“I am a Liberal Fuck,” Krupp wrote in one post. “A Liberal Fuck is not a Democrat, but rather someone who combines political data and theory, extreme leftist views and sarcasm to win any argument while make the opponents feel terrible about themselves. I won every argument but one.” Krupp then detailed the only political argument he claimed her ever lost, a drunken encounter he had with a “conservative gay prick.”This is very valuable insight into the Gamma mentality and demonstrates why women are right to despise them as being fundamentally untrustworthy and deem them to be unvaginaworthy.
In other words, he combines unsettled ideas, opinions, and a rhetorical tone to a) win and b) cause feelbad. I think that actually, (a) and (b) are the same. The Gamma's victory metric is whoever can cause the other individual to feel worse about himself wins. This explains why he is constantly pretending to be above it all and unconcerned even when you can see that he is horribly upset and wounded.
The Gamma believes that if he admits to the truth of his own feelings, he will lose. This is why he is always creating the impression that something is "off" about him, because it is. Even more than with the social hierarchy, the Gamma is at war with himself and with his feelings. This is why they idolize Spock and human reason.
This also points us to the way out of Gamma and into healthy Delta territory. Unsurprisingly, it is a common theme, or at least it once was before Gamma creators began flattering Gammas rather than trying to help them fix themselves. Face your demons. Face your fears. Look into the mirror and admit the truth. Maybe you're fat. Maybe you're afraid. Maybe you're hurt, lonely, and rejected.
But until you stop pretending the situation is different than it is, you can't hope to even begin to start fixing it.
Of course, it also points to the best way to psychologically destroy a Gamma. Ignore his words and ruthlessly press on his insecurities and flaws, no matter how shallow. I finally figured out that this is why Gammas so often shriek AD HOM even when it's not applicable. Ad Hominem is their kryptonite. They themselves believe their oft-disingenuous arguments are worthless because of who they are, so if you dismiss them on the basis of their own worthlessness, you are confirming the truth from which they are seeking to avert their eyes.
So, don't ever answer a Gamma's passive-aggressiveness at face value. Dismiss him, and do so in the contemptuous manner you probably already feel for him. Not only will it unhinge him and help you dismiss his arguments, but it's about the only positive thing you can do for him.
it also points to the best way to psychologically destroy a Gamma. Ignore his words and ruthlessly press on his insecurities and flaws, no matter how shallow.
This is also what you would do if you were trying to destroy a woman psychologically.
Explains how for years the only criticism liberals had of Rush Limbaugh was that he was fat. No substantial arguing with things he pointed out, just that he was fat.
It must have really blown their circuits when he continued to be popular and kept pressing on with his radio show.
I stopped being a ditto head when he supported George Bush and when I left the Repub party around 2000, but it is still fun and amusing to see how he makes their heads explode from time to time.
I'd bet that in his grubby little Gamma heart he thinks he won that one argument too, but he's claiming to have lost to a gay to signal to the SJW herd that he knows his place in the pecking order.
Ayn Rand had her flaws, certainly, but she recognize this breed as well:
"They do not want to own your fortune, they want you to lose it; they do not want to succeed, they want you to fail; they do not want to live, they want you to die; they desire nothing, they hate existence, and they keep running, each trying not to learn that the object of his hatred is himself."
Basically a Gamma is always at war and looking anywhere for a win.
A content man is at peace with himself and already won the fight.
Face your demons. Face your fears. Look into the mirror and admit the truth.
Of course, it also points to the best way to psychologically destroy a Gamma. Ignore his words and ruthlessly press on his insecurities and flaws, no matter how shallow.
God bless you for this post.
It's pretty simple to see when you have won the debate.
They start insulting you or going off topic instead of refuting the topic at hand.
" The Gamma's victory metric is whoever can cause the other individual to feel worse about himself wins."
Gammas and women do this. They use shame and tears.
Problem is this tactic is much more effective when used by women.
I'd also add to the point about facing your fears, its very important to let go of the crutches that allow you to avoid facing your fears. Obvious stuff like alcohol, but also distractions from self, for example fantasizing, or being distracted from the present moment by tv or the internet. We are living in a narcissistic supply gamma paradise right now. Distractions from self everywhere. People growing up as if stars of their own tv show, reality bursting that bubble as the supposed supporting cast don't always follow their lines.
I think the concept of denial is important here. I think the reason I never used to think this applied to me was because I took it too literally. As if denial was denial of truth statements. I would deny truth by what Vox called gamma re-framing. You turn the truth on its head, at least self-deceptively. So I'd admit I had a drink problem but I would do it in this over the top way, as if I didn't care. I did this about virginity with a few people, they seemed to fall for it, ie "nobody would say that the way he is if it were true". As stated above this will come across weird to most people, although I have to say there are plenty of people who seem to laugh along with me doing this, maybe they got a bit of gamma in them too. Either that or they really believe in my fake self, perhaps I'm better at faking than I think?
Just to note, I realize that "look into the mirror and admit the truth" isn't meant to be taken literally. As like Narcissus what you see before you is not really you. The real you is the objective you that other people see. To get to the real you, you need to either ask people, which is too brutal for me too handle, or write it down - how you live what you do, what you say, etc etc. Then read that back to yourself, thats who you are, what does that person sound like to you?
Keep in mind, most of these struggles occur online.
In real life, the situation is a bit different and t's easy to shut down Gammas, SJSs, femcunts, and loud-mouthed non-whites just by getting in their face.
That was pajama boy, right?
I quite like this one.
@ Laguna Beach: "In real life, the situation is a bit different and t's easy to shut down Gammas, SJSs, femcunts, and loud-mouthed non-whites just by getting in their face."
I find that the perfect mixture to shut them up is condescension, calling them out for whatever rhetorical BS they use, and a well-reasoned retort. They find condescension threatening and being called on their rhetorical BS confusing, thus rendering them both emotionally and intellectually helpless against anything you might have to say.
~ Martel
Either that or they really believe in my fake self, perhaps I'm better at faking than I think?
No, they just don't give a damn. They think about your life about as much as you think about theirs. Or about a TV character's. You need to get it through your head that no one is as obsessed with your life as you are. No one.
"You need to get it through your head that no one is as obsessed with your life as you are. No one."
Once you succeed in this, it is freeing beyond belief. This crap would give me headaches, keep me up at night. If this is a womanly mode of thinking, it is clear the male brain was not designed to operate this way. It causes a great deal of unnecessary stress. Worry, instead, about achieving things. Even in the midst of heavy physical labor, it will feel mentally relaxing.
Kind of funny, considering that Spock as far as I recall him, was Sigma: Solitary by choice, honest to a fault, physically dominant, self-reliant, unconcerned with women but able to get any that he fancied. A major leader of any group, but not a joiner, and more committed to his pack than to his organization, to which he was nonetheless loyal.
In any case, he was whatever a Gamma isn't. Which is why when real Spock says something to you, you sigh and eventually realize he's probably right. When trekkie Spock says something to you, you sigh because defenestration is still illegal.
This may be the best post you've written in quite some time. This answers many, many questions about the mindset, how to deal with it, and does so in a clear, concise manner.
I was a gamma, fifteen years ago. You know how I eventually stopped being a gamma? I decided to start acting like I had social capital to spare, like the higher ranks do. I could afford to let a slight go. I could afford to let a mistake go, without explaining myself ad nauseum. Even a total faux pas. I'd take a social capital loan from the future, trusting I could one day pay it back. I'd be The Dude; I'd abide. Then others would be able to just relax with me, not fearing for the next unload of justifications.
Eventually I DID pay it back, and then it started amassing on my account. Then everything was easy.
Now I see gammas, and I feel for them. I know the solution, but I can't help them see it.
"I know the solution, but I can't help them see it."
This. Very frustrating. My own self-evaluation was always brutal so I don't think I ever had any gamma in me, my opinion is that to "fix" them, they would need to be dropped in a trench warfare with a harsh but competent leader. Those who survive and are not broken psychologically into blubbery messes would evolve into more normal men.
Martial arts is the closest you can get to this in today's world in terms of actively help a gamma evolve. And of course any dojo of any style, anywhere in the world, where the training is actually decent and serious is pretty much a gamma free-zone.
Speaking of Gamma's I just read the best insult I've seen in awhile from Rossey's site: "Girlwords carry about as much weight as John Scalzi’s jockstrap.". Yeah that's slightly off topic but its also damn funny and we're talking about Gamma's afterall so there.
The answer to stopping being gamma, is "chill the fuck off!"
But the problem is, they don't understand what that means. You only understand it ex post facto. It's not helpful to THEM.
Krupp then detailed the only political argument he claimed her ever lost, a drunken encounter he had with a “conservative gay prick.
What Would Milo Do?
Ego is everything to a Gamma. All things are done in the service of it's defense. That's why arguing with one is so pointless, "it is like wrestling with a giant jellyfish. the substance is too slippery to grasp and there is not even a brain to stun". Facts are only to be used to reinforce rhetoric. The facts by themselves couldn't matter less.
The Obamacare Christmas argument over hot cocoa, would have been the ripest slice of hell for his family. The silent shudders would have begun the moment he pasted that self satisfied half smirk on his face. Then he would arch his eyebrows in the approved thought leader fashion before saying, "I think there is an issue we should really discuss as a privileged family..."
Thinking like a Lambda male is (hopefully) difficult for the cis-gendered males present. However, how would a gay man attack Pajama Boy's ego? Appears to be a productive question.
You really shouldn't talk about totally irrelevant things that only a few people here know about, among an audience of millions, Linda. First, it's basic solipsism, and second, it's confusing to everybody. Can you see what 99.9% of people think you mean by "he", having just mentioned me in the previous comment, mean? Me.
Anyway, thank you for your comment, though I have to wonder if it might be a tad optimistic. However, you would be much better served by getting in touch with the other women here, rather than commenting on these threads. If you all want me to put y'all in touch, I can make it happen. Just say the word, ladies.
If it weren't so damned expensive to accomplish, I'd put an alcometer to your laptop. Write one hundred times: "I will not comment after more than one glass of wine."
Ethan I do believe was in the IDF, so what watchtower did he fall off? Being a rabbit his insecurity is being outside of the rabbit herd, right? So there you go, separate them from the herd and then they are done.
"You need to get it through your head that no one is as obsessed with your life as you are. No one."
I agree agree Dystopic, realising this gives a awesome feeling of freedom. But step by step removing this delusion has also been met with inner resistance. I once had the realisation that if I quit my job most people would have forgotten about me in a year, one day I will be completely forgotten by the world.
Stop using letters to refer to types of people. It's really confusing. I get "alpha" (masculine) and "beta" (feminine), but I have no idea what the Hell "gamma", "zeta", "sigma", and "omega" are supposed to be.
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