It was basically like:

Her: "Pepsi sucks."
Me: "It's one of my favorite drinks."
Her: "Yeah, I like it sometimes."

It was a different topic, but the change was really that abrupt, and I don't think she even realized she'd done it. I almost laughed I was so surprised. If every man did that just once a week, it'd be a different world.

A Gamma trait that many Deltas struggle with (because there's a lot of overlap between the levels) is worrying about, "Does she like me?" or, "What if she stops liking me?" Shedding that habit requires understanding that it doesn't matter: If she likes you, her thinking will adjust to match yours more than you'd think possible; if she doesn't like you, you have nothing to lose. Stand your ground. Heck, contradict women sometimes just for practice.

Anonymous said...

To argue that men should actively shoulder responsible fatherhood in today's legal and cultural environment is simply to volunteer men for devastating heartache and decades wasted of their lives. American women have asked to be freed from responsible fatherhood men. Why insist on correcting their mistake for them?

I worked as an attorney in private practice long enough to have my fill of the devastating faces of "Delta" men walking out of the courthouse having been rewarded for their life time of service in the manner any half-way sentient human being would expect from modern American society.

All this is doing is empowering women to fuck cads and bad boys, with these so-called Delta's saving their sorry asses at the end, and calling that responsibility.

To hell with that. This is the best of all possible worlds; let women enjoy it, and the full consequences of their actions.

Anonymous said...

until fatherhood and manhood are restored to respect...

Who is going to restore them?

Anonymous said...


But not by volunteering to play by the rules.

Unknown said...

Jack, exactly. Sentences in the passive voice like "are restored" are usually avoiding something, namely: who will do the restoring. It's not necessarily intentional; I think that phrasing often comes from knowing what needs to happen but honestly not knowing who will/could do it.

When you put it in the active voice -- "Until _______ restore(s) fatherhood and manhood to respect," -- you're forced to come up with an actor. Women aren't going to restore anything. They like it this way, and women aren't fixers anyway. That leaves "men" or "circumstances" as possible subjects. Either circumstances such as economic crash or war make life much harder, increasing the value of a husband and father; or men get fed up and make changes.

Which comes back to the topic of the post, because it won't be the Alphas who get fed up. For the most part, they like the current situation as much as the women do, because it has them swimming in pussy. If anyone's going to restore respect for fatherhood and manhood, it will be the large mass of Deltas, perhaps with help from the Betas. And they can't do it if they're hobbled by too many Gamma traits.

Anonymous said...

Cail - I think you and I agree on a lot and have, to the point where snarky parsing of a very clear passage is unwarranted. AND I also claified it for those pretending not to understand my point.

Men. Until a right wing restoration formed and led my men restores manhood and fatherhood to its rightful place in Western culture, asking men to accept responsibility within a system that despises them and is deliberately designed to tax farm them to support sexually irresponsible women and their violent underclass allies is foolish.

Unknown said...

Jourdan, I wasn't being snarky. As I said, I don't think it's intentional, and I catch myself doing something similar, switching to the passive voice when I'm not confident about what I'm stating. We know those things need to "be restored," but saying who should do it -- or even that there's someone who can do it -- is harder.

I have my doubts that men will restore things, at least in the sense of getting there from here without some sort of collapse in between. Too many men who benefit from the status quo, and too many Gammas. But I am sure that women aren't going to do it, so we might as well see whether men can do it.

Anonymous said...

I think most men drastically underestimate how much women's behavior is influenced by men's attitudes.

It has to do with women being the reactive sex, and men the proactive one.

Service organizations and modern-day Churchian parishes tend to be filled to the rafters with women and Gammas, so no wonder. Rage-quitting after being truly treated like crap isn't in itself Gamma. It's true that you may be a Gamma yourself, and your "wrong" political views combined with your low sociosexual rank turned you into a pariah. If you were a Delta, I'd imagine that at least a few of the women and non-Gamma men in the organization would still treat you respectfully, although Gammas have a tendency to shun any men with the "wrong" views.

Natalie said...

Marrying the sheltered, somewhat clueless, homeschooled girl sounds about right. Given that I'm surely not a supermodel, I'm pretty sure my husband isn't an alpha, but since we also make really cute babies and enjoy raising them together I'm not sure any of those ranking mechanisms really matter to us. It's not all tingles (because life with a toddler and newborn just doesn't work like that), but we really like our life. It's much better now than the more "exciting" life we lived while waiting for kids to turn up.

Anonymous said...

Jourdan, I'm not being snarky, I'm being blunt. Nobody is going to restore anything by complaining about the work needed to restore it. Nobody said anything about "playing by the rules." You made that up yourself. You read that into Delta Man's message. Here's what Delta Man said:

The best way to become more responsible is to take on more responsibilities

Nothing about marrying sluts, nothing about playing by rules, nothing about bowing down to the feminist imperative. All he said was take on responsibilities.

I didn't say anything about "playing by the rules" either (and it would be a damned curious day when I became the champion of that). What I said was

...most men drastically underestimate how much women's behavior is influenced by men's attitudes...Every Gamma who makes the transition to Delta is one less ally for feminists, and one more voice more likely to side with holding women accountable...

Nothing in there about playing by the rules or marrying sluts either. It's all about making yourself better and how that creates positive feedback for yourself and for the society around you. What can you do today to make yourself a better man tomorrow? And by "better man" I certainly don't mean the emasculated semi-eunuchs feminist churchians talk about. If you don't have a solid inner grasp yet of what "better" is, go based on feedback. What things make a man more respected, especially by other men? Which of those things can you do, or do better? Think about what Delta Man was getting at when he said "irresponsible men are never taken seriously in life."

A certain amount of complaining about the work you have to do, or complaining about people making your work harder, is okay - so long as you're still doing the work. Get out there and do the work and I'll complain along with you. Try to convince other men not to do the work and I'll rip into you.

Retrenched said...

Delta is a reasonable goal for gamma and omega males to shoot for. Not every man can be alpha, but no man has to be a chump or a wimp.

Anonymous said...

Gentlemen - We are not going to see eye to eye on this issue. However, I will do you both the honor of refraining from characterizing your perspectives as with arising from insecurity or mere complaining.

In the interests of brevity, I will simply note we must be living in radically different societies. In my view, the "things [that] make a man more respected, especially by other men" in the actual, real-existing community and culture I live in aren't close to anything I'd recommend to a struggling man.

Anonymous said...

In my view, the "things [that] make a man more respected, especially by other men" in the actual, real-existing community and culture I live in aren't close to anything I'd recommend to a struggling man.

What are those things, as best you can tell in your community?

Anonymous said...

Service organizations and modern-day Churchian parishes tend to be filled to the rafters with women and Gammas, so no wonder.

An option is to find an Alpha with a burr under his saddle to start a new organization and sign on to help him out. New organizations are far less likely to be infested with SJWs than existing ones because new organizations need some quick accomplishments or they'll fold so any significant number of SJWs will generally doom the startup.

Mindstorm said... - any fresh Delta volunteers to the culture war?

Anonymous said...

Gordon: I agree with you on compartmentalization, there's a place and group for talking issues, and when it's not the place, focus on the mission. At work or volunteering, I try to be the quiet one, or talk sports, the weather, or whatever. But when you go for drinks when the work is done and socializing begins, I've seen being diplomatically quiet get me given the passive-aggressive cold shoulder more than being inappropriately contrary. Back to topic: I don't see where the proud Delta glow comes from when you're the first one to whom they hand a paint brush to paint the ticket booth, or the post pounder to set up the event's chicken wire fence-line, or nominated the runner to go to the store 6 times for supplies, but you only find out about birthday parties, poker nights, and beers at XYZ's house in pictures posted the day after. Feels more like a Beta provider chump.

At church, I guess I needed to own the event since if I don't have a say in how things are run. I find it impossible to be the task monkey, all work and no brain, and am attracted to volunteer work because directing the work of other volunteers and seeing my running the show end up with a successful finish is my "drug addiction." I loved getting the contracts for the ice, beer, and supplies, handling the liquor permit and board of health walk-through, other people handled the bands, chair rental, and tents since that was done by them for years via family connections, but we all meshed well. I saw to the syncing of the setup, coordinated my volunteers, babysat the event as the sole keg swapper while minding the pitcher washing and beer slinging (though beer ticket sales wasn't my realm, I still did the half hour bag drops), checking my people (volunteers and attendees, and the band during breaks and setup). The last year I ran it, I ended up with walking pneumonia (who the heck gets that in mid-July?). I later found the Knights independently of me decided upon an autumn beer fest, and felt hijacked and butthurt. Instead of explaining things they discussed in their meetings and asking for a graceful turnover, they made a public show of my removal due to gross incompetence they ginned up contrary to the numbers or volunteer experiences to where even the church secretary asked "What the hell is with you people?" in front of Jesus on the wall cross and everyone at the Combined Volunteer Committee meeting. And I found through parishioners how these geezers wouldn't shut up about how much better it was run now someone who could do the job was running it. Sorry Gordon, I don't see how Delta it would've been to sit there and take that crap, and I have no interest in punching 80 year olds. I thought it's Delta pride to earn respect of my elders from making a tidy profit with a well run machine of happy patrons and workers. So I did a Gamma flake-out and quietly left.

My whole point is: I haven't seen head down, shoulder to plow, hard core volunteering and helping, by me or many other heavy lifters, garner us any respect or "field commission" to esteemed Delta. If anything, it mirrored relationships where the beta chump gets dissed and alpha gets the love. More like, hard worker used like a government mule, while non-dues paying gadfly and clown-prince friend of everyone and related to half the group, shows up long enough to be seen setting up one display at one fundraiser then takes off, is given the volunteer of the month accolades and "boy we need more like him."

Anonymous said...

Mts1, well said. You are absolutely right, but then again you are dealing with the real-as-existing world rather than the Internet complaints of the insecure religious, whose "religion" nowhere is present in that same real-as-existing life but only in Internet theology

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