Not sure if you remember this, but you wrote a post about a year ago about ways a blind man might be able to leverage some game in specific ways. I wasn't able to incorporate a lot of the suggestions from that post, with the exception of power-walking and facial hair. However, I have done quite a bit of dating over the past year and I still keep up with some of the manosphere blogs. While I have some moral differences with a lot of them (including yours), gaining a knowledge of the theory has been helpful. I just wanted to give you some updates on what I've learned and, probably appropriately, most of it doesn't have to do with blindness.This guy doesn't let being blind stop him, or even slow him down. What's your excuse in comparison with that? The best thing he's doing is asserting responsibility for himself and refusing to accept being friendzoned.
I have learned through several experiences not to try and date longstanding female acquaintances (I would use the term "friend", but I'm kind of leery of calling woman "friends" at this point.) Especially adding the blindness as a factor, it simply doesn't work; I will often place myself right in their friendzone and it's generally impossible (and not worth it) to try to escape. I have also found that basic game concepts-frame control, outcome independence, and mission/God priority-serve as a very solid foundation to build on.
So, here's one of the basic tactics I have employed successfully multiple times. If I have met a girl I'm interested in, often I won't even ask for her number first. If we are sitting in close proximity, I will do a small and explicitly physical IOI; nothing salacious, but definitely not mistakeable. I will then say nothing about it the rest of the time I am with her. This has proven to be very effective at gauging interest. It is also helpful with regards to blindness, because a physical IOI is both natural to me and not out of place in my circumstances. How it plays out from that point can vary by the woman, but I have found this particular tactic to be quite useful.
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Blind Game
A college reader writes in again:
Grope her body and then give a fake apology "Oh sorry... I'm blind... whoops, did it again..." =)
A refinement on Dexter's...suggestion (I suppose we will call it). A blind man has the perfect excuse to stand within a woman's North American comfort zone of two feet. Admittedly she's free to back pedal but it's an edge.
There are advantages for a blind man. Some women will be repelled but it will bring out the maternal in others (to paraphrase Heinlein) it averages. Just stay confident, challenging, funny and confusing. A confident blind man can tap into High Status Shaman Game. After all a blind man must have very good reason to be that confident or so a woman's gene's are telling her.
How do blind guys deal with female beauty? I'm genuinely curious about this.
What a badass.
He should always be dropping the ex-girlfriend stories about how women find it tantalizing, mysteriously powerful to get naked and stand before, then be 'discovered' by, a blind man... He's could milk that line of attack for centuries. Maybe something along the lines of "they can be any woman they want, as beautiful or exotic as they want in front of me..."
Bastard. Wow, just got kinda jealous of a blind guy.
In the Manosphere, is a moral line crossed if one pretends to be blind? Or is all fair in the game of Love and Poonany?
KSC, the original writer here. This is actually kind of an interesting question, although I don't think there's an answer that fits all blind men. I think there are certain indicators on the youth/fertility spectrum that can be detected without sight (skin texture, voice timbre, etc)--I've actually spoken to someone who's familiar with the psychological literature on this. Voice is a pretty big factor for me. I am less focused on overall physical makeup--so I don't necessarily find skinny women ipso facto more attractive. I think this is actually an advantage, as there is really no approach anxiety based on how pretty someone is. (Although approaching when your blind is a different ballgame anyway.) So, to simplify my answer: most blind people care about it to an extent, but the cues we look for are different and we may not be quite as focused on it as the average guy.
And really, what I'm doing isn't that special. I'll probably never rise to more than a high delta, and I'm okay with that. But the manosphere has taught me some things, and I thought it was appropriate to give credit where it's due.
"I wasn't able to incorporate a lot of the suggestions from that post, with the exception of power-walking and facial hair."
Interesting. How have you implemented Facial Hair Game (aside from, you know, simply growing a beard)? Is it a particular colour or style?
As you know, I've grown a beard and moustache over the last couple of months (think: Commander Whitehead or Gavin McInnes) and I can say that it has caused some sensation among local females. The head-turning IOIs come thick and fast, much to the consternation of my current gf. It's pretty amusing to behold.
Although facial hair doesn't suit every man (or even most men), it remains a simple technique for chaps interested in improving their style game.
I understand his limits. Mine are somewhat different, but just as vexing, sometimes more so.
As to what my problem is? While I suggest, and somewhat, mostly, believe I will live for 20 to 40 more years, health and doctors vigorously disagree with my assessment. They are already as wrong as the lightest of what I suggest, and change, they were wrong over past prognostication (if done after the fact), but past performance is no insurance of future success. I'm thinking about it. I still game, just not for keeps, for the time being. I would love a wife. I'm not sure I wish to condemn her to an early widowhood. That's my problem.
I don't need any excuse. What I do or don't doesn't concern you. If It does, that's not my problem.
And really, what I'm doing isn't that special. I'll probably never rise to more than a high delta, and I'm okay with that. But the manosphere has taught me some things, and I thought it was appropriate to give credit where it's due.
"Do your best" is a pretty good philosophy. Cheers to KSC, and good luck to him.
KSC, high delta is not your ceiling, although high delta is not necessarily a bad place to be. I see no reason why your mindset would not allow you to achieve a simulated alpha (if you want the responsibility of leadership) or certainly a beta wingman to an alpha. If I still cared about attracting women, I would be recruiting you like mad to join my pack.
Speaking of Facial Hair Game, my friends and I once had a discussion about mustaches. We agreed that only certain types of men look good with just a mustache: 1) old men; 2) swarthy Mediterranean or Levantine men; 3) stone cold badasses; and 4) porn stars.
I wonder what a beta with the social attitude of a sigma would be.
Typically if I go for facial hair I have a goatee rather than a full beard. It adds several years to my face, which is helpful. The other physical suggestion (bulk up), is something that I'm still working on--and frankly, it's not my highest priority *at the moment*.
I have definitely thought about the possibility of betahood. I don't really have the personality that inclines itself to alpha-style leadership. I'm also curious to know what a marriage-minded beta would be like, as a lot of the socio-sexual hierarchy is spoken of in terms of number of sexual partners. Since I'm traditional and religious, my aim is 1.
Have you seen the movie "Blind Justice"? Your status would definitely increase if you walked around with twin Katanas on your back.
Ah, the sweet siren song of sharp things. I don't have katanas, but I do have a cane with a wooden handle. (Not as awesome as it sounds, but still sort of neat to have.)
Have you seen the movie "Blind Justice"? Your status would definitely increase if you walked around with twin Katanas on your back.
C.R., don't weeabo out. It's unbecoming.
What's Weeabo?
Beefy Levinson,
Meh. I have always, always, considered mustaches as an indication of direct or indirecty queerity. I have seen men pull it off. Muscle heads, bikers, a few boxers, and the like. But always, in the back of my head, I get the queasy feeling that they like it up the dark hole or in the face. No, no childhood traumas, along those lines, just a gaydar with a queasy stomach.
Did someone just say weeaboo?
Ah, the sweet siren song of sharp things. I don't have katanas, but I do have a cane with a wooden handle. (Not as awesome as it sounds, but still sort of neat to have.)
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Wow KSC nice to see another blind person arrond the manosphere. :) I must say as a blind girl one of the best ways to tell if a guy is attractive is by asking him to guide me. Just by that I can tell if he's fat, skinny, muscular and all that good stuff. I know most blind men don't like girls guiding them though. And how have you tried to bulk up? I'm starting martial arts but need to work out more... Nice on the facial hair by the way.
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