Sunday, October 12, 2014

Kickass women warriors

A Kurdette fighter is buried:
As Fatima Sheikh Hassan was laid to rest in an isolated cemetery amid an intense sand storm, the cries of women mourners showed both intense pride and profound despair. Fatima, whom friends said was just 17, was a volunteer with an all-female brigade of Kurdish troops, and was killed on Friday as she fought to stop Isil militants over-running Kobane, her home town on Syria’s border with Turkey. That the ground fight to save the town has fallen to teenage girls, rather than the Turkish troops amassed on the border or their US allies, has not been lost on fellow Kurds mourning her death.... at the funeral, it was the contribution of the female fighters that particularly drew attention. It showed the glaring ideological gap between the PKK, a socialist revolutionary party that champions gender equality, and the mindset of their jihadist opponents.
It does show the glaring ideological gap, but I'm trying to figure out how the fact that one side is losing and burying their dead young women is indicative of anything but the practical superiority of the side that rejects "gender equality" and is on the verge of wiping out the one that champions it.


Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Are there no men able to fight?

Matamoros said...

Saladin was a Kurd. I've always heard they are hard fighters. Where are they now?

Dark Herald said...

Vox , you know I'm more sympathetic than Tom regarding the Kurds. Despite the fact that they tried to kill me whenever I was in or near Turkey during the 1990s.

However, I've never said, they don't treat their women like shit. They do.. They aren't in anyway shape or form in favor of gender equality.

These women fighters are a Kurdish attempt at G4W against ISIS. It's propaganda pure and simple. Though I'm honestly surprised the Kurds thought of it or to be precise let themselves think of it.

Sentient Spud said...

It does show the glaring ideological gap, but I'm trying to figure out how the fact that one side is losing and burying their dead young women is indicative of anything but the practical superiority of the side that rejects "gender equality" and is on the verge of wiping out the one that champions it.

Getting your ass handed to you in style is preferable to a victory marred by -ism, apparently.

I've read a number of feminists recently and it has been interesting how they care so little about results. This article reminds me immediately of a feminist psychologist (I forget her name) whose major theoretical work completely failed under scrutiny. She reframed the entire thing as a success, seeing how, while her ideas were completely wrong, she successfully started a "discussion" on the issues.

It's really no different here. Sure, the all-male ranks of ISIS might be too much for an all-female defense force. But they've got us talking about women in combat. ISIS may be winning the ground war, but the deceased Kurdish chicks still made headlines for feminism.

On a somewhat related note, I hear the increase in antidepressant use in recent years has lead to a glut in the straight jacket market.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, women I know on Facebook are all go-girl about these Kurdish female troops. They have no idea what's going on. They've heard somewhere that the point of these troops is that the jihadists think they won't go to heaven and get their virgins if they're killed by a girl. But even if that's true, that's not going to keep ISIS from killing girls. If anything, it'll make them more likely to wipe out homes and towns from a distance to make sure any girls there won't get to take a shot at them.

But that theory has them thinking these girls are bravely volunteering and accomplishing something that men couldn't do, so rah rah.

grendel said...

So the city is so hosed that women are taking up arms in the final defense. Anyone trying to make feminist hay out of that is a brain dead rodent.

Anonymous said...

Yet they still go with the articles:

Looks like ISIS was pushed back or something by those amazonian warriors:

Anonymous said...


The YPG is the syrian arm of the PKK which is known for its feminism:

grendel said...

Well in that case I'm going with "Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country."

Tommy Hass said...

"PKK, a socialist revolutionary party that champions gender equality, "


If they said that in my country, they would be getting ass fucked in prison.

Also, what is it with these homos and their bullshit about Turks having to intervene? According to Kerry, they don't even want Turkish military in their precious city.

Anonymous said...

ISIS got owned again:

Akulkis said...

So the city is so hosed that women are taking up arms in the final defense. Anyone trying to make feminist hay out of that is a brain dead rodent.

That's pretty much my thought -- they've got girls defending the city, because all of the able-bodied military-age men were already sent off to fight earlier battles... and so now, all they have left in the town are children, women, and invalids.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

If that's the case, there's no shame in the women picking up arms to defend their city. The problem is when people try to paint that as normal. When your women have to fight, you ARE well and truly fucked.

Anonymous said...

they've got girls defending the city, because all of the able-bodied military-age men were already sent off to fight earlier battles

Either that, or their men see nothing wrong with staying home while sending women off to fight in their place. Either way, it's nothing to celebrate.

LibertyPortraits said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Due to their belief in gender equality their women fight from the outset:

This was before the rise of ISIS. Their men and women are feminists and will not stand for male dominance:

Bob Loblaw said...

It does show the glaring ideological gap, but I'm trying to figure out how the fact that one side is losing and burying their dead young women is indicative of anything but the practical superiority of the side that rejects "gender equality" and is on the verge of wiping out the one that champions it.

The ISIS guys are more numerous, better equipped, and supported by Turkey. You don't really have to look beyond that to know why the Kurds are losing.

Dexter said...

Wonder if we will ever hear the epilogue to the story, which is, "defeated Kurdish women warriors kept as sex slaves by ISIS jihadists".

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