Monday, April 9, 2012

Hypergamouse 008


Koanic said...

Truth and cruelty are what makes comics work. True even for Charlie Brown.

This is just lame propaganda.

Now, if he'd been rolling his eyes, that would've been funny. But the comic lied, by making the delta cooler than the alpha.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

It's not Delta to have your wife be the First Mate. Being Delta is saying she's co-Captain or you're the First Mate.

Pablo said...

I'd agree with the basic premise if the first mate remained looking like a 19 year old for any significant length of time, but we all know she most probably won't, and that she'll cast her eyes towards pirates when her captain's ashore on business. The fella in the last frame should be sporting a Jolly Roger t-shirt or tattoo.

Anonymous said...

Nice. I liked this one.

Markku said...

This is just lame propaganda.

Click the comic and check the mouseover.

Anonymous said...

You don't get it.


Anonymous said...

You don't get married game Sir.


Anonymous said...

This was cute! That probably makes you cringe, but I liked it!


Mike M. said...

"Never mind maneuvers, go straight at them" - Nelson.

VD said...

This is just lame propaganda.

I suspect you have no idea who the characters are....

Anonymous said...

I suspect nobody does, given the nature of this utterly mediocre crap. Vox I respect your ability to succinctly break down Game Theory, but this is simplistic puerile dreck.

Wendy said...

Thanks Markku. The mouseover adds a lot. I'll have to remember to check it every time.

My in-laws would try to give hubby and I a hard time for sharing a water glass and hugging/having our arms around each other in their presence when we'd visit. They were joking...kind of. Not so funny, said family members are all divorced at least once.

rycamor said...

This is the first of these that got me to laugh out loud. Well done, Vox.

Athol's reaction ought to be good for a laugh also.

Anonymous said...

I know that not every married couple wears wedding rings, but for a comic strip their visual symbolism may help in identifying basic character assumptions not indicated in the dialogue. Some people may not click on the comic and get the subtitle.

Same anonymouse said...

Then again maybe their is enough in the progression of the conversation to indicate that. What do I know?

Same anonymouse said...

Arrgghhh! "there" not "their." Maybe I just shouldn't comment.

Jeffrey Quick said...

"Ooh captain, my captain"
"I love Whitman's poetry, and his chocolates are pretty good too." -- Marilyn Monroe (attrib.)

Anonymous said...

And you'd be wrong. If you didn't recognize Athol or his MSL philosophy by the text and actions, it's not Vox's fault. Since a number of people have already shown understanding of the characters in their comments, the fault is squarely yours. Not for lack of recognition, but the mindless assertion that since you were in the dark, so everyone else must be as well.


Mr. Scott said...

Humor isn't working.
I'm thinking maybe Athol Mouse should be advising another married guy who humorously screws up his Game. That way Athol could snark on the guy in the last panel, providing a punch line that's both informative and amusingly cruel, after the other (Ray Romano Mouse, perhaps?) puts himself in position to deserve a good verbal smackdown through his own self-inflicted failure. Athol says what the audience instinctively wants to say, but doesn't have the knowledge and wit to say so well.
Also, Athol needs hair -- he looks like an extra from Babylon 5.

rycamor said...

Yep, as I said.

Really, the last frame of the comic is perfect: the two tails in the air, the expression on the Alpha guy's face, then the mouseover.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Haha, love this stuff.

Stickwick said...

Given that Athol is virtually bald in real life, it wouldn't make sense for his mouse counterpart to have hair.

Recovering Gamma said...

Keep 'em comin' Vox. These are great.

Athol Kay: Married Man Sex Life said...

He knows exactly who we are.

Koanic said...

Oh... that is funny.

The ambiguity of the artwork keeps screwing up the jokes. It shouldn't have to rely on mouseovers.

Like on that cruel "if I get any more liberated I'll kill myself" one, I found myself staring at the odd depiction of her arm lean in the car for a while before I could figure it out. Bad cropping out of the elbow. One unclear pane killed the joke.

Koanic said...

Yeah, I've written harsh things. Normally I enjoy ripping people on the 'net - something I never do in real life, for damn good reasons - but not in this case.

I have a great deal of respect for you personally, as do many others, which is why you're popular enough to ignore anklebiters like me.

tattoos designs said...

reminds me of comics that i used to read

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