Thursday, June 9, 2016

The frailty of feminism

Feminism was always madness. But only now is that becoming apparent even to women who call still themselves feminists:
Some of the girls were sobbing and hugging each other, while others shrieked. The majority appeared at the very least shell-shocked. It was distress on a scale appropriate for some horrible disaster. Thankfully, however, I wasn’t in a war zone or at the scene of a pile-up - but in a school hall filled with A-level students.

What had provoked such hysteria? I’d dared express an opinion that went against their accepted way of thinking.

‘Generation Snowflake’ is the term for these teens, one that’s now used frequently in the U.S. and becoming more common here. It describes a fragile, thin-skinned younger generation that can’t cope with conflicting views, let alone criticism.
There is no excuse for failing to reduce these snowflakes to tears. Don't coddle them. Don't pretend to agree with them. Challenge them and reduce them to puddles without hesitation or remorse.


John Rockwell said...

Meanwhile feminists in the middle east bleed for their gender equality. Winning territory from ISIS.

LibertyPortraits said...

Is Generation Snowflake raised by Generation X?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Why couldn't I have been there? I never find myself in a situation like this!

Alexander said...

So the argument "Women ruin everything" turns out to be true for everything up to and including feminism. Brilliant.

Anonymous said...

There is no excuse for failing to reduce these snowflakes to tears. Don't coddle them. Don't pretend to agree with them. Challenge them and reduce them to puddles without hesitation or remorse.

liberranter said...

Is Generation Snowflake raised by Generation X?

Gen X and the later-stage Boomers. I must admit, being a later-stage Boomer myself, that I cannot look at one of these pathetic little millennials without thinking to myself "hey, come on now, WE raised these kids to be what they are. Take a collective look in the mirror if you want to know where the blame for this is to be found."

Of course I could go all the way back to the (so-called) "Greatest [sic] Generation" to point to where the beginning of the rot set in...

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

This would be funny, if it weren't for the fact that the pathologies of 'Generation Snowflake' are enforced by willing males and females in power.

Mr.MantraMan said...

A bit of a hint that some of this is but an act by some of those little psychopaths. Off the cuff I would advise the agree and amplify tactic against the Snowflake Warriors, basically just admitting and having them admit mental and emotional illness/weakness and generally being unhinged and therefor discredited.

My time in the workforce I had this game played against me numerous times by females of the proto Snowflake generation. Not because I was cruel, but because being a bit socially autistic I generally don't care a wit about their drama. So when pulled into the office it was concerned man act agreeing and amplifying and redirecting the conversation upon the mentally ill and emotionally ill women who needed the attention of everyone in the office to know how mentally fragile she was, and voila woman falling fast down the female hierarchy "she's crazy."

Mr.MantraMan said...

This ties in with Roissy's latest bit of genius, qualifying women. It's an easy question to ask, "Do you need the 'safe space' crap?" Or something like that as the situation demands.

I would think even most leftards could self disqualify themselves if asked if they needed a safe space. What are they going to do, say no they are tough and better equipped to handle real life and make their Snowflake Warriors feel bad? OK

Happy Housewife said...

My dearly departed grandmother never held a paying job in her life. She got married at 17, had 9 children, 4 of whom lived, and spent her entire life taking care of her family, right up until the bitter, ugly end of my grandfather's decade long fight with cancer and diabetes, and in service to the church. She embodied everything that your typical feminist stands against. We've hit peak feminism; it saturates all aspects of society and these girls are the result. Perpetual toddlers who throw temper tantrums when confronted with a differing opinion.

And they consider women like my grandmother weak and oppressed. God help us.

liberranter said...

Perpetual toddlers who throw temper tantrums when confronted with a differing opinion.

I do hope that at some point we begin to treat these creatures like the spoiled toddlers that they are. In the workplace that would begin with "clean out your desk, turn in ypur office pass, go home, and don't come back here ever again until you become a grownup!"

ScottC said...

Let Christopher Cantwell be an example to us all:

Dark Herald said...

It's not that they are spoiled, its that they are unmoored from the ultimate reality.

Millennials have no instinct for survival.

I recently ran across a statistic that shocked me. I didn't believe it at first and then I started running it through the mazes of my mind. And I realized it was perfectly true.

Almost everyone born before 1961 went through a period of malnutrition at some point in their lives.

Think about that for a moment or two. Almost everyone.

Food wasn't as plentiful or anywhere near as cheap as it is now. Prior to 1961 if the meat was past it's sell by date and vegetables were wilted, you boiled them to death and seasoned the hell out of them. You then tried not to think about the taste and you roared at your kids if they didn't finish everything on their plate because what was on their plate was it. There was nothing else available, the cupboard was usually bare. Making kids eat gone off food was a matter of survival. It was also a matter of personal humiliation if you were their Dad. Backyard gardens were everywhere and they had nothing to do with eating healthy other than it was healthy to eat. A few backyard chickens were often an edge against non-survival. Weasels and chicken-hawks were a threat to your family's existence.

R Devere said...

"Of course I could go all the way back to the (so-called) "Greatest [sic] Generation" to point to where the beginning of the rot set in..."

After all, they raised the Boomer Generation! GG'ers didn't want their own "snowflakes" to suffer from the problems of t the Depression in which they grew up. Think: All those clowns at Woodstock or in Haight-Ashbury!

Steve Canyon said...

And you can go back prior to the greatest generation to their parents, who gave us such things as income taxes, the Fed, the wilsonian progressivism that morphed into FDR's socialism, backing the wrong side in WW1 and other ills. Ills whose seeds were laid by the sins of their parents.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

For all women there must be a level of ZKG, per chatuea hearsite, zero fricks given.

Feminism is very dark, gloomy, its professional victim-hood, its employment lunacy, its so insane. The men are ruined, the women are ruined, relationships are a stateside impossibility. WRE.

Only in jest for the easily triggered by anti feminists:

Neither a Madonna or Meghan Trainor fan, but about 21 years ago PervertAwfulMusicMTV aired the very black and white racist BDSM (you know, to ruin women MOAR) sexual music viedo, Human Behavior by madge. It has 50 shades of ygle grey beat by 20 years and I do not recommend Madge or Megahns work but they made it, whatever. Anyhow consider these days we have Trainor's No and All about that Bass - awful societal decline when blurring gender is pro science when its anti-science, theres only man and woman, next womens studies are actual degrees and now the neoconned miliaty wants to murder, err, draft women into the very bastion of where men belong, men only belong in the military. No Women.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Only offer ZFG to 99% of all women, was reading that at Chatuea hearstite, zero fricks given. Better than the original comment.

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