Saturday, April 27, 2013

The Book of Deti

And The Philosopher did labor under the sun, until at last he brought forth a Book, in which the various Tribes of Game and their histories were chronicled, and lo, the Genius looked upon it and saw that it was, if not, strictly-speaking, accurate in all of its details, it was more than a little amusing:
In the beginning was Game. And the game was with the natural alpha, and the Game was alpha. And the natural alphas created the world of pickup, and they saw that it was good.

And they said, “Let us make men in our own image.” And took they some words and swagger and attitude and nuking shit tests, and formed they men; and breathed into their nostrils the breath of cocky-funny, and they created men.

And alpha placed men into the world and told them to dress and keep it; and they did.

And alpha looked upon the men, and said “It is not good for the Men to be alone. I will make him a companion and a helper.” And alpha caused the man to become drunk with wine, and caused him to fall into a deep slumber, and while he was out cold, alpha created women of all shapes and sizes, colors and hair styles. And alpha presented the females to the men, and they said “Whoa, man!” And so this is how women were named, and it is so to this very day.

And the men and the women were together. And alpha looked upon them and said, be fruitful, bang, and multiply. And they did, with great gusto and enthusiasm.

And one day the women were walking in the garden, and a serpent with the face of Betty Friedan slithered up to them, and said; “Did alpha really say to you never to eat the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Feminine Mystique? For he knows that in the day you eat of it, you will become like alpha and men, knowing men and women.”

And the women did eat, and they found that it was pleasant to the taste. And then they offered some to their men; and the men said “but alpha told us never to eat from the Tree. What is this you have done?” And the women said “The Friedanosaurus offered the fruit to me, and I ate, and it was good.” And the men ate.

And then alpha saw the men and said “where are you? what have you done?” And the men answered “We were hiding, because you said not to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Feminine Mystique, But the women, whom you gave to us, they tasted the fruit, and gave it to us, and we also ate.”

And alpha said to the men: “Because of this thing you have done, cursed is the ground you will walk on. You will no longer be able to pass shit tests. You will become beta pussyboys. No longer will you be permitted to tend the world; for the women whom I gave you have taken it from you. Your women will become unhaaaaaaappy and will divorce you or marry you nevermore.”

And to the women alpha said: “From this day on you will be miserably unhappy, for there are none to lead you and tell you no. You will do what is right in your own eyes, and satisfaction you shall never know all the days of your lives.”
This may appear to be a vaguely blasphemous parody, but as Rollo very well knows, there is considerably more truth in it than many readers will likely understand.  While in the scientific sense, Game is the development and testing of hypotheses produced by observing the social and intersexual behavior of men and women, in the spiritual sense, Game is merely the application of Genesis 3:16 and The Curse of Eve.


Anonymous said...

" Game is merely the application of Genesis 3:16 and The Curse of Eve."



Anonymous said...

Game is just decompiles the code we are written with so we can understand the various functions and sub-routines. We are giant chemical computers with inputs releasing various brain chemicals per the instruction set written in fOS 1.0 and mOS 1.0.

Code like this requires a creator. Praise unto Him.

herman said...

"Game is merely the application of Genesis 3:16 and The Curse of Eve."



szook said...

So many things in pop culture these days get labeled as "epic", but this simply is.....

Shimshon said...

Vox, I know you don't care much for biblical commentary (wrongly, I think), but Rashi on Genesis 1:28 is especially interesting. On "and subdue it" he notes that the Hebrew is written in the feminine here, and this is "to teach that the male exerts control over the female." Why? Because otherwise she will be a yatzanit (one who goes out; think "girls night out" and in general acting like a slut). Female nature has nothing to do with what happened later.

Shimshon said...

To clarify, it can be read as "subdue her."

Starets said...

"...and a serpent with the face of Betty Friedan..."

That phrase seems redundant to me.

Jill said...

"And to the women alpha said: 'From this day on you will be miserably unhappy, for there are none to lead you and tell you no. You will do what is right in your own eyes, and satisfaction you shall never know all the days of your lives.'"

My head is reeling from this irony. In essence, this implies the curse placed on Eve actually became a blessing, which was then revoked at the fall into feminism--at which point, independence became a new and beautifully skewed curse of...unhappiness.

Hercules is so screwed. The curse of disatisfaction is more than he can bear on his shoulders.

tron3dfx said...

I think the “Whoa, man!” part was the funniest.

Desert Cat said...

This was actually penned by Deti. Rollo pulled it forward from the comments into it's own post. Should be therefore "The Book of Deti".

Jacob Ian Stalk said...

"Game is merely the application of Genesis 3:16 and The Curse of Eve."

Perhaps. But on this side of the cross we have Christ, who extinguishes the curse by grace through faith in Him.

Game may well be an appropriate response by the fallen sons of Adam to the fallen daughters of Eve, but not to the redeemed men and women in Christ. Game is therefore as incompatible with genuine Christianity as the elevation of women.

Desert Cat said...

@JIS, right-o. And how many of those churchian "women in Christ" (God's little Princesses) actually live in Christ and according to the scriptures, submitting to their husbands as unto the Lord, versus continuing in their hypergamous, feminized churchianity-justified fallen state of rebellion?

Bullshit! I say.

Game is the appropriate response of redeemed man to reassert his pre-fallen state and to bring woman into her God-ordained place of submission under his headship, as he is under the headship of Christ.

It is, in the end, a service to women, whether they recognize it or not.

SarahsDaughter said...

Game is therefore as incompatible with genuine Christianity as the elevation of women.

Perhaps. However, how many women do you know who are living by the commands God has for marriage? A genuine Christian woman will heed the words of 1 Peter 3. How many Christian women do so?

Fallen. They are fallen. Game can and does (personal anecdote) bring them back.

Jacob Ian Stalk said...


"They are fallen. Game can and does (personal anecdote) bring them back."

No it doesn't. Obedience to Christ brings back the fallen. Game is not the same thing, except perhaps in the wishful imaginings of those who mistake the power of psychosexual manipulation for divine intervention.

While Game may work on a fallen wife, it works only because the husband is applying a carefully studied methodology. If it isn't due to the work of the Holy Spirit in the wife's own heart it is not Christian. It is thus a Man-centred, not God-centred, proposition that only mimics redemptive behaviour. It may influence a change in the Churchian wife but the genuine Christian woman who has entered into the redeemed life available in Christ does so through the cultivation of Christ's character within herself. Her obedience to the precepts of holy marriage in 1 Peter 3 is through the work of the Holy Spirit, not Game.

Many things that work in Church are unbecoming of the saints. Game, I suspect, is one of them. The problem is not that we are a fallen and disobedient people who respond well to Game. Nor is it with Game itself. The problem is in upholding psychosexual manipulation as a behavioural standard ahead of personal submission to Christ.

@Desert Cat

"Game is the appropriate response of redeemed man to reassert his pre-fallen state and to bring woman into her God-ordained place of submission under his headship, as he is under the headship of Christ.

It is, in the end, a service to women, whether they recognize it or not."

It is not the redeemed man's "reassert[ion of] his pre-fallen state" that will redeem his marriage. It is only submission to Christ that will do this. Game is just a pretense. You're right about one thing though - Game IS a service to women. It's not a service to God, however.

Desert Cat said...

If it isn't due to the work of the Holy Spirit in the wife's own heart it is not Christian

I see. So you would limit the modalities through which the Holy Spirit operates, would you?

Surely you don't deny that the "renewing of the mind" is one of the works of the Holy Spirit?

You would make this all some kind of magical infusion from above, rather than His working through the circumstances of our lives to effect the required changes.

In short, you have God in a box.

SarahsDaughter said...

If it isn't due to the work of the Holy Spirit in the wife's own heart it is not Christian.

You have made no sense here.

The man is the spiritual head of the wife. It is very Christian indeed for him to be able to bring her to obedience to God's commands. No matter the means in which he does it AND even if he is an unbeliever. You are a fool.

Markku said...

Game may well be an appropriate response by the fallen sons of Adam to the fallen daughters of Eve, but not to the redeemed men and women in Christ.

Paul argues New Testament theology for redeemed men and women based on the events of The Fall:

1Ti 2:11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.
1Ti 2:12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.
1Ti 2:13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.
1Ti 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.
1Ti 2:15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

It's not exactly the same topic, but if the events of the Fall don't apply anymore, then Paul presents a fallacious argument. Now, I don't know if you are a "Red-Letter Christian", but let's at least get that out in the open if you are.

Jacob Ian STalk said...

"You would make this all some kind of magical infusion from above..."

You don't think VD's readers are this shallow, surely.

From above? No. From within, yes. Magical infusion? I suppose, if you consider that a change of heart can appear magical.

"...rather than His working through the circumstances of our lives to effect the required changes"

This seems reasonable but the "required" changes in a failing marriage are His to determine, and resolve. Game may well work for couples whose only problem is a wife's failure to submit to her husband or a husbands failure to lead her according to God's Word, but I'm willing to bet their spiritual problems don't start or end there. I suspect they also have a problem submitting to Christ, which takes us closer to the actual point I was making.

" have God in a box."

If anything puts "God in a box" it's the idea that Game is the "required" change, if indeed a failure to lead/submit is the source of the marital problem instead of being just a symptom of a failure to submit to Christ, which is the more likely.

In any case, this was not the point of my argument. The point was that manipulating a spouse using knowledge of her psychosexual 'programming' seems to go against the precepts of liberty in Scripture - i.e. that each of us is granted the choice to respond to God in our own understanding of His plan, which includes how we are to behave in marriage.


"The man is the spiritual head of the wife. It is very Christian indeed for him to be able to bring her to obedience to God's commands. No matter the means in which he does it AND even if he is an unbeliever."

No. The Christian man is the head of the wife as Christ is head of the church. Christ does not manipulate the church to obedience to God's commands, He justifies those commands and leads the Church through grace. Grace is the Christian headship strategy, not Game.

The end justifies the means only if you are God. To a Christian person, the end does not justify the means, as the means is the mission.

"You are a fool."

Those who are quick to judge advertise their own disobedience. SD, you lose a lot of credibility as a Christian ambassador by these foolish exhortations.


No one is arguing that the events of the Fall do not apply anymore. We are still fallen, Christ has not yet returned to the world, and the gospel mission is still ahead.

My argument is that the call to submission is something Christians receive in their own hearts, to which they themselves must choose to respond. A Christian wife must choose to submit to her husband just as the church must choose to submit to Christ. Christ does not manipulate His followers, He draws them in through His example of love and grace and sacrifice of self. The genuine Christian wife therefore responds voluntarily to her husband as a faithful choice, rather than by her husbands manipulation.

In other words, a Christian husband's role is to serve God and lead his wife into God's Word so the Holy Spirit can do its work at changing her from within. Her submission is not elicited by the husband but by the action of the Holy Spirit as it reveals God's wisdom into her own being.

I could be wrong, of course. Christian men, feel free to correct me.

Markku said...

No one is arguing that the events of the Fall do not apply anymore.

Many people argue that. It's basically the entire anti-complementarian argument, that none of those things that the Bible says about men and women apply anymore, because we are redeemed in Christ. Your choice of words sounded very much like those people.

little dynamo said...

I could be wrong, of course. Christian men, feel free to correct me.

you are not wrong

you properly corrected them concerning the spirit, and they retrenched in rebellion with their idol, Almighty Game

never let The Group drag you down to their level

Desert Cat said...

ray, spare us the sanctimony.

JIS: If anything puts "God in a box" it's the idea that Game is the "required" change,

That is not what I said.

if indeed a failure to lead/submit is the source of the marital problem instead of being just a symptom of a failure to submit to Christ, which is the more likely.

That is purely your (flawed) judgement. In my case it was not a lack of submission to Christ, but a lack of knowledge of how to lead a wife properly. And I am far from alone in today's culture due to the feminist poisoning over the last fifty plus years.

Now it would be correct to say that the truth can be found in Scripture alone, but the difficulty arises from the faulty exegesis promulgated by feminized teachers of the Word, in the name of "modern sensibilities". It took Game for me to come face to face with my failings as a man, and then the understanding of God's pattern fell into place.

Desert Cat said...

Christ does not manipulate the church to obedience to God's commands,

I have to pause and wonder at this statement that you have repeated twice. Have you actually walked any length of time with Christ? If so, how can you have missed the "coincidences", the structure and sequence of events that point tellingly toward the Spirit's leading, guiding, directing, dissuading power in the life of a Christian?

I don't know about you, but I do not serve a Savior who sits in heaven twiddling his thumbs, hoping I will "get it" eventually from his earthly example alone! Scripture leads me to expect more, and indeed it is my regular prayer that He dissuade me from evil and guide me toward the good and toward His knowledge. And I see evidence in my life that he loves me enough to actively work in my life, even (and especially) when I become stubborn and cold of heart.

Likewise a loving husband will do the same for his wife.

Manipulation? Bah. I'm sure the sheep feels "manipulated" when he feels the shepherd's rod on his back. It is the Shepherd's (and the husband's) duty, however.

Jacob Ian Stalk said...

I'm sure the sheep feels "manipulated" when he feels the shepherd's rod on his back. It is the Shepherd's (and the husband's) duty, however.

If you want to call the leading, guiding, directing and dissuading power of Christ a "rod" of "manipulation", then by all means do so. I myself wouldn't describe it in this way. If we must use this style of language, then grace is the arm that wields the rod. In the hands of Man, however, such a rod is both barbed and dangerous.

But let's not get caught up in a debate over language. If Gaming your wife brings you both closer to God, then I thank Him for equipping you thus, together with a prayer for the wisdom to wield this manipulating rod safely.

Z-d said...

My understanding of Gen. 3:16 is that God did this for Eve's good. In 3:14-19, He cursed the serpent and the ground, but not Eve.

Athor Pel said...

"Jacob Ian Stalk said...
Game may well be an appropriate response by the fallen sons of Adam to the fallen daughters of Eve, but not to the redeemed men and women in Christ. Game is therefore as incompatible with genuine Christianity as the elevation of women.

April 27, 2013 at 8:20 PM "

You have no idea what you're talking about. You don't know what game is. You have but a tenuous grasp on the true state of man's heart, disciple of Christ or not. Neither do you understand the true hierarchy of the family. The only thing you got right was the incompatibility of genuine Christianity with the pedastalization of women.

Game is a tool, that's all. At base this tool is amoral, that's Amoral, not Immoral, but amoral, without moral within itself. Game can be used to modify behavior, just like punishment of your children modifies behavior. We are admonished by scripture to spank our children when and if they need it. How the tool is used is what is moral, not the tool. Motivation matters.

Game used morally in the context of marriage helps to keep the marriage together. If that isn't within the will of God to your mind then you have a problem of basic understanding and I cannot help you.

Considering the majority of women stop maturing mentally at 16-18 years old what do you think is the God given responsibility of the men in their lives? That's a rhetorical question. If you don't know the answer then, like I previously said, you need more help than I can provide.

Josh said...

Is Jacob Ian Stalk related to that Matthew King chap?

Michael Maier said...

OK, so now I am needing help understanding this.

Christians are perfect if they accept Jesus unless they aren't? Or is it unless they don't?

Jacob Ian Stalk said...

@Athor Pel

I don't disagree with your primary arguments about Christian marriage (after separating them from the presumptuous reactive nonsense that accompanied them) but I don't see any room in them for the work of the Holy Spirit. This is a deal-breaker for me. Game, as it has been described in Rollo's domain, without the grace that converts it to true biblical headship, is just like every other instrument of the evil one - barbed and dangerous.

With grace, a genuinely redeemed wife in Christ will want to submit to her husband because she submits to Christ, irrespective of any tool her husband chooses to use. Similarly, a genuinely Christian husband will govern his wife in submission to Christ using whichever tools are at his disposal. Their response is in concert with one another, conducted by Grace.

SarahsDaughter commended 1 Peter 3 earlier in this thread, which I re-commend for anyone considering putting Game in a Christian frame. Verse 7 might be worth particular reflection. Currently, Game does not seem compatible with the spirit of this passage. My opinion will change when God's truth resonates in the discourse.

Anonymous said...

Link to the Rashi commentary?

Anonymous said...


In the first Book, most excellent Manospherians, I told you all of the things that Roissy did, and of the words he said, and of his charge to his sons and daughters. Now I tell you of those things his sons and daughters have done, so that you all may know of those who came before you.


And after Roissy was taken up to Mons Veneris; all the sons and daughters of Roissy had gathered in the Dalrock’s billiards room for a drinking party with the wine and rum that Roissy their father had left for them. And they, being drunk with wine, looked at the Dalrock’s PC. And they saw a website come onto the screen, as a rushing wind, into the billiards room. And the wind that came in sunk the 8-ball. And because of the good wine, all of them fell over as dead until the next morning.


And it came to pass that Private Man, the eldest of the Tribe of Roissy, took to wife a woman. And she did bring to him much joy in their beginnings. But Private Man did not lead her, and instead he followed his wife about the land, from occupation to occupation, driving their oxen and sheep and livestock from place to place.

And she told him, I don’t want to be married hence; because we have grown apart, dear Private Man. And Private Man and his wife went their separate ways.

And Private Man then sat at the feet of his father Roissy for to learn Game. And he became an excellent student of Game, and nuking shit tests, and the cocky-funny, and the iguana head toss, and the night life in the Land of the Sunshine. And he learned of the newfangled PC, and the Internet; and the new online dating. And he undertook to teach those of a certain age about women, and the computer dating, and the cocky-funny, and the iguana head toss. And he obtained Lucy the Ugly Dog for his companion.

And so it is to this very day that Private Man lives in the Land of Sunshine, where he and men of a certain age continue to learn of the Game, and ply the cocky funny, and show the iguana head toss.


Rollo Tomassi, a son of Roissy, was sent forth to play the lyre and the harp with his friends, for to travel to Nineveh and Tarsus and Bethlehem and Sidon and Hebron. And he did so. And on the way he did consort with many of the handmaidens, and did know them and make their acquaintances. And he did sit down at the gates of the City with the men of the SoSuave, where he would teach and hold forth, especially about the handmaiden with the borderline personality disorder, and did duly warn them. And Rollo did write many proverbs and wise sayings, which are written in the Book of the SoSuave.

And Rollo took Mrs. Tomassi to wife, and he went in to her, and knew her repeatedly; and they did begat Bebe Tomassi.

And Roissy, his father, did see Rollo’s work at the SoSuave, and said, “behold, this thing that he writes, it is good.” And the men at the gates who sat with him, said, “It is not fitting that the SoSuave should have all the wise sayings. Say on, Rollo, and get up, and get thee forth to thine own place, for to post thy pithy sayings and theories.” And Rollo did so, and he called it The Rational Male, where he did write the theories of the Feminine Imperative, and the War Brides, and the Spinning Plates, and the Iron Rules, and told the men to Just Get it. And Rollo’s sons and daughters did so.

And the Rational Male waxed greatly. And Rollo’s brothers Dalrock and Private Man and Vox did see it, and they came to visit in their brother’s bosom, and they did eat and drink together. And Rollo’s brothers did see the work of Rollo’s hand, and said, behold, it is good, for your sons and daughters learn much and go lively about the place.

And so it is to this day that Rollo waxes greatly and proudly at the Rational Male.

(cont'd below)


Anonymous said...


Dalrock of the Metroplex came for to sit and learn at the feet of his father Roissy, as did his brother Private Man. And so Dalrock did learn much, and studied for to show himself approved, and was able rightly to divide the facts from the bullshit.

And at the feet of his father Roissy, Dalrock did early on show his proficiency and expertise with the abacus, and the slide rule, and the sundial, and the pie chart, and the bar graph. And Dalrock did read much of the scrolls and parchments from the Romans, about the marriage rates, and the divorce rates, and the post marital spinsterhood, and the frivolous divorce. And he did study the “so-called” marriage strike. And he did identify and isolate the Serial Monogamy as a scourge of the young people, and did crusade verily to eradicate it among his tribe.

And Dalrock took Mrs. Dalrock to wife, and he went into her, and knew her, and she bore him daughters.

And he determined that marriage and monogamy are the will of the alpha. And he saw marriage, and he said that when it is good, it is damn good. And he saw that the Game, which he had learned from Roissy his father, was good for the men, and his brothers, and for his friends.

But Dalrock did see his friends, and his coworkers, and his neighbors, suffering because of the divorces. And he looked upon the grieving faces of his friends and neighbors, and he had great compassion and love for them.

Dalrock wept.

And then Dalrock summoned his resolve and said, “It is not good that my friends and neighbors should divorce and suffer so under the yoke of the feminism. It is not good that the men do not know the Game. And it is not good that the women should be acting and speaking with forked tongues to their husbands. I will go to the gates and sit among the menfolk, for to teach them of what I have learned from the scrolls and parchments I have read. I will make for them bar graphs and charts for to lead them to understanding. And in this way perchance their marriages will be saved.”

And Dalrock did as he said. And he did teach in the gates and on the website of all the knowledge that was in the scrolls and the parchments.

And there were many who came to knowledge and understanding of the Game. And the marriages were saved, and the handmaidens did not become whores, and the young men did go off to war and did not go a-whoring.

(cont'd below)


Anonymous said...


And it came to pass that Roissy’s son Vox at a very early age came to show great promise as a student and great talent. He studied at the university among the learned men, and then he also learned to play the lyre and harp. And he and his friends did play the lyre and harp for Psykosonik and they did wax greatly. And as his brother Rollo did, Vox did travel to the distant cities and consort with the handmaidens.

And Vox then showed promise as a writer, and he did write the columns for the scrollpapers which were widely syndicated. And Vox did also design games for his brothers and sisters to play; and the games did reach great favor; and caused Vox to wax greatly. And Vox grew in stature and favor with men.

And Vox knew success and fame and wealth in all his endeavors, and he was greatly blessed.

And Vox then moved across the sea to a distant land for to live. And he took Spacebunny to wife. And Vox went in to Spacebunny his wife, and he knew her, and she bore him sons and daughters.

And Vox formed his websites, Vox Popoli and Alpha Game. And the first of these in which Vox taught of the politics and the economics, of the Roman Senate and the denarius. And he taught of the free market and liberty. And Vox waxed eloquently on these and all other things. And he allowed no bullshit or trolls thereat, and promptly said to the trolls and morons to get thee hence from his place.

And at the Alpha Game, he waxed eloquently on all the things he had learned from Roissy his father. And Vox taught them of the Law and the Commandments; and of the shit test, and of the Female Imperative, and of the importance of long hair, and how it is the men who decide what the men do find comely and pleasing in the woman. And Dalrock and Rollo, his brothers, did come to the Alpha Game and they did bless him, and they did eat and drink together.

And to this day, Vox waxes eloquently and greatly at the Vox Popoli and the Alpha Game, for to teach his sons and daughters of the knowledge and understanding of the denarius and the Senate, and the Game.


So it was that Danny, who was born in the port city called the Nova Orleansis, was from his earliest days a friend and lover of the women. Roissy, his father, early on saw the boy needed scant instruction in the ways of the girl; for Danny had a keen understanding of the Game. And Roissy his father saw the boy and proclaimed him to be good, and Roissy blessed him.

And he sent Danny forth to serve upon the ships and the vessels of the country. And Danny did wax greatly in the service of his nation, and did travel to the distant lands. And he did learn to sail the ships, and to take care of the sick. And he did hone his skills in the Game.

And so it was when he returned home, his Admirals did assign him to live in the Land of Sunshine, and he became a landlubber. And Danny did use the PC and he did read the work of his brothers Private Man and Badger. And Danny had eyes to see and ears to hear, and he did write as well. And he took it on himself to write down the things he had seen and heard, and started his own writings.

But Danny was wroth at the acrimony and anger he had seen. For he, being of upturned countenance and cheery disposition, wanted for a site for enjoyment and levity. And so Danny told the men and the women, the boys and the girls, of his travels and experiences. And those who did listen did learn much.

And to this day, Danny remains in the Land of Sunshine. But he soon will pilgrimage to Nova Orleansis, where he will wax old in years, and then be gathered up to his fathers; and will go his own way.


Anonymous said...


And so it was that detinennui32, a beta chump, was walking through the blogosphere to a place called Damascus. And as he was walking, he followed a link to And as he was there, he saw a bright light of facts and truth, and he saw a vision of Roissy with a martini glass in his hand and a babe on his arm. And Roissy said to detinennui32, “O detinennui32, why do you act like a chump with the woman you took to wife and your daughter and son? I am Roissy, whom you ignored and knew not.”

And detinennui32 fell to his knees, and the light was so bright he was blinded. And he said to Roissy, “tell me what I must do.” And Roissy said, “arise, and go to the Metroplex. There you will meet a man named Dalrock. He is one of my sons, in whom I am well pleased, and he will know what to do for you. He will teach you the things you must know.”

And detinennui32 did so, and he went to the Metroplex. And as Roissy had said, Dalrock was in that place, teaching and preaching in the temple. And Dalrock took detinennui32 in, and taught him, and fed him and gave him clothes. And while he was there with Dalrock, the scales fell from his eyes, and he was suddenly able to see again.

And detinennui32 read, and learned, and waxed greatly in his knowledge and understanding of the Game. And he desired to write and teach; but remained at Dalrock’s home for a time for to receive training and tutelage.

And Roissy said, “set aside for me detinennui32, for the work I have to give to him.” And it was done. And when Dalrock had determined it so, he sent him out from the place for to minister with his brothers Private Man and Badger and Danny. And Roissy said, you are a new creation. From this day forward you shall no longer be known as detinennui32. That name sucks. You shall henceforth be known as deti. And you shall travel to the other blogs with my sons. You shall write down and give to them the things which you have seen and which you know. You shall learn from my sons; and you shall help them teach the boys and younger men. Now go, deti, and do that which I have commanded you.

And so deti did that which Roissy and his sons commanded of him.


Jacob Ian Stalk said...


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