If you’re searching for a job, the odds of finding one may depend on your gender.This doesn't bode well for many reasons. Notice that most of the growing fields are non-productive ones.
Overall, occupations that are more than 80% female are projected to grow at nearly twice the rate of jobs that are at least 60% male between 2014 and 2024, according to research out this week from the jobs site Indeed and its chief economist, Jed Kolko. The site researched Bureau of Labor Statistics and found that many are jobs that are traditionally dominated by women — including occupational therapy assistants, physical therapy assistants and nurse practitioners — are growing at the fastest rate. They will grow at about a 40% rate, compared to an overall rate of 6.5% for all jobs.
Saturday, April 15, 2017
But we need MOAR WOMEN in STEM!
More jobs for women, fewer jobs for men:
Notice that most of the growing fields are non-productive ones.
Productivity in Amerika, along with economic growth in general, has been all but outlawed by the One Percent. These "jobs" are just theater, a way to perpetuate the illusion that Amerika's most worthless demographic groups are anything other than the useless eaters that they are. Of course we are ALL being herded into this group, slowly, through ever-suffocating regulation, taxation, and extra-legal bureaucratic tyranny, so this is just the beginning.
Yeah. Great. Because walking around medical facilities doesn't reveal ENOUGH broads sitting around and running their stupid mouths.
Most of the female jobs are in nursing or other related fields, how are these fields non-productive, especially with an aging population and general medical staff shortages throughout the western world? It's one of the few female fields that is not just useful but vital to our well-being. Nevermind that a big reason why these fields are female dominated is because few men want to be a nurse.
Good luck paying for all of this specialized 'health care' when the there is a race war raging outside your front door.
Goodluck paying for all of this nonsense when the black and brown invaders are raping their way across western Europe or when the mexicans start to get serious about claiming the south-west as their land as well as all of the infrastructure and women therein.
Most of the female jobs are in nursing or other related fields, how are these fields non-productive, especially with an aging population and general medical staff shortages throughout the western world? It's one of the few female fields that is not just useful but vital to our well-being.
Nursing does not produce health or well-being. It facilitates the restoration of health or well-being, maybe, which is not the same thing as production.
Nursing is useful, but useful does not mean productive in this context.
Yikes... Gotta curtail women folks away from this stuff individually and collectively.
Notice that in the end, most of these occupations are paid for by "the state," i.e., Uncle Sam, and Uncle is addicted to putting it all on the National Mastercard.
This, too, will change.
The dominance of medical services is a monster signal of the credit bubble. 35 years in one direction creates an aura of permanence.
It's not a perpetual motion machine.
"Master" and "Mind"... can't see why the medical industry is non-productive.
"Master" and "Mind"... can't see why the medical industry is non-productive.
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These are all things women used to do out of love for their family. Now they do them out of necessity to support the state. (Can't tax free labor, donchyaknow.)
Any business that depends on government funding will have de facto hiring quotas for favored "minorities". 15 years ago I was in a meeting with management. They commented that inside of 10 years white males would be less than 15 percent of their employees. That turned out to be true. Forced quotas are what "wage equality" is all about. If men dominate STEM jobs, then women should be given those jobs - whether they qualify for them by merit or not.
America is quickly becoming Ark B.
This doesn't bode well for many reasons. Notice that most of the growing fields are non-productive ones.
Looks like most of the jobs that will be showing strong growth are doing so because our population is getting older and sicker with Boomer aging. Just what we need.
Not to mention that they're in the health-care racket, which is a huge parasite on the economy as it is.
These are all things women used to do out of love for their family. Now they do them out of necessity to support the state. (Can't tax free labor, donchyaknow.)
@Jon Mollison
Making money should be men's work precisely because women are attracted to men who make a lot of money, but men are not attracted to women who make a lot of money. Or rather, broke-ass women aren't hurt in the marriage market like broke-ass men are, especially if their, well, "unpaid work" is top-notch.
This should be common sense -- but apparently it isn't.
H1B visa scumbags are a much bigger problem. They only mean less white men.
No, you moron. The H1-B workers are the ones being underpaid by their employers.
Plus, a visa status is not a race. Many H1-Bs are white, you idiot.
H-1Bs are almost all from India, with some from China. White H-1B visa holders do exist, but number in the low thousands. Britain, the top-ranked white nation for H-1B visas, only gets about 1% of them.
""Master" and "Mind"... can't see why the medical industry is non-productive.
You are correct. Seems you guys are creating a nonsensical dichotomy.
OK, let's try this:
If I fall off a ladder and break my neck and a doctor keeps me from dying... what was produced?
Hell... the country would probably be BETTER off if we let all the fatties with dieuhbeetus and heart disease just die faster.
Be a better object lesson to everyone left, too.
This is a new divide and conquer tactic.
Men (of any color) thrive in unregulated, disperse fields of pay-per-performance like flipping homes, direct sales, on-line commerce, contract coding, home repair, etc. Instead of using these skills to achieve maximum earnings though, many just want to scale back their work hours to under 40 a week.
I don't like your "tone". No need to talk like that to the man.
It doesn't matter his "ethnicity" be he "Indian" or not.
Seattle's my hometown so I know a thing or two on the matter.
Also, fyi if you "white" I could say why don't "your people" stop "invading lands" like you did to my African ancestors in Africa, and how your "white ilk" took over South Africa.
OR... I can make it "hit closer to home" and say: why did your white ancestors "invade" the Red Man's Land we call the "United States of America"?
Lol. Everywhere *YOUR PEOPLE* trekked on this sin-cursed world you invaded and ruthlessly conquered other people's rightful lands and brought your nasty, filthy diseases with you "devasting the land".
Hence, no wonder the term "white devil". Amen. :P
Smh at how "hypocritical" and "blind" you are to the "truth" of things lol and yet you so eager to be "pompous" and "haughty" of your own self-perceived "white man's superiority"? lol.
Get yo' head out ya "b-hind" and smell the fresh air for a while.
It's healthy for you. You'll think more clearly as well. Amen.
~ Bro. Jed
Self proclaimed Mastermind doesn't deal with counterpoints, focuses on what it "seems" other people are doing.
Starts with a G.
Hey Jed, how about you go back to africa where you belong? Put a down payment on a mud hut in Liberia maybe?
@Jed Seattle is one of the few places with increasing white population so the Indians are likely displacing African Americans. Like in Austin, AA share of population decreases while Indians and Chinese arrive. Yet, Austin isn't experiencing higher percentage of whites like Portland Oregon, Naples FL, and few other places. There is a place, though, almost entirely of people with Indian and African descent called Guyana, the only South American country with English as its official language.
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