Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Lean in... but don't hire women

For all their preaching about the need for diversity, Mark Zuckerberg and Sheryl Sandberg can't be bothered to actually, you know, hire women.
Like other major tech companies, including Google parent Alphabet Inc. and Apple Inc., Facebook has struggled to increase the share of women and underrepresented minorities in its ranks. The absence of women is particularly felt in engineering, which from college classrooms to the workplace has been seen as a man’s field. Women account for 17% of technical roles at Facebook, according to its latest diversity report.
Do as they say, not as they do. I wonder what it is that they know that they're not telling anyone?


zAuthor said...

I suspect the number of women who get their hands dirty actually coding is way below 17%.

I would bet a large part of that 17% is "soft technical" jobs (product owners, management over dev & QA, project management, scrum master/agile coach, UX design).

All fine and necessary jobs, but they aren't technical in the same way coding is technical.

Anonymous said...

So that is why FB insists there are 50 genders. They are hoping to lower the number of men that are in their workforce by telling them to check the turnip box.

They do have a bit of a bind otherwise. You can't just pay your female employees more for doing the same or more likely less work. You could probably beat the lawsuit in the 9th circuit, but you still got the issue where the competent male employees will go elsewhere.


Revelation Means Hope said...

crud, Otto beat me to the point. I know a number of people working at Facebook, men and women. Also get headhunters calling me to join there (yeah, never going to happen).

Soft technical is correct. Are a certified project manager in one of the engineering departments? Yep, you're counted as a technical role. Even if all you do is speak the inside tech speak and set up meetings and take meeting minutes and hold people to deadlines. I'm not trashing Project managers, the ones who are really good are very helpful to keep things moving. But they wouldn't even be necessary in a non-diverse workforce.

But at least they get to dress up and lean in. And work longish hours and travel for the company and go to conferences and drink and party and let their eggs dry up. Or take 6 months maternity leave and leave other women and the men to pick up the slack during their absence.

dc.sunsets said...

I wonder what it is that they know that they're not telling anyone?

What? That Ashkenazim princesses don't go into STEM fields, so there aren't enough of them to staff up Zuck's empire?

Zuck and the Three-letter-Alphabet (as in C. I. A.) can always claim that it's sexism and racism in elementary schools that is to blame for there being too few NAM/women in collegiate STEM programs.

The buck never stops in the laps of those whose common stock is rising.

Audacity17 said...

I once heard that for every woman with an IQ of 140 or higher, there are seven men. If that is true, 17% is more than enough.

Nate73 said...

This is interesting, a new reason to go into coding - the lack of women! If you want to be safe from harassment charges pick a profession women avoid like the plague. A/C repair, plumber, coder... women can't drop those hot potato jobs fast enough!

Fun guy said...

When will Facebook report on whether Genders 3-79 (or however many they allow you to identify from) are also underrepresented in tech? Why do they only ever report on underrepresented women? They probably have a term for this type of bias that they commit themselves and condemn in others.

Anonymous said...

Hire a woman, hire a lawsuit.

Anonymous said...

Years ago, I worked at a scientific conference about early drone technology with astrophysicists from around the world, including China. There were two women in attendance, one of them an Air Force officer who told me she wasn't a scientist, she designed airplane seats. The other was a dark little Frenchwoman who might actually have been an astrophysicist. I suspect 3SD women are very different from 3SD men.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I did meet one trans "woman" who had a very high-ranking tech job at Google. They'll just figure out they can fill out the stats with trans women and it'll be just like women's sports. Problem solved.

Stilicho said...

We need more women in the workforce like a bicycle needs a fish...

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