Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Equality cometh

Women wanted equality, so now they're going to be forced to serve involuntarily and be shot dead just like men:
The Army and Marine Corps' top uniformed leaders both backed making women register for the draft as all combat roles are opened to them in coming months, a sweeping social change that could complicate the military’s gender integration plans.

Both services, along with the Navy, have begun work to open all military jobs to any service member after a decision by Defense Secretary Ash Carter in December to lift all gender-based restrictions on combat and infantry roles.

On Tuesday, Army Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Milley and Marine Corps Commandant Gen. Robert Neller told senators during a Capitol Hill hearing that full integration of those jobs will likely take a few years, to overcome logistical and cultural issues.

One of those complications will be how to handle the Selective Service System, which requires all men ages 18 to 26 to register for possible involuntary military service.

Women have always been exempt, and past legal challenges have pointed to the battlefield restrictions placed on them. With that reasoning moot, lawmakers will need to determine what becomes of the system.

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus Jr. said there needs to be “a national debate” over what the changes mean, balancing social concerns over the idea of drafting women with the reality of national security and military readiness.

But the uniform leaders were more blunt in their assessment.

“It's my personal view in light of integration that every American physically qualified should register for the draft,” Neller said. Milley echoed those remarks, saying “all eligible men and women” should be required to register.
I think it's a fantastic idea that is long overdue. As long as men have to serve, women have to serve. And the same proportion of women should be put in front-line combat units and the special forces too. We can't have inequality, after all. Inequality is evil.

Since sexual equality makes everything better, drafting women and putting them into combat can only improve the U.S. military.


Son of Issachar said...

Vox, I love the "agree and amplify" rhetoric - brilliant! And while I'd like to use it this scenario as well, thinking about my 13-yr old ballerina daughter getting drafted puts me into nearly murderous rage.

I cannot believe how stupid and/or evil these people are.

Unknown said...

You realize they don't actually draft men in the U.S., right?

Mr. Bee said...

This is the best way to force women into motherhood and increase the native birthrate. The second most of the abortionette's find out they're going to basic instead of Macy's they'll get one in the oven before you can say "Hello, sailor!".

Dalrock said...

Women don't fear this because they intuitively understand that it will never mean the same thing for them that it does for men. A woman who doesn't want to be drafted can simply fail the physical tests. Lower the standards, and they just have to try harder to fail. Once they do fail everyone will suddenly remember that there is no shame in a woman not being able to qualify to be in the armed forces. A few might be conscripted into cushy jobs in the rear, and a handful will end up like Private Lynch, but none will be forced into ground combat roles. Those who like Lynch end up in a situation where they are at risk of being exposed to combat can always of course follow the well established tradition of getting knocked up.

Feminists want this because they know it gives them the façade of equality without any meaningful bite.

Alexander said...


Then the women have nothing at all to fear! It is just a formality, really. Checking the boxes, crossing the t's and dotting the i's.


True. But women have already '"me too'd" the male pride of the armed forces: plenty of women who they are marines or have done as much to 'defend our freedoms'. So opening the draft doesn't really change the game on that level; it does however, invite hilarity as not all women and feminists will catch on, and will make great shrieks about how this is different and we must protect the women behind the lines, because reproduction.

Something that suddenly gets a population that has fought for the right to kill their own offspring demanding that a woman's role as a mother be regarded her most valuable trait is not something to be dismissed lightly. However remote that might be.

And there is always the possibility, however, remote, that some of them will think twice. After all, they never expected to actually be forced to sign up for selective service... and now they might be. What happens if enough men actually swallow the equality kool-aid? That might not be Good For Women.

Ron said...


It also gives them the opportunity to engage in depravity without consequence. Not only that, but it gives them an opportunity to raise their social status on the backs of the men.

There is another consideration that no one has thought of, men can understand the need for brutality while retaining their consciences. A man understands the idea of "the bigger picture", but I suspect women do not have the ability to do this while retaining their humanity.

And this results in one of two things: either the woman becomes a traitor to her cause, or the woman ceases to be human.

Ron said...

@Violet Black

The purpose of selective service is not to draft men on a constant basis. For example, before WWII there was no draft, and after WWII but before the Korean war there was no draft.

A draft is not mandatory, as we have seen with the recent Iraq wars. But that is because it wasn't needed, not because it is never needed.

But you could have figured all that out on your own. You are simply corrupt and incapable of honesty when it doesn't suit your interests.

Timmy3 said...

The draft will never happen. Selective Service is an empty gesture so why not have women register. I'm sure they will institute waivers for women that are easily attained. It might even ensure more women will take up motherhood sooner than expected, a side benefit. "I can't serve, I'm pregnant." Maybe its time to stop the Selective Service System as a waste of taxpayer money. This solves the problem too.

Anonymous said...

This is the best way to force women into motherhood and increase the native birthrate. The second most of the abortionette's find out they're going to basic instead of Macy's they'll get one in the oven before you can say "Hello, sailor!".

Good point. It's been a running joke during my time in the service that nearly all females in every deploying unit get instantly pregnant.


Weouro said...

"Feminists want this because they know it gives them the façade of equality without any meaningful bite."

Yeah, and that's the same reason conservatives want it, too. And, strangely, it's also the reason other conservatives don't want it: always, always, always protect feminists from the consequences of their own belief system: that's how you can know you "manned up."

Unknown said...

Yep, you got me! Simply corrupt!But we're never going to "need" a draft, since the poverty draft, combined with contractors, has served so well.
The argument that NOW has always given is that barring women from combat roles puts female soldiers(etc) at a disadvantage for career advancement. Which is a very NOW argument.

Unknown said...

Weouro,do conservatives want it or not want it?

Unknown said...

Alexander, most feminists that I've seen take a position on this have been pro. NOW first brought it up 35 years ago. In that time, I have never seen feminists make the argument you imagine.

Verne said...

I am only 6 foot 220 and I should only be 190. That makes me a giant among woman, but not very big as a man. So I'm old fat and have bad knees. But I am still a faster sprinter than 95% of young woman (yes it hurts but I can still do it. I have faster reactions and without any doubt at all, I am stronger than any woman I have ever met and I have met woman power lifters. I am a man who is far too old for combat. The woman in military combat units are a joke, compared to the men. Even though for woman they are athletic freaks. The men are all a class ahead of them, they all know it. Oh well let them try to reinvent reality, the results will be gruesome.

Alexander said...

They are 'pro' draft, so long as nobody actually takes it up as an issue and runs with it.

Just like they are 'pro' equal numbers in ALL professions, but tend to focus their energies on jobs that don't include terrible hours or dangerous conditions, even if those jobs pay very well.

Didact said...

Since sexual equality makes everything better, drafting women and putting them into combat can only improve the U.S. military.

Black-knighting, level: shitlord.

I thoroughly approve of this idea. If women really want equality so badly, let them have it. Let them be drafted to be cannon fodder. Let them experience the full horrors of war. Let them realise the full weight and consequences of their own silliness and stupidity.

After all, men and women are TOTALLY the same in EVERY way that matters. Right? Right?!

Whenever I see this sort of nonsense I am always reminded of Bagheera's words to the remnants of the Seonee Wolf Pack in The Jungle Book:

"Lead us again, O Akela. Lead us again, O Man-cub, for we be sick of this lawlessness, and we would be the Free People once more."

"Nay," purred Bagheera, "that may not be. When ye are full-fed, the madness may come upon ye again. Not for nothing are ye called the Free People. Ye fought for freedom, and it is yours. Eat it, O Wolves."

LAZ said...

Proportional representation would mean a front line combat force with 56-58% women. I shudder...

Ron said...

@Violet Black

But we're never going to "need" a draft, since the poverty draft, combined with contractors, has served so well.

You only say that because you are either profoundly stupid or corrupt. The Iraq war was not a desperate fight for our survival. It was an optional war against a vastly inferior opponent. In that kind of conflict we do not have to rely on a draft.

Now I can see by the fact that you had enough intelligence and insight to use the phrase "poverty draft" that you are not profoundly stupid. That clearly leaves the option of you being "simply corrupt".

Please feel free to assuage your ego with more meaningless counter statements if that makes you feel more secure.

Unknown said...

Alexander, I didn't say pro-draft. I meant pro-equal treatment. And I have never heard feminists advocate equal numbers in all professions. Where do you get that?

Unknown said...

Oh, Ron! I have already admitted to being corrupt (see above). Actually, my praise of the poverty draft/contractor system was tongue in cheek. Of course, you are very right that things can change. But, as things stand, my guess is that the military leaders are less interested in being good feminists than in being able to treat the kids even more as interchangeable cogs.

michael savell said...

It sounds like some men on here can't wait for the draft,foreign climes
and gunfire.Why do you not ask former infantry men how they were treated when they came home?You'll learn a lot.Leave the ladies to do what they want,you won't argue them out of it anyway.

Ron said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

If there is a draft including women you know they will vote themselves out or get pregnant or injure themselves. We all know most of them are insane so that is another way out.

Ron said...

@Violet Black

Oh, Ron! I have already admitted to being corrupt (see above).

Artfully done. Good on you.

But, as things stand, my guess is that the military leaders are less interested in being good feminists than in being able to treat the kids even more as interchangeable cogs.

That is amusing, both because of what was said and what was left unsaid.

Unknown said...

Come on, Ron. Don't go all white knight on us!

Dark Herald said...

Gallop Xena! Gallop!

Weouro said...

"Weouro,do conservatives want it or not want it?"


Hammerli 280 said...

You know, we probably need to subject women to an affirmative-action draft, just for the sake of equality.

frenchy said...

I think the main issue of the draft applying to women ought to be that they receive no federal benefits, or employment, unless they sign up. This is how it works for us men,so this is how it should apply to women.

That being said, they need to do away with the system entirely as the draft is involuntary servitude, and drafting has never been constitutional to begin with.

MichaelJMaier said...

Dishonest Idiot: "And I have never heard feminists advocate equal numbers in all professions."

Now you're being disingenuous. Of course you haven't... just the professions where broads think they want in.

They never want "equal representation" in trash men or sewer workers, or even restaurant dishwashers. Just any job anywhere where they think they can fake it all with an ass shake and a smile and collect big checks while never being accountable for a single damned thing.

Robert said...

Reparations now!

For true equality, all combat units should be made up entirely of women until the total number of women killed in combat is equal to the total number of men killed since, oh, the union of upper and lower Egypt in c. 3000 B.C.

Of course, having all-female combat units will mean that the Muslims will conquer the West almost immediately. Under Sharia law, the women may be subject to, shall we say, a different regime.

JCclimber said...

I don't really see much downside to this.
We have too many soldiers stationed abroad "protecting" ungrateful nations already. Pull them back home.
Any invaders will need to cross very large oceans to attack our nation. Into the teeth of a modern air force and navy. Good luck with that.

This is epic level black knighting. Didn't think our military leaders still had enough balls to do something like this.

To the poster above with murderous rage, are you finally going to take action against the idiots in our government? Are you angry enough yet against the rot in our culture?

Unknown said...

You realize they don't actually draft men in the U.S., right?

You do realize that the US DID draft men before.

You do also realize that the US Congress can reinstate the military draft, right? And this time, since equality won, women will be forced into it?

Timmy3 said...

The previous draft had college as a waiver. Today, many people can opt out easily with this. Women will have so many exceptions, less than one percent will be drafted if at all.

1337kestrel said...

More women in combat units will make the army fucking great.

John Rockwell said...

I think in this case the feminists could point to the gender equality doctrine of leftists that subsequently allow women to voluntarily join many of the leftist armed groups like the PKK and YPG with their own all female brigades kicking the ass of ISIS and al nusra hence proving your comment wrong. Its all over the news and easily found on youtube.

Ron said...

@Violet Black

Childish. But thats your nature.

Unknown said...

Know you are, but what am I?
The white knight thing was a joke, obviously: an admittedly tone-deaf parody of what the local lingo sounds like to me. I'm here to try to understand you mra-types's not going well.

Ron said...

@Violet Black

Yes, I was aware that you were simply throwing words around when you wrote that, which is why I didn't bother responding to those words.

Maybe what you really want to understand is not so much what "mra types" want or don't want, but what you truly need, or maybe that you actually need what your soul is screaming for but you don't even know how to hear.

Like everyone else, you have been told a great deal of shit by credentialed authority figures who are mostly foolish. In that case, I can't help you. I'm too busy trying to deal with that exact same problem for myself.

Unknown said...

And God bless your endeavor, Ron. I really meant no offense. You weren't the butt of my joke. I was laughing at the local custom of calling basically anything short of verbal abuse "white knighting." In your defense, you said a number of uncivil things to me, so your face is saved.

michael savell said...

What makes you think the "enemy"would ever dare shoot one of the superior sex?
Women will wear pink helmets and,under the new law,likely to be introduced,
assailants will be charged with "war crimes"The answer,of course,will be for
all antagonists to become "pinkos"

Anonymous said...

Violet Black said...
You realize they don't actually draft men in the U.S., right?

you realize you're an idiot, right?

men are excluded from every form of .gov benefit or job for the simple 'crime' of failing to register with selective service.

UNTIL women are subject to the SAME PENALTIES, this is overt discrimination against men on the basis of sex.
"What Happens if I Fail to Register?
Failure to register is a violation of Federal Law. Conviction for such a violation may result in imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of not more than $250,000.

You can expect to be denied a driver's license in the following states/territories:
36 states, DC and several territories listed

You may become ineligible for federal benefits for life:

TL;DNR fuck off and die, you sexist, privileged cunt

in other news, water wet, fire hot, women want all privileges and no responsibilities

Violet Black said...
I'm here to try to understand you mra-types's not going well.

"understanding us" would require you to have consideration for the other. which is something women aren't very good at when they aren't getting something out of it.

Harsh said...

Don't be too hard on Violet Black. She's obviously a lonely fattie.

Unknown said...

How's this: you hate women, because they're all entitled princesses who do not fight in wars. You hate black people, just do. You hate Muslims, because...they're all rapists? Which is weird, because you're not all that opposed to rape) Some of you hate Jews (not sure why). You hate fat people, or maybe just extra hate fat women. You're mostly libertarian-ish. You like paleo diets, weightlifters (but not in a gay way!), and stem majors (maybe in a gay way?). Your reputation as fedora wearers is overstated. How am I doing so far?

Unknown said...

How's this: you hate women, because they're all entitled princesses who do not fight in wars. You hate black people, just do. You hate Muslims, because...they're all rapists? Which is weird, because you're not all that opposed to rape) Some of you hate Jews (not sure why). You hate fat people, or maybe just extra hate fat women. You're mostly libertarian-ish. You like paleo diets, weightlifters (but not in a gay way!), and stem majors (maybe in a gay way?). Your reputation as fedora wearers is overstated. How am I doing so far?

Anonymous said...

how's this: i hate lying, hypocritical, manipulative, entitled pieces of shit who spend their entire lives trying to fuck me over ... all the while telling me it's my fault.

how am i doing so far?

cuz, ya know, your "dur hur, you know there is no draft" statement is all of the above.

i mean, jesus, let's just go with your assertion that signing up for Selective Service poses zero risk to a man's life and health.


i mean, hey, it's zero risk, right?

so IF women have to sign up for it THEN there would also be zero risk to them ...

and you don't even have the personal integrity to agree to that.

hell, i guarantee that you won't even agree to being "equal to a man under the law" by subjecting women to the same penalties men experience if they fail to register.

want to vote? want to be 'equal' to the least of the men here? fuck you, sign up for the Draft, cunt.

Unknown said...

Bob, I don't believe I said I was opposed to equal treatment in selective service or drafting. Most feminists aren't, as far as I know. I do, however, spend my entire life trying to fuck you over, though, so fair point there.

Unknown said...


Ron said...

@Violet Black

It was difficult trying to read through the garbage you posted in your reply to me. I found it nauseating. Thank you for sharing it however, as it gave me a better insight into your personality.

Unknown said...

Ron,are you talking about my summary of what I've gleaned from reading here? I also find it nauseating. Do you think it's an unjust interpretation? That the blogger and people who comment here don't think like that?

Ron said...

@Violet Black

It's disappointing that you can't be real for even a moment. You got close a few comments back.

Unknown said...

Ron, this being Lent and all, I'm acutely aware of my own character flaws. I'm sure everyone would agree, though, that the comments section of an alt-right mra blog post smirkily celebrating the slim possibly of changes to the selective service is rear not the best place to explore them. It's just not about me.

Anonymous said...

Violet Black said...
Ron, this being Lent and all, I'm acutely aware of my own character flaws.

i disagree, you have no character flaws.

because character is a pre-requisite, before it can be flawed.

and someone who only advocates for women's privileges and runs away from the attendant responsibilities? well, that's just female.

Unknown said...

Bob, I think I have been quite clear that I, like most feminists, support equal citizen responsibilities regarding the draft. Maybe find a different straw man feminist to swear at? Or just calm yourself down?

Anonymous said...

Violet: who cares what you think or support? If you were a man, you'd be registered for selective service.

there are two places ballots are born - the ballot box, and the bullet box. when the draft again becomes necessary, there will be no exceptions, even for the pregnent ones.

For all of human history, men exist to provide blood to fertilize the fields. The highest goal is to become a corpse on some battle.

Men Do What Must Be Done. Shut the hell up and die with the rest of us.

Unknown said...

Wayne,you seem to be saying that everyone has an obligation to die in battle. A tad impractical, but, withered crone that I am, I would be happy to take up arms against the alt-right, if necessary.

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