Monday, August 28, 2017

A portrait in Gamma

If you want to know what a Gamma male is, consider what sort of nominally male individual responds to being blocked on social media like this.

Ode To That Signed Book by Him Who Chose To Block Me

O that novel on my shelf
by him who chose to block me,
Who signed it o’er to my self,
in belief that it would rock me,
who called me friend and colleague then,…
in the hopes I’d write some praise,
with fine excerptable blurb,
that might his royalties raise.
But alas! Alack! That book
of Heinleinian flavor,
with ray gun blasts, I ne’er took
an afternoon to savor.
My author pal got online
with Hugo-baiting rancor
o’er books both poor and sublime,
with allies like a canker.
My friend whose best wishes lie
beneath his byline banner,
unpersoned old humble I
in well-worn Facebook manner.
Now that novel on my shelf
by he who has ejected
reminders of my base self
who politics rejected,
do I keep it there to read
or prize as a memento?
Do I pluck it like a weed
and sell it for my rento?
Do I say that madness reigns
in crusades so demented?
Do I satisfy with words
that hurt feelings were vented?
I don’t know, and yet that book
sits still in my library,
teasing me with every look,
idle, sad, contrary.
In my garden of friend’s works,
I cannot bear to weed it,
even as it cruelly lurks,
where I will never read it.

If your response to reading that is: "I wonder how many cringeworthy poems that loser has written to various "miladies", you've grasped the concept correctly.


tz said...

Gammas don't merely waste their talents, they pervert them. However I don't know if this is an example as it appears like many other incoherent rants, but apparently has some meter and other aspects of poetry.

tz said...

My normal reaction to being blocked is that the other person does NOT wish to engage in rational discussion, but I do give allowances for Twitter's 140 character limit - but I'm rarely on Twitter. Though I find it rude if there is not even an attempt at a parting shot in the duel.
Given the finite number of minutes of life our good Lord has granted us, spending them on nonsense, knaves, or fools is the ultimate waste.
Spending them spouting nonsense, being a knave or a fool is even worse.

Crossphased said...

Some hilarious stuff from the same blog, truly cringeworthy

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

what sort of nominally male individual

One who writes this in his bio:

"He lives in Florida with his wife Judi and either three or four cats, depending on what day you’re counting and whether Gilbert’s escaped this week."

And has hyphenated first name like "Adam-Troy".

GhostofNathanBForrest said...

Obsess much. Gamma boy has way too much time on his hands.

Argus Bacchus said...

Someone might have Borderline Personality Disorder...

Nate73 said...

Having felt rage myself in the past at being blocked on social media, I think part of the psychology is like that kid in the schoolyard who bullies the weakest kid there because in the back of his mind he realizes he's one rank above the weakest kid, and if he wants to not be lowest ranked he'd better establish a pecking order quickly. Banning is thus tantamount to exile and social death in his mind.

Bothrocophias said...
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Bothrocophias said...

Just discovered this blog in the last few days... I have to say I am intrigued with the concept of the Gamma male and realizing I have been unwitting dealing with these types for some time.

Also, I am I the only one who noticed he tagged his poem "sad puppies" on the original blog?

Anonymous said...

But it's not bad by common standards of judgment; it's not even doggerel. Nobody's putting it in an anthology, but why bother caring? This poem is from 2015. What sort of guy is bitter about a 2 year old poem on some obscure site and needs to dedicate a whole post to it? I remember that someone once said something about gammas obsessing about old wrongs and never losing. I don't know what happened to him, but I don't think he comments here anymore.

Ben Roberts said...

Havelock, I rather suspect that Vox isn't bitter about this individual. Rather, he presents instructive material for a case study.

All I can say with any degree of certainty is that this fellow and others like him would be much better off if they get over themselves, level up in humility, and start putting their talents to proper use.

Anonymous said...

Salient quote from Vox's definition of gamma:

"Gammas are ... the authors of excruciatingly romantic rhyming doggerel."

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

Havelock, the poem was linked on Sunday at File 770. Vox probably knew nothing of it until it popped up there.

And "my rento" to rhyme with "memento" isn't that bad?

OGRE said...

It is bad. While it follows a common meter throughout--which is more than can be said for much modern poetry--it is often forced and lacks any rhythmic flow. If these were lyrics set over music it would be difficult to sing them; even speaking them aloud would be hard. Too many hard consonants one after another stopping the flow of air. Its a fine example of being technically correct while lacking any artistic merit.

Steve Canyon said...

Feminists, Gammas, their propensity to write bad poetry has only convinced me that these people are really Vogons by another name.

WCotney said...

There but for The Red Pill go I.

Anonymous said...

Valtandor Nought said...
Havelock, I rather suspect that Vox isn't bitter about this individual. Rather, he presents instructive material for a case study.

1 - what are the three Laws of SJW?

2 - why are you trying to Dialectic an SJW?

Anonymous said...


Looks like Addams' Vogons were inspired by the Gammas he met over the years. If Addams was himself a Gamma, all the better.

Ben Roberts said...

Bob, was I supposed to have recognised Havelock? If not, by all means enlighten me with your "Guide to Spotting SJWs in the Wild" as to how I could have recognised one off a single blog post.

Dirk Manly said...

The point of ire with this malcontent is line 19

"unpersoned old humble I"


ONE PERSON on the planet cuts off ONE particular channel of communication, and this tard claims that he was "unpersoned"

He has no idea. He should talk to the relatives of the people whose images were LITERALLY cut out of historic photographs (leaving big empty white spaces) of early Russian Communist Party moments.

"Unpersoned" indeed.

What a blowhard.

S1AL said...

'One who writes this in his bio:

"He lives in Florida with his wife Judi and either three or four cats, depending on what day you’re counting and whether Gilbert’s escaped this week."'

At least these people don't reproduce/raise children?

Gulo Gulo said...

What a fag. Who would waste this much time creating a poem ( ?) - over such a trivial slight.

Gulo Gulo said...

Having just visited his site, I wouldn’t let that weirdo anywhere near children. Physiognomy is real.

Lucas said...

I could not pass the first line.

Megamerc said...

In other words he read and liked the book, but won't admit to either reading it or liking it.

The whole thing sounds like a bit of a virtue signal (especially since it's directly associated with Sad Puppies)

Also, it was bad. But to give him the benefit of the doubt, maybe he's just starting to write poetry. We all write poorly when first starting out.

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

@S1AL -Even clouds of radioactive fallout have silver linings, I guess.

Nate73 said...

The second post on his front page is about Donald Trump being a Nazi.

Mountain Man: I've heard people mention physiognomy before, where can I learn more and apply it here? There's definitely something off about his face to me.

dc.sunsets said...

"Social" media reveal in spades the "idle minds" problem with modernity. Would people be as prone to embarrass themselves like this if they were busy in hard labor insuring they'd be alive next week or next month? Or would those likely to behave like this in easy times normally be the culls who perished early back when life was hard?

dc.sunsets said...

What a fag. Who would waste this much time creating a poem ( ?) - over such a trivial slight.

You should visit my FB page to see all of the voodoo poetry I've composed to get even with VD over being insulted publicly. If I had a FB account, that is. Parallel worlds.

Gary Morgan said...

'"Social" media reveal in spades the "idle minds" problem with modernity.'

Surely idle minds wouldn't post two comments in a row?

'You should visit my FB page to see all of the voodoo poetry I've composed to get even with VD over being insulted publicly.'

You don't need a FB page, you can just mention your strength of mind here, but that would be narcissistic, displaying no strength of mind, but confirming my suspicion that it's Mrs d.c. sunsets commenting.

Anonymous said...

Why does anyone here care about this poem?

This is a weird support group.

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

Why do you care that anyone cares?

Anonymous said...

@Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club "Why do you care that anyone cares?"

Fair enough, though recursion is not a counterargument.

"It is not very strange . . . there is something in this more than natural, if philosophy could find it out."

maniacprovost said...

I've heard people mention physiognomy before, where can I learn more and apply it here?

Physiognomy is Fake Science. Until we train a neural network to recognize gammas. Then it will be engineering.

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