A new study reveals that the more women want sex, the more they up their standards when choosing a short-term mate. Researchers found that this is in direct contrast to statistics for men, after they study revealed that men are more likely to lower their standards the more "sexually hyperactive" they become.This explains a phenomenon that quite rightly infuriates deltas and gammas. When a women gets the itch she can't scratch and decides to go out and get laid, she's not going to turn to her faithful beta orbiters to help her out, she's going to go out and put out for a man from whom she can't reasonably hope for commitment.
Women always date up when it comes to matters of personal preference. They only date down when they are pursuing material matters. Keep this in mind if you are foolishly attempting to appeal to a woman's material instincts.
Vox, again thank you so very much for this blog and Vox Popoli. The insights I've garnered from your sites as well as Roissy, Dalrock & Rollo have been positively life-changing. I'm 38 yrs old, in the gym every day, raising my 15 yr old son alone & quite well, have at least four orbiting hotties at all times....yeah, sorry to get all "solipsistic" on ya...just wanted to let you know you've helped me transform myself into a better man...Hat's off to you, Good Sir. And "Here, Here" to foolishly appealing to a woman's material instincts....never again!! :-D
Simpler. It is not that they want sex, it is they want hot sex with an alpha.
I think that's what he meant by "man from whom she can't reasonably hope for commitment".
A masculine heart and deposition is worth more than all the flowers, expensive dinners, and jewelry you can buy her.
Sure, taterearl...but will SHE see that? Hmmnn...Still, what you say must be true & I'm sure pure, honest women of honor (rare as they are) would see that...in time....hopefully.
@ Herman
ROFLMAO!!! - Oh, Golly.....I love the "Skittles" man, bless his Frog heart...LOL. Choice, Sir....Well done.
I don't get why they say this things as if they are fact. "From an evolutionary perspective, women engaging in a one night stand will potentially create a child they would have to look after on their own. Therefore, the child from a short-term mate should at least have good genes."
Women who have short term sex are not looking for husbands. They will panic if discovered pregnant. They just want to have sex with high status males. Luckily, it is proven that they will get it. High status males drop their standards. These men will never marry them. The men will ensure they will never impregnate the women.
Women who have short term sex are not looking for husbands.
Yes they are. When he doesn't pursue further, she rationalizes it that she's not looking for a LTR/husband, ie. she lies.
They will panic if discovered pregnant.
They will hope he will stay in her life and pursue her. If he doesn't give her indicators of attraction beyond "doing the right thing" it's not enough. Then she will often times abort the baby.
They just want to have sex with high status males.
They want the high status males to want them and pursue them.
These men will never marry them.
Even if you tell them this, even if you attempt to convince them beyond a shadow of a doubt, they will still HOPE. And if he doesn't pursue her further, she will lie about her initial intent.
The men will ensure they will never impregnate the women.
The men will try. The men should try. And should never underestimate the lengths women will go.
Is the exception the rule? Or is the study accurate?
What I find odd is that women have a hardcore stratus in their heads. If they are below a man, in that stratification, but bag him, it doesn't matter if he is satisfied with them after a go. They generally move on, and hate him, while still being available once in a while. I never did quite get that. It's like women don't want... some men... to settle down. Too good to have, so they share, and hate, and come back for more on their next blue moon. Never did get that at all.
It is probably more complex than this. From an evolutionary perspective, a female can gain the best of both worlds by locking down a beta (or betas in the case of orbiters) to meet her material needs, while pursuing alpha seed on the sly.
(the above referencing Jimmy's question...)
Hmm... while alpha may be relative, it is only relative to a point. Beyond that point there is no doubt. And women, actually, seem honest (within their system and to a degree). They won't cheat a prospective buyer, or without 'points'... lots of them, if at all. Something...
Jimmy: They just want to have sex with high status males.
SD: They want the high status males to want them and pursue them.
It's not really an either/or, it's more like a both/and. I'm sure most alpha chasing girls would like for the alphas to stick around for a while, and perhaps commit to them long term, but even when they can't get that they'll happily take the hot alphasex as a consolation prize.
Nate (FFY) of Next Level told a story of a girl he hooked up with who knew she was punching well above her weight, but was star-struck with lust and had to have him anyway, knowing it would almost certainly be the only time would ever get it on.
An alpha widow in the making, she is. Someday, when her beta hubby is rubbing her feet and confessing his undying love for her, she's going to be daydreaming about Nate. Don't be that guy!
"Yes they are. When he doesn't pursue further, she rationalizes it that she's not looking for a LTR/husband, ie. she lies. "
I have to disagree SD. That is a case of lust, pure and simple. The rationalization comes when the women says later that she thought that having sex with the man would get her a relationship.
They want sex with an alpha male. They want it badly. And the consequences be damned.
That may be it. I didn't see your posts, ghosted right in with mine. But, yeah. Still, it's bizarre. Urhm, from a guy's perspective. And certainly when based on what I had been told and taught at the time. Until the bit of game I have seen discussed, it just didn't make sense, at all. Two of my kids are to married women. Of the three I know of. So... Bleh...
The other problem with all this theory is that while one woman might actually pursue a relationship with an alpha, another might simply not. There isn't a hard and fast rule on what any particular woman is up to, at any point in her life, and she will lie about any or all of it to satisfy some internal need for a belief in self worth in a world in which she is not even close to being equal.
I knew a guy who freely admitted to lying but denied being a thief. I knew right then he was probably a transsexual. :p
What you are calling a rationalization is actually the truth. She mistakenly believes having sex with him will get her the commitment (yes, women are this stupid). You're making the mistake of assigning male sexual lust to females - it doesn't work that way no matter what you've heard from strong/independent/sexually liberated women. Even the woman Retrenched is speaking of - she was not after sexual gratification, she gave sex in exchange for attention no matter how temporary that focused attention was.
@ SD
Do you think she would have been just as satisfied if, instead of having sex with her, Nate just cuddled for awhile instead? All other things being equal.
All other things equal as in her having a minimal chance of being his focus, probably not. That would have represented rejection.
Women believe, in that moment, that sex represents the height of a man's interest in her. It's a projection, because giving sex represents the height of her interest in a man.
It is very hard for women who put themselves in these situations to understand that when a man has his conquest, he moves on. They believe on some level he'll connect with her during the sexual intimacy and keep wanting her. When this doesn't happen, that hamster kicks in with rationalizations:
-"he used me, he is a bad person" - potentially leading to "I was raped"
-"I used him, I'm not looking for a relationship, certainly not with a guy like him"
-"we used each other and both got what we were looking for."
Deep within she'll know the truth but won't associate her miserable feeling with her actions (being available for a cheap pump and dump). And around the carousel she goes, hoping the next one will be entranced by her charm or at least her magic vagina.
It is a very rare woman who is consumed with pure physical lust just seeking orgasm. I've not met one. EVERY slut I've known wanted more from the AMOG she'd have sex with - a chance to be his object of affection and commitment (at least until she decides it's not going to continue).
So much of this comes down to women being constitutionally unable to make choices, whether they are tough ones or easy ones. Anybody who has spent any time around women knows that this is behind most of their problems - from being chronically late ("I just couldn't figure out what shoes to wear") to financial problems ("I was watching the shopping channel and couldn't say no to that combination necklace / orchid spritzer") and men ("Should I marry Bob, he's nice, or keep chasing that asshole Bill, who is a dick but he's really hot?")
The other week Roissy was talking about what makes a man. Decisiveness is a key feature - being able to decide, and *dispose of* questions, to bury them and move on, no regrets, or at least none worth mentioning.
This puts "a woman's right to choose" in sort of a harsh light. Whether it's abortion or career tokenism aimed at letting women into the executive ranks with less time & work commitment than is required from men, or even the stupid "you can have it all" nostrum, it's aimed at telling women that keeping their options open is the paramount virtue. This feeds into their natural solipsism. A 40 year old spinster who chased Alphas for 25 years was keeping her options open. A woman who marries a Herb but keeps screwing around on the side is just keeping her options open. A woman who has a late term abortion is just keeping her options open.
What feminism boils down to as a lifestyle choice is preserving a woman's right to not have to choose, ever. It's self destructive because life moves on whether we choose to or not, and we can only delay hard choices a little bit, not rid ourselves of them by inaction. The choices will get made by events if we don't control our own course. Ultimately, if you stand at the fork in the road for too long, you get hit by a passing truck. "There's no good men." "I can't believe Bob threw me out for the affair, what about the kids? He's a dick..." and "Sometimes I think about that baby I aborted. I wish I could have kids."
@Joe Blow...
I compare their endless options to taking out a high interest loan from a bank and never paying it back. The consequences build up like the interest and bankrupt their lives.
@ SD
Well, okay. I kinda see where you're coming from... sort of. But as Jules told Vincent in Pulp Fiction, "This is just where you and I differ."
Except... we don't really even differ all that much, because I see it as more of a both/and proposition than an either/or, for reasons I explained above.
Incidentally, if we were to take one group of young women who sought out crazy alpha sex adventure for its own sake, and another that sought out alpha sex in the million to one hope that he would commit to her (instead of any of the dozens of other girls he could easily get), we would see that their behavior would be identical in just about every way. So I think young women's motives are all but irrelevant, when we consider that the end result is the same regardless of what their motives are. Even if they are just "seeking attention", the alpha sex is an absolutely essential part of that attention that they're seeking.
So they will seek out the alphas for casual sexual encounters, put out for them as soon as they can, and do crazy things for them that they would probably never dream of doing for any of the men who will one day make up the pool of men from whom they will try to find husbands -- men who may well be good and masculine in their own right, but not as sexy or exciting as the alpha frat boys and baseball players those women slept with in college.
SD is absolutely right.
Incidentally, this . . . and another that sought out alpha sex in the million to one hope that he would commit to her (instead of any of the dozens of other girls he could easily get),
She does not see the million to one shot. In her mind, she was chosen. Chosen out of all of those dozens of other girls. She doesn't stop to think (or she pushes the thoughts away) that he will be bringing a different one home with him tomorrow night as, in her mind, she's his and she just has to somehow hold onto him. "Sex should be the way to hold on to this man right? Yes, because I'm special and he will see that. "
"This puts "a woman's right to choose" in sort of a harsh light. " It illustrates that radical autonomy for women differs from that for men, because of sex differences and the fact that women cannot really rule themselves.
SD, Stingray:
I understand, but don't agree with, what you're saying -- the young woman is putting out for the hot alpha stud because she thinks she's the special snowflake who can tame him and make him her very own. Or she is hoping for the million to one shot that she can parlay this hookup into a relationship. She's having sex with the hot man because she wants a relationship with him. If it doesn't work with this one, maybe it will work with the next one.
I think Retrenched has the more accurate position here.
At bottom, she is having sex with hot men because she can. It is the one way she has power over her circumstances. It is the one way she can exert some control over the situation. If she can get a relationship, fine. But she'll take the sex -- not for sex qua sex, but for the validation, the affirmation and the excitement. She is WORTHY of attention from this man. She is validated as wanted, as desired, as attractive. And it's fun, exciting, and an adrenaline/dopamine-fueled roller coaster ride (made safe by birth control, her friends, her gender, and a host of femcentric laws, policies and social customs).
Delta and gamma men follow a strategy of pedestalization, supplication and provision because that's what their authority figures tell them they should do: "Be nice. Be yourself. Give her everything she wants. She is a woman and can do no wrong. If you're having no luck, it's because you're not nice enough."
So..... who is telling women that she should fuck the guy on first meeting so as to have a shot at keeping Mr. HotAlphaStud? Certainly not mom and dad or her teachers. Where are they getting this strategy? From friends? From coworkers?
And how many times does a woman have to do thie before she figures out it isn't working? So she had sex with a guy, and he bolted. She does it again with another guy, same result. How many times does she continue to follow that same strategy before she concludes "You know, hey, this isn't working. Maybe I should try something else?"
So..... who is telling women that she should fuck the guy on first meeting so as to have a shot at keeping Mr. HotAlphaStud? Certainly not mom and dad or her teachers. Where are they getting this strategy? From friends? From coworkers?
It was not that many years ago that a new thing was released into your culture. I believe it is called "romance fiction", and it is created for women. It is put about in books and occasionally in film, and the typical story is that a young woman tames a wild and strong Alpha by being a Spirited Girl (tm).
This is because being a Spirited Girl makes the sex with her better than the ten thousand Spirited Girls who went before. The Power of the Moon amplifying her magical quim or some similar rot is optional, depending on the genre.
You may or may not have heard of it.
@ Loki:
"the typical story is that a young woman tames a wild and strong Alpha by being a Spirited Girl (tm).
"This is because being a Spirited Girl makes the sex with her better than the ten thousand Spirited Girls who went before."
Ah, of course. I should have known. Much like the romcom or the Disney teen movie, in which the nice guy/beta orbiter gets the girl at the end, because she realizes the Perfect Guy was right in front of her all along.
Does this explain why a random girl came up to me at a bar yesterday and asked me if I wanted to come home with her?
Doom said...
What I find odd is that women have a hardcore stratus in their heads. If they are below a man, in that stratification, but bag him, it doesn't matter if he is satisfied with them after a go. They generally move on, and hate him, while still being available once in a while. I never did quite get that. It's like women don't want... some men... to settle down. Too good to have, so they share, and hate, and come back for more on their next blue moon. Never did get that at all.
Women would rather share an alpha than have a beta for themselves, you know the "5 minutes of alpha> 5 years of beta.
The first girl band in Finland, Tavaramarkkinat knew of the Skittles Man already in 1985. Translation from the chorus:
You offered me salty liquorice*
I was a fool, I put out my whole life
Even though you only offered me salty liquorice
I was a fool, I put out my whole life
*This won't make sense to you unless you're a Finn
(For dynamic equivalence translation, insert the most popular candy in your country)
@Joe Blow,
Good insights. Thank you.
Is "salty liquorice" a dirty euphemism?
Ultimately, if you stand at the fork in the road for too long...
...someone will pick it up and stick it in you.
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