Being tattooed is associated with greater numbers of lifetime sexual partners (Heywood 2012), earlier sexual initiation, higher frequency of sexual intercourse and increased preference for oral sex (Nowosielski 2012). In adolescents, tattoos also correlate with the likelihood of having unprotected sex (Yen, 2012), but not in adults (Nowosielski 2012).In other words, while you might happen to find them sexy, you should keep in mind that you do so because they are a reliable slut-tell, and more importantly, the more of them there are, and the more prominently they are displayed, the more likely it is that she is incapable of successfully having a positive long-term relationship with a man.
Tattoos indicate impulsiveness (Kim, 1991). In students, tattooing is associated with risk-taking behaviors, including smoking and cannabis use (Heywood, 2012). Participants with tattoos or body piercings were more likely to have engaged in risk-taking behaviors and at greater degrees of involvement than those without either. These included gateway drug use, hard drug use, sexual activity, and suicide.
Those with tattoos are hostile and prone to delinquent behavior (Kim 1991). Psychiatric patients with tattoos are much more likely to suffer from Antisocial Personality Disorder and have an increased likelihood to have previously suffered from sexual abuse, abused substances, or to have attempted suicide. (Sciencedaily). Violence was associated with females having body piercings (Carroll 2002).
Friday, October 17, 2014
The reliable tell
Roosh delves into the science and determines that tattoos on women are a reliable indicator of a variety of relationship-challenging behaviors:
The only exception I can think of was this report of a woman who started getting tattoos because of a skin disease where her skin blistered in sunlight.
"Tattoos indicate impulsiveness." Is probably the most "duh" statement I've ever seen. Has anyone ever heard of anybody doing intense consumer shopping and investigation before getting their first tattoo? (although such would make for a great comedy sketch... well tattoos and prostitution)
I was under the impression that these days, a tattoo on a woman just meant she was over 16 and under 35.
It is also known that the more ear jewelry, the more mental emotional trauma the person has.
One of the most ridiculous things I hear is when people, usually women defending a thug male, apply the quote "you can't judge a book by it's cover" to the way people dress, do their hair, and sport tattoos. These things arent like height, it the color of one's skin, hair, and eyes. They are choices that reveal a great deal about a persons attitudes and values.
In years past, just said was common sense. Now it is debated by idiots (when they aren't voting).
Tats have their uses. I suppose they're helpful in determining who is a slut, if that's what you're after. The heavily-tatted girls with full 'sleeves' and inked necks are highly unattractive.
And what's with those earlobe spreader things I'm seeing more and more. Downright grotesque.
And, Trust, don't forget, the same "don't judge a book" gals you are talking about will not consent to a discussion about their proclivities for tall men, short guys need not apply. Them's table stakes and not up for debate.....
The only exception I can think of was this report of a woman who started getting tattoos because of a skin disease where her skin blistered in sunlight.
"They get as deep as third-degree burns" she said
She couldn't have just worn long clothes? Or moved out of California?
it's also becoming harder these days to find a girl without a tattoo, thanks to their herd mentality. it always looks like they missed a spot when they washed. i don't find girls with tattoos attractive, but i do find that they are easier.
There's a quote I keep around for just such occasions:
"You never can judge a book by its cover." Which is true, but if you then open the book, and the first page is nonsense and curse words and a picture of a woman doing physiologically inadvisable and unhygienic things in a bathtub, you are allowed to assume the book is not for you. You don't have to read the whole book to figure that out.
Tattoos aren't the cover. Tattoos are the doodling the owner did on the cover while she was bored, the stain from the time the book got dropped in the mud, and the "I <heart> Thugs" sticker displayed prominently on the front.
Just found out my buddy's ex-fiance with her baby daddy drama (not my friend's kid) and the tattoo addiction (an ugly blossoming tree on her torso) recently became:
(come on... you know what I'm going to say already)
Yes, a stripper. I told the person that told me her stage name should be " Cliche' ". I kind of feel like going to see her dance but at the same time I think it would be depressing.
And what's with those earlobe spreader things I'm seeing more and more. Downright grotesque.
Personally, I'm hoping the bone-in-the-nose and the lip-discs catch on. Just go full pagan, losers. Let everyone see the ugliness and self-hate in your soul.
What you are suggesting, however, is exactly what I have based my life with women upon... My current goals. If I want a piece of ass and a whirlwind, I'll look for exactly the behavior tattoos, on a woman, represent. So, what it comes down to, is, what, as a guy, do you want? That's all. Besides, I lived in a time where tattoos on women were so uncommon, that I learned, quite easily, to find my tells in other ways. Generally, with or without external tells, a woman, herself, will give all the clues you need or want, and then some. Even when women don't talk, they just, can't, fucking SHUT UP! Gah!
If anything, that is why I will avoid, should I choose for just a whirlwind of ass and boobs, women with tattoos. They are the ones who are like the others, but too stupid to be able to be half-assed fuck and shut it types. Then again, maybe enough men have deserted the whole notion of women that these types have to advertise in hopes of getting anything, if usually from initiates among men who haven't gotten it straight yet. It still tickles me to see a teen boy pop a bone when he sees a tattoo on a whore. Whatever.
I'm sure there are some women who use tattoos to attract a certain type of man--bad boy, biker, punk--and to keep the Churchian beta dudes at bay.
Tattoos always seem like a good indicator of poor judgement to me. Case in point: my sister got a "deal" on a tattoo for $30 and decided to have it inked on her wrist. Really? Who in their right mind thinks it's a good idea to spend $30 for something you're going to wear for the rest of your life *and* put it on prominent, easily seen place on your body? My sister is a nice person but good life choices are not her forte. (Two divorces before 40 too...)
Speaking of women in general I found this on a Russian girl's profile:
Женщина - сложное существо - даже ключ от её сердца надо вставлять совсем в другое место...
Woman - a complex being - even the key of her heart should be inserted in a completely different place ...
I was under the impression that these days, a tattoo on a woman just meant she was over 16 and under 35.
Heh. Yeah. This. They seem to be pretty much ubiquitous among secular chicks nowadays.
These findings are only slightly less obvious than "Tatoos are correlated with ink injections into the skin".
I was under the impression that these days, a tattoo on a woman just meant she was over 16 and under 35.
Looks like you and Roosh are saying exactly the same thing.
"A" tattoo is pretty much ubiquitous. I even knew a frigid woman who had one. But multiple tattoos, especially visible ones that she'd have to dress like she's going to a Jane Austen costume party to cover -- those are huge tells.
I was at a party a while back where there was this beautiful redhead, long hair and great body and face -- with tats on both arms and legs. She actually carried on a conversation like a sane human being, and even talked about her beer brewing hobby! Sounds like a dream girl, but all I could think was, "Where's she hiding the crazy?" And of course, talking to a mutual friend later, I found out there was plenty of crazy to hide. The tats don't lie.
Plus tats display a failure to spend money wisely that screams "Not marriage material."
Tats have their uses. I suppose they're helpful in determining who is a slut, if that's what you're after. The heavily-tatted girls with full 'sleeves' and inked necks are highly unattractive.
Back in the 1980's, things weren't so obvious. There were a lot of girls who I found physically attractive, but one thing or another just said "nutjob!!" or "Sskank!"
Any guy who finds tattoos on a woman as SEXUALLY attractive is going to pay for it -- the price being visits to the doctor for embarrassing urogenital infections.
My telltale signs of crazy are tattoos in easy to see places and more than two earrings in each ear.
A girl I know went and got her tattoos removed. The catalyst? She had a daughter.
Now, why would a proud tattoo wearer choose to deny her past? Could it be that she doesn't want to set a bad example for her daughter?
BTW her tattoos were only a couple of butterflies on her ankles.
There were times before I was married that I would see a pretty hot tattooed woman and think man I would... and then I would see in my mind's eye the type of scuzzies she routinely lets plow her six ways from Sunday and thought, nah.
Sometimes I need even my sluts to have a little discernment.
Corvinus said...
I was under the impression that these days, a tattoo on a woman just meant she was over 16 and under 35.
Heh. Yeah. This. They seem to be pretty much ubiquitous among secular chicks nowadays.
I'd bet they're ubiquitous among "Christians" these days. They seem to be what "extra" ear piercings were in the 80's.
They're so stupid-looking. I've never seen one on a female that made her more attractive.
Two years back, I spotted easily one of the finest females I've ever seen in my life. Her face was Helen Of Troy-esque. Easy 10.
Then I noticed her piercing and tats.
Michael Maier - Then I noticed her piercing and tats.
It occurs to me that such body modifications may be motivated in part by a feminine desire to be penetrated.
Krul... I was seriously shaken by seeing this woman. Easily one of the five most naturally-beautiful women I've ever seen... and she put stupid graffiti on herself.
What a damned waste.
I've gone over this before, when we were talking about Lena Dunham but it's worth repeating.
All women need attention. It's hard wired in. There is no genetic haplo-group excluded from this trait. Given that the human mammal has no sense of smell to speak of, males are visually oriented. Women know it. Thus the need to stand out.
Ink is quite useful in determining what kind of slut you are dealing with...well of course its one you are not going to marry but beyond that.
Stars; a reliable indicator of poverty. The girl was born within easy ear shot of Camelot Estates trailer park. This is because a star is very easy to draw.
(Sub category) Blue Star on her wrist: Possibly means she is or was...or thought of herself as a lesbian. Possibly in a Zoe Quinn sort of way, so you might not be out of luck....For values of luck.
Butterflies: Basically the same as stars. They are as cheap as their owners.
Quotations: She is trying to be interesting. Depending on the quotation the girl is under the impression she is either an artist or an activist. Likely both. She might however, be trying to tell you something about herself. A girl with STAUNCH inked on her wrist, probably thinks she is suicidal.
Placement near her and calling attention to her Lady Garden is a good indication you can rapidly escalate to close with that one within hours of first contact.
Anyone else have any tattoo tips?
@ Nate: "Has anyone ever heard of anybody doing intense consumer shopping and investigation before getting their first tattoo?"
It wasn't intense but, I did do research before I got my one and only tat. It's a portrait of mom and dad in a non-prominent place. btw- I'm fully male.
Martel - And what's with those earlobe spreader things I'm seeing more and more. Downright grotesque.
I call those "Ear Vaginas".
Forgot something. It can be an excuse to initiate physical contact
A brief flickering finger brush across the exposed ink as first contact and then ask a question about it. Have a decent question ready, it's a help.
You do need to be very confident in this approach and be ready to eject instantly. After all you are the Alpha. You don't really care about her all that much, you are the man with options.
Wow---where would we all be without Game to tell us the obvious?
Maybe tattoos, since they're generally an indicator of low-status males, appearing on women might be a sign that she lacks femininity.
Maybe if she lacks femininity, she's a bad pick for a relationship, doncha think? LOL
Let me see---if you also paint a woman's toenails for her, can you define her personality by the colors she chooses?
I'm sure she'll let you apply lipstick, too, if you're 'very confident in your approach and ready to eject instantly'.
Sounds like another very 'alpha' thing to do, and she'll look prettier besides. But don't let her forget that you don't care about her that much and you have other options.
"It wasn't intense but, I did do research before I got my one and only tat. It's a portrait of mom and dad in a non-prominent place. btw- I'm fully male."
I don't know that doesn't sound like a fully male thing to do. I guess maybe my brother would do it if he needed money or something, but he can't help that he's Vibrant.
Eric you do realize that you're basically responding to a woman's babbling online, right? At least someone who claims to be one. It's easy to be the too cool for school or ironic guy when you use these types as your adversary.
If you don't care to discuss ideas and types of game on a game blog that you get to read for free then just don't read it. Picking out try-hards, obvious goobers, and women as soft targets only makes you look pretentious.
@ Grendel: Yeah, being a discerning consumer is so totally a feminine and vibrant thing to do. Seriously, I can't remember anybody that's ever called me feminine or vibrant. Next time you're near Dallas/Fort Worth feel free to drop me a line and I'll show you how feminine I am. I promise, no weapons or backup, just my fist and your face.
But don't let her forget that you don't care about her that much and you have other options.
Correct Eric! A plus! Good for you!
I thought you were too stupid to learn but I wrong.
(*Cataline weeps*) Sometimes this old Marine is ready to give up on the generation of men following in his giant foot steps. A race of self hating, self castrated, chin bearded maginas delighted by any attention at all women give them like a mangy dog grateful for a kick.
But then a diamond in the rough like you shows up. One good student makes it all worthwhile.
Honestly Eric, it's like Vox said, we don't expect that we can convince you. We don't even expect you to understand. You are too committed to being blind to find out that your eyes are simply closed.
Also, we have another Eric who comments here from time to time. He has squatters right on that handle, please come up with something else.
While I don't doubt the research I myself have not noticed any such differences in women. They all seem to be equally slutty the only real difference is the kind of man/ display they'll play the slut for
The only exception I can think of was this report of a woman who started getting tattoos because of a skin disease where her skin blistered in sunlight.
Did she tattoo her face?
LAZ, I haven't seen family photo tats except on chicks and vibrants. Your whole counter argument consists of expressing your willingness to take a swing at me, which demonstrates a lack of logic and impulse control which is often characteristic of chicks and vibrants. You may be a great guy and high achiever, but this thread is about the messages tattoos advertise to the world.
"While I don't doubt the research I myself have not noticed any such differences in women. They all seem to be equally slutty the only real difference is the kind of man/ display they'll play the slut for"
If those women without tattoos play the slut for exactly one man in their lives, then I have nothing to complain.
I was under the impression that these days, a tattoo on a woman just meant she was over 16 and under 35.
This brings to mind a couple of questions: How many women are N>1 when they marry (normally a slut by my definition)? Is there an easy tell for women who aren't sluts?
"LAZ, I haven't seen family photo tats except on chicks and vibrants."
Then you haven't been looking. There are plenty of guys with portraits. Especially of dead relatives. They tend to be on the upper arm. Next time do your research before spouting insults.
"Your whole counter argument consists of expressing your willingness to take a swing at me, which demonstrates a lack of logic and impulse control which is often characteristic of chicks and vibrants."
"Yeah, being a discerning consumer is so totally a feminine and vibrant thing to do." Way to cherry pick, dipshit.
I agree with the whole tats= slut and lack of impulse control as a whole. My whole argument is that there are always exceptions. Your whole argument is that I'm a black mangina. Yeah, there's a whole lot of logic in that- not.
Is there an easy tell for women who aren't sluts?
I don't know. . . wearing a burqa, maybe?
Krul's "Ear Vaginas" made me laugh out loud. Then I stuck my head in the galley of my boat and repeated it. Same results with my crew, and stories of my last engineer, who famously clapped a padlock on a trainee's ear vagina after hiding the key and promising to give it back only after the kid promised to quit.
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A tatto is a mark of a slave of one kind or another to me. It's not always the case in history, but it seems to be so generally so...
My woman has one with letters for me and my children, and wants another with the symbols that make up an ancient form of my name that I identify with as a slave tattoo.
I'm ok with her having a slave tattoo with my name and symbols on it.
But I wonder if this this is the thing. Tattoos are supposed to be so deep and sentimental in our culture, they represent ties with people and things and ideas.
A woman full of them is bound to be like a Nora from Noragami, a servant with many masters and not one can trust her, she has a different name and identity for each thing she serves. It's kind of an obscure reference it's really what I thought of when I saw it. One masters symbol is a mark of pride, but when you see letters all over her it's quite disturbing.
It seems the heavily tattoo'd chick is something like that, trying to be tied to so many different images she isn't really any of them.
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