Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Please to ignore women in public

Don't talk to them. Don't make eye contact. In fact, better not have anything to do with them. Just buy a sex robot.

Women: where did all the good men go?

Question: is it disrespectful for a woman to entertain herself on the Metro?


Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Seriously? A few thoughts come to mind. As society becomes less civilized--due in large part to the importation of non-White savages, particularly Arab and African scum--it's increasingly necessary to spell out in blatant terms the most basic standards of good manners and conduct. It may be in the long run that segregation of the sexes--or the adoption of the niqab--is the best solution for the problems faced by women in the West. And can you really blame some men for goong their own way, or, as Vox indicates, buying a sexbot? Lots of trolling opportunities on the Metro.

Student in Blue said...

Is it any wonder there's an increase in "herbivores" all around the world? The vast majority of men foolishly take women at their word, and the message has been "SUBMIT. Avert your eyes. Don't ever take a risk or you'll get burned horribly."

YIH said...

Rather related:
The United Nations just took sides in the Internet’s most brutal culture war.
It may not have intended to, precisely, but the United Nations just took sides in the Internet’s most brutal culture war.
On Thursday, the organization’s Broadband Commission for Digital Development released a damning “world-wide wake-up call” on what it calls “cyber VAWG,” or violence against women and girls. The report concludes that online harassment is “a problem of pandemic proportion” — which, nbd, we’ve all heard before.
But the United Nations then goes on to propose radical, proactive policy changes for both governments and social networks, effectively projecting a whole new vision for how the Internet could work.
Under U.S. law — the law that, not coincidentally, governs most of the world’s largest online platforms — intermediaries such as Twitter and Facebook generally can’t be held responsible for what people do on them. But the United Nations proposes both that social networks proactively police every profile and post, and that government agencies only “license” those who agree to do so.

Surprised? Me neither.

CA3 said...

If a man's not at their best beforehand, how would women think the men ignoring them are good, or of any quality at all? If you're going to ignore women in public successfully, I imagine it'll have to be because men have got so much going on in their own lives that women will have to do something profoundly different to earn the male gaze. It also goes hand in hand, that men are going to have to start investing into, developing, and challenging younger generations of female dominated males to be confident men. Because it benefits no one if our generation ignore women, but the younger generations don't understand why and what they stand to gain from falling into line.

Blogging might work for some, but eventually we will have to become actively involved, be it through big brother programs, investing money into private scholarship programs that support young male academic success in STEM and other high demand fields. Which I imagine is just the tip of the iceberg.

Harambe said...

This feels an awful lot like oppressed natives being told not to disturb their masters.

Anchorman said...

Is that sign legit? I don't get the two parts, asking where they're "from" or why they ask someone who cannot refrain from sexual harassment to change seats and notify the bus operator.

On a side note, bus "operator?"

Anonymous said...

Real examples of this type of propaganda are certainly out there, no argument. This poster has a photoshopped look about it though. I only see evidence of its existence on blogs and reddits.

Dark Herald said...

...unsafe space and contribute to violence against women

My reaction to this is, GOOD. Let the SJWs adversely select themselves out of existence. It starts with ignoring women on buses.

I mean, lets face it, she's on a bus. A daytime cold approach is questionable at best under those circumstances. You have to practically have to yell to make yourself heard. And again she's riding a bus.

Okay I admit I have picked up girls on buses when I was in college but I'm not proud of it.

Here is how I recall doing it. Use an innocuous question as an Ice Breaker, something about bus schedules. Be sure to tell her where your destination is. Do not ask about hers. You don't care about that. You're the Alpha remember?

Thank her. Smile and turn away. Wait until you are about five minutes from your destination and make your actual approach. Whatever you are comfortable with.

If successfully engaged, once the bus stops tell her, "this is my stop." Abruptly break contact turn and start walking off the bus. Fire off, "Are you coming?" Frame and delivery is everything here. You can't break stride. You can't give a hint of hesitation. She can't have the slightest impression you will wait even a nanosecond for her.

Think through the sale, just get off the bus and start walking. You are a man with someplace to be.

If you were making any kind progress at all. Five times out of eight, you will hear a slightly out of breath feminine voice from behind you saying. "Hey! wait up."

Unknown said...

I'm certain masturbating in public is against the law. Is that reminder really necessary? Should we also post reminders not to rape, pillage and murder?

Further, how is one supposed to know whether a conversation is unwanted until said conversation has begun? Ridiculous.

I also enjoy the notification, "If you are unable to refrain from harassing passengers, please change seats and notify the bus driver." How stupid are these people? Someone who's masturbating on the bus isn't going to read that sign and then tell the bus driver on himself.

This entire sign is moronic.

Crowhill said...

Is that the D.C. metro? They've been on a crusade about sexual harassment for a while now. There's another poster that says if it's unwanted, it's harassment, as if men are able to read women's minds.

cecilhenry said...

This is a racial sign=== though that will never be admitted.

Diversity means chasing down the last white person. Enough.

natschuster said...

I don't get it. I though twomen were tough. "I am strong, I am invicible, Hear me roar." Now they need signs to proteft tehm from men. Women want to serve in combat. How are they going to face enemy fire, if a galnce from a man unnerves them? All the enemy has to do to win a battel is say ask them where they're from.

NMA said...

Is that sign legit? I don't get the two parts, asking where they're "from" or why they ask someone who cannot refrain from sexual harassment to change seats and notify the bus operator.

Asking someone where they're from is a common way for guys without much game to try and start a conversation, so they're trying to shut down unattractive guys form talking to girls. The other bit is an attempt at parody of the advice that used to be given to women who were on the receiving end of unwelcome attention. It's probably there to push the narrative that expecting women to do anything sensible for their own comfort or safety is victim blaming.

PhantomZodak said...

They left out the footnote. "Please refrain from the following:*"
*only applies if you are unattractive

swiftfoxmark2 said...

This rule doesn't apply if you are sufficiently attractive.

And the woman isn't batshit insane.

Anonymous said...

FWIW, I remember a leftoid male college student who turned gay because he "respected women too much".

It may not have intended to, precisely, but the United Nations just took sides in the Internet’s most brutal culture war.
On Thursday, the organization’s Broadband Commission for Digital Development released a damning “world-wide wake-up call” on what it calls “cyber VAWG,” or violence against women and girls.

Wait... "cyber-VAWG"?

Hilarious. Maybe the subset of anti-feminist GamerGaters should just call themselves the Cyber-Vawgs. After all, the term was coined by the UN itself.

But the United Nations proposes both that social networks proactively police every profile and post, and that government agencies only “license” those who agree to do so.

Yeah, that'll go over like a lead balloon.

Terrific said...

"Masturbating"? Really? The second behavior listed? Not the first? Seriously, if THAT is a problem at all, they need cops on those buses.

Yeah, without a direct citation, I'd say this is fake.

But it could soon be real.

Terrific said...

"Masturbating"? Really? The second behavior listed? Not the first? Seriously, if THAT is a problem at all, they need cops on those buses.

Yeah, without a direct citation, I'd say this is fake.

But it could soon be real.

Anchorman said...

The other bit is an attempt at parody of the advice that used to be given to women who were on the receiving end of unwelcome attention. It's probably there to push the narrative that expecting women to do anything sensible for their own comfort or safety is victim blaming.

Great point about victim blaming and shifting responsibility back on to men.

"You were told to do this. You refused. Now, you pay."

Chris said...

It might not be a joke. The former president of Detroit's school board was noted for his public acts of self gratification.

As LBF point out only Blacks and Arabs act like animals in this way. We don't need cops, we need to remove the animals from out midst, and bar women from ever making any kind of political decision ever again.

Alexander said...

Coming soon, by Jessica Valenti.

Men just don't masturbate in public places around me anymore. Or ask me about my day and where I'm from. It hurts, and it hurts that it hurts.

Joe A. said...

trying their best to keep the betas in line

Revelation Means Hope said...

I like the implicit assumption that in our modern, equalist society, that the women passengers must be "respected". No mention anywhere if men or children need to be respected.

Can we ask the women who are obese to report themselves since they obviously don't respect themselves enough to shut their pie holes soon enough at meal times?
How about those who are wearing very slutty outfits, can we report them for lack of self-respect?

Ha. Right.

Tommy Hass said...

Why are whites much less degenerate when it comes to shit like this? Whoremongers are disproportionately....non-German. What is the cause?

bw said...

"Unless You're and Alpha/Sigma or someone they desire to fuck and marry".
(It's not noted, but understood for the initiated)

liberranter said...

"Asking them where they're from"

I have to assume that the only thing that would prompt any man to ask that question of a woman would be if she obviously wasn't local (ie., not an attitudinous, obese, loudmouthed, foulmouthed, short-haired, semi-androgynous, inarticulate slut that no self-respecting man would give the time of day to anyway).

SciVo said...

@ Corvinus: "Maybe the subset of anti-feminist GamerGaters should just call themselves the Cyber-Vawgs."

Better yet, Cyber-Wargs. A surprisingly large amount of erotica involves dorky and/or obese girls and were-wolves.

Anonymous said...

Better yet, Cyber-Wargs. A surprisingly large amount of erotica involves dorky and/or obese girls and were-wolves.

Better yet: note that "Vawg" = "Warg" with a German/Scandinavian accent.

little dynamo said...

Masturbating and Asking Women Where They are From are equivalent offenses. Egalitarian bullet points. This has the same psychotic, totalitarian ring as informing the bus operator if, you know, you just can't stop harassing women.

Help will be waiting at the next stop. Not help for you, no.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Od news, to the tune of ten months.

S. Thermite said...

Contrast this with the recent shitlebrity news about a poor drugged-out wyman fan kissing and fondling Katy Perry on stage. One article even downplayed the non-consensual boob assault as "caressing". Men aren't just facing a double standard anymore...similar behavior from a man would've been rape squared

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

The whole billboard must be a joke! Or a social experiment to see what kind of reactions they get.


SciVo said...

Better yet: note that "Vawg" = "Warg" with a German/Scandinavian accent.

Doh! I stepped all over your joke by almost but not quite getting it. My bad.

SciVo said...

Contrast this with the recent shitlebrity news about a poor drugged-out wyman fan kissing and fondling Katy Perry on stage.

Oh, that's nothing compared to what women did to Iggy Azalea.

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