Monday, September 19, 2016

It's not your imagination

There is scientific evidence for pedoface:
Evidence is steadily accumulating to support a neurodevelopmental basis for pedophilia. This includes increased incidence of non-right-handedness, which is a result primarily of prenatal neural development and solidified very early in life. Minor physical anomalies (MPAs; superficial deviations from typical morphological development, such as un-detached earlobes) also develop only prenatally, suggesting them as another potential marker of atypical physiological development during the prenatal period among pedophiles. This study administered the Waldrop Physical Anomaly Scale to assess the prevalence of MPAs in a clinical sample of men referred for assessment following a sexual assault, or another illegal or clinically significant sexual behavior. Significant associations emerged between MPA indices and indicators of pedophilia, including penile responses to depictions of children, number of child victims, and possession of child pornography. Moreover, greater sexual attraction to children was associated with an elevated craniofacial-to-peripheral anomalies ratio. The overall sample demonstrated a greater number of MPAs relative to prior samples of individuals with schizophrenia as well as to healthy controls.
And, presumably, gayface as well. There is, quite literally, something wrong with these people. It also explains why there is such a high rate of recidivism among pedos.

Takeaway: if there is a teacher who is REALLY enthusiastic about children and happens to be left-handed with undetached earlobes, transfer your kids to a different school.

Furthermore, pedophiles can apparently be detected by their differing brain wave activity. If this holds up, child abuse can be proactively stopped.
The pedophilic group demonstrated wide-ranging increases in functional connectivity with the default mode network compared with controls and regional differences (increases and decreases) with the frontoparietal network. Of these brain regions (total = 23), 20 have been identified by meta-analytic studies to respond to sexually relevant stimuli. Conversely, of the brain areas known to be those that respond to sexual stimuli, nearly all emerged in the present data as significantly different in pedophiles.


Krul said...

"This includes increased incidence of non-right-handedness"

I KNEW it!

Fucking lefties.

Shimshon said...

It's peer reviewed and everything. Yet something tells me peer review fetishists will still object.

pdwalker said...

the implications are disturbing. how many other traits in people will become detectable through some sort of analysis? could this evolve into a department of precrime?

imagine: "this individual tests as highly individual with corresponding lack of respect of legitimate authority. with his high Q quotient, this individual is unsuited for modern planned societies as he'd serve as a nucleus of disruption. we recommend termination."

not much of a stretch.

JohnMcLain said...

So every time i saw a picture of a pedophile on the news and said "he looks like a pedophile", i was secretly doing all of these calculations. who knew!

Russell Newquist said...

One can also detect them by their presence at WorldCon.

Robert What? said...

Wondering if this applies to female pedos as well?

dc.sunsets said...

Next up:
"Since people can't change who they are born to be, it is barbaric to 'punish' them for being programmed by their biology. For this reason, we propose that different legal standards be applied to those who are biologically predisposed to what otherwise is criminal behavior. For instance, men and women predisposed to prefer sex with partners [sic] below the age of consent should be charged with a misdemeanor level of assault, and lifetime registration as a sex offender should be rescinded. Men born with the MAO-A five repeat allele should have all indictments under violent crime statutes downgraded by 50%, for instance First Degree Murder should be downgraded to no more than simple assault. This would move our society dramatically toward a more reasoned and compassionate recognition of the diversity of our rich genetic heritage and insure we only hold people accountable for actions within the scope of their control."

If the trend change doesn't come soon, this kind of "thinking" may be the Cult's response to the growing body of HBD evidence.

Old Ez said...

While there's no question in my mind that physiognomy is a real thing, there is a problem I see here. If the science is saying that pedophiles are born, then why is it the case that a child who is molested is many, many times more likely to become a molester/pedophile themselves? Do pedophiles have some sixth sense that allows them to sniff out only children who will themselves grow to be pedophiles? I don't think the idea that pedophiles and homosexuals are made through experience (albeit with obvious genetic predispositions) is inconsistent with the reality of physiognomy.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

When our people are in power again, I look forward to extending this analysis to other population groups. I'm pretty sure jewface and dinduface are real, but we'll need additional studies.

dc.sunsets said...

Female pedos are just the Ten-on-the-Ten-Scale for desire to exert total control over their "partners." Most of them aren't hideous on the outside, so their preference for the easiest, most manipulable prey (young or teen boys) is open evidence they prefer a power/control gradient approaching infinity.

A 30 year old man who beds a 15 year old girl may be getting played by the girl. A 30 year old woman who beds a 15 year old boy is the one doing the manipulation 100% of the time. IMO, women pedos are equaled ONLY by pederasts in terms of certainty that it's the adult who should go into the chipper.

dc.sunsets said...

Old Ez, do studies claiming being victimized as a child control for genetic relatedness to the abuser? My knee-jerk assumption is that the "researchers" publishing such studies failed to control one or more sources of such sample bias.

Anonymous said...

So every time i saw a picture of a pedophile on the news and said "he looks like a pedophile", i was secretly doing all of these calculations. who knew!

@John McClain
True. I suspect it's sort of like gay face, although I imagine even more off-putting. From what I've heard, even dogs often freak out around pedos.

If the science is saying that pedophiles are born, then why is it the case that a child who is molested is many, many times more likely to become a molester/pedophile themselves?

@Old Ez
Yeah, I think that, as with homosexuals, they're made, not born.

Female pedos are just the Ten-on-the-Ten-Scale for desire to exert total control over their "partners."

Heartiste suspects that a certain type of mudshark, specifically the one he dubbed the "Zookeeper", is like that too. Essentially taking advantage of her chosen groid's lower intelligence to gain control of him.

Prospero said...

I read this with Lady Gaga's 'Born This Way' playing in my head the whole time.

Leo Littlebook ID:16216229492837658552 said...

An Israeli company already does that for DoD etc to detect faces associated with terrorist threat, pdwalker. It also detects champion poker players. Feed it some Panopticoogle data plus Facebook and you have Faception for all a country's potentially violent right deviationists.

This study is not saying there is a pedo face, in the sense that a facial morph would reveal a face that was recognizably pedophilic. A morph would generate a non-pedo face. Pedos are distinguished by MPAs which average away in morphs.

Aeoli Pera said...

I would've sworn this was a post-birth, pre-pubescent developmental issue. Shows what I know.

liberranter said...

I'm a southpaw, yet have never felt even a fleeting instance of interest in "baby buggering." Does that, by the crieria stated in the OP, make me "abnormal?"

liberranter said...

I'm pretty sure jewface and dinduface ...

I can just picture tax dollars funding a five-year, multimillion-dollar study to determine whether or not "dinduface" exists.

Happy Housewife said...

Maddox noticed this a decade ago.

Haus frau said...

"While there's no question in my mind that physiognomy is a real thing, there is a problem I see here. If the science is saying that pedophiles are born, then why is it the case that a child who is molested is many, many times more likely to become a molester/pedophile themselves? Do pedophiles have some sixth sense that allows them to sniff out only children who will themselves grow to be pedophiles?"

Lots of children suffer sexual abuse. Only a small but significant number go on to become full fledged pedos or gays as teens and adults. Perhaps we are looking at a predisposition that only becomes active with certain environmental pressures? It looks like a combination of nature/nurture that's necessary to develop a full blown deviation especially since many gays also report having been molested but are not necessarily pedos.

Amy said...

if you're a pedo and you have a face, you have pedoface, obviously.

But, more than just the face, there is something about some people that can give you the creeps. Being left-handed or having detached earlobes is not enough. I get a vibe, a powerful vibe, from some people, and my kids the hell away from them or the relevant situations. I've never noticed their dominant dactyl tendencies. Always something about their glance, or sneer, or manner of speech...I suppose it all adds up but I've never bothered to bullet point characteristics.

I know that my personal experience with pedo shitbags means I never let my kids out of my sight, even with family.

My Dead Gramps said...

"I would've sworn this was a post-birth, pre-pubescent developmental issue. Shows what I know."

Pretty much for any deviation from normal behaviour, it's the mix of both.
It's more or less a dice roll where each variable adds weights the dice for a certain outcome, the variables being genes, prenatal environment, experiences and upbringing, with genes and pre-natal being the most significant.

Jed Mask said...

Aiiyahhyaaah!!!! Creepy stuff lol! Didn't know how legit the science was on this "pedo" stuff".

Smh... Be CAREFUL you PARENTS out there. Amen!

~ Bro. Jed

Unknown said...

Undetached? You've elevated the art of the double negative, VD.

Yes, I have very attached earlobes. Honestly, I hadn't even noticed before, but now that I do and have spent a few minutes looking at celeb photos, I can honestly say I actually prefer the look of attached earlobes as well, so no biggie.


Unknown said...

@pdwalker Unlikely, I think. There was a scam going on quite a while back (not sure exactly, but well before I was ever born for sure) known as phrenology, where they'd try to measure the contours of your skull on the theory that brain formation drove skull shape, and that the rough shape of a brain was telling in complex matters, such as likelihood to lie, etc.

Obviously it's been rather soundly disproven.

R Devere said...

"If this holds up, child abuse can be proactively stopped."

Summary execution?

Anonymous said...

Pedos: there is clearly something deeply wrong with them, biologically. Not surprising that this is correlated with other things being biologically wrong with them. Retardation, in general, makes things go wrong. Various forms of prenatal injury (including bad genetics) make a variety of things go wrong.

There's rarely just one thing wrong with a person, especially when it's something very wrong.

Don M. said...

When you say "undetached earlobes", do you mean "attached earlobes" AFAIK, the earlobe terminology is "attached" or "unattached". But I guess "undetachted" and "detached" could work too, just a bit confusing. Sorry, English is not my native language.

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