Sunday, May 19, 2013

Men on Strike and the SSH

A video review of Helen Smith's forthcoming Men on Strike, which I'm told contains some discussion of the socio-sexual hierarchy which Dr. Helen references in her book.


The Great and Powerful Oz said...

I didn't have time to listen to the entire thing, but what struck me during the first 4:30 was the description of the various rankings of men was dead on for an R-selected society but totally inapplicable for a K-selected society.

The modern world was built by a K-selected society and is eing destroyed by the current R-selected society.

Joe A. said...

I've been following Bern for quite some time. This book sounds pretty interesting. Perhaps it will penetrate the mainstream given that they might be more arbitrarily inclined to lend a women their ears...

tz said...

Boys see the societal psychosis when they hear 1. Women/Girls are equal, the same, etc. 2. When you treat them as equal (e.g. "Strike"ing back or defending yourself when they do something horrid) everyone including other boys complain that you are being mean, a bully, etc. as she is the victim, weaker, etc.

As I've said before, but with a new catchy acronym, the problem is the GGG - Gunned Government Gammas. (Feel free to substitute Guestapo, but it is mostly a synonym for Government). (Worse, extend it to Gunnery Guestapo Gamma Rabbit - if you doubt, remember the point Scalzi in drag was making).

I hope the protestants continue to see the wisdom of priestly celibacy - the effort of dealing with one congregation is approximately equal to dealing with one wife. (On average, but few wives are likely to be canonized).

The CronoLink said...

Man, what is it with these people over at youtube running over each other to claim for themselves vd's alphas/sigmas/etc? They even try to mix them (I am a sigma with a little bit of omega) out of a superficial reading by a guy doing a superficial reading?

Anonymous said...

I am a sigma with a little bit of omega

Translation: I am so omega it burns.

The rest are mostly gammas with a few deltas and maybe - maybe - a beta or two slumming the comments.

Unknown said...

The Manosphere is a joke to the extent that guys will claim they are Alphas/Sigmas, claim that those who disagree with them are Gammas and Omegas, and have no idea they are ostracizing and engaging in scapegoating....just like a religion.

Doom said...

You know, I like what she is doing. As I like what you are doing, Vox. I am glad some guys are globbing on and smartening up, too, and supporting this all. I mean, men seem to be up against it. I guess it's just hard for me to bother reading, or thinking too much, or getting involved.

I got, and get, what I want or need. Women aren't my impediment, feminist to "lesbian" to the girl next door, if I will allow that the system can be a hurdle. Even that isn't much, just lift and squirt baby. Really. A bureaucracy run by low sex wanna-bes isn't... a threat, at least when I go in personally. Throw em' the promise of bone and a wink, or a little direct aggression, and it's good. Really. I don't need, or want, help. And I'm mostly dead. Most of that is mumbo-jumbo. Some of it sounds familiar, but so damned formulaic. Write a paper on how to fight, for example. Then hand it to a real practicing master. I'm not even an alpha, I just am.

Good luck with it. I hope some guys get the help they seem to need. But... It's just not my gig. Gah! Now I have a headache. :p

VryeDenker said...

Am I the only man on the internet who will admit to scoring as a beta on Roissy's test? Mostly because I've never picked up a woman at a watering hole, but still.

Herman the German said...

Personally, I couldn't sit through the entire 13+ mins of the review....that marble-mouthed accent is atrocious. Blech! What was that!??! I'm not a native speaker but damn....take the marbles out of your mouth, Sir & please learn how to pronounce your open vowels....GEEZ. Maybe he's from...Wis-CAN-sin?? *shudder*

Retrenched said...

@ Herman

Bernard is from Detroit, but he somehow has a Chicago accent... weird.

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