Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The importance of anti-fragility

Roosh explains why it is worth engaging with the media even when they are obviously doing a hit piece:
What the BBC did with the above documentary is essentially hire a carpenter to review an Italian opera. Besides a handful of exaggerated facial expressions made for the camera, the carpenter will not be able to analyze the opera on a level above that of even a grade-school trumpet player.

Many men have asked me what I expected from the BBC. I didn’t expect anything, and as you can see in my response video, I can’t say I’m angry at their coverage. The reason is that there is nothing the media can do anymore to hurt me, and even if they paint me as a baby murderer, I will still gain readers because of it. When you are in an anti-fragile position, you’re immune to all manner of attacks, and so it’s the coverage alone that helps me because it gets my ideas across to those who have yet to see it. Even if 0.1% of people who watched the BBC documentary become readers of mine, it’s still a huge win, since doing it only cost me a couple hours of time.
Even when the media's objective is to discredit and destroy, the message gets through. The important thing is to be aware that you are not the direct target, those who associate with you and employ you are.


Terrific said...

This also explains Donald Trump's staying power. The media didn't create him and so they cannot destroy him. No matter what he says, as long as it's not stupid, ignorant, or actually ridiculous, will get him noticed even more. People will then start looking for other sources of information on him. They'll go to the internet and that is where they will find the information they need to make up their minds for themselves.

I look back at programs like 60 Minutes in the 70s and am AMAZED at how they were able to frame the debate on every story they did and dictate the terms of the debate. Looking back at those shows, or hearing about one now and then (cause who actually watches 60 Minutes today), I am amazed at how little information we were ever actually given, how little facts, how little depth any of there 5-10 minute reports had. Yet they managed to destroy lives and careers in those 5-10 minutes!

But not anymore!

EVERYONE screams that what Trump is proposing is "UNconstitutional"!!! EVERYONE. But in less than a day we learn, not only is it Constitutional - It's the LAW OF THE LAND RIGHT NOW!! Muslims should be being kept out of this country NOW. Their entire religion is a violation of American Law! And all it took was for Donald Trump to SAY IT and the media machine was UNDONE.

I posted a meme on facebook which says, "Everyone I despise hates Donald Trump. How can I NOT vote for him?"

Oliver Märk said...
True! Most guys don’t have the guts to resist strong opposition and are extremely afraid of what others do. Status and reputation are at stake. But if you afraid of having a bad reputation you will always be a slave to the ones you influence opinions. Becoming immune can be learnt – it takes a lot of training but it is possible.

Anonymous said...

"Even when the media's objective is to discredit and destroy, the message gets through. The important thing is to be aware that you are not the direct target, those who associate with you and employ you are."

Sounds a lot like another Message, and if they hated the source of that Message, they will hate His messengers too. Opposition to the truth only helps amplify it. It's not the vessels they are fighting against, but something else all together that they do not understand. The battle was decided in our favor a while ago, we just need to do our duty and continue to stand our ground for the sake of those who remain blind and who are determined to suppress the truth. Stand and fight. Death is not the worst possible outcome, but shrinking back at such a time as this most certainly is.

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