Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What are welcome mats for?

Justice is being served, one welcome mat at a time:
A 26-year-old Afghan man was last Thursday sentenced to two and a half years in prison for rape. The sentence was given by the court in Cologne, writes the local news outlet Kölner Rundschau.

The news outlet describes how the victim, a 20-year-old woman, had let the Afghan refugee stay with her in her apartment.

The Afghan man came to Germany two years ago, and the contact with the woman came through internet, in the group 'Flüchtlinge Wilkommen' (Refugees Welcome).

The rape happened during the night of October 25 last year, when the man sneaked into the 20-year-old woman's room while she was sleeping.
Sic semper ciis stulti. Mere rape is arguably better than the traitorous fools merit, considering that they have quite literally laid the foundation for large-scale ethnic cleansing and war. 

Immigration is rape culture.


Harambe said...

I had a bizarre exchange with a german guy the other day. When I asked him why he doesn't get a firearm to protect himself, he just shrugged and said "guns are useless. The attacker will just take it and kill me with it". There is zero will to fight.

Dexter said...

Well duh when I was a college student touring Europe on a Eurail pass, I assumed - always correctly - that when a European girl said "come and stay at my place" that sex was part of the deal.

cecilhenry said...

My country was my home. Now it’s a hotel. And I’m the waiter. Diversity means White Genocide. ITs a crime.

That's why the push and push for non-white immigration.
Because they want to argue and create a situation when Whites have NO ancestral lands, NO right to separate lives and NO right to exist.

Mr.MantraMan said...

A woman suffering the consequences of her short term social dominance thinking. Thank god for conservatives who actually participate in such shit tests and who will white knight for her, myself I say let Islamic justice meet out the deserved punishment.

Robert What? said...

The guy is probably wondering what the hell he is being punished for. All the signals he has been receiving for the last two years indicated it was permitted... even encouraged.

Anonymous said...

Given the rape level in Sweden, and its governance by women who identify as feminists, I don't think this was a bad outcome in her eyes. The compelling power of her sexuality was affirmed, as was her belief in the ruling elite's values, and she now has victim-for-the-cause standing. I think this is just what she, and the others, are hoping for.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Only about 10% of German males identify as masculine these days; not good enough to protect their womenfolk any longer. They lost too much good DNA in WWII. Now they've been reduced to cuck status. The men in eastern Europe still cultivate an honor culture.

Anonymous said...

What is your Latin supposed to say?

"Stulti" should probably be "stultis" but I don't know what "ciis" is and I can't find it in the dictionary. If you meant something like "thus always to stupid sluts" that would be "sic semper scortis stultis."

Anonymous said...

Ah is "ciis" supposed to be "cis"? Because that preposition usually only conveys location and sometimes time (cf. Cisalpine and transalpine).

little dynamo said...

"Justice is being served, one welcome mat at a time"

Hey maybe that Empowered German Womyn should carry her mat around with her everywhere, as a reminder of the Patriarchal Nightmare she must endure, living under the likes of Merkel and Barack Hussein? Then Presidents and Senators can take up her Righteous Cause, like the U.S. does. Make her a national hero.

As in America, women collectively invited The Planet to take up residence in 'their' nations, so that they (and their political enablers on the Left and Right) would be even MORE empowered to crush us legally, psychologically, and socio-sexually. So, you won, in Europe and America. Your Feminism won and your Enforced Diversity won, and you have gloated in triumph these many decades running.

Now the problem that YOU created -- from absolutely nothing but your power-lust and your willful rebellion -- is coming back to haunt YOU, and the very men you cucked and chucked now must rush forward to protect . . . what, exactly? Oh yeah, to protect my second-class citizenship in the very cultures you have manipulated to hate and mistreat me and mine.

Good luck with them muzzies! They're pretty Offensive ain't they?

No obedience, no protection.

Bob Loblaw said...

Only about 10% of German males identify as masculine these days; not good enough to protect their womenfolk any longer. They lost too much good DNA in WWII. Now they've been reduced to cuck status. The men in eastern Europe still cultivate an honor culture.

The percentage isn't much higher in the US. And it's completely understandable - the women aren't theirs. Female sexuality unrestrained by culture (and it's not, any more) is basically a Pareto principle thing, i.e. 20% of the men are getting 80% of the women. Which is great, if you're in that 20%. If you're not, though... why, exactly, are you going to risk anything to protect the womenfolk?

This isn't a problem with masculinity or a loss of "good DNA". The problem here is unrestrained hypergamy, and the choices men make in response. Countries aren't going to win wars (military or cultural) when only 20% of the men feel they have a stake in the outcome.

Thanks, J. said...

Vox, you're over IN Europe and know a lot more than most of us here in America. I still have to say based on what I've gathered that the Europeans are so weird and cucked that even though I know things are shifting towards nationalism it is hard to picture a real fighting war breaking out in Northwestern Europe. God what I bunch of weird gaywads... We shall see.
PS: women that "will take rapists over 'racists'" are traitors and deserve what they're going to get, the wicked little obnoxious twits.

Dexter said...

Only about 10% of German males identify as masculine these days; not good enough to protect their womenfolk any longer.

Oh it would be if the state looked the other way. Not good enough if the state punishes them for doing the job the state should be doing, as is the case now.

Deutschland erwache!

Daniel said...

Welcome Mattress Girl.

liberranter said...

The news outlet describes how the victim, a 20-year-old woman, had let the Afghan refugee stay with her in her apartment.

The German phrase Dumme Moese ("stupid cunt") is too polite of a tag for this idiotic little bitch, who is lucky that she did not suffer much, MUCH worse (someone should ask her if adopting a wild hyena pup as a pet is a smart idea. Odds are the moronette would answer in the affirmative, since she already had adopted the human equivalent).

Apparently the German courts also felt that this stupid little twat got what she deserved. A two and a half year sentence for rape is about as close to a light slap on the hand, or even an aquittal, as one could receive.

Anonymous said...

One thing that European women didn't realize, and are only now finding out, is that despite the pussification of European men, these Muslims aren't really an improvement. They're just as likely to be Gamma as the Europeans, if not more so. They simply have a veneer of strutting arrogance that makes them appear at first to be higher-ranked than European Gammas.

White women do try dating Muslim men but always quickly dump them, and those who end up marrying them tend to be of mediocre quality or mentally off themselves. I've noticed this repeatedly.

Maybe that will get at least the young attractive ones to start supporting the far-right.

Anonymous said...

@W.L. Pierce @Bob Loblaw

It's 28% in Britain and 42% in the U.S., but among British college-age men, it's down to near zero.

Read this... it's a shocker.

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