Friday, August 16, 2013

Rattlife Game

"This is my job right here.... Make sure the sun's up and the girls are out."

This isn't a man on strike, this is a man happily enjoying the bread, circuses, and whores of a rapidly declining civilization for as long as it lasts. And who can blame him? How could working hard and being responsible provide him what he wants any more effectively?  Does anyone truly believe he would be more attractive to women if he was working retail at an Apple store?

This is what a society following the Female Imperative looks like.  The women go to work in the fields and the men laze about drinking in the sun.


Ephrem Antony Gray said...

Anthropologically, no matriarchal society has done what patriarchal societies have done. In fact, they had difficulty even finding extant matriarchal societies to study. In them, sometimes polyandry is practiced and in general, men are useless layabouts. However, the society is still run by men; while the figurehead may be the mother of a family, it is often her brother who actually makes the decisions.

Unknown said...

Let us hear the nihilist sing hymns and praises for this dude.

Weouro said...

Even minus sex that life looks pretty appealing. And the interviewer can't offer a coherent life narrative to counter the Rattlife, either. Only a guilt trip that would have been effective 30 years ago.

Bobby Dupea said...

I'm unwilling to elevate him to the status of cultural avatar-innovator. I don't see what he's teaching us that is new or significant. I have a real blindspot as to why this twerp interests Vox and Roissy. He's living a life that is a parody of a parody. And he's using my money.

To me he's just a trust-funder with the dumbest pickup ever invented, slumming with the baitfish and chaff, and using my money. I can't wait to pay his major medical. Before he dropped out of college he evidently learned to read and write well enough to collect his current handout. He could also hand-print a beggar's sign, claim to be a vet, and limp up and down the highway. We have a lot of those guys, also. 20-somethings on the dole: More at 11.

Anyway, Thoreau was a dropout and highly disobedient of the then-current rules of society. He paid for his own disobedience and thus was more than this scuttling La Jolla cretaceous circus act. Thoreau demonstrated -- made manifest -- something about society. This guy demonstrates -- makes manifest -- something about Sean Penn in Fast Times at Ridgemont High? Okay.

Men have always dropped out and done things; some remain that way. They might rock climb their entire lives, living in beat up cars and washing dishes in the winter; they might ski and teach sking; they might write books that no one reads while driving a taxi.

CostelloM said...

Oh well electricity was fun while it lasted. Get used to shorter life expectancies as well as sewers back up and stop working and waste floods the streets and water sources. But at least the womenz will get to satisfy their all important tingles.

Chinese classes gentlemen - I'm taking them and they are a bitch. Start learning now while you still have a choice.

Crowhill said...

If that guy was black then Fox News would be racist.

Revelation Means Hope said...

So Bobby, you're saying he isn't a standin example (avatar) of a cultural change?

Something to point to and use as a real life example of the end effects of a pendulum swing in culture which has been driven by the hand of feminism and progressivism?

Do you have a better example?

I can't believe all the continual blue-pill bitterness that still leaks out in the manosphere. You can moan and complain that the manly virtues are no longer rewarded, like the toothless muttering of the old men down at the county store..... or you can mock people who continue to support the current paradigm and the effects of it, so that a paltry few can wake up and make some changes in their life to prepare for the new reality and the revolution to come.

mina smith said...

Exactly. This kid is doing exactly what Captain Capitalism says to do in his book _Enjoy the Decline_

From Amazon: "The "End of America?" Most likely. The "Demise of liberty?" You betcha! The "Destruction of Western Civilization?" Of course! But why let all of the above get you down? Learn to "Enjoy the Decline!" "Enjoy the Decline" is mandatory reading for all conservatives, libertarians, Americans, and lovers of freedom who are mourning the slow, but sure death of their culture and their country. America is over. Freedom will be curtailed. Liberty is dead. And above all else, it is inevitable. But the answer is not to get depressed and give up hope. The answer is to change your attitude and learn how to "Enjoy the Decline." You get one life on this planet and Aaron Clarey explains how to get the most out of it even though socialism and tyranny are all around you. From learning how to adapt your psychology to learning to let go and take advantage of the socialist system, "Enjoy the Decline" carries the freedom loving American through the 5 stages of grief and puts them on a path to enjoy their life regardless of what is happening to their beloved America. Dark, macabre, and morose, but truthful, helpful, and practical all the same, it is guaranteed to make you happier than your socialist counterparts even though they have everything they want. Make leftists, liberals, and progressives miserable. Enjoy the Decline!"

Stickwick Stapers said...

How could working hard and being responsible provide him what he wants any more effectively?

I don't disagree with the premise, that the work/reward system is FUBAR, but there is one reason to not live a life of unabated ease and pleasure, and that is to not lose your sanity. In a few years, Mr. Rattlife will either be a mental basketcase or he will be sane by virtue of living a life considerably less comfortable.

I found myself getting pretty disgusted watching this guy. Not because he he refuses to participate in the work/reward system, but because he's considered some kind of clever rebel for taking the absolute easiest way out. There are men who likewise refuse to participate in the broken system, but live in isolation in a pretty rough manner. When we were living in northern B.C., there was a small, scattered population that existed in primitive self-sufficiency -- genuine mountain men -- and there was a certain mystique about them. Even the RCMP didn't want to deal with those men, because they had no investment in civilization whatsoever. Those men are the stuff of legends. Mr. Rattlife is just a little boy with mommy and daddy's keys and credit card.

Stickwick Stapers said...

Chinese classes gentlemen - I'm taking them and they are a bitch. Start learning now while you still have a choice.

"I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords."

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Jason cracks me up. He's just doing this for publicity for his band.

There are guys like him all over SoCal. I know several here in Laguna Beach. Trust fund boys who inherited beachside homes and/or family businesses. I should try to write about them more often.

Hippies stunk in 1969, and they still stink in 2013. And yet, there are worse ways to enjoy the decline.

Anonymous said...

Bobby, you're being too much of a linear thinker. I doubt either Vox or Roissy admire this RatLife guy in any sense beyond admiring sheer audacity. No, not even Roissy, who despite his nihilistic streak, conveys an undercurrent of sorry and disgust at the loss of our civilization.

RatLife isn't an example to follow, he's a warning. Not a warning to people to "don't do what this guy's doing" because, well, like Vox says, that message doesn't actually compute. He's a warning to everybody else that this is what you get if you insist on the idiotic policies people insist on today.

In the land of hte short-time-horizoned, the layabout is king.

Bobby Dupea said...

JC Climber, I have no idea what you're talking about with respect to "blue pill rage leaking out into the manosphere" and it's not clear that you do either. So I'll leave that alone.

If you reread my post you'll see that I provide several examples of men who demonstrate the bankruptcy of the current socio-political model. Stickwick mentions some more. These guys maintain their integrity as moral actors; disobedient moral actors always tell us more about the world than disobedient nihilists. Ta-da: that's why I mentioned Thoreau. In truth, my comment there is beside the point.

What's puzzling to me is why anyone finds any insight from this guy's example. Vox and Roissy do, so they publish him. Cool: that's why they have blogs. I don't get it. He's not even disobedient: he's a 29 year-old who's still 13: he's still living off mommie and daddie, and he takes money from daddy gubmint. I guess the fact that we have a new Escalade Welfare Class might be new, but I already knew this.

So I just think this beggar with the dumbest pickup truck in truck history is a trite and tedious punk. He'll have his own Simpson-esque cartoon on Fox, perhaps. I won't watch that either.

Sometimes, when we see garbage on the side of the road, it's just garbage. It's not meta-garbage, illuminating history.

I don't find any merit in the whole "Enjoy the Decline" POV because it is functionally meaningless to me: I don't feel entitled to other people's money, just because a corrupt form of government practices transfer politics. Nor am I a hedonist (most days). Nor is it a new insight: there are layabouts in Chaucer. In fact, the argument against "Enjoy the Decline" nihilism *is* this Stoner Escalade Boy.

Anyway, have a ball if you think Stoner Escalade Boy marks some inflection point in the ongoing social collapse. To me he's just a beggar who will be wanting me to pay for his new teeth in 10 or 20 years. To me he's obvious, very old news, and boring. People have always acted like this.

Bobby Dupea said...

Jack, I'm sure you're right, with two quibbles, neither important:

Roissy sub-heads the piece: "Is this man smart or what?" I'm not finding a lot of irony there. And pretty soon he launches into the pulling chicks thing, which I noted (I am BuenaVista over there, I can't use that handle here) is an accomplishment on the order of fishing a half-consumed tepid beer out of a trash can.

So no I don't "this man" (he fails my definition, but whatever) is smart. I think, as welfare queens go, he's incredibly underachieving. You want smart? Ted Bundy was smart.

Second, I understand that he is emblematic of a broken state, I just don't find it as notable as do others. But then I witnessed a lot of guys like this in the 70's, and there was no difference in class or character between the State then and today. If anything, he's a bourgeois version of a true dropout or 70's radical. He's about as free and transgressive as an State Farm salesman -- he just has a different vocabulary and a more attractive office.

Weouro said...

Anyway, Thoreau was a dropout and highly disobedient of the then-current rules of society. He paid for his own disobedience and thus was more than this scuttling La Jolla cretaceous circus act."

Thoreau spent a lot of meals with his parents and Ralph Waldo Emerson. He also worked some at his daddy's pencil factory. He was just a little cleverer than Rattlife and able to string words together.

"In a few years, Mr. Rattlife will either be a mental basketcase or he will be sane by virtue of living a life considerably less comfortable."

I doubt his life is all that comfortable. Living someplace without a home can lead to certain difficulties. For example, when its raining, you don't want to overstay your welcome with friends, but sitting in your car for hours in the rain is a peculiar misery. You can't relax fully in public places like libraries, coffee shops or hotel lobbies. When it's sunny and warm its a different story, but even napping in a park in the grass isn't quite as relaxing as your own living room floor.

Anonymous said...

Bobby, I think what Roissy is noting is that RatLife is "smart" in the sense of Game. He is able to attract chicks without actually doing anything valuable to civilization. He's a living refutation of the Blue Pill world. Sure, he's not he first one, but at some point, enough anecdotes do in fact become data/. For Roissy's main topic (how to get chicks) he's a warning that being a stand-up, hard working respectable guy may have it's rewards, but hot chicks are not among them.

As to this same type of guy in the 70's, yes, absolutely. But I do believe there is a difference. In the 70's, you could still make a credible argument against that lifestyle, you could credibly claim living a more responsible life would be more materially rewarding. Playing by the official rules could still get you somewhere back then. Today, that's a hard, hard agument to make.

And there most certainly is a differnce between the State then and today. Then the corruption was still modest and held somewhat in check by a vestige of decency. That vestige is gone, and there are no more constraints on the corruption.

Bobby Dupea said...

All true, Jack. I'm just trying to figure out why it's an achievement or even an expression of Game to pull *those* chicks. Sorry, just as in the seventies, those women are going down with the same degree of difficulty as 10th Avenue hookers. How do we know this? Stoner Boy is getting laid.

Incidentally, one irony I enjoy is that Escalade Stoner Boy is pulling chicks with the one prop that State Farm Insurance Man uses at the bar of his chain restaurant: an expensive car that he didn't pay for. Salesman Gamer leases a BMW, Stoner Boy has mommie buy him one. They're on the same team, in this respect: Mr. Inside and Mr. Outside.

As to the 70's and today: I'm not nostalgic. It's much easier today to be an independent economic/entrepreneurial actor. (I'm mature, but I'm not that old. But I started one of the first independent software vendors in the country. Point is that things we take for granted now -- such as having an idea and starting a company without massive capital -- didn't exist in the mid-70's, not as it does today.)

We do have a corrupt government. But corruption takes different forms in different eras. Was Viet Nam an enlightened, innocent decision? Maybe initially, not by the time we had 500,000 men there and the ROEs from hell. Was Social Security, sold as insurance but validated (by SCOTUS) as a tax, an expression of innocent government? Wilson insisted on racial segregation through government and the military. So I don't know.

Appreciate the conversation. Have to run out to a meeting.

Bobby Dupea said...

On Thoreau: "He was just a little cleverer than Rattlife and able to string words together."

Well, this gets the gold star for the dumbest thing I've read or heard today.

Also, Rattlife is just like Faulkner, only he can't quite "string words together". But they both smoke(d) cigarettes and stretch the boundaries of the common tongue. No diff.

Revelation Means Hope said...

Bobby, sorry, that blue pill bitterness was not addressed to you, but at Tobias Templo above your post. Should've separated them, but was in a hurry (I had to prep for a meeting myself).

Thank you for pointing out that he is a loser and not someone to emulate. I'm sure those of us with high paying jobs and families appreciate the advice. I hope you realize that we agree with that statement, yet I haven't seen you acknowledge the fact that times have changed, and that particular message doesn't work, at all, anymore to motivate young men.

Because as Vox said, it doesn't compute. Real world, the chodes are scoring on many metrics that matter to young men. Denying it makes someone look clueless.

Yes, it is a harbinger of the downfall of civilization. And???? You many not have noticed, but we are well past the point of being able to save the original American Republic.

Should this world still be around 100 years from now, students of history will wonder "why didn't the people of that time see the facts right in front of their face and prepare for the coming calamity?".

Why indeed. You can long for the glories of the past, but you also must acknowledge they are gone forever and accept that it's time to prepare for the next phase.

Revelation Means Hope said...

And growing up in a beach side town, I saw the types of girls that these guys pulled.

They were hot in a beach slut kind of way. I realized at that time that by 25-30 they would look like used up old hags, but so what? If you're not looking to marry them, and you don't have religious reasons to avoid pre-marital sex, why avoid tapping them while they are young and fresh?

Because when they age, you move on to the new young fresh ones (who also will end up old hags by age 30). Rinse and repeat.

Stickwick Stapers said...

Bobby: Roissy sub-heads the piece: "Is this man smart or what?" I'm not finding a lot of irony there.

Nor did I at first, but a second reading does hint at subtle irony.

Mr. RattLife is clever, not smart. There's a distinction. He's like a lab rat that's discovered how to manipulate the feedbar in his cage. It seems as though Roissy is congratulating him for being smarter than all the other rats who are too dumb to realize they're just playing the twisted work/reward game the labcoats want them to play, but it's not obvious that Roissy really means that. He later refers to leeches and parasites, which doesn't exactly paint a fabulous picture. As you've pointed out, discovering there's a shortcut to the feedbar doesn't distinguish the rat in any way except that it has inadvertently revealed the delusion to those who are watching. That seems to be the material point. In this case, perhaps smart is figuring out how to get out of the cage, biting the labcoats on the way out, and burning the place down.

Weouro: I doubt his life is all that comfortable.

That's a subjective analysis. Compared with the life most of us lead, the transient life doesn't sound superb. But consider a guy like my college buddy, who grew up in the back of a VW van and eating out of dumpsters: he would've found Mr. RattLife's existence very comfortable. It's all relative. Mr. RattLife is aware that he could have his own living room floor if he played the game we're all playing, but he chooses not to for the obvious reason that he finds his current existence easier.

David The Good said...

Bobby: "I don't feel entitled to other people's money, just because a corrupt form of government practices transfer politics."

I understand that. I feel the same way for the most part...

Except... whose money is it, really? UsFedGov prints it out of thin air. It's paper. They make more when they want to buy stuff. There's no middle class in the world that could support these levels of spending. All a big Ponzi with a printing press behind it. People might as well loot what they can before it pops.

Bobby Dupea said...


Inflation is always a tax. They're just taking it from you that way, as well as by holding you up for 40% or 50% of your annual gross.

"People might as well loot what they can before it pops."

I assume you don't mean this literally. We're three days of, say, an EMP-derived power outage from mobs in streets scavenging and killing.

There's something very disconnected and disconcerting about this discussion about Escalade Stoner Boy (ESB). Maybe everyone is already enjoying the decline and I am behind the curve and being played for a sucker. Or, it's another example of the internet stretching reactions beyond their reasonable limits, just to make a point. I believe the latter, here.

David The Good said...

"Inflation is always a tax. They're just taking it from you that way, as well as by holding you up for 40% or 50% of your annual gross."

I understand that. But we're forced at gunpoint - or at the very least the threat of prison - to use their fiat and live inside a gamed monetary system that benefits a tiny sliver of scum at the top.

I'm debt-free. I've never taken gov't assistance. I grow a lot of my own food. But I totally understand why people just say "screw it" and sign up for services rather than working. My method of opting out is to hold on to as much wealth as I can by avoiding borrowing from the banksters, working my own business, and buying and holding tangible goods rather than Fed Monopoly Money.

Other folks may just suck up what they can by clawing a little back through gov't services. The entire mess is a grey area a mile wide.

Unlike Rattlife, I'm a married and responsible civilization builder, not a drunkard and a whoremonger. But boy... in the absence of a Christian worldview... what he's doing makes sense.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

The microcosm of the oil and gas world can still provide the traditional rewards for those willing to go after them. My colleagues and I are doing great in every way. I am incredibly thankful to be in this industry. If you want a good, comfortable, challenging life, here it is. It can still be had.

Bobby Dupea said...

@Survival: "Unlike Rattlife, I'm a married and responsible civilization builder, not a drunkard and a whoremonger. But boy... in the absence of a Christian worldview... what he's doing makes sense."

I don't think so at all, and you don't have to be a Christian. It doesn't make sense because: A) he won't live an emotionally rich or even healthy life. As Stickwick notes, he'll eventually be just a babbling, addicted-to-something cretin by the side of the road (unless mommie takes him back in). It makes no sense to be alive and not know the experience of parenting, to love, to eat, to build, to struggele. Some secularists will disagree, but anyone who has constructed a life with children will not. B) the current State is unsustainable, so he's doing what the psychologists call "hyperbolic discounting" and ignoring the pending collapse of his welfare life. He's going to get crushed when the welfare bubble pops.

Hyperbolic discounting is when you are so attracted to something directly in front of you -- pot, beach skanks, an EBT card -- you can't retain focus or devotion to anything NOT directly in front of you. In short, he's like a heroin addict, he cannot imagine anything of higher purpose or need more than an hour or two in the future. His discount curve for the future is hyperbolic. And the future is not more gubmint gimmes. That gravy train is jumping the rails. It's stopping. He better still have money from mommie. Otherwise he's just another toothless asshole with hepatitis. And there are going to be a lot of those.

Roy Baumeister discusses the hyperbolic discounting idea in Willpower, and has a good visual and literary metaphor from Pilgrim's Progress: an alcoholic pilgrim, in transit to the Celestial City, reaches a bend in the road where a tavern sits. Until he arrived at the bend in the road he could see his objective, focus on his objective, focus on the spires of the Celestial City. He could stay on the road and stay true to his virtue.

But at the bend in the road the tavern blocks out all evidence of his true, longer-term objective. He can only see the tavern and there, there are bottles of whiskey (and girls, perhaps, in bikinis). Our pilgrim is unable to balance the immediate with the durable, the pleasureable with the valuable. He is, after all, a drunk, albeit one who has managed to abstain until now.

So our pilgrim is discovered passed out on the floor 10 hours later.

That is ESB. Just another drunk who hasn't pissed himself and shit himself on TV yet.

mina smith said...

Herein lies the problem with Bobby's analysis: He applies the term "quality of life" to everyone else, not realizing that his life standards and everyone else's might not be the same.

Not everyone understands or desires self-actualization nor strives to be a man of character and integrity.

It is your personal judgment that he's wasting his life. Maybe that is precisely his goal.

Bobby Dupea said...

You're right, Mina. Completely correct, though I don't think it's a "problem" and I didn't use the term "quality of life". I am not a relativist. I do believe some behaviors are better than others. Also, I was just responding to Survival's comment about how ESB's lifestyle made sense.

Summary: it only makes sense if you have the planning capacity of a heroin addict, or assurance that the welfare state will sustain him forever. While the former is true, that myopia guarantees catastrophe -- because the latter is not.

Now, if Escalade Stoner Boy wants to waste his life, I have no concerns whatsoever. So your comment "it is your personal judgment that he's wasting his life" is a red herring. I never said or implied it. I merely said that what he's doing is stupid, from any practical perspective (unless he's on a deliberate Leaving Las Vegas plan.) It won't work, this life. And I said that I don't find him interesting. But whatever his motivation, or intentions, this returns to one of my original points: he should do it on his own dime.

So either ESB uses my money, and I get a say in what he does; or he uses his own money, and he spends the rest of his life at the tavern at the bend in the road to the Celestial City. In the latter case he pays for his own penicillin, false teeth, glasses, lung cancer treatment, children spawned, and the like.

Revelation Means Hope said...

I don't know, looks like it's working from here.

It also looks like ESB *is* using your money (and mine too).

What ya gonna do about it?

Revelation Means Hope said...

By the way, while I personally think per my standards that Rattlife is a loser, it derives from my Christian standards, not a standard of him having a cubicle slave job or not.

Despite him being a loser, he is MUCH less harmful than most of the EBT people in my area who are doing their very best to pop out as many leeches on the public tit as they can squeeze into their short lives. All while commiting as much criminal activity as possible to supplement their government income.

Ephrem Antony Gray said...

He is the grasshopper. Winter is coming. (?)

Weouro said...

'On Thoreau: "He was just a little cleverer than Rattlife and able to string words together."

Well, this gets the gold star for the dumbest thing I've read or heard today.

Also, Rattlife is just like Faulkner, only he can't quite "string words together". But they both smoke(d) cigarettes and stretch the boundaries of the common tongue. No diff."

Thoreau was a sponge. He was just more cultured, intelligent and a better scribbler than Rattlife. Emerson complained about his dissipation. He had to spend hours rambling in the woods everyday, which is no different from hours surfing, and hanging out with buddies. If he were alive today, he'd be sponging. But his essays are fun to read (I doubt anyone will say that about Rattlife's lyrics in 150 years). He also died pretty young so his chickens never came home to roost.

"That's a subjective analysis...Mr. RattLife is aware that he could have his own living room floor if he played the game we're all playing, but he chooses not to for the obvious reason that he finds his current existence easier."

Yes, but who chooses a lifestyle because it's hard? I can't think of anyone like that. People choose based on the perceived benefits, even the mountain men you mentioned. Rattlife doesn't believe in an American-dream kind of idea and probably doesn't understand it or even remotely know what an emotionally rich life looks like. Jack Amok is right. This is an indictment of the society more than Rattlife himself. BUT STILL if he's only a sponge, everyone's right to condemn him for choosing that life. Somehow, though, I don't think he'll understand or care.

Brad Andrews said...

Jumping off a tall building would certainly be exhilarating, for a while. The problem is that the ground is coming fast, with no way to stop.

This leech will hit that moment at some point, unless he also has a lot of family money that lasts longer (quite possible given that something got him the car).

Those who follow Captain Capitalism's advice are likely to end up early retirement with his Smith & Wesson plan. I am not sure how soon the system can put off collapse though. Perhaps longer than I think.

The piper will ultimately be paid. I will almost certainly get to live through my old age during that time too, which annoys me to no end.

Anonymous said...

Men and women are good for each other, good for the economy, good for creativity, good for the stability of society. Even bad men and women doing it all wrong are preferable to the alternative. It's almost as if we were intelligently designed to be with each other.

There is some personal pleasure to be found in being footloose and fancy free, but long term it is bad for everyone involved.

There are great rewards, big dividends to staying married that we cannot always see. Not that I blame anybody for throwing the towel and choosing to just look out for themselves for a change.

Marriage is worth the risk, pursuing relationships is worth the risk, but that is only because either way, the game is going to end someday. Life is too short to just sit around waiting to die.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Brad @ 04:44 ~ "The problem is that the ground is coming fast, with no way to stop."


I think the collapse--if there is one--will provide numerous chances to wipe the slate clean (of massive bloodshed) and start anew.

Seek order in disorder.

Find opportunity in chaos.

Brad Andrews said...

LBF, I mean no way to stop before the collapse. I can't see how it can't get fairly nasty since we have created a huge dependent class that will only know how to riot and steal (directly) for their support once big daddy government goes away. Many of the older may just die quicker, but younger ones are surely going to take out their anger on others.

Bogey said...

Even minus sex that life looks pretty appealing. And the interviewer can't offer a coherent life narrative to counter the Rattlife, either. Only a guilt trip that would have been effective 30 years ago.

These dudes were around 30 years ago and even then lived without a guilty conscience. $200 a month isn't really that much. I'm still more concerned about the trillions that went to the bankers and wars and the billions that go out in Foreign aid. I would rather see ratlife living it up than one more dime going to a dictator's golden palace.

Anonymous said...

There are men who have great wealth who seek this same worry free lifestyle and wind up stimulating the economy by blowing themselves up with wine, women, and drugs.

People must follow their own path, but rich or poor, this lifestyle is not going to be as good for men as it appears to be on the surface.

Women do serve a higher purpose in the universe, too, way beyond simply playing the roll of annoyance, thief, mindgame player, provider of sex, etc. Don't get me wrong, we are all those things, but we are so much more, too.

Awoman said...

As a woman with values, self-esteem and a steady income that I earn with hard work and merit, I wouldn't touch this "dude" with a ten-foot pole. Nor do I know any friends in my circle that would touch let this guy near them.
So, the original post may be right, he is having his share of "whores."
As long as there are "whores" out there, let him have them.
There are whores, scumbags, bums, meth-heads, welfare scammers, general losers out there. But I wouldn't elevate any one of these to any elite status.
I'd rather pay attention to the folk who work hard, earn their keep, take care of their things, take care of their husbands and wives, kids and grandkids, and show off THESE people to my kids (and someday grandkids) as examples to follow, thank you very much..

David The Good said...

"I would rather see ratlife living it up than one more dime going to a dictator's golden palace."

Hell yes.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

But!! he is an aqua-alcohol artist, God bless him!


Anonymous said...

RATTLIFE!!! Fuck the Rattrace

Markku said...

The man is not the point. It is not really him that we are admiring. Rather, we are fascinated by the way that the system adapts to the pathologies in its environment. There is a morbid aesthetic to it.

Lucas said...

They used a white man on purpose.

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