Monday, January 20, 2014

Mailvox: a response to GBFM

Yesterday I was asked how I would respond to this surprisingly legible rant from GreatBooksForMen entitled "True Christian Women do Not Need to be Gamed: Dalrock & Vox’s Christianity is not the Christianity of Jesus Christ". A selection:
Dalrock states that Christians need “Game,” and Vox writes, “I’m neither the first nor the only one to notice the intrinsic relationship between Biblical Christianity and the foundational concepts of Game: Women are fallen and women are inherently different than men. Being truth, Game is a subset of Christianity that happens to relate to an area of particular importance and interest to men.”

Vox states that Game is Truth and that it is a subset of Christianity. The most-respected, most-read, and most-profound blogger on Game is Heartiste. His “Sixteen Commandments of Poon” summarize Game:

Heartiste makes no claims of being a Christian, but he may well be, as there are those who say they are not going, who go, just as there are those who say they are going, who do not go.

Dalrock and Vox are stating that the teachings of Heartiste are the same as those of Christ, who, by all accounts, defines Christianity.
First, I'll point out that GBFM is being dishonest. He quotes me pointing out that Game is truth, then in the very next paragraph, falsely claims that I state "Game is Truth" when I specifically distinguish between small-t truth, things that happen to be true, and capital-t Truth, which is the Word, Jesus Christ.

This is clearly a purposeful lie, as in the very post GBFM quotes, I wrote: "Game is not Christ. Game is not Truth. But Game is truth, and he who comes to love truth will, in time, come to love Truth as well."

GBFM: "Vox states that Game is Truth"

Vox: "Game is not Truth"

So, GBFM is lying. He also lies when he claims that we are stating the teachings of Roissy and Heartiste are the same as those as Christ. Because both teachings are rooted in the truth, there is necessarily an intrinsic relationship between them, which account for the similarity between the Christian concept of all women being fallen and the Game concept of all women being observably prone to a panoply of unedifying behaviors.

This does not mean both teachings are equally truthful nor does it mean they are the same. Indeed, it is not at all hard to identify the differences between them. However, it must be admitted that the Bible gives considerably less in the way of direction to Man concerning how he should behave towards women in specific circumstances than the Chateau does. It is silent on recommendations concerning text messaging, just to give one example.

I am a Christian. If you want my absolute core advice, it is this: Fear God. 

Now, I could simply post that every day, and it would certainly be easier to do so, but I don't see how it would be of much use to anyone. I could also limit my subjects addressed to Christian evangelism, but I don't really have much more to say on that than I already say. However, I have seen that there is a tremendous amount that needs to be said, and that people have not heard before, concerning intersexual relations and their effect upon our society. That's why I started this blog. And so that is what I address here.

I have great respect for Roissy, for Heartiste, and for Dalrock. I even have a fair amount of respect for GBFM. We are all part of the same great cultural battle for the mind and soul of the West, which has been deeply corrupted by Marxism, by equalitarianism, by secular humanism, by atheism, and by feminism. But the fact that GBFM's heart may be more or less in the right place does not excuse the abandonment of the truth.

There is only one Christianity and that is the one defined by the Lordship, not merely the teachings, of Man's Savior, Jesus Christ.


Harambe said...

Jesus wouldn't let a woman walk all over Him.

Anonymous said...

I have a bit of custom Javascript code that hides the comments of certain commenters so I don't have to waste time scrolling past them. I added GBFM to that list a long time ago, partly for the keyboard diarrhea, but also for this kind of thing. I hate this kind of "I'll intentionally twist this guy's statements so I can sneer and scoff at him from my superior viewpoint and make everyone admire me" method of argument. (See also: Matthew King.) If you're going to use a strawman, at least invent your own, you know?

I'm not saying we in the manosphere have to be in lockstep, or that we shouldn't attack each other when we're wrong. Honest debate is healthy. But it's clear that there are some guys who pretend to be interested in the discussion, when their real goal is to catch a blogger saying something that contradicts himself or that goes too far, so they can scream, "Gotcha! See, Game is a lie/sin; I secretly knew it all along!"

tz said...

Fear God, but the practical side of that concerning here are the commandments against sexual impurity.
And it isn't just women who are fallen. There is a message that alphas have greater opportunity, but even temporally can get away with it. Who would be celebrated or derided here? The promiscuous alpha? Or the virgin gamma? Do christian game bloggers hold alphas to acount when they sin? They do take the feminized churches to task, and rightly so.

CH and Roissy have truth, but it is a sign saying "highway to hell". It is a road, and the truth is that if you find yourself going down it, a U-turn is in order.

Game preaches self-control, in CH's case, just enough to turn temptation into sin, but Christians should push total control through grace to get to heaven.

At Fatima, the children were given a vision of hell and told that most sinners go there because of lust.

So where is the fear of God? If you believe the word or tradition, Game is a true and fast path to eternal damnation. It also has the side effect of destroying civilization. But the former is never mentioned, and Roissy occasionally complains that the white race is disappearing for some strange unknowable cause.

Game is true, but the Devil can pervert the good, true, and beautiful. The large Christian family headed by a strong Father becomes Hypergamy and PUArtistry.

How do we reestablish and achieve the former instead of just gawking at the latter? The fear of God also applies to sins of omission.

Booch Paradise said...

One of the greatest heartiste posts is the terrible triteness of haters. But we really do need a Christian version of that as well. Point one, game does not equal fornication. I'm talking to you tz.

VD said...

If you believe the word or tradition, Game is a true and fast path to eternal damnation.

No. You are confusing the tool and the usage of the tool.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...


Are all Virgins automatically gammas?

Anonymous said...

We recently had to vote out another unrepentant woman who is now fighting her church member husband for custody of the kids while she's already with another man. They had counseling, just like all the other ones before, where the woman pulls the trigger.

AGP is its best when it walks the line - if we succumb to the sinister path of putting women on pedestals and counseling "servant leadership" as male submission instead of "servant leadership" as leadership, leading from the front and by example, then we get more angry harridans and busted marriages where the nature of woman, not fully understood, leads to her backsliding to her reptilian brain. The other path - "a key that opens every lock is a master key" - has to be understood in the light that these remarks are not made in a prescriptive manner but a descriptive manner; as I understand the perspective here, VD's a converted lady's man who has many, many experiences that give an insight, and those experiences come from his days as a natural man. It is true that, as Christians, we must avoid the hubris of the big swinging dick just the same as the selfishness of the emotional vampire. This is, of course, one of the ways of living out being as wise as serpents but as gentle as doves - to understand the ways of the world while rejecting the indulgences of sin.

What I've found meaningful from the AGP posts - and, I've said before I don't care much, as a voluntary omega, I really am content to the private life - in non-sexual situations, understanding how women think can help greatly. Having led some women down the path of getting them to open their Bibles and read, I don't think I would have been able to do that if I didn't come to understand the uncontrollable emotional ejaculation that is the reflexive starting point of how women engage a topic which they see as an attack, and you just have to push through it accordingly without taking it too seriously. When you present the Gospel message - we're all sinners, you're a sinner, I'm a sinner, everything you are and have without Christ is sinful and disgusting to the LORD - you're saying something offensive to the unsaved. Part of becoming whatever is necessary to deliver the message, as Paul described himself doing, appears to be learning how to communicate with this strange feral woman we have these days, because, the old way - have her father or her husband tell her to shut up and submit to the teaching - doesn't work now that we've committed cultural suicide and emancipated feral women.

It would, of course, be tedious to have a banner on each post: "Sex is only licit for the Christian in the marriage bed."

DaveofSpades said...

As Vox mentioned, you're confusing the tool with the work. Do you make the same argument that just by owning a gun you are a blood thirsty murderer bound for Hell? If not, why do you assume that knowing how men an women work means I'm banging every girl it works on and headed to Hell?

I use Game for classroom management while teaching middle schoolers. I have absolutely no desire or intent to have sex with ANY of my students. Being the alpha male of the room, however, has many advantages when it comes to discipline in a classroom. The girls do whatever I say and most of the guys will too simply because the girls don't give them positive reinforcement if they act out and make me angry.

Which is praise worthy, the alpha cad or the gamma virgin? Neither. You would praise the gamma for "obeying" the commandment to flee from fornication. The big problem with your theory is that the gamma didn't have the option to NOT obey it. Should I be praised for not enslaving the world with my powers as the Mutant Master of Magnetism? We both know the answer is no, because I have no such powers. In Christianese, wanting to sin but not doing that particular sin because you don't have he ability/opportunity is NOT obedience. It is sin. Thoughts and intents of the heart and all that...

Then there is marriage. Yes, I will Game my wife. I want a happy wife, a great sex life and a happy home life. I also want my sons to be Godly men and my daughters to know what Godly men really look like. Not doormats afraid to upset anyone.

Ron said...


That idea may be one of the most useful things I have ever heard of. If it's not too much trouble, could you post that code up somewhere?

Anonymous said...

Some dude, I'll stick it on my blog later this week. It's a rough hack; you'll need to know Javascript to customize it for a particular blog. Oddly enough, I haven't used it here at AG; there haven't been any particularly annoying commenters who stuck around long enough to bother with.

Patrick Kelly said...


I understand and share some of your concerns, and "all things being equal" the idea of "christian game" would be more problematic for me.

But all things are not equal. The evil secular trend of US church culture is the gammification of men and the disruption and destruction of traditional, patriarchal christian families and churches.

Men let this happen, many embrace it. As this generation becomes aware and reacts, it necessitates a radical, aggressive counter attack. The truth expressed in game, about the fallen nature of women and men, informs and enables action.

My own observation and experience is that the more alpha behaving men lead there families much better. (I"m not one of them, I am a miserable failure trying to salvage what is left of my life and make it suk less). The do not put up with shit from their wives or children, and neither are they cruel or mean. Sometimes they are even visibly vulnerable and weak at times.

They also have more children, who over all appear to have much more happy, stable lives. They stay active and connected to church longer, many never making the typical departing from their family faith. They are not perfect, they have struggles and failures, but the over all trend sure looks better for them than for the children of gammified pussies who just go along to get along, ducking from confrontation, too cowardly or dishonest to lay out what they believe and hold dear and make any kind of stand, take any risks that might disrupt mama's happiness....blech....

I use what I have learned of game to challenge and redirect my fears or insecurity of approaching or talking with attractive, assertive females. It truly is a fun game to play even though I have no intention of seducing and bedding any of them. Much better than cowering in fear of upsetting someones solipsistic foolishness, including my own.

tz, aren't you Catholic? Can you not see any value in learning from game to counter the feminist and queer assaults on your church?


Patrick Kelly said...

"Then there is marriage. Yes, I will Game my wife. I want a happy wife, a great sex life and a happy home life. I also want my sons to be Godly men and my daughters to know what Godly men really look like. Not doormats afraid to upset anyone."

This is the value of game for the christian man. It is tool to strengthen and protect such a family. Like learning martial arts or competency with firearms, both of which sometimes invoke similar responses from anti-game Christians ...hmmm......

Trust said...

Another difference between men and woman. A man is motivated when a woman plays on his hopes, whereas a woman is motivated when a man plays on her fears. Often, men and women get this mixed up due to projection and suffer accordingly.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Vox (and probably more Game-aware men than Christians). To me, the success of Game reveals important truths about the nature of women. Those truths were known to me from what the bible teaches. But knowing (as in having been taught) and understanding (as in having experienced) are different. Understanding, derived from experience, gives a man more confidence than just being taught. So, if you observe these truths in the world all around you (when you have understanding, you see Game occurring all around you every day) this confidence grows. These truths are generally taught among Christians as "the fallen nature of man/woman". Game-aware men consider the nature of women to be consistent, unchangeable, untrustworthy, duplicitous, ignorantly or purposefully untruthful, deceitful, both self-destructive and destructive to others, and as those with painful experience can testify, dangerous. Seeing the true nature of women, together with an understanding of our own nature as men, the absolute necessity of a radical change becomes apparent: this "fallen nature" must be completely and permanently destroyed, not reformed, and a new nature, that of Christ, take its place. Only then can there be a place (heaven) where there is no sorrow, pain or tears. Many Game-aware men will probably agree that much of male Christianity denies the true nature of women, even though the evidence is not hidden. Consequently, there is little respect for men who are willfully ignorant, especially to their own detriment, and the detriment of their families, communities, and country. Well, every hard, painful and bitter taste of these truths, which are plain to see all around us, can help a Christian man stay focused on Christ, the Life (the good nature), and the hope that this Life (good nature) will grow in us while we're here in this world, our hope in the final destruction our fallen nature (death), and a place and time where that fallen nature no longer exists (heaven).

RC said...

"I am a Christian. If you want my absolute core advice, it is this: Fear God."

This. The ironic twist is that a man who genuinely fears God eventually fears nothing but God.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Vox (and probably more Game-aware men than Christians). To me, the success of Game reveals important truths about the nature of women. Those truths were known to me from what the bible teaches. But knowing (as in having been taught) and understanding (as in having experienced) are different. Understanding, derived from experience, gives a man more confidence than just being taught. So, if you observe these truths in the world all around you (when you have understanding, you see Game occurring all around you every day) this confidence grows. These truths are generally taught among Christians as "the fallen nature of man/woman". Game-aware men consider the nature of women to be consistent, unchangeable, untrustworthy, duplicitous, ignorantly or purposefully untruthful, deceitful, both self-destructive and destructive to others, and as those with painful experience can testify, dangerous. Seeing the true nature of women, together with an understanding of our own nature as men, the absolute necessity of a radical change becomes apparent: this "fallen nature" must be completely and permanently destroyed, not reformed, and a new nature, that of Christ, take its place. Only then can there be a place (heaven) where there is no sorrow, pain or tears. Many Game-aware men will probably agree that much of male Christianity denies the true nature of women, even though the evidence is not hidden. Consequently, there is little respect for men who are willfully ignorant, especially to their own detriment, and the detriment of their families, communities, and country. Well, every hard, painful and bitter taste of these truths, which are plain to see all around us, can help a Christian man stay focused on Christ, the Life (the good nature), and the hope that this Life (good nature) will grow in us while we're here in this world, our hope in the final destruction our fallen nature (death), and a place and time where that fallen nature no longer exists (heaven).

Anonymous said...

Vox, I don't understand. You write, "Game is not Christ. Game is not Truth. But Game is truth, and he who comes to love truth will, in time, come to love Truth as well."

You state that game is not truth and that game is truth in the same sentence. The only difference is that you don't capitalize the word 'truth' when contradict your previous sentence.

How is 'Truth' different from 'truth'? Why can't you say that game is not the absolute truth, but it is a lesser truth of some sort?


Stg58/Animal Mother said...

One of the best posts Vox has putnon tbis website was his breakdown of David and Michal. Absolutely dynamite in userstanding these concepts. The takeaway from that post was one of the most profound statements I have seen since getting to the sphere:

Men do not answer to their wives. They answer to God.

Vox, could you repost that?

Trust said...

266c5e44-81f5-11e3-ab41-000bcdcb5194 said...
You state that game is not truth and that game is truth in the same sentence. The only difference is that you don't capitalize the word 'truth' when contradict your previous sentence.

How is 'Truth' different from 'truth'? Why can't you say that game is not the absolute truth, but it is a lesser truth of some sort?

Christians understand the difference between "a truth" and "the Truth." It is like saying "a savior" or "the Savior." A person that rescues you from certain death is "a savior," but he who saves your soul is the Savior." The two are not mutually exclusive, but are not the same either. One can be a savior without being "the Savior," just as something can be "a truth" without being "the Truth."

The Bible says to non-believers, Bible truths are foolishness, but to believers it makes sense. I believe that is the case here.

Matamoros said...

I thought this quote by Jack Donovan rather apropos:

"I see what many call game as a kind of gateway masculinity. Game is essentially assertiveness training for a generation of young men who spent most of their lives playing "mother may I?""

JCDaedalus said...

Well said, Vox; thanks for the answer.

Bob said...

Newsflash: God is dead. What relevance can a 2,000 y.o. dead god on a cross have for contemporary women? Or for men relating to women? Is there any doubt that Game is grounded in evolutionary biology and psychology - i.e., on "natural facts" about men and women? Wherefrom the genetic code by which the Holy Ghost presumably fertilized the Virgin's womb to give birth to God's Only Begotten Son? How is Godsperm compatible with natural science? Putting that aside, if what the Bible says about love, women and sex had at all been sufficient, men would not have needed Game.

To be sure, men who want to use Christianity to control women's sexuality have not understood the Red Pill. Feminism - like Game - did not arise in a vacuum. Like all modern, anti-traditional movements, (e.g., humanism, liberalism, secularism, capitalism, socialism, individualism), the modern women's movement represents a metaphysical rebellion against the Christian worldview. The Christian "teaching" on sex is especially inadequate for women. Monogamy ONLY works if there's a man for every woman. Any slight imbalance in the numbers (e.g., due to war, disease, accidents, ugliness, or unwillingness) and there's no sex for you!

As a result, the Judeo-Christian rulings on sexuality and sexual behavior have NEVER been observed. Either women have kept to the Law and become neurotic, repressing their sexual needs, or they lived a double life, "fallen into sin," and regretted it afterwards. For centuries, the Church pretended not to notice the natural fact of women's biological needs - so a vital organic and psychological/spiritual need which is there and wants to function - was ignored. Laws were laid down and enforced with bad effects. Hence the rebellion. So modern women are without guidance and lost. And because Christianity has nothing new to offer women (or men) in regard to sex except the perennial choice between Madonna and Whore - when she is forced to decide between chaste spinster and spinster slut, she'll choose the later. Because biology.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...


Did God exist at one point, since you now proclaim him to be dead?

VD said...

How is 'Truth' different from 'truth'? Why can't you say that game is not the absolute truth, but it is a lesser truth of some sort?

Are you truly ignorant of Jesus saying he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

John 14:6.


VD said...

Is there any doubt that Game is grounded in evolutionary biology and psychology - i.e., on "natural facts" about men and women?

Yes. Evolutionary biology is nothing but ex post facto fairy tales and psychology is bullshit. Game doesn't require grounding in anything but observation of human behavior and the construction of predictive models from it. The "why" is irrelevant.

Revelation Means Hope said...

There are some very deliberate misunderstandings going on here. I'd suspect Aspergers except it really seems to be on purpose rather than a genuine inability to understand normal human communication.

Anonymous said...

That's a good point. It's true that many of the early influential game theorists were atheists or agnostics who tried to explain everything they observed in terms of evo-psych. That's where I first heard about the socio-sexual hierarchy. But then I heard a traditionalist Catholic priest explain it in terms of the Garden of Eden and Original Sin. Regardless of the cause, it's the observation and the ability to predict behavior that make it small-t "truth."

Revelation Means Hope said...

Glad someone else believe that psychology is BS, although I would go farther and say that the entire edifice is built on a satanic foundation of lies. It is another industry I expect to shrivel when economic pain hits full force, for the following reasons:
1) Disposable income will be at a decades long minimum. No extra money to spend on weekly visits to your shrink.
2) People will have real day to day survival issues to contend with, which tends to give less time to spend on angsty "mommy was mean to me" navel gazing.
3) People getting back to basics like hard work in the sunshine to grow some food and less time spent in front of social media will decrease much of the modern mental illnesses.
4) mental health will be seen more and more as a pre-existing condition that will have legal protection, but in the real world will become even more discriminatory.

Anonymous said...

Heheh,... actually it was Deti who stated the teachings of Heartiste are the teachings of Christ:

Bob said...

VOX said: "Evolutionary biology is nothing but ex post facto fairy tales and psychology is bullshit."

Despite their flair for receiving supernatural revelation, none of the Truth-saturated Biblical prophets, sages, or saints ever noticed that the Sun did NOT actually spin around the Earth. It was Copernicus and still later Galileo who first observed this "truth." And mere "naive" observation did not suffice to corroborate the heliocentric model in the eyes of the Church. It was Newton and his theories of "invisible" magnetism that dragged the world against its will to this realization.

Lest I get drawn into repeating the intellectual debates of the 16th and 17th centuries, let me just say that "hypergamy" is nowhere to be found in the Bible. By contrast, psychological explanations of human conduct appear in Genesis 4. How else to explain Cain's murder of his brother except by appeal to his vanity, jealousy and ambition? What about Joseph who interpreted the Pharaoh's dreams? And how, except by the lamp of Psyche can we understand people's motivations, intentions, dreams, or religious experiences?

Thus, while Adam and Eve is a paradigmatic tale of betrayal, hypergamy is a biological strategy made adaptive by the female's far greater investment in sexual reproduction. Lacking an understanding of causality in this instance, we would be left unable to explain, for example, "why" a particular woman cheated on her devoted husband with a sociopath thug - or make any predictions about the survivability of their marriage - assuming her husband decided to improve himself in his dealings with her.

Doom said...

I love me some rabbit stew. Curious brave seeming rabbits are the tastiest. Not really because they actually taste better, it's just that they are easier to catch being that they have the follicious notion that nibbling on a hunter's ankle is a worthwhile endeavor. Easier to catch, and I am a lazy hunter. *plink* Yum!

I do so little hunting these days, I simply have to enjoy the tales and exploits of others. You did the world a favor. Putting that rabbit out of it's fevered mind. Don't be hard on yourself.

Revelation Means Hope said...

You know, Bob, perhaps the greater wisdom of the One created both Sol and the planets (including the 3rd one) saw that the human race needed the lessons that He gave through the prophets much more than knowledge of exactly how the orbits of the heavens were determined.

And I haven't nor do I expect to ever see anything that would contradict His wisdom in that matter.

Your fixation on the few corrupt and blind leaders of a corrupt Roman Catholic Church who argued against those concepts says much of your own understanding of biblical christianity.

Anonymous said...

Vox, I am indeed ignorant of "Are you truly ignorant of Jesus saying he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life?"

I'm agnostic. Could you explain it simply to me?


JLT said...

Read the interview, then hear her try to lie her way out of it:

Woman claims Texans RB Arian Foster is pressuring her to abort his baby

Arian Foster's Baby Mama BOMBSHELL AUDIO 'Arian Never Harassed Me About Abortion'

Anonymous said...

Enough said:

Trust said...


Well, I hope your post gets a much deserved purge, but in the meantime, using the alleged sins of anyone's father to tarnish someone is not only dirty, it is a sign that they don't have the brainpower to debate on an intellectual level.

I find it amusing that the self proclaimed tolerant and intellectual left so frequently resorts to name calling and cheap shots. I guess when they call others loons and bigots it is really projection.

Unknown said...

GBFM is not really the person to consider when it comes to Game as defined by Vox. He's just like any other Heartiste fan who sticks to the A-B binary system.

Anonymous said...

I was actually surprised to see this from GBFM. The way it's framed is rather childish. Yes, VD and Dalrock don't preach sermons, but neither does GBFM. Just repeating "follow the laws of Moses and Jesus" 20 times in a row is not particularly edifying.

Game has a lot of value for a Christian man. For me personally, a year ago it felt like my marriage was falling apart. I couldn't understand it. We had everything (I'm attractive, well-educated, great job, told by everyone I was an amazing father) and I tried to give my wife everything and give in to all her demands, because I thought a good husband needed to be accommodating. How could a supposedly decent, Christian woman be talking about divorce in that situation? Why was she picking fights over unimportant things and getting annoyed all the time? When I learned about game/red pill and applied what I learned (really a last ditch effort on my part), everything turned around dramatically. We've had many months without a major argument and I feel in control of things now. I also don't feel angry with my wife anymore, because I understand why she thinks/acts the way she does. I will also teach my sons to be leaders of their households, God willing.

Something very fundamental, that I think VD and Dalrock have realized, is that, even though game wasn't taught in the past, it was absolutely internalized by men. Read the Old Testament. It's filled with real men. They don't need to learn about game and teach that separately. Society was set up based on red pill truths. Good sermons 100+ years ago weren't so much tainted by gender equalism. Now of course, gender equalism has infected the vast majority of churches with terrible results. VD and especially Dalrock are trying to combat this horrific, widespread problem that few in the church are willing to touch.

However, GBFM is right in that this doesn't go far enough. We still need churches, sermons and Bible studies. We need strong and righteous red pill men to lead these. We need red pill churches. I would financially support this kind of church (I'm sure others would too), as I have no great pleasure in giving my tithes to a wishy washy church that won't teach the hard Biblical truths. Where can we look for these leaders? Surely among the called there are some who would take the risks of being persecuted and hated for the Gospel and for the red pill truth. When will we see the first Church of the Red Pill (which can be a symbol for all kinds of truth).

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Primitive Baptist churches are 95% red pill. There are exceptions here and there, but for the most part untarnished by feminism.

Revelation Means Hope said...

here, try this, found in the Bible, the book of John, Chapter 14, verses 5-7. You can find a bible through the internet, try for example.

5 Thomas said to Him, “Lord, we do not know where You are going, and how can we know the way?”
6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
7 “If you had known Me, you would have known My Father also; and from now on you know Him and have seen Him.”

Duke of Earl said...

Why would the Bible have had to teach Game, when the heroes of the faith were men like David who while a young man went up against a giant and slew him with a sling, and that warrior's own sword. A man who danced passionately before the Lord, and when mocked by his wife for exposing himself before the maidens of Israel turned around and told her, "I'll do that, and more besides to honour God"?

Game wasn't needed when men were men.

VD said...

Enough said:

Think so? I'm proud of my father. He's the most-respected man in his prison. He turned himself into jailhouse lawyer who has gotten wrongly convicted men freed from hundreds of years in jail during his time there. He told me last year that he is more respected in prison than he ever was as a rich technology CEO.

Markku said...

How is 'Truth' different from 'truth'?

Because "Truth" is such a widely recognized term of art in Christian theology, that one may well expect that another Christian like GBFM will understand it without explanation.

Lowercase, it means any statement that agrees with reality. Uppercase, it means Jesus Christ.

Markku said...

And to choose that particular word to talk about Jesus carries the subtext that Jesus's statements about life and salvation not only agree with reality, but are immensely more important than any other true statements.

Revelation Means Hope said...

I have carefully instructed my son a number of times that being thrown into prison or being on trial does not make you bad guy.
John the Baptist
All spent time in prison, on trial, and in some cases were executed by the authorities using the judicial system. I want to counteract the poisonous idea that the world keeps pushing - that anyone the State labels as a criminal must be a bad guy. I've also been instructing him that outside the world of LEGOS, the police are not always the good guys.

Ron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Properly, I really hope this page receives a significantly deserved clear, but in the meantime, while using the claimed mistakes regarding just about anyone's father to tarnish somebody isn't only dirty, it's a signal which they don't have the brainpower to talk about while on an rational level.
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Brad Andrews said...

Vox, the mark of a man is not what he does in the abstract, but what he does with what he faces. It sounds like your father is not quitting and that is certainly to be admired!


GBFM is very childish.


Note that Moses had his own "game" problems. His wife evidently refused to allow his children to be circumcised (and he didn't force it) until God almost killed him for it. That might be worth some consideration in a post.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

To all the men listed and AG, carry on!

Women around here support, affirm ya'all. But its not like the men need it.

Something that will always hold honorable is the search for truths, hashing them out and enjoying the discourse.

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