He is the Alpha and the Omega. He encompasses all, within and without
the socio-sexual hierarchy. And what is Christianity if not the very
purest expression of Game? Is the Christian not, quite literally, to be a
"little Christ", who despite his fallen nature attempts to emulate the
perfect example provided by the ultimate and definitive natural?
Christ is Risen!
He is risen indeed
He is risen indeed
VD: "Christianity if not the very purest expression of Game? Is the Christian not, quite literally, to be a "little Christ", who despite his fallen nature attempts to emulate the perfect example provided by the ultimate and definitive natural?"
This context for Game helps: to acknowledge the truth of our fallen natures (male and female) and to be all the God has called us to be. To put off the old and put on the new. To renew our minds and conform to Christ.
Moonshadow wrote (at VP) that he/she was struggling in life. I too have been struggling in life and it has affected my faith. Even though I know the Truth in my head and that evil is evidence of that Truth, it is still hard and maddening to see a loved one suffer. The bible is full of such instances and I've done plenty of railing, wailing, and praying.
How do others persevere when their loved ones are in pain and suffering?
Persevere how?
The Truth is the life everlasting. Would it be right to deny the Truth and eternal life with God in order to suffer with your loved one? Or is it right to cleave to the Truth and hold to the Hope? Pray for your loved one and know that though there is suffering, it will end. Share with them the Hope.
How do others persevere when their loved ones are in pain and suffering?
Contemplate who is the author and source of that suffering. If the fruit is evil, then the source is evil.
"He is the Alpha and the Omega. He encompasses all, within and without the socio-sexual hierarchy. And what is Christianity if not the very purest expression of Game?" - this is a little silly.
If you want a classic Sci-Fi that gets it ,read CS Lewis Space Trilogy,especially Jane Studdock in That Hideous Strength. Here is a quote from an analysis:
Lewis' presentation of Jane's conversion has a similar balance. It comes after a vision of Venus; not the Perelandran eldil this time, but her fallen earthly equivalent which, though not entirely evil, is very much a force of chaos and disorder. This appearance is linked by Ransom to the chaos of Jane's marriage as someone who is neither a virgin nor a 'Christian wife', someone who has not made a surrender to the ultimate masculine, Maleldil Himself. 'There is no escape... You had better agree with your adversary quickly.' Jane makes the convergence with terrestrial categories: 'You mean I shall have to become a Christian?'[
There is no feminism here. From the 10 commandments which begin I am the Lord, your God that brought uou out of slavery", we all must submit to something, or really, someone. The first temptation was wealth and power if Jesus would worship the devil. Gamma Rabbit is another idol of belonging to the amorphous and mindless group where everyone is "nice".
Harmony is when everyone is dominating and submitting according to their role in creation. When you say non-serviam upward, you poison those who ought to be serving you, whether they are serving or rebelling. Eve and Adam begot Cain.
Submit - love God with your entire being. Submission will turn to imaging if you let it as he loves you even more - the Cross proves that. The greatest washed the feet of the disciples just before as an example to us. But wisdom comes from humility, not knowledge.
I was about to post this to MS at VP, but as it was asked here:
If there is suffering, you are - as Paul said in Collosians - making up in your own body [or mind] what remains from the sufferings of Christ. Your little cross is destroying a bit of the evil in this world. This is no comfort - Christ himself suffered in Gethsemane before the physical started.
But at some point christians are prompted to pray to conform to Christ himself. We aren't to be selfish gold-diggers jumping on the winning bandwagon imaging the devil but on Christ's team. We are to become Saints. That means loving Christ as much as Christ loves us, profoundly and unconditionally.
Realize what Jesus went through. Beaten, scorned, scourged, crucified. I have sinned, so I DID THAT TO HIM as if I was there 2000 years ago. Christ never stopped loving those.
So when he, through his permissive will allows a similar evil, do you say you still love Christ or not? He will give the grace to do so. But it has to be the choice to accept the cross. To conform your will to his so as to love Christ in suffering as he loved you through suffering.
The gold-digger wants Christ's will to be prosperity and sweetness, but you can only transform your selfish will into an unfallen one one drop, one day at a time by accepting something - "thy will be done!" instead of "non serviam" - your selfish will would never. This day of suffering heals the infection of another drop of will. Butyou must drink the entire cup.
But why this form of suffering? Ask yourself if you can pray that the suffering you have be transferred to someone more innocent. Give your cancer to a new mother. Give your financial problems to a company that will close and many lose jobs.
We get to act like the secret service, taking the bullet. We don't and can't know the specifics because if we did we might do it out of self will. Any father would suffer in place of his child. Would most of us suffer (e.g. go on a severe fast or worse penances) if we knew it would mitigate death in an earthquake?
All I can say is that your suffering, if united to the cross of Christ - i.e. your will in this united to his just today - is accomplishing a good you cannot even imagine externally, and you are turning into Christ himself. And there will be a ressurection.
You're talking about the bunnies and chocolate eggs right?
'What is Christianity if not Game'?
The Bible does not support masculine honor. The woman tempted me and I fell. I said my wife was my sister because otherwise I'd have been killed. Samson and Delilah. So forth.
Christainity and masculine honor are both to die for anyhow.
there is no god.
Anonymous said... "there is no god."
But there is God.
there is no god but God.
There, I finished it for you.
What did the Serpent tempted Eve with? A Promise of Absolute Power. "You shall be like God". So then it's not surprising to find that women see almost everything as a power play - everything conscious and subconscious is about power and control, and when woman's fallen nature is thrown free it is no surprise either that she abhors what God commanded of her - to submit.
And what did Adam do on that occasion? He stood silent; he didn't rose up. And he got shackled to his chains of defeat and shame. So it's not surprising to find men struggling to rise and hold the position God called them to.
But Christ broke our chains and gave us an example to follow of Him: an example of submission to the One that sits on the Throne and uphold His Will; an example of leadership that never lies in defeat but remains steadfast; an example that rises from the grave, forever redeemed from our sins.
Does this sound right?
WTF with all of this religious BS on a game website? unsubscribed
I am not convinced my suffering helps anything along, but I push through since it is what it is. God was not surprised by it, nor did He cause it.
Not trivial, but we live in a fallen world. A lot more happens because of that fact than because of any intricate master plan Christians often like to cop out with.
I am thankful that He is risen! That is the only reason I can be reborn. II Cor 5:17.
Truly, He is risen!
The Bible does not support masculine honor. The woman tempted me and I fell. I said my wife was my sister because otherwise I'd have been killed. Samson and Delilah. So forth.
Recording it doesn't endorse it. In all those instances, it was quite clear they were mistakes. So God can use fallen people...
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Only took 3 comments on the same post to reach that conclusion.
Atheists... Such depth.
And we aren't talking about the Gingerbread man here.
@The CronoLink
I agree with this excellent insight:
"...everything conscious and subconscious [in the fallen Eve] is about power and control, and when woman's fallen nature is thrown free it is no surprise either that she abhors what God commanded of her - to submit."
But I'm not sure about this:
"And what did Adam do on that occasion? He stood silent; he didn't rose up. And he got shackled to his chains of defeat and shame. So it's not surprising to find men struggling to rise and hold the position God called them to."
Genesis 3:6 seems to describe Adam's sin not as a failure to "rise up", as you've suggested, since he is neither responsible for Eve's sin nor equipped at that point to recognise it as sin (i.e. before eating the fruit that would give him recognition). His sin is disobeying God by eating the fruit that Eve gave him. Adam is not responsible for Eve's sin. It's a subtle but crucial distinction.
When we attribute some sort of equality to Original Sin and say that both Adam and Eve sinned therefore both are equally responsible for the fall, we're choosing to ignore the different character of the actions that caused the fall. This complementarian view has laid the foundation for feminism by allowing us to believe that Adam's failure to rise up or 'step up' or 'man up' somehow expunges Eve's responsibility for her own sin. This view, I think, is the true source of feminism.
Eve's sin is very different to Adam's. Her sin is characterised by easy seduction by the evil one, who fueled her natural ambitions (the Feminine Imperative, if you like). Adam's sin is characterised by a lack of respect for God's authority, which led to easy acceptance of the forbidden fruit from Eve (evolutionary psychology, if you like). This is not a failure by Adam to "rise up", which was never his responsibility, but a failure to respect God's authority.
This may also be responsible for the common misconception that God ordained men to rise up and lead women. But that idea doesn't seem to fit the biblical narrative. What seems to fit better is that God simply wants men and women to follow His ordained order and to obey His commands: Adam was created to serve God, Eve was created to help Him and Christ was sent to lead them out of sin. There doesn't seem to be any call for men to rise up to do anything other than submit to Christ's rule of grace. There is no "position" to rise up to, just submission to Christ.
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