Tuesday, April 5, 2016

The stare

Not to be confused with "crazy eyes", the thousand-cock stare is the look in the eyes of a woman who has sacrificed her soul to sex, one man at a time:
This particular slut tell is a little tougher to pick up on. Especially if you’re not a veteran player. This was the look in the aforementioned office slut’s eyes when she first uttered the words “I’m a good girl.” Suffice it to say, her eyes betrayed her feeble attempt at trying to look like a unicorn.

The “thousand cock stare” is loosely defined as the look on a woman’s face that reveals spite, apathy, fatigue, and hopelessness all at the same time. This look is a direct result of being drilled and dropped by a shitload of men.

The spite is because she’s pissed off at the world for not having locked down a man because of her slutty ways. The apathy is from being desensitized to sex, an inevitable ramification of taking different cocks for an extended period of time. The fatigue is her being tired of the constant battle to get and keep male attention and having to resort to sexual favors earlier and earlier as she gets older. And the hopelessness comes from her knowing deep down she’ll never have a relationship of consequence with a man she loves and respects, who finds her tolerable outside of sex.
The best way to describe it if you don't recognize it implicitly is as resignation. The TCS is the result of a woman's fatalistic acceptance of her chosen destiny, and the knowledge that the American dream of the white picket fence, stay-at-home motherhood, three beautiful white children, and a dog, are forever beyond her.

She doesn't expect the next man to stick around. She doesn't expect anything, except the dropping of the other shoe. She knows that even if the right man came around now, she would fuck it up somehow.

You can pity a woman inflicted with the TCS or you can harbor disdain for her, but what you cannot do is fix her any more than you can restore her virginity. Only God can do that.


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Dead eyes and feeble smiles. See them in wine bars and cocktail lounges.

Jew613 said...

A practical question, is there anything a woman with the TCS can do to recover? Not to what she was before the carousel but to at least be able to have a functioning permanent relationship with a man?

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

There will always be some thirsty beta-boy around to wife her up.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...


Only God can fix human wreckage.

deti said...

"is there anything a woman with the TCS can do to recover? Not to what she was before the carousel but to at least be able to have a functioning permanent relationship with a man?"

Yes, but it's very, very difficult and most don't want to do it. Of those who want to, even fewer can do it.

A woman wanting to "recover" from this has to approach it pretty much like addiction recovery, like getting treatment for alcoholism or substance abuse. She has to literally change her entire life.

1) Stop dating and sex for a year. No dates, no fucking, no ONS, no relationships. Detox, if you will.

2) Confession time. She sits down with a trusted friend or therapist, and lists every sex partner, every episode of rough sex, every instance of sexual abuse. Nothing is left out, she must get it all out on the table.

3) She must then look at that pile on the table, and fully own it. She must say, verbally, and internalize that she is fully, 100% responsible for all of it.

4) Many women claim they were raped. A few actually were raped. Most of them actually had sex while really intoxicated. MOst of them blame it on the alcohol; saying "well if I hadn't been drunk/high/blasted, I wouldn't have done it." Bullshit. She has to take full responsibility for it, she has to be responsible for getting drunk/high AND THEN deciding to be around men and situations where there was a very high probability of sex happening; or that men might take advantage of her "intoxicated" condition.

5) She has to clean out her life. No more bar hopping, no more clubbing with friends. If booze is a problem (it usually is), she needs to quit or severely curtail drinking. No more "party lifestyle". No more hanging out with her old playmates and at the old playgrounds. She'll probably have to give up a lot of her friends, and get new ones.

6) She goes to an OBGYN and gets a full, head to toe, inside and out medical exam. Testing for all STDs is a must.

7) She has to have some kind of faith in God. She needs to start living for Someone or something greater than herself, and she has to submit herself to it/Him. She has to acknowledge, once and for all, that it's not all about her.

8) Nothing less than full honesty with any and all future men in her life. She has to come clean right off the bat about her past. The men who show interest in her have a right to know about that past, so they can decide if they want to take on a woman with that much baggage.

9) This is the really hard part.

She has to come to terms with her past. She has to come to terms with the fact that the hot men she used to fuck didn't value her enough for commitment. She has to accept the fact that she will never get commitment from one of the hot men she finds really attractive. She has to come to terms with the fact, and accept the fact, that if she wants a lasting relationship, it will have to be with a less attractive man who doesn't really do it for her. She will have to accept that her attraction cues have been skewed, probably permanently. She will have to accept that from time to time, she just won't feel the attraction she should feel for a husband. Despite her lack of feelings, she must resolve to have sex with that less attractive husband. That is her problem and her issue to overcome. She owes it to him due to his overlooking her past and her willingness to marry her anyway.

If she cannot find a man willing to accept her, she needs to accept, with at least some grace and dignity, that she is unable to marry. She needs to accept her single status, and understand that, in the final analysis, she brought it on herself.

deti said...

HIS willingness to marry her.

Anonymous said...

A practical question, is there anything a woman with the TCS can do to recover?

Radical self-examination and self-abgenation. So, yes, fairly impossible for most women already gone, which is why the repression of female sexuality is they key to civilization.

There will always be some thirsty beta-boy around to wife her up.

Ensuring that the betas of the world are incentivized to work hard and produce is what keeps us all in the civilization to which we have become accustomed. Thirsty beta's following the rules and getting a wife in the deal *is* civilization. Without that... Africa.

hamster_wrestler said...

LBF: "Dead eyes and feeble smiles. See them in wine bars and cocktail lounges."

Also pushing a dolley cart up and down the aisle of a jetliner.

Timmy3 said...

She doesn't necessarily need to marry anyone to get over it. Actually, her best option is have a live-in cohabitation arrangement with any guy that wants her. This may happen in many cases if she is desperate to have a guy pay his side of the rent and groceries and he wants a woman and she's is the best quality he can get. After living together long enough like 5 years, they can decide to continue or break up and the cycle continues.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

A practical question, is there anything a woman with the TCS can do to recover?

"Get thee to a nunnery!"

MATT said...

They're a whole lot of fun though.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Eric said...

Ramification...the perfect choice of words for the context of this post.

little dynamo said...

"You can pity a woman inflicted with the TCS or you can harbor disdain for her, but what you cannot do is fix her any more than you can restore her virginity. Only God can do that."

Can and will. When I tell women this, they don't believe me. They want to be made whole NOW. So go right back to New Purchases and lotions made from baby foreskins, and anti-male laws and propaganda. All in the attempt to be desirable virgins again. And if you don't pretend that they are, they ruin the nations with the collusion of cucks, and call it progress and protecting society.

Aeoli Pera said...

Vox, you occasionally let your empathy show to your benefit. Those last three paragraphs are to your credit.

Indeed, except for the "occasionally" part.

Arthur Isaac said...



Unintended consequences. Maybe the court will "listen and believe".

frenchy said...

"Also pushing a dolley cart up and down the aisle of a jetliner."

Oh man! That's funny! Especially the international flights, I'm sure.

Ron said...

Apparently the Australians encountered this problem very early on and had a simple solution to it.


Robert What? said...

@de ti,

Regarding her giving up sex, that usually waits until after she's married.

CostelloM said...

GOD restores virginity?

dc.sunsets said...

The comment that equates this to addiction is correct imo.

Addiction is simply habituation to letting the impulsive mind call the shots. Learning to subordinate those impulses is extremely difficult and a lifelong task.

Predilection for trouble with this is common; it can manifest in drug/alcohol abuse, porn addiction, consistently toxic personal relationships (like sexual hedonism, especially common with male homosexuals) or more likely combinations of them.

There are a lot of ways free people can choose to self-destruct. This makes good, healthy people all the better by contrast.

Beauty requires ugliness just as light requires dark.

dc.sunsets said...

The comment that equates this to addiction is correct imo.

Addiction is simply habituation to letting the impulsive mind call the shots. Learning to subordinate those impulses is extremely difficult and a lifelong task.

Predilection for trouble with this is common; it can manifest in drug/alcohol abuse, porn addiction, consistently toxic personal relationships (like sexual hedonism, especially common with male homosexuals) or more likely combinations of them.

There are a lot of ways free people can choose to self-destruct. This makes good, healthy people all the better by contrast.

Beauty requires ugliness just as light requires dark.

Matamoros said...

"GOD restores virginity?"

Sure, they get recycled in the Virgin Islands.

tz said...

and the knowledge that the American dream of the white picket fence, stay-at-home motherhood, three beautiful white children, and a dog, are forever beyond her.

True, but not for the immediate reason assuming she isn't a plague ship of STDs including earlier damage.

The truth is she chose to be a concubine-slut and still is seeking alpha. Extroverted, risky, brash, bad-boy alpha that will never go for the white-picket-fence family.

The men who wanted the WPFF are almost all taken anyway, but it would require the process that de-ti details to even begin to be attractive, and there are women who don't have to be fixed in the market.

Remo - In Thailand and the EU where women will be executed if they don't have an intact hymen (In the Caliphate, they tend to stay in protected areas and don't play) it doesn't require God, just a sufficiently competent surgeon.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

There is no rescue if a women has decided to go that way to hell.

From: http://freedompowerandwealth.com

Anonymous said...

Truth bomb

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