Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Female etymology

One wonders what terminology would be preferred by medical women:
The first time I got pregnant, I was a comparatively young mother, for my demographic: I was 25, in medical school, surrounded by classmates who, for the most part, were not reproducing yet. By the third pregnancy, 11 years later, I was over 35, which classified me, in the obstetric terminology I had learned in medical school, as an “elderly multigravida,” that is, someone who was having a child but not her first child, after 35. (If it was your first child, you were an “elderly primigravida,” or “elderly primip” for short — even as a medical student, I had a strong sense that no woman had invented this terminology.)
First, it's not as if using the literal Latin term for a condition is exactly new. Second, there would be limited utility in the terminology that would be preferred by women to describe everything from pregnancy to cancer and tooth decay.

  1. Pretty
  2. SO Pretty
  3. You Look So Great!
  4. How Do You Do It?
  5. OMG! I Hate You!


Dexter said...

Heh, one of my wife's friends got pregnant at 37 or 38 and she was soooooo mad that the doctor described it as an "elderly" pregnancy. Then the delivery was difficult and the kid had all sorts of physical problems but of course by then it was too late to go back in time and have the kid ten or fifteen years earlier like she should have.

Anonymous said...

Our society offers exactly two choices to a woman:
have a child and subject yourself to poverty, or put it off, work hard, live well but essentially be alone and child free. "Get married and have children" is no longer an option as litigation has mostly destroyed institution of marriage. So I do not quite get why this brave woman is being blamed. She did what she could without getting on the public welfare like certain other minority groups tend to do.

Yarnwinder said...

Upon reading this, my thought was 'what is the purpose of this silly article?' Medical terminology is not Facebook. 'Elderly' in this case means 'past the ideal age for childbearing'. Younger is better for the health of both mother and child. Older means more trouble for both...but it can still work out. Then menopause will take care of the issue once and for all.

And my opinion of women who take hormone shots in order to have a child at age 60? Take her away! Lock her up! She is crazy

dc.sunsets said...

Female physician?
- Full of herself.
- Gogrrrl trooper.
- Studying to be "the go-to person in every room." [It's an emergency; every face turns to the doctor, "What should we do?"]


She's the epitome of a woman who will never accept being told something she doesn't want to hear.

Matamoros said...

A vindication of Vox and Chateau - its all about respecting the man:

Revealed: This ONE factor is the biggest giveaway that your partner will cheat (and it's all about how much you both earn)

dc.sunsets said...

I might add: people who think putting off having kids until later are MORONS. They have zero idea how much energy it takes to chase little kids, and my sneaking suspicion is that if you were to actually look, most of these clowns who have kids late probably farm out a whole lot of child-rearing to paid professionals.

This is especially true of physicians. Among doctors I've known (hundreds), only a handful had kids who weren't f-ups. There's something about mommy or daddy being every room's BMOC ("Wait! I'm a doctor!") and/or said parent always being "at work" that seems to be utter poison to raising successful, normal, well-adjusted kids.

dc.sunsets said...

"Our society offers exactly two choices to a woman:
have a child and subject yourself to poverty, or put it off, work hard, live well but essentially be alone and child free. "

Oh really? Then how are two of my married sons raising families with their stay-at-home, college-educated wives? (Third son & his wife are hopefully following soon.)

Your choice is false. It can be done. It just can't be done by hiveminded herding animals who do what everyone else does.

Anonymous said...

Related thought about "elderly" -- Lawrence Auster once expressed annoyance with the colloquial use of that word. It was in the context of dindu crime, with an apparently healthy 60-something male victim described in the article as elderly. The word does at this point connote a decrepitude that is accurate in the clinical sense of late-age pregnancy but demeaning to an older man who is not physically or mentally handicapped by age.


SQT said...

This is especially true of physicians. Among doctors I've known (hundreds), only a handful had kids who weren't f-ups. There's something about mommy or daddy being every room's BMOC ("Wait! I'm a doctor!") and/or said parent always being "at work" that seems to be utter poison to raising successful, normal, well-adjusted kids.

That's an interesting point. My son used to play with a boy whose mom is a doctor. That kid had every toy imaginable but their house was incredibly messy- and they had a housekeeper come in to do the major cleaning, I always got the impression that mom was more interested in impressing me with her credentials than taking care of her kids.

Midnight Avenue J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SirHamster said...

"Our society offers exactly two choices to a woman:
have a child and subject yourself to poverty, or put it off, work hard, live well but essentially be alone and child free. "

Oh really? Then how are two of my married sons raising families with their stay-at-home, college-educated wives? (Third son & his wife are hopefully following soon.)

The keyword is "poverty", contrasted to "live well". To cheshirych, a college-educated wife staying at home taking care of her children is in poverty - after all, she's not working, earning money that can be used to travel the world, dine in style, and party all night.

She does not recognize that that "poverty" is not at all - memories of time spent with family and the creation of a family bond that is of far greater value than the temporal happiness of "live well".

She does not understand that "alone and child-free" is poverty. "Poverty" with children, or poverty without children? Hard choice for the indoctrinated modern.

SQT said...

I have been a stay-at-home mom for 17 years- college educated too. We were poor at first but we also didn't have to spend money on nannies, daycare, work wardrobe for me etc., After awhile it seemed to work itself out and now we're better off than most of our peers and my kids are smart, polite and well adjusted. I'm so glad I didn't waste my time chasing a career. I know so many women who did who either weren't able to spend time with their kids or weren't able to have them at all.

Feather Blade said...

Related thought about "elderly"

Auster may have a point, but I've always heard such situations referred to as "geriatric pregnancies", so really, "elderly" is an improvement in the sop-to-vanity category.

Anonymous said...

Marriage seems to be less and less of an option. This is is just stats. These are bad stats, very bad. But you have got redpill going on. Lots of people see marriage as a career death and and an ultimate ripoff. As result less people are getting married because divorce rate. And marriage becomes less and less of an option with every year. Kudos to those who made it despite the worsening odds.

p_q said...

This is the first time I've heard the claim that starting a family impoverishes you. The average age of marriage is still in the 20s range (upper range 26f 29m) and 7.5% of married couples with children are in poverty it seems like bull to me.


The economic, legal, and moral situations are not good but marriage hasn't gone away and won't go away until the end of the world itself. The type of people who get married has morphed pretty drastically as secular people are dropping out of marriage while college educated believers are climbing up as the percent of those who marry. Christianity conquered rome by culture and fertility it seems it's happening again. A funny little side note most roman nobles ended up as genetic dead ends, those who prioritize pleasure or material wealth rarely make the time to have families the same is true for our modern nobility (celebrities, carouselers, rat-racers). People with a strong material and genetic legacy have the least interest in breeding because they can get the most out of pursuing short term pleasures, if you can get the best out of the party why slow down or stop?

liberranter said...

This is the first time I've heard the claim that starting a family impoverishes you. The average age of marriage is still in the 20s range (upper range 26f 29m) and 7.5% of married couples with children are in poverty it seems like bull to me.

Whenever you hear such nonsense, just remember that the people making such claims are secular humanist hedonists. Their life philosophy essenially boils down to "not getting everything in life you want, whenever you want it + whatever prevents you from getting whatever you want, whenever you want it = poverty (or worse)."

dc.sunsets said...

@ SQT, kudos! My wife took 15 years off to nurture our sons, and they are following in our footsteps (marriage, family.)

I find it astonishing that so many women fell (and fall) for the Big Lie, but then again, so do many men. How many childless female CEO's and male CEO's who were never there for their kids will find all their prior employee-subordinates at their funeral?

Those who "sell" career as a substitute for family are truly demons. They are miserable people trying to induce others to provide company in their misery.

I did not become a man until I had a child. Only then did I fully grasp my role in this life. Childless people are missing a key ingredient in forming a full understanding of life. Their counsel should be ignored across the board. Ditto people with children who place career ahead of family. They had the ingredient but chose to ignore it.

One of the most profound conversations I ever had was with the CEO of a mid-sized corporation for whom I worked. He wore $2000 suits, $500 Italian loafers, he flew on the Concorde (yes, it was decades ago) but he admitted that he didn't know his children (who were by then young adults.) He had risen to a professional pinnacle, at the cost of what mattered.

Thanks. But NO. THANKS.

dc.sunsets said...

My son used to play with a boy whose mom is a doctor. That kid had every toy imaginable but their house was incredibly messy- and they had a housekeeper come in to do the major cleaning, I always got the impression that mom was more interested in impressing me with her credentials than taking care of her kids.

My sister is a physician in this mold. At my oldest son's wedding, she made a point to remind me that she's a doctor by highlighting that she was carrying her prescription pad in her pocket. That's power, she was saying. "I can prescribe drugs, other people like you can't, and must come begging to me for permission."

Out of hundreds of physicians I've known (as a drug rep they were my business), I can't think of any who were not astonishingly arrogant.

I no longer wonder why the Khmer Rouge under Pol Pot systematically exterminated educated people.

Nate73 said...

Maybe this tactic is something the Vile Minions of the Dark Lord have known for years but I just discovered it yesterday. In a video by some alt-right women I commented on a woman fan posting and suggested she learn to submit to men as a wife and mother because that's what "The West" needs. Response? I'm a misogynist and my comments are turning her into a feminist. I think this is a great way to identify and trigger feminists, maybe up there with "You must go back" for immigrant supporters.

Jed Mask said...

Young women (some of who are hopefully "virgins" reading this): don't have sex with any man at all.

If you have your natural father in your life or other "trusted" elder male family relative/guardian/mentor in your life; go to him and he will you get married to a young man (who is hopefully a virgin too) who will be your husband.

If you're a young "Christian woman" ask *GOD* if He wants you to marry and wait for His Response whenever God decides to tell you with "His Personal Sign" in your personal life.

After you receive God's Will for you to be married or not; ask Him about the man *GOD WANTS YOU TO MARRY* and *NOT YOUR OWN CHOICE*.

Stay sexually-pure, chaste and never have sexual intercourse with any man.

At this point GOD brings the man into your life at His Appointed Time.

Ask your "father" or "father figure" mentor in your life for his advice and direction to get you married.

If you don't have at least one "trusty" elder man "father figure" in your life; I strongly suggest you find one; in particular a man of wisdom and counsel who many people seem to "gravitate" towards for leadership, guidance and direction.

Get that man to help you out.

If you're being "serious" and "genuine" about your "situation"; the man is most likely to "help you out" to get you on the "right path".

Again, *FATHER FIGURE-like* man.

Not your "mother" or any other "woman" for advice in your "marriage decision".

Once you get married to your lifetime husband, you stay together in the marriage until one of you dies and then (if you want) you may "rightfully" marry again.

Wisdom to you. Amen.

~ Bro. Jed

Anonymous said...

“Nowadays children of older mothers have, on average, better outcomes because of the characteristics of women who tend to have children at older ages,” Dr. Goisis said.

I didn't see anywhere in the article any info about them comparing women who have these said characteristics but at different birthing ages. What are the comparisons of children born to mothers with good genes and good behavior at 25 compared to women with good genes and good behavior giving birth at 35+?

We know the answer. They know the answer. But it doesn't stop them from writing this in the fake news.

Anonymous said...

even as a medical student, I had a strong sense that no woman had invented this terminology.

Yes darling, it's because men invent just about everything, including said medical field and the medical school paid for by loans created by the taxes collected from men.

When will men in the West finally tell women to go back to the children? Schopenhauer has been vindicated far too many times.

jean in virginia said...

I have a cousin that is smart and pretty, and alone. Her mother (who was always chasing the almighty dollar) convinced her to divorce her husband because he didn't have a job that made more money. It's sad. According to FB, she sells funerals, and then parties hearty at wine tastings and concerts.

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Unknown said...

Steve Sailer beat you by a day.

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