Tuesday, January 7, 2014

The perfect woman

Spacebunny responds to some women who are always moaning about rape and assorted feminist nonsense on Twitter. How could a man not love her?
we're all victims. Group hug! PIV is always rape, ok?
So, get your rape on, boys. The ladies, they love the rape.

The amazing thing about that article is that this is NOT the most absurd sentence she has ever written: "Just to recall a basic fact: Intercourse/PIV is always rape, plain and simple." Hard to top, a more innocent man might say. But at Alpha Game, we are skeptical, we are, one might say, downright cynical, about the limits of feminist stupidity.

To paraphrase Voltaire, or Sartre, or some other pessimist concerning the human condition, the only way to comprehend what mathematicians mean by is to contemplate the limits of feminist idiocy. Consider this fascinating essay on "science and essentialism": "women have systematically been the inventors and creators while men stole their knowledge and skills"

If only there was a time machine and we could send this woman's essays back to the men who voted for women's suffrage. Forget women voting, we'd be living in a Gor-style society, we'd have giant flying warbirds, and John Norman would be ruling the world as our unanimously elected Dictator-for-Life.


Unknown said...

"women have systematically been the inventors and creators while men stole their knowledge and skills"

LMAO. Some of the most brilliant men in history have been unmarried and in fact had no relationships with women. Think Newton, da Vinci and Descartes (although Descartes, being French, knocked some chick up). So maybe dealing with all the bullshit that women throw our way prevents those among us who are gifted enough to make great contributions from doing so. Rephrased, womens' bullshit is holding back humanity.....

JLT said...

Inadvertent Comedy from the ASA, or, an Ecofeminist Does Milk
...Because milk is produced by female mammals, a feminist perspective seems to offer a logical foundation for such inquiry. From the start, feminism has been a movement for justice: at its heart is the centrality of praxis, the necessary linkage of intellectual, political, and activist work. Feminist methodology puts the lives of the oppressed at the center of the research question and undertakes studies, gathers data, and interrogates material contexts with the primary aim of improving the lives and the material conditions of the oppressed. Using standard feminist methodology [standard feminist methodology?], twentieth-century vegan feminists and animal ecofeminists challenged animal suffering in its many manifestations (in scientific research, and specifically in the feminized beauty and cleaning products industries; in dairy, egg, and animal food production; in “pet” [note the scare quotes] keeping and breeding, zoos, rodeos, hunting, fur, and clothing) by developing a feminist theoretical perspective on the intersections of species, gender, race, class, sexuality, and nature. Motivated by an intellectual and experiential understanding of the mutually reinforcing interconnections among diverse forms of oppression, vegan feminists and ecofeminists positioned their own liberation and well-being as variously raced, classed, gendered, and sexual humans to be fundamentally interconnected to the well-being of other nondominant human and animal species, augmenting Patricia Hill Collins’s definition of intersectionality to include species as well....

JLT said...

Think Newton

Newton wrote a rape manual:
"presumably" the gender metaphor, in which nature is understood as a woman waiting to be ravished, was fruitful for science as well [as the machine metaphor]... so why not refer to Newton's laws as "Newton's rape manual" instead of "Newton's mechanics"?

JACIII said...

Is or just me or does anybody else find a chick making Gor references incredibly hot?

JACIII said...

Is or just me or does anybody else find a chick making Gor references incredibly hot?

tz said...

Of course, she, herself is the product of rape. But reading the article - pregnancy as disease - all feminists should be sterilized before puberty.

That might fix things in a generation.

Fathers are there to encourage finding reality and its limits. Imaginary nonsense knows no bounds.

Az said...

That woman is clinically insane right?

"Also, I saw their hatred of women partly as an of envy women’s reproductive power and obsession with their own incapacity to reproduce life."

"As FCM pointed out some time ago, intercourse is inherently harmful to women and intentionally so, because it causes pregnancy in women."

If pregnancy is harmful how can men be in envy of women's reproductive power?

Love this though:

"I’m pretty sure that we’d have loads more healing, psychic, telepathic and other transcendental superpowers were we not crippled from birth by men, and that men have reduced our powers generation after generation of genocide."

So... basically she's pissed because she can't be Jean Grey

SarahsDaughter said...

I base it on an intuition and experience: being around with women is substantially and physically different from being around with men. The physical and sensory experience is simply different, and I’m not talking about touching in just a physical way, but the physics of soul-touching and sparking. Men are incapable of spinning; in every possible sense of the term. Any energy sent to them never comes back, it’s a dead end, a black hole, it goes plop, or flop, it stops there and never moves, there is no real exchange, and at the very least we’re left with a feeling of unease. Whereas with women, especially with radical feminists, you can actually feel the spinning going on,

Right she is, serious spinning going on.

Prospero said...

I was genuinely alarmed by the content on this page and found it more unsettling than perusing some radical Muslim site. I reckon I'm more likely to encounter a woman sympathetic to witchwind's bizarre assertions than I am to get blown up by terrorists.

VD said...

So... basically she's pissed because she can't be Jean Grey

We're stealing their wind!

Markku said...

When everything is rape, nothing is.

LibertyPortraits said...

Do you suppose these feminists try to say the most controversial thing they can think of for attention? Every feminist I've ever known was always an attention whore, raping my mind unsolicited. Perhaps one can black knight the word rape to include attention, I don't even want to know that these women exist.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

Definitely an attention whore. She made about half of all the comments in that blog post alone.

Anonymous said...

This Witchwind chick is only following on another blogger (the FCM she mentions) who packed in blogging last year. See http://factcheckme.wordpress.com/ especially the "intercourse" series of posts. There's some gold in the comments, too.

Essentially these are lesbian separatists who want no contact at all with men and would generally prefer that men just die. I've seen several comment that they'd be just fine with the elimination of all men (whom they do not consider full human if at all), even if it meant the extinction of the human race.

What passes for logic when wild supposition is taken as fact is fascinating. It's like observing a new species of alien insects...

Martin said...

That blog is so batshit insane, I'm calling Poe's Law on it.

Brad Andrews said...

The comments on that post were amazing in and of themselves, ignoring the half that were her own. How can people be so stupid? They clearly are, but it is amazing.

I am surprised SB doesn't write more, though perhaps she does in other places. She seems to have the wit and drive to say edgy things herself based on the past contributions of hers I have seen on VoxDay.

I do suspect that NAWALT would apply here, but too many likely are in modern society. We have far too much free time it seems. She might hold her views a bit less tightly if she were truly starving.

Anonymous said...

@Martin Davies: Sadly, it's not a parody. It's real.

Anonymous said...

I must be missing something. When I click on the first link, it looks like Spacebunny is agreeing with this stuff, and I know that can't be right.

WendyRaf said...

"women have systematically been the inventors and creators while men stole their knowledge and skills"

Women gave birth to the men who invented stuff. Duh. /s

Feather Blade said...

Read that blog post, skimmed the comments because mental overload.

My takeaway: what the hell?

I knew intellectually that there were women who said that but this female is a True Believer (tm). If she wants to believe that and keep herself away from all of the Nasty Men, more power to her, but...she needs to quit trying to convince other people to see it her way; it makes the rest of us look bad.

Eric Wilson said...

Why are the radfems using the term PIV? I mean dats sexissss. It should be Vagina Around Penis or Vagina Enveloping Penis, right?

Martin said...

" PIV is always rape, ok?"

I guess that's why no woman would ever buy one of these. Because rape, right?


Anonymous said...

That was one of the funniest articles I have ever read. This Witchwind character is so far beyond bat-shit crazy she's in her own time zone

swiftfoxmark2 said...

This is nothing. In college I read an opinion article in the college newspaper by an ultra-feminist chick who declared that cow insemination is rape. Yes, pushing bull semen into cows was rape in her mind.

Ireland's Finest said...

Is this real? Please tell me this is fake and that some women out there don't actually think like this

GB said...

I don't know what she looks like but I bet you one million dollars she is in no danger of ever being raped.

PatrickH said...

Love the Gor reference. It seems we ourselves are living in the Tatricy of Tharna under the sneering silver-masked gaze of Dorna the Proud. Except Dorna was a honey, and she seemed pretty smart.

Feather Blade said...

@Ireland's finest: I'd be willing to assert that most women out there don't think like this.

Adam Lawson said...

"Is this real? Please tell me this is fake and that some women out there don't actually think like this"

Some do. Some men go along with it. Usually they're like Hugo Danger -- actual predators wearing sheep's clothing.

Most don't. Otherwise we wouldn't have so many women being "raped" on the carousel.

I do think at least one of the comments was left by a man trolling, because those comments are SO VERY CRAZY.

I love the idea that "PIV" isn't natural. Where the fuck does she think we all come from?

Only an atheist who believes in evolution could be so hypocritical as to think that something mammals "evolved" to do is unnatural.

Unless she's conceding that rape is natural... in which case... she's still a hypocrite.

Krul said...

Self-identified "male feminists", take note:

To all women who may be reading: remember: if a man claims to help women, ask yourself (or him) what he does: ...He claims to do things useful to women? Does he do any of the above, discreetly, without taking any credit for it, and making sure it goes to the right hands? Take it and don’t look back! Don’t feel grateful! It is impossible to steal anything from a man.

Markku said...

Is this real? Please tell me this is fake and that some women out there don't actually think like this

Naivete. How cute.

Bob said...

men could theoretically “control” themselves externally through strict social controls such as mandatory life imprisonment for the smallest infraction including even *thinking* about women or children in a violent or sexually violent way. they could turn themselves in for this, they could make it a crime. they could enforce the laws we already have against these things for that matter. but they dont.

Good god, my mind is blown.

I could actually see this happening one day though with the way we're going..

This HAS to be an attentionwhore, or troll. Telling men to COMPLETELY refrain from PIV (lol) because it is ALWAYS rape is just...my mind, halp. Just where the f*** do they think we come from?

Bob said...

Also fuck it. Round up every bloody feminist who states they don't need men, and dump them somewhere, all of them.

Give them a tiny bit of help such as instructions on how to mine and gather the resources needed to build their city, then let them get on with it. See how they design, construct, and maintain their little female-only enclave, doing all those jobs that they so don't need men for!

Ron said...


Why? Aren't you paying attention to what the lonely, bitter, twisted, hateful unwanted, man-starved land whale was saying?

She is saying rape is natural

This is wishful thinking on her part. She wishes men would rape women regularly because then maybe some man would actually be crazy enough to take her poisonous diseased carcass.

There is a disgusting woman by the name of Andrea Dworkin, go do a google search on her. Find her ugliest photo, the one where she has a nasty mole crazy hair and blubber erupting out of her fat nasty face. When that photo was taken, the crazy bitch was claiming someone raped her.

Well I know no one raped her. You know why? Because only the most disease ridden degenerate, some festering shambling pile of filth that is only a man by virtue of his vile pus filled scrotum, would have even considered riding that shoggoth. And if he did, I promise you brother that man wasn't discharging semen, he was discharging cancer into her body. And if he had done that, then by now Dworkin would have given bir- ... I mean spawned some wretched evil horror from the most depraved depths of the nightmares of Nurgle and C'thulu.

IA! IA! Ia-R'lyehl Cihuiha flgagnl id Ia!

Anonymous said...

Bob, giving them instructions would be sexist! It would be like telling them they aren't smart enough to figure it out on their own. Not to mention you'd be oppressing them by stifling their natural creativity, and enforcing YOUR paradigm of "civilization" on them! Just because the "society" they construct might look like miserable mud huts with a bunch of gossipy bitches starving to death and blaming each other for not tending the crops properly doesn't mean it's not EVERY BIT AS GOOD, if not VASTLY SUPERIOR to the one men oppressively constructed!

John Cunningham said...

I always thought the perfect woman was a deaf-mute nymphomaniac who owned a liquor store.

Bob Loblaw said...

I don't know what she looks like but I bet you one million dollars she is in no danger of ever being raped.

Isn't that always the case? You don't see this kind of crazy from attractive women. Other kinds of crazy, yes, but not this kind of crazy.

Morpheus said...

I was genuinely alarmed by the content on this page and found it more unsettling than perusing some radical Muslim site. I reckon I'm more likely to encounter a woman sympathetic to witchwind's bizarre assertions than I am to get blown up by terrorists.

Some will try to draw an equivalency between what is espoused on that site, and "sphere" sites such as here, JFG, Rational Male, and Dalrock. I wonder if anyone who would do that is just brain dead stupid or intellectually bankrupt and dishonest?

Whiskey said...

Don't laugh this will be mainstream in five years. Maybe three.

S. Thermite said...

Wonder how she feels about penetration as it applies to gay men...and dykes with strap-ons? These are rhetorical questions, of course...I'd rather listen to a Darwinist from PETA explain how it's immoral for creatures with canine teeth to eat meat.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Duke of Earl said...

My ghast has never been so flabbered.

That's... that's...

I think that's the definition of batshit insane.

CostelloM said...

Hmm... well for the sake of argument lets assume this woman is correct - stop laughing - this is just an exercise. Now the bible says this:

1st Corinthians 7

3 Let the husband render to his wife the affection due her, and likewise also the wife to her husband.

28 But even if you do marry, you have not sinned; and if a virgin marries, she has not sinned.

So GOD has said that married peoples are not sinning when they have PinV sex. So by this womans admission GOD is advocating rape and saying that there is nothing wrong with it. Well if she can say that all sex is rape and GOD says its okay then by logical extension rape isn't wrong (else why would GOD allow it under any circumstance hmm?). So RAPE ON BOYS! Hide in those bushes! Don't take no for an answer or better yet cover her mouth and have at!

Markku said...

I must be missing something. When I click on the first link, it looks like Spacebunny is agreeing with this stuff, and I know that can't be right.

You know why the left likes to show us the Fred Phelps crowd all the time? Because our reaction, even if it isn't consciously verbalized, is going to be "well, I don't want to be like THAT, they just plain enjoy being nasty". And we usually then become too wary of any criticism of homosexuals.

SB is just playing this in the opposite direction. She is showcasing someone whom the overwhelming majority of people even on the other side would view as unhinged.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Paul, Dammit! said...

Reading that (well, the first paragraph, then scanning the rest over the course of 20 seconds to see if she stopped droning on or started making sense (no, for both)) made me tilt my head like a dog when it hears a strange sound.

At the end, I understood how Heinlein wanted us to empathize with Valentine Michael Smith.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

No, F'ism will continue to fail yet serve as endless entertainment. A feminist's obsessions and labels alone reflect their jealously.

Talk about SB Envy!

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