Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Manufactured evidence

This video is an object lesson why you should always, always, always be skeptical of any woman who claims to have been physically abused by her former boyfriends or husbands. Not only do they often lie about it, for various reasons stemming from seeking drama, sympathy, attention, or out of straightforward pecuniary interests, but they will even go so far as to manufacture the evidence of something that never happened.

Be sure to note the crazy eyes. Not all crazy women have crazy eyes, but they are a reliable red flag.
A millionaire has released video of his former fiancee hitting herself in the face during a temper tantrum to rubbish claims he abused her. Scott Mitchell, 45, has released the footage of Mary Hunt, 29, supposedly beating herself up as part of a tense legal battle.

The businessman from Tampa Bay, Florida, has accused her of stealing $2.1million worth of jewelry from the safe in his sprawling mansion when they split last summer. Hunt has claimed Mitchell was violent towards her, giving her black eyes and bruises, before he broke off the wedding in August.

But his attorney says the new clip is evidence the injuries were self-inflicted.  Todd Foster told FOX 13: 'The explanation for the black eye is now very different. 'There is no evidence that he ever beat her,' he added. 'This video now demonstrates that she is striking herself in the same area of the face and head that they allege Scott struck her.'


MichaelJMaier said...

To quote Cucky Christopher Titus: "Your Honor, can I have five minutes to make her not a liar?"

Keyser Soze said...

Never give a woman the combo to the safe.....never......

pdwalker said...

I predict he will still suffer and she will get off scott free from her accusations.

Anyway, good riddance to her.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Too funny. Like a little kid.

Les Sabines said...

Looks like she is having a fight with someone she's literally concocted. The playacting, the postures. She's fighting a ghost, someone who isn't there, but in her mind IS there.

This is beyond projection. I think this is why women believe in psychic stuff, ghosts, and magic. It's not imagination; to them, it's real. It's demonic possession.

Ron said...

@Les Sabines

Nah, she's throwing a tantrum. She looks like any spoiled little brat whose daddy was too self indulgent and knows if she stamps her feet and acts like a lunatic, daddy will break down sobbing and give the spoiled little brat everything.

What she needs is not so much a smack across the face, as to be picked up and bodily thrown out of the house like a sack full of moldy, worm infested potatoes. With the rest of her worthless shit following right after her.

Anonymous said...

No matter how hot she is...

Someone, somewhere, is sick of her shit

Russ said...

I like the ghost-fighting interpretation- the ghost of her wasted youth, the ghost of her beauty, and the ghost of "you can have it all." She didn't know it until the video was released (and the she may still be denying it in her own mind), but every blow puts a haunt that much closer to Hell.

Anonymous said...

Quit hitting yourself, quit hitting yourself...

Anchorman said...

And if he didn't have the video...

JDC said...

Even with the video evidence, she will claim she was forced to do this, because of all the abuse and some jackhole will certainly believe her.

Kat said...

She won't get nearly the punishment she deserves because of the way female violence is perceived. Some comments here demonstrate this, saying she's "acting like a child." She's acting like an unhinged, dangerous adult, but we see her as a child and will treat her as one. In a world ruled by hand-to-hand combat, this might be a reasonable attitude, but today we have guns and unprecendented state power. An Honored Matre's vagina is less weaponized than this woman's.

Anonymous said...

On rare occasion (at or near the crazy 3 axis\line, since a baseline of zero has never been seen) a woman's company is great 'most of the time'...above the 4 crazy line you're better off with other solutions.

liberranter said...

Undoubtedly any jury looking at that video will simply dismiss it as insufficient evidence (assuming some white knight judge even allows it in front of a jury) of any deception on her part and will rule in her favor.

Whisker biscuit said...

I would say this looks demonic, but it's more akin to a tantrum by a toddler.

Unknown said...

This is what I call Tourettes mode.

Aeoli Pera said...

Good for him, letting it get to court. He could have nipped it in the bud by showing her he had video, but sometimes setting the record straight is more important than saving on lawyer fees.

Kudos for low time preference.

Aeoli Pera said...

Be sure to note the crazy eyes.

You mean the "sanpaku" part or something else?

Aeoli Pera said...

I take it back, she doesn't have that in the younger pic. She also doesn't look crazy in that one (or fat). What gives?

Wyndie said...

@Praetorian: I taught that to my son when he was in high school.

robinintn said...

There's a moment in there when she stops and fixes her hair.

Gulo Gulo said...

Or the "verbal abuse" card. Having lived through that lying bullshit with my ex, false accusations of abuse are no laughing matter - they will make a man's life living hell.

Unknown said...

Let this be a lesson for all of you. Golddiggers are just really expensive whores. All women care about money, but some have an expensive price not advertised up front. High maintenance will cost you. If not now later. Women are like loans, the longer they wait for payment, the higher the price you'll pay. Don't believe that shit about pre-nups. Divorce attorneys make a living invalidating those. Golddiggers are the bonanza Divorce Attorneys look for when they run ads. Like ambulance chasers, the sleazier the clients, the better.

Terrific said...

"Even with the video evidence, she will claim she was forced to do this, because of all the abuse and some jackhole will certainly believe her."

Her lawyer is already laying this defense. He's saying, This is what happens when a person is forced (?) to live with a psychotic abuser like Mitchell! He drove her to this behavior!"

And we all know how juries are! "If the glove doesn't fit, you must aquit!"

The Observer said...

With this craziness, it's hard not to think the muslims do have something going with the requirement for four pious male witnesses for any rape or abuse accusation.

dc.sunsets said...

Feminism enshrined in law that women can be as bad as they want to be. The same theory is now applied in grade schools for both boys and girls. The results are predictable.

dc.sunsets said...

We instantly recognize a black man who was raised by the Village. This is the white woman equivalent; no one ever taught her any self-control. The cohort of children moving toward adulthood in the next 10 years is solidly 50% "village raised," regardless of race. What leftists did to crime suppression in the 1960's they're doing to crime suppression for the 2020's in today's schools.

Anonymous said...

You mean the "sanpaku" part or something else?

Judging from these guys, I'm not sure there's necessarily anything to sanpaku. Or, at least its absence.

Anonymous said...

Meh, I've seen crazier.

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