Monday, May 12, 2014

Women abusing men

Where is Jay Z's hashtag?
Jay Z was ferociously assaulted by Beyonce's sister Solange  ... who was wildly kicking and swinging at him inside an elevator ... and the attack was captured on surveillance video ... obtained by TMZ.

According to our sources, it all went down at a Met Gala after party last week at the Standard Hotel in NYC.  In the video ... Jay Z, Beyonce and Solange step into the elevator ... and then Solange goes crazy, screaming at Jay before unleashing a violent attack.

A large man -- who appears to be a bodyguard -- attempts to hold Solange back, but she manages to connect at least 3 times.  At one point Solange throws a kick and Jay grabs her foot, but never attempts to strike her.  Beyonce stands by without getting physically involved.
So much for Jay Z's gangster cred. But can you imagine the criticism that would be leveled at him if Beyonce was attacked right in front of him and he didn't lift a finger to defend her?

If Jay Z was the Alpha he pretends to be, he would have flattened his sister-in-law. There are few things more pathetic than a man who submits to a beating by a woman.


Trust said...

From Dr. Laura's email today: " Every woman wants a real man. And by real man, I mean an alpha male - someone who can provide and protect, not a mama's boy, wimp, wounded birdie, slob, flirt, commitment-phobe, or self-centered jerk. I'll talk about the traits of an alpha male, today, beginning at 11AM Pacific/1PM Central/2PM Eastern on SiriusXM Stars Channel 106."

I haven't heard the show, but email shows that even an intelligent non-feminist woman engages in wishful thinking in regards to "true alphas."

T.L. Ciottoli said...

I have been liberated from white-knight-think in regards to a woman getting physically violent. Knock her ass out. Period. It does her the favor of learning to control her savage behavior. It does the victim a favor by stopping the attack. It shows the woman and other women in the vicinity that to attack a man (or even a man's companion) is sheer lunacy and will likely result in serious physical harm. It will be a good reminder to the savage female if she ever thinks to attack anyone again, namely a man. It is the most beneficial, compassionate, and just response to the individuals at the scene, the victim, the savage woman, and to society at large.

NOT laying her out is the ultimate in surrendering to feminism. When a man is willing to surrender and set aside even his most basic and primary advantage (his relative physical strength) to a woman, then he has surrendered all.

Miguel D'Anconia said...

He should have stopped her first hit and told her that if she continued, she'd be stopped. Period. Next punch or quick of her chimpout, knock her cold. Done.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

I've never been in this situation, and, as a rather large chap, have never been in the position to be assaulted by a woman. Neither would I allow myself to do so.

In my experience, professional athletes, rappers, and celebrities are much, much smaller [and thus easier to take out] in real life than they are on the screen.

Stop the worship.

little dynamo said...

Jay Z is a 'celebrity' and a member of an Oppressed Class. He wouldn't have gone to jail -- not long, anyway -- unless he'd really whomped her. Even then his money would soon free him.

However, if YOU tried punching a female, you'd get jail time, and plenty of it. There are lots of males in cages right this moment for merely SPEAKING to a female in a way she dislikes. (The recent favorite is 'Verbal Harrassment' but the Justsis Sistem has got plenty of others applicable, if necessary.)

American females -- related or not -- can do pretty much anything they want to males -- adult or child. You, OTOH, are constrained by law from even verbally defending yourself. This is clearly what Americans want, as they voted for it twice, and enforce fem-supremacism by many other extra-legal means across cultural contexts. Not everybody is a feminist, but most males have wives, daughters, sisters, girlfriends, moms, etc. whose interests they will advance and protect, regardless of the malevolence/appropriateness of the female's acts. Provocation, including physical provocation, is no excuse before Ms. America for males getting uppity and attempting to defend themselves.

Anonymous said...

Um, where the H E L L was Beyonce? If my sister assaulted my husband, I'd assume she'd temporarily lost her marbles and needed me to lovingly bitch-slap her back to her right mind. How could Beyonce stand there like nothing was even happening? The TMZ article says that when they all exited the elevator, JayZ got into one vehicle and Beyonce and Solange got into another vehicle together like nothing had even gone down. Way to Team Woman it, Bey.

Anonymous said...

Does that mean you are automatically a beta if you hire a body guard and leave him to do the job you paid him for?

Is it really alpha if the body guard is holding her and you come in and jack her because she kicked you a couple times due to the confined space?

Was he supposed to call off the body guard and knock her out himself?

CostelloM said...

Can we assume Jay Z is now in jail for assault given that he hit the chimpete on its fist and foot with his face?

CostelloM said...

Here is the way to stop divorce, and it would have been useful to end this chimpout as well. Some of the comments are interesting: Link

insanitybytes22 said...

Oh for crying out loud," ferociously assaulted"? I'm not sure what is more ridiculous, calling a woman flailing around aimlessly, " a beating by a woman," or implying that Jay Z is an alpha.

S. Thermite said...

Goes to show that even if you're in the Illuminati and you also put a ring on one of the girls who "run the world" (bleh), you're still bound to have a few problems with a bitch. Hit me.

Maybe he called her a half-savage

KJE said...

Jay-Z held frame.

After all; he has 99 problems and a bitch ain't one...

Sentient Spud said...

Does that mean you are automatically a beta if you hire a body guard and leave him to do the job you paid him for?

No. But the body language of Jay Z and his handling of the situation couldn't be any further from the alpha image he likes to sell. After watching the full video, I've the distinct impression that, had his bodyguard not been there, Beyonce would have had to man up and save him.

Even more egregious than that, he didn't have his sister-in-law physically tossed from the elevator on the very next floor. He let her ride aaaaaall the way up (down?).

Beyonce's (non)reaction was also noteworthy. Personally, I've never met a woman who wouldn't bitch slap the hell out of her sister for such a belligerent display. This seems like an indictment of Beyonce, but it begs the question: does she have that little respect for the man?

So you see, it isn't that Jay Z's bodyguard broke it up. This destroys any alpha tough-guy image he was trying to sell because the only person who responded appropriately was the man being paid to do so.

Anonymous said...

Get 6-pack abs fast!

S. Thermite said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
S. Thermite said...

Reminds me of a story a female acquaintance told me about her how brother got drunk one night and his wife got upset about it and hurled a TV remote at him while he was walking away from her. He was Alpha enough to hit or slap her in response the provocation, after which the wife called the police, resulting in him eventually being assigned court-appointed marriage counselling. Evidently the wife's hamster justified her assault, provocation, and the ball-breaking travesty of introducing armed LEO's (aka feminist Mafia enforcers) into their relationship by saying that "their marriage was stronger afterwards." Sometimes I think Sharia wouldn't be such a bad thing.

APL said...

D.Lane: "This seems like an indictment of Beyonce, but it begs the question: does she have that little respect for the man?"

What did Jay-Z done to her sister that makes his wife/girlfriend not want to intervene and at the same time, make the sister so furious?

My bet, he screwed her.

PVW said...

Or the sister-in-law knows he was screwing around with someone else, or messing up on money, the two things that get any woman going. She could have been standing up for her sister--note, they went in the same car, separately from him.

Harambe said...

Jay-Z got 100 problems now. If you don't get the reference

Unknown said...

What the heck? This is messed up.

Yohami said...

The comments on TMZ are full of rationalizations that JayZ is probably a bad man and the punishment is justified.

I think something else is going on though: she's bypassing her older sister and having direct unrestrained physical contact with the hubby. She wants dick.

Anonymous said...

I would have assumed that a millionaire rapper was already banging his wife's sister, her friends, quite possibly her mom, and any other women who made themselves available. Perhaps I'm being unfair.

SRBEL said...

Well, I keep hearing that well behaved women rarely make history, so I guess we're seeing one more example.

Aquinas Dad said...

"Beating from a woman"?
You guys must not get out much.
The video *I* saw showed a guy largely ignoring a woman flailing around a bit. Meh. Women get a few drinks, think they are tough, flail around. So what? Ignore it, maybe remind them how much stronger you are, and move on.
Or do you guys also feel threatened when toddlers call you names?

SarahsDaughter said...

Or do you guys also feel threatened when toddlers call you names?

You wouldn't do or say anything if a toddler called you names? This has nothing at all to do with being threatened. The idea is to dictate appropriate behavior to those who are not civilized enough to know what appropriate behavior is.

LibertyPortraits said...

Not sure if I understand, but, at least give credit to Beyonce for getting in between them after Jay-Z catches Solange's foot. She was probably initially staying out of the way because the elevator is a tight space and the big guy mostly had Solange under control. Who knows what sort of words were being exchanged, but from my limited life experience I am just guessing Jay-Z might have been caught off guard and probably doesn't want to get sued or arrested because he knows our culture is massively pitted against black men.

Bob said...

Love how the papers all just calmly reported on what happened, showing pictures of him "adjusting his trousers" after the attack (implying she'd been trying to kick him in the balls etc, cause ofc that's all fine).

I really don't get it, can you just imagine the absolute UPROAR if it was HIM on camera going outright bezerk on her? Sure he'd have done more damage, but that's hardly the point

Aquinas Dad said...

"You wouldn't do or say anything if a toddler called you names?"
Re-read what I actually wrote. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Notice how I never mentioned anything about action or inaction?
My kids? I would correct them. Someone else's kids? I would correct them and talk to the parents.
But I wasn't talking about that, was I?
I wouldn't feel threatened or be insulted.
Some girl I know starts cursing and swinging? Yeah, I might push her out of the way, or have someone grab her. But it wouldn't threaten me and I sure as Hell wouldn't need to actually fight her, FFS

SarahsDaughter said...

My apologies, when I read "Ignore it" I'm thinking there's a suggestion of inaction.

You keep talking about this behavior with regards to whether it is threatening or not. It's quite bizarre as I don't know any men who feel threatened by women who behave this way. Those above who have suggested the actions they would advise are not responding from a position of being threatened, they're responding from a position of educating women on something they should already know, it is unbelievably stupid and uncivilized to hit men. None of their suggestions involved fighting her either, one swift reminder of why we don't hit men is not a fight, it is a lesson.

insanitybytes22 said...

"Beating from a woman? You guys must not get out much."

Thank you, Aquinas Dad. Your sane words are much appreciated.

" swift reminder of why we don't hit men is not a fight, it is a lesson..."

Pardon my humor Sarah, but I'm afraid there's not much of a lesson to be learned while unconscious? Also the lessons learned from such overkill will be that men are terrified of women, that they have no self restraint, and that the next five men you meet should be taken to the cleaners.

I know that men need respect to feel loved. Is it possible that men do not realize that women seldom fear brute force? It may not be rational, may not be survival oriented, but it is the way of women. Knocking one out cold is unlikely to bring about the response you seek because she is not a miniature man.

SarahsDaughter said...

No, GG, that is not the lesson that will be learned. No one believes men are terrified of women. The mealy mouth "meh, ignore it" type of individuals is what is dangerous to women. Women who behave like this, with no self restraint, are not met with the proper consequences for their actions (as men would be), soft misogyny, so to speak. Women then mistakenly believe they can challenge a man in the boxing ring, join the military, and/or hit the very wrong man and end up dead.

Women very much fear brute force, now you're just speaking nonsense. This is the impetus behind women voting for security and safety over freedom and liberty.

Blaximus said...

Laguna Beach Fogey - facts straight - Jay Z is 6' 2" tall. Sheeeshhh.... You guys.

I don't know about " gangsta cred " ( more of a west coast ideology... ) but Jay Z has defended himself just fine in past situations.

I think it is smart not to flatten your sis-in-law when you're worth a couple of hundred million dollars. She doesn't have the weight to hurt a full grown man, and if she does get a few good shots in, then you can put her to sleep. But in the interest of avoiding court battles and paying out damages, Jay did the smart thing.

little dynamo said...

Correct, Sarah's Dotter.

In the West, we let female violence against males go, and go, and go, and we look away and snicker and pretend it doesn't matter and it's just funny grrls stomping their feet. The GG and Aquinas Dad approach -- just take your humiliation before Women like a man. Almost every U.S. film has a female striking a male, with NO consequences. It's a display of OWNERSHIP.

But each time a female acts out (especially in public) and rebels against male authority -- even going so far as to attack a man, no matter how ineffectively -- we are defending and supporting the Matriarchy that we all live under, in opposition to God's will. It's incremental. Each time a western female sees Beyonce put another male in his place, WITHOUT any consequence for her rebellion, other women and girls are encouraged also to do whatever they wish, to any male they wish -- in the home, in courts, at schools, the workplace etc. Of course we now have many elements of society who benefit from this, and by no means are all those people feminists.

The lesson learned by females is that there are no consequences for attacking, degrading, or belittling males. Instead, there is covert or overt encouragement, as Beyonce garners even more media attention for doing evil.

Aquinas Dad said...

A woman trying to hit me isn't humiliating (well, maybe to her) it is funny. If a woman tried something serious with like, oh, a weapon sure - disarm her, etc. But the linked video didn't even show a real slap. She was mouthy, the bodyguard grabbed her, and she flopped aobut.
"Oh, she kicked him! Ooooooh!"
"*I* wouldn't put up with that! *I* would teach her!"

here is an exercise.
You are a nobleman; a duke, say. You are walking through a town (your town) when a peasant hurls an isult at you, calls you a 'nancy fop' or similar. How would you respond?
the right answer is 'either ignore him or toss him a dollar or two'. He isn't of high enough rank to even annoy you.

Yohami said...

Aquinas Dad, bullshit.

Aquinas Dad said...

You also speak like a peasant.

Yohami said...

gimme my two dollars or shut up

Thordaddy said...

Alpha "black" male is DOA... Totally assimilated into the Zeitgeist. The "bigger" the name, the truer the shame.

insanitybytes22 said...

"Women very much fear brute force, now you're just speaking nonsense. This is the impetus behind women voting for security and safety over freedom and liberty."

I'm sorry Sarah, but that's simply incorrect. Women go back to batterers dozens of times, in fact, they'll go back until they're dead. Women are not little men, they don't respond like little men.

As for women voting for security and safety, that's not fear of brute force, that's totalitarianism and dominance, that's a desire to wield brute force, not a fear of it. Women are not voting for security and safety, they're voting for power and control. The trick in politics, much like in interpersonal relationships, is to convince her that's not what she wants, no easy task since most women have no awareness of what they want at all.

SarahsDaughter said...

Women fear brute force and are attracted to the men who can wield it. Dear girl you are so off in your understanding of these things. Women go back to batterers behaving more subservient than they were previous i.e., having "learned their lesson" - this is not a lack of fear, it is the expression of fear coupled with the attraction to the abuser. However the extreme cases do not even need to be discussed to know this observable truth about women.

The woman who slaps, hits, kicks a man is performing a shit test. The action that passes the test (creates/continues attraction, commands respect, puts a stop to this irrational behavior) is a swift physical response with a commanding "No" in some form or another. The surest way to fail the test (loss of attraction, loss of respect, continued physical aggression and escalation) is to be passive and "meh" about it.

The voting're wildly wrong about that as well (the average woman is not a militant feminist) but that is off topic.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

@ Blaximus Laguna Beach Fogey - facts straight - Jay Z is 6' 2" tall. Sheeeshhh.... You guys.

I'm 6'3" and considerably bigger than 'JayZ'. I regularly see Kobe Bryant in Newport Coast (where he and a lot of these African entertainers live) and he doesn't look threatening in the least.

Stop the worship.

Retrenched said...

@ Sarahsdaughter

Yes, women are certainly drawn to violent men -- or at least men who demonstrate the ability and the will to exert violence on others if the need should arise. Such men will never be without female companionship for very long, unless they're gay.

insanitybytes22 said...

"Women go back to batterers behaving more subservient than they were previous i.e., having "learned their lesson" - this is not a lack of fear, it is the expression of fear coupled with the attraction to the abuser..."

Sarah, spend five minutes observing the family court system and you will discover the deception behind that myth. I did it for ten years. Women do not go back "more subservient then ever," in fact the exact opposite. Battered women not only often attempt to fight back physically, they avail themselves of the entire court system. They rarely go back out of fear, it's usually a desire for control.

I'll go so far as to say, if you ever encounter a subservient or submissive woman, the odds are high that she is not being abused. Women cannot be in a state of fear and submission at the same time. It's a bit ironic, but bible actually makes that point very clear, fear separates us from submitting to God. Fear also keeps women from submitting to men. There are literally hundreds of fear nots in the bible. One cannot be in a genuine state of submission and a state of fear at the same time.

Yohami said...

"Battered women" are usually batterers and initiators of violence themselves.

SarahsDaughter said...

Women cannot be in a state of fear and submission at the same time.

I agree with this when it applies to being in submission to one's husband out of obedience to God.

We were not discussing biblical marriage or biblical submission. We certainly were not discussing obedience to God. We were discussing women in rebellion. We were discussing uncivilized women who hit men out of sheer stupidity coupled with the unfortunate trend of never facing the consequences for their behavior. You believe women do not fear brute force and that is why they will risk it by being physically aggressive with men. I contend that woman, while fearing brute force, don't ever get to experience it, are not receiving just punishment for their behavior, and thus don't know when to be fearful - which becomes detrimental to them when they challenge the wrong man.

Similar to Shamu and white lions in magic shows, the fact of every man's physical superiority to a woman needs to be taught and respected. A generation has grown up with "Meh, ignore her" and have not been taught the lesson.

SarahsDaughter said...

"Battered women" are usually batterers and initiators of violence themselves.

Sarah, spend five minutes observing the family court system and you will discover the deception behind that myth. I did it for ten years. Women do not go back "more subservient then ever," in fact the exact opposite. Battered women not only often attempt to fight back physically, they avail themselves of the entire court system. They rarely go back out of fear, it's usually a desire for control.

I'll take your words for it, I honestly don't know enough about battered women and may be wrong about them going back more subservient. But do you really believe analyzing the extremes will give us a better understanding of the nature of normal women?

My perspective is that of a mother raising both a son and daughters. One daughter learned the lesson of "men are stronger than you and are able to inflict a lot of physical pain and damage to you, so do not ever hit them" by just hearing the words and believing what we say. The other daughter is more of a spit fire and stupidly decided she needed to discover for herself what happens. While my son still showed restraint, he was able to physically teach her the lesson we had been unable to teach her with words. Needless to say, she has not needed to discover this for herself a second time. She believes us all now. Neither of our daughters are growing up in fairy tale land that it is okay to hit men because they will never hit you back. They are growing up respecting men as the physically stronger sex.

insanitybytes22 said...

"... the fact of every man's physical superiority to a woman needs to be taught and respected.."

Yes Sarah, but men gaining "physical" superiority at the price of losing moral, intellectual, emotional, ethical, superiority, is a tragedy. It's like winning the battle but losing the whole war.

I'm laughing a bit here Sarah, while I never underestimate the therapeutic value of hand to hand combat, there are much gentler and more effective ways of going about it.

SarahsDaughter said...

Yes Sarah, but men gaining "physical" superiority at the price...

What do you mean "gaining"? They already have it.

while I never underestimate the therapeutic value of hand to hand combat, there are much gentler and more effective ways of going about it.

No, there are some women who will learn men have physical superiority by being taught in gentle ways. All will learn (eventually) by demonstration. Any woman who hits a man has demonstrated she has not learned through gentle means - like science.

insanitybytes22 said...

"Any woman who hits a man has demonstrated she has not learned through gentle means - like science."

Let's talk science, Sarah. Dogs for instance, do not perceive size. Seriously, the pack leader can be the terrier, the Chihuahua dominant over the German shepherd. A little dog will approach a big dog with little or no fear. The fact that little dogs get eaten everyday does not dissuade them. They are simply not operating on a level where the laws of physics apply.

Women can be blind to both biology and physicality and simply unable to recognize it. Neither men or women are such simple creatures as to exist in a world ruled by nothing but rewards and punishments. Dogs aren't even that bloody simple, so why do we try to insist that people are?

SarahsDaughter said...

It's not clear what you are trying to debate anymore, GG. Is this leading back to your assertion that women have no agency again? They are like dogs and are too stupid to know that men are superior physically?

If so, it must make sense to you that women are not fit for being in public without supervision - and a burka?

insanitybytes22 said...

"Is this leading back to your assertion that women have no agency again? They are like dogs and are too stupid to know that men are superior physically?"

Honestly Sarah, it's absolutely appalling how the very worst ideas about women.....are usually perpetuated by other women. Of course I said women are dogs and have no agency. You may now report me to the misogynists hall of fame.

Women are not stupid at all, they simply have a different biology then men. Therefore, how you react to a woman should be different then how you would react to a man. JayZ may be an idiot, but at least he's smart enough to understand this.

papabear said...

Anyone have a link to the essay explaining why gangsters are actually mama's boys?

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High Arka said...

What would Jesus have done?

Unknown said...

Aquinas Dad said:
"You are a nobleman; a duke, say. You are walking through a town (your town) when a peasant hurls an isult at you, calls you a 'nancy fop' or similar. How would you respond?"

As a noble samurai, I would immediately cut off the peasant's head with my noble katana. Which is what real noble samurai did in the past.

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