Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Avoding the anti-male SJWs

Roosh explains how to meetup on February 6th without running into aggressive anti-male SJWs looking to disrupt it.
I’ve gotten reports of over a dozen organized protests at our meeting points. Dozens more are being organized privately. Since this meetup was never intended as a confrontation with unattractive women and their enablers, I’m moving to save as many of these meetups as I can before Saturday so that men can still meet in private away from a loud, obnoxious, dishonest, and potentially violent mob.

If you take a look at the full listing page, you’ll see that some meetups have had their location removed and have instead been replaced with an email address or two to contact. If you want to attend one of the newly private meetups, send an email to the address(es) proving that you’re one of us. These are the three ways that you’ll be about to do that:
  • If you’ve left a non-hater comment on ROK or using your Disqus account before January 15.
  • If you have an active account on RVF that is at least three months old.
  • If you can provide a screenshot receipt of one of my books (Amazon, iTunes, Kobo, Paypal, etc) that was purchased before January 15.
The more viciously they fight us, the more it becomes obvious that they fear us.


Booch Paradise said...

I would think that some quick banter would also do it. SJW's have such a crazy view of what we are that they their attempt at faking it would become pretty obvious pretty quickly.

shhwip said...

Damn, I wanted to join but there is no way i would qualify under those rules. Hopefully my meetup doesnt go private. I would be willing to handle some heat from SJWs if i got to meet some other sane guys.

Unknown said...

The mayor of my town (Ottawa) is colluding with other mayors to deny the right of free assembly to those who would attend this meet up. I tweeted to the mayor that denying people rights because you don't like their speech is a slippery slope, and got defamed by the mayor, and lit up on twitter by idiots too blind to emotion to debate my point.

Unknown said...

The mayor of my town (Ottawa) is colluding with other mayors to deny the right of free assembly to those who would attend this meet up. I tweeted to the mayor that denying people rights because you don't like their speech is a slippery slope, and got defamed by the mayor, and lit up on twitter by idiots too blind to emotion to debate my point.

Russ said...

Booch, if you haven't been following some of the harpies' comments on Facebook and elsewhere, they have been using a fair amount of threatening language. That by itself isn't necessarily credible or worrisome, but there are a number of misguided men amongst them that don't look like pajama boys. Maybe they'd show up to bust heads, maybe not. Why court that kind of trouble if you can avoid it?

I'm a middle-aged man with a wife and small kids. I don't need that kind of trouble just to meet some guys who may or may not be likeminded, who may or may not become friends. I don't expect trouble in Dallas, but at this point, the only reason I am going is because I won't let the harpies dictate what I will or won't do.

Diego, I'm like you. If Dallas went dark, I don't have a comment history (or anything else) that would qualify me.

Anonymous said...

"Avoding the anti-male"

i did not know that Nate had posting rights over here.

Russ said...

Greg, good on you for trying.

Booch Paradise said...

Russ, I'm talking banter over email or some other form of electronic communication, not in person. So while I get the current rules, I do believe they are overly strict.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Yes it takes such measures to make sure men can meet in private and that you only have the right people among your groop.

Anonymous said...

If ever there was a reason you needed to arm yourself, anti-male protesters and their very vivid, physical threats are exactly why you should be armed and carry wherever you can carry.

Russ said...

Booch, sorry, I just realized I wasn't even really responding to what you said. Yeah, it should be easy to tell the crazies pretty easily. In my experience, when they try sound like us, they just end up sounding like caricatures.

Russ said...

LeetSoga, I disagree. There are going to be cameras and very deliberate provocation from the harpies. Look at the language they are already using. We live in a legal and moral environment where responding with violence (or even the threat of violence) is stupid.

I usually carry a folding pocket knife- I'm leaving it at home. I may even take the miniature Swiss Army knife off of my key chain. In the unlikely event that they make good on their trash-talking, I'll have to rely my bare hands. I'm not going to make something of this that it isn't. It won't be the Battle of Maldon.

JonM said...

Thanks for posting this, Vox. I'm a family man who jealously guards his time with his family. I was on the fence about attending the local because I've only recently started following Roosh. Again, as a family man, it's his shift towards a more lasting legacy that captured my interests. I respect your opinion and the way you think, so knowing that you vouch for him is enough for me. I'll be at the local this Saturday.

Aeoli Pera said...

Russ is right, law enforcement is on the side of the Narrative, and the Narrative is on the side of the freaks. Individual officers may still apply common sense if they are so inclined, but as a group they are beholden to the eye of Soros and their hands are tied.

Bob said...

Even my LOCAL paper has been running stories on this, "neo masculine group that support legalising rape are planning secret meetings in the U.K".

I live in Rotherham, England. You may have heard of it recently..

If only they protested as hard during the YEARS (I remember as far back as 2002) that our teen and pre-teen girls were being routinely gang-raped.

Joe A. said...

Well-played, Roosh. Making one of the SJWs buy your book(s) to gain entry is worse to them than kryptonite to Superman.

Josh (the sexiest thing here) said...

LeetSoga said...
If ever there was a reason you needed to arm yourself, anti-male protesters and their very vivid, physical threats are exactly why you should be armed and carry wherever you can carry.
February 3, 2016 at 8:25 AM

Unfortunately Roosh has banned guns at these events.

The Viking said...

I get why the community would have rules like this. I don't feel like I have much to contribute, but I've been reading alt-righters for years; maybe it's time for me to start engaging?

I saw rabid leftists hyperventilating over this on reddit today:

Headline: "Heads up: Anti-LGBT, misogynist hate groups lead by pro-rape advocate have 4 protests/meetings in New York this Saturday. Avoid these locations and stay safe everyone"

"Avoid these locations and stay safe everyone" it's too funny, I had to share it with you.

D. Toolpodicus said...

"Unfortunately Roosh has banned guns at these events."

Except at private events, Roosh can't enforce that request beyond asking for and relying upon the cooperation of the guys there.

Dallas, Texas meetup and *nobody* will be ccw?!? I think not.

Russ said...

If you plan on going, you should see this:

Russ said...

If you if have a CHL in Dallas, then you should have the good sense to keep your weapon out of sight and out of mind. If there's no physical altercation and no one sees, it's not there. Again, the purpose of this isn't to get into a fight.

D. Toolpodicus said...

Russ, Roosh can ask, contingent upon the willingness of the attendees to abide his request. You sound like someone that does not carry concealed at all. The operative word here is "concealed" which people who carry understand. Like the overwhelming majority of people who legally carry concealed, you would never know I was armed until it came out...which would never occur unless I was in a situation that required it to come out.

Being accosted by purple haired SJWs and even their non-pajama boy enablers doesn't rise to that level. I am a fairly large man, so I wouldn't expect to hear much else than jaw flapping.

D. Toolpodicus said...

That being said, I have no plans on attending a meeting even if there was one in the city near where I live. My point is only that while I understand Roosh's intent with his Ghandi plan, it is naive to expect that ccw holders, who generally carry everywhere unnoticed would suddenly forego that for whatever reason. Most would probably continue as always, concealed and unbeknownst to those around them.

Russ said...

Slagenthor, no, I don't carry a weapon. I go round and round about getting my CHL, but I frankly don't feel comfortable with a pistol. The only weapon I'll probably ever feel comfortable with is my AR-15, but that stays home for obvious reasons.

It's moot in this case anyway, since the meetup was canceled.

Mastermind said...

"Bob said...

I live in Rotherham, England. You may have heard of it recently.."

OT but what was the general reaction among common people there with regards to the mass child rapes?

D. Toolpodicus said...

Russ, ccw does carry a lot of responsibility with it, it behooves one to learn the laws in their state as it applies to them.

You also need to be comfortable with ccw. Personally its a shame you couldn't carry that AR-15 without getting harassed by the police.

shhwip said...

Its been canceled. But somehow i think people will still show up... I wonder what made roosh so afraid that he not only canceled it but also said that he was only replying to .gov emails from then on out. Bomb threat maybe? Or legal action?

JonM said...

Chatter among the people organizing counter protests included significant amounts of serious threats of violence. (Rule 2!) Reading between the lines it looks like Roosh is trying to save organizers from suffering through the same thing he did in...Ottawa? Toronto? He is anti-fragile, but knows most of his supporters aren't. So, tactical withdrawal.

Russ said...

I'll still try to reach out to one guy on Reddit who looks like he's in Dallas too.

The harpies may be so fixated on Roosh that nothing that happens under his aegis will ever get off the ground. But things have to happening in real life, face to face.

Bob said...

"OT but what was the general reaction among common people there with regards to the mass child rapes?"

Old news. Everyone knew it was happening, every time it popped up in the news they made out it was a new thing, I remember it coming up as far back as 2002. Of course you were racist if you said anything..

Police and council actively looked the other way, and had muslim collaborators embedded within. They actively "lost" evidence and threatened a woman writing reports on it, and even broke into one's office and stole all her files. Council staff were put on Diversity Awareness courses, or outright sacked if their raised concerns. (Likely banned from working in the public sector ever again).

Two dads separately tracked down the place where their daughters were being taken to be gangraped. Police attended, and arrested the dads. Didn't even bother looking into the rape.

This is all no joke btw and coming out in the trials now, though most of the few that were actually arrested were released on bail, and have of course now fled back to Pakistan. Of course one of the main guys was recently "too ill" to give evidence. And at least one of his rape accusations was discounted as a "government approved social worker allowed the girl to leave with him". This is the girl whom the guy had a baby with at 15 years old btw, while he was 24. They apparently met in a nightclub so he wasn't aware of her being under the age of consent, (16 here), yet she was 14 at the time. I'm not aware of any nightclubs in Rotherham that 14 year old girls can easily access..

People are pissed off but everywhere outside the town center is pretty much taken over now. Start a fight with one, and you'll have the ENTIRE street swarming you. This situation is mirrored in many other locations here, Rochdale, Bradford etc..

Aeoli Pera said...

People say I'm too negative. If anything, I give humanity too much slack.

2050 Rise of the Neanderthal, coming to a planet near you. 40,000 years of revenge, served cold.

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