Wednesday, April 6, 2016

The future for low ranking males

When I logged into Steam today I saw “VR IS HERE” and I saw the following NSFW link below a while later. 

VR Porn combined with some sort of doll is just around the corner. 

A high Delta or higher rank will be amused and possibly confused by the appeal of these devices because they are not the target demographic. Low ranking Deltas and Gammas will make up the vast majority of the VR porn and sex doll use. Already there are reports of couples having trouble in bed due to young people being completely steeped in porn from adolescence. Once these devices become ubiquitous I suspect up to 20-30% of the male population will simply lose interest in real women.

Moral questions aside this will be dyscivic, to say the least. Even today a low Delta can get married and have children, but a device like this might destroy that desire and take him out of the gene pool. Since they will be costly in the beginning high wage earners will also select themselves out of the population. I’m sure that it they will be highly addictive as a combination of a computer games and pornography. Even if a man wishes to go give it up the lure of having a different VR girl every night doing whatever you want versus a real woman will almost certainly require therapy.  

Brave New World, indeed.


Shimshon said...

Omegas are also in the demographic.

I know of several Omegas (not personally, but just one level of indirection - one all the way back to the mid-1990s) who have stories that fit this pattern to a T, years before this technology was anything but a pipe dream (or nightmare). They became so addicted to porn that they were literally incapable of having sex with a real and willing woman, even when reasonably attractive (I know one of the women personally).

Combine modern VR with Japanese advances pleasure technology, and in some countries, the number may even be higher than 30% in years to come.

pdwalker said...

That's another step forwards towards sexbots.

Dark Herald said...

Since they will be costly in the beginning high wage earners will also select themselves out of the population.

I'm betting, they will be cheap to rent.

I hadn't realized until recently that Cam-girls is where all the money is now in sex work industry. It used to be that girls would do porn for 18 months or so and then head out on strip circuit. They still do that but apparently the real money now is in Camming. Combine Camming with this thing and you've got the future of porn.

News for any junior red pill taker out there. One of the first things you need to do swear off porn. I mean completely. The Brobdingnagian amounts of porn out there now are all but guaranteed to redirect your sex drive.

Bastiat's Ghost said...

I wouldn't pick this for myself but I bring it on nonetheless. The more guys that opt out of marriage and family the sooner that society implodes. I vote for Atlas to Shrug

dc.sunsets said...

While I see no way to eliminate porn via legal sanctions, I have no doubt that its ubiquity is destroying men of the West.

The path ahead is clear: parents either inculcate a visceral understanding of the cobra-venom toxicity of technology's dark-side land mines or they will join the masses of people who watch their kids slide right into purgatory.

Porn (VR or not), incessant use of social media and use of modern photography are three obvious addictions that embed experiences and habits of mind precluding happiness or even normal, healthy social & family relationships.

It is becoming ever more difficult to keep ones family in the Remnant, while the consequences of being in the Masses are increasingly dire.

R Devere said...

Ahhhh! What the Fem Imperative fails to recognize about these devices is they compete so successfully with real women simply because theses devices all come with a built-in "GoAway/STFU" button!

dc.sunsets said...

I'm betting, they will be cheap to rent.

Placing my tinfoil hat squarely atop my head, I wonder what race/demographic/religious tradition will dominate the rental industry.

That said, am I overthinking this if I wonder about the hypersexuality I read is attributed to males in certain quarters (blacks and Middle Easterners), and how VR porn might disproportionately affect reproduction in those subpopulations?

Recall the old adage about the two men walking in the woods when they realize they're being stalked by a bear.

Student in Blue said...

That said, am I overthinking this if I wonder about the hypersexuality I read is attributed to males in certain quarters (blacks and Middle Easterners), and how VR porn might disproportionately affect reproduction in those subpopulations?

If anything, it wouldn't affect the men who are already aggressive, and effectively cull out more passiveness in both races. Not good for either of them.

Dark Herald said...

I was of the opinion that arranged marriages were going to make a come back.

I'm beginning to think Nate may have been right about polygamy being the future of marriage.

S1AL said...

"I'm beginning to think Nate may have been right about polygamy being the future of marriage."

It's nothing new... Just replace whores with sexbots and you have most ancient cultures all over again

dc.sunsets said...

Re arranged marriages: given that relatively few adults have the acumen to navigate this technology-mined carnival of horrors, it borders on silly that proto-adults can do so. If people wish to have grandchildren, forming entirely separate social structures (that incorporate some high level traditions of parental control like arranged marriages) will be necessary. Given the dearth of churches now exhibiting this, something new is needed.

I propose to form the Church of the Remnant. Dogma to be included? Propensity to any addictive behavior is part of Original Sin; technology is like fire, a useful servant but now become a fearful master; the masses, deluded by the cult of equality, have embraced collective self-destruction as clearly as congregants of Jim Jones' People's Temple; sanity is defined as relentlessly re-baselining one's gestalt to ultimate reality, recognizing that our mental map is drawn on the tapestry of our biases and beliefs, which is fertile ground on which to become increasingly estranged from the real world (much like the Equality Cultists who surround us.)

Donations will be accepted in cash, check or precious metals.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Women are being made obsolete.

dc.sunsets said...

1. Once these things become common, sildenafil will become a major black-market drug.
2. A new term will be invented to describe the appearance of males so addicted, parallel to "crackwhore."
3. News reports will emerge of males paralleling the effect of monkeys who starved to death in an experiment where by pressing a button in front of them an electrical current was passed to electrodes implanted in the pleasure center of their brains.

From the comments at LiveLeak: "Sony Playwithyourself Station."

Anchorman said...

I don't think this is just the future of low-status males.

Just as boys experience divorce as children and talk with older men about marriage as they get older, they also talk to each other about the increased hostility and outright dangerous consequences of unleashed and unchecked female privilege.

Kangaroo courts

If you talk with high school age boys (my children are in the age group) or overhear their conversations, they do talk about guys in high school being isolated because of rumors following a party.

Now, there were always things like that when I was in school, but girls today far, far more casually throw around the word "rape" and it creates a stigma that sticks with guys. We never heard of guys being accused of "rape" in high school. It happens now and they are tried, convicted, and sentenced to isolation (social, lunch table, study groups) for the remainder of high school.

From early on, boys are hearing steady messages that women can be dangerous in casual relationships and as they get older, they divorce husbands.

Unknown said...

3D porn is incredible, & unfortunately much better then the real thing ... nothing beats hot chicks in 3d

Cant wait to see the acceleration of low i.q beta's taken out of the gene pool

Modern technology making up for the excesses of unnecessary surplus 1st world beta's, created by pussifying religions ie christianity islam & jews, & modern population control

Most muslims are pussy grovelling idiots ...

GB said...

There are two routes this could take-

Lack of partners -> Legalize polygamy -> Open Harems


Lack of Partners -> Bachelor tax -> Communism

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is just the future of low-status males.

That is correct.

Cant wait to see the acceleration of low i.q beta's taken out of the gene pool.

Can't wait to see you consumed by the rising tide of idiocracy as high-iq betas check out. Actually, I can wait to see it, since it will also affect me and more so my kids. But there is some hollow laughter to be found in your being too stupid to recognize what's coming.

liberranter said...

Low-ranking, "disposable" men enjoying sex?

You know that TPTB take a very dim view of that. Count on this technology being outlawed pronto, with criminal penalties for its use being so disproportionate as to make today's drug laws look sane and just by comparison.

Anchorman said...

I can see some enterprising SJW champion AI women are being "raped" and need to be programmed to be "romanced" via groveling and supplication.

Anonymous said...

The religious who can actually follow the rules of their faith shall inherit the earth. The only women worth marrying are faithful/actually striving Christian virgin/1-partner anti-feminists. Let the sluts and porn addicts die off.

This needs to be released in the Muslim markets before it hits West/NE Asia. Otherwise the devastation will be worse than what we are already imagining is to come.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Losing interest in women is majorly a problem for the females, not for the males – they find a sustitute which oftentimes will serve them much better than a women made from flesh and bones.


Crowhill said...

Yes to all that, but there may come a time when VR sex is simply better than real sex with a real woman. At that point everybody, regardless of rank, will be selected out.

MichaelJMaier said...

I am so confused... WHAT was that?

Were those dudes or chicks playing the game?

Timmy3 said...

"a device like this might destroy that desire and take him out of the gene pool."

You're exaggerating the impact of VR porn. A man can use it anytime in his life. How often are we told sex ends after marriage. Then there could be other life changing events like divorce. These are options that can delay marriages and relationships, but not stop them. What's stopping marriages and children are actually women who pursue careers and like to play the field for awhile.

Jed Mask said...

Well... this is all good discussion however the Christian perspective on all this is "virtual reality" sex/sexbots and "cam girls" is all wicked, evil sexual immorality and the ONLY God-sanctioned avenue for proper sexual relations is in the (biblical) "marriage" model set forth by God in (KJV) Genesis of His Word (King James Version Holy Bible).

Lets face it: "SEX" is purely only meant to be a means of procreation between man and woman to create the generations of people created to worship, praise and serve God Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ...

That said, sex is enjoyed in marriage between husband and wife although that is NOT the purpose of "sex itself" but rather a generous, good byproduct of one of God's many inventions.

Yeah... what can be said about that? Amen.

Unknown said...

Don't Date Robots!

Ronald Moore said...

But can it make you a sandwich after sex?

Rusty Fife said...

All it means is that sex and marriage will revert to their original intent, procreation.

Clear up until they invent the robo-uterus.

Then we hit JC Wright's Golden Age.

Anonymous said...

At that point everybody, regardless of rank, will be selected out.

No. Those of us who view sex as a procreative duty given to us by God will not. Deus Vult.

Res Ipsa said...

Isaiah 4:1

Robert What? said...

As open hypergamy becomes the norm and as women get more financially "independent", VR porn and sex dolls will be the only access to sex a huge percentage of men will have.

Ron said...


Omegas by definition do not have access to reproductive sex. As such they are irrelevant to the definition.

Ron said...


Incorrect. At that point all the males who procreate only for the sake of pleasure will self select out of the gene pool. The rest of the males will force recalcitrant females to have sex with them whether they like it or not.

Anonymous said...

Pretty soon Taco Bell will be the only restaurant, too.

swiftfoxmark2 said...

The technology is amoral. The problem is that feminists don't like competition in the sexual marketplace.

There have always been low-rank men who never got married or even had a sexual encounter throughout much of human history. While I don't agree with the creation of such technologies, these things are created for the sole purpose of providing an outlet for low-rank men.

And if any man or woman opposes such technologies from being produced, then why don't you go have sex with them yourself (to paraphrase Louis C.K.)?

Unknown said...

Secondary fallout is the real attention-getter; what happens to the consumer chemicals-stupid shit economy that women keep going? The norm is already getting to be no hairdo, no make up, sweats or yoga pants, etc.....when the majority of women realize that there's no point to buying all that stupid crap because the boys are not paying attention anymore, then the big money fellas get involved. That gets Big DC involved.

Combine this with major Telecom plans to roll out holograms in a generation, you'll only ever see the top 10% in public anyway; the rest of men will be fapping away waiting for the imPlant to debut.....oh, and mud people.

The Remnant said...

If reproduction is also liberated from women, they will be on very thin ice indeed.

LonestarWhacko said...

Look at the grasseaters in Japan. American women aren't worth ruining your life. MGTOW is a rational response to feminist hatred.

LonestarWhacko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bob Loblaw said...

Then there's this:

"Hands off my body! Oh, it's your body? That should be illegal!"

Bob Loblaw said...

I propose to form the Church of the Remnant. Dogma to be included? Propensity to any addictive behavior is part of Original Sin; technology is like fire, a useful servant but now become a fearful master; the masses, deluded by the cult of equality, have embraced collective self-destruction as clearly as congregants of Jim Jones' People's Temple; sanity is defined as relentlessly re-baselining one's gestalt to ultimate reality, recognizing that our mental map is drawn on the tapestry of our biases and beliefs, which is fertile ground on which to become increasingly estranged from the real world (much like the Equality Cultists who surround us.)

So... basically Amish?

MycroftJones said...

RealTouch went out of business. Apparently their product felt as good as sex with a real woman, at the touch of a button. They had a whole library of sex sessions with various porn stars you could try. The male reviewers who had female companions had to be muted in their reviews, but they described the physiological effect on them; porn-star style sex was pretty intense for them. The one gay reviewer actually said that pussy feels better than ass.

So... feminine imperative won't let good VR sex happen unless the woman stays in control.

It wasn't meant to happen anyway; experiencing the type of sex that top tier men do, without risk of herpes, AIDS, etc... that is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

when you think about it, men are doing today what women have been doing for years...creating a synthetic version of the opposite sex capable of simulating their role without the need for interaction.

Blue88 said...

Just something I noticed, after watching this site for a while. This VR technology has definitely gotten some response out of the folk that read this blog.

Anyways, while I seem to gone all MGTOW and such lately, I still married and had children. Three Boys. I believe that it is our duty to have children and then try your best to raise them right, regardless of the circumstances. This new technology reminds me too much of Strange Days, where the protagonist becomes a useless piece of humanity, lost in his own memories. Memories that are augmented and amplified by the "Squid" technology in the movie. Sadly, I see this as another avenue for those who follow MGTOW.

S. Thermite said...

I get that the Christian ideal is a man waiting to have sex until marriage to a virginal, feminine, loving, Bible-believing Christian woman for purposes of procreation. But given the extremely low percentage of men who actually do this in the USA or world-wide, it seems that the comparison needs to be made with "natural" (albeit fallen) sexual behavior. Masturbating with VR and a robot seems like an unnatural abomination, but I'd like to see a Christian present the argument that it's more harmful and/or sinful than paying for a hooker, or seducing, fornicating with, and maybe even (God forbid) accidentally procreating with a living, breathing woman who also has a soul. Are two people sinning together better than just one? Not saying such an argument cannot be made, but it would be very interesting to read.

Blue88 said...

Well, I don't truly believe that you can find a "virginal, feminine, loving, Bible-believing Christian woman for purposes of procreation". However, I do believe that you can find woman that will make excellent children. I did.

The marriage only lasted 19 years. My bloodline will last for at least a generation. Good enough for me.

Bob Loblaw said...

Secondary fallout is the real attention-getter; what happens to the consumer chemicals-stupid shit economy that women keep going? The norm is already getting to be no hairdo, no make up, sweats or yoga pants, etc.....when the majority of women realize that there's no point to buying all that stupid crap because the boys are not paying attention anymore, then the big money fellas get involved. That gets Big DC involved.

Never happen. They'll just compete harder for the few men that are still interested. That's the same 20% they care about today. Besides, most of the time women spend money to impress other women. They already know to impress men diet and exercise are more important than brand name yoga pants.

Anonymous said...

@Res Ipsa,

And people say this is just like every other time when people said the world was ending.

tz said...

HGTP:// HyperGamy Transfer Protocol.
Even today a low Delta can get married and have children,
There's a Delta Faucet joke in here...

But they can get married, have children, then the woman divorces for cash and prizes.

Going back to the Aboriton - do Women have moral agency? argument.

I'm waiting for "Robot Lib!" - Consider what monkeywrenching a "self-driving" car might do. Maybe this is round two. Roborights! The iShiv was just a bug! Did the robot consent? Organic privilege!

I also assume Time's "threat to virility" is the chief article. Do SJWs want virility?

I suspect there is a real problem, however the traditional Christian position on masturbation (see Wesley and other Protestant icons as well as the Catholic Churce) as a grave sin has some merit, especially if the pleasure causes imprinting (as in baby-duck follows watering can imprinting).

That said, versus a real woman will almost certainly require therapy.
Why give it up when the alternative is an irrational bitchy slut? Therapy for which side exactly?

There are some women who don't want to be Hillary - I mean Heidi - Cruz and prefer to be an actual helpmeet. (I'd love Vox's analysis of the various pictures and vids of the "happy" couple). But not many women.

Beyond that, I suspect the same opensource that gave us the Ghost Gunner will create a VR bodysuit that can be assembled at the local makerspace for under $1k.

It is bad when the only fantasy a man wants catered to is to have a loving wife and mother of his children, and that is impossible to achieve so he finds a more reasonable alternative.

MycroftJones said...

Morality aside, giving beta males an "acceptable" sex substitute will be allowed; look at the Fleshlight. Cheap, no batteries, guys say it feels like a woman. But it takes work to use it. Then you have the RealTouch, where a man could push a button, and didn't just experience something that felt like a woman; he experienced what top shelf sex felt like, the kind of sex the alpha males experience from enthusiastic and skilled partners. The RealTouch was shot down and shuttered. The feminine imperative wants the omega males locked away, what they DON'T want is a bunch of men to know what good sex feels like and then start demanding it and getting disgruntled because they aren't getting it.

SirHamster said...

but I'd like to see a Christian present the argument that it's more harmful and/or sinful than paying for a hooker, or seducing, fornicating with, and maybe even (God forbid) accidentally procreating with a living, breathing woman who also has a soul.

More sinful is the wrong metric. Calling your brother a fool isn't as harmful or sinful as murder, right?

Aeoli Pera said...

Going back to the Aboriton - do Women have moral agency? argument.

CS Lewis answers this in Christian Behavior:

It is as well to put this the other way round. Some of us who seem quite nice people may, in fact, have made so little use of a good heredity and a good upbringing that we are really worse than those whom we regard as fiends. Can we be quite certain how we should have behaved if we had been saddled with the psychological outfit, and then with the bad upbringing, and then with the power, say, of Himmler? That is why Christians are told not to judge.

We see only the results which a man's choices make out of his raw material. But God does not judge him on the raw material at all, but on what he has done with it. Most of the man's psychological make-up is probably due to his body: when his body dies all that will fall off him, and the real central man. the thing that chose, that made the best or the worst out of this material, will stand naked. All sorts of nice things which we thought our own, but which were really due to a good digestion, will fall off some of us: all sorts of nasty things which were due to complexes or bad health will fall off others. We shall then, for the first tune, see every one as he really was. There will be surprises.

Anonymous said...

I suspect there is a real problem, however the traditional Christian position on masturbation (see Wesley and other Protestant icons as well as the Catholic Churce) as a grave sin has some merit, especially if the pleasure causes imprinting (as in baby-duck follows watering can imprinting).

No, the old Catholic Church was just a big fuddy duddy who didn't want anyone to have any fun! Why else would she have done something so mean as declare masturbation a mortal sin?

The harmful effects of porn and, more recently, masturbation are being exposed by recovering porn addicts' movements, various doctors, and the NoFap movement, and yet over 90% of men still think there's nothing wrong with it at all and that you're nuts if you think there is.

Actually, porn is taking heat from certain feminists, but masturbation is still almost universally considered perfectly harmless private entertainment.

Atavist said...

Ok you may say masturbation is a sin, you may have a point.

But what if technology develops a way to shut off the male sex drive without any other harmful effects? That's far fetched I know. Also how many guys would be willing to use it? But lets say such a treatment could be developed, would using it also be regarded as a sin?

Anonymous said...

I'm actually looking forward to this. Internet porn makes computers and games better for all of us. So far it has driven the recent advances in internet connectivity, data throughput, graphics and processing speeds. Imagine the immersion that would be possible for first person shooters with this sort of input-output translation?

The obvious benefits for military and industrial training in immersive VR environments would be huge.

The downside of some men opting out of traditional relationships would not be much larger than those who already are full-time wankers.

E. William Brown said...

While I generally agree with Vox that real VR porn is coming, it isn't "just around the corner". Devices like the one here aren't what we normally think of as VR - they're more like watching porn on a widescreen TV while the device jacks you off. Possibly an improvement over doing things manually, but a small one. Actual VR porn would involve a simulated partner that you can interact with in arbitrary ways, and have everything feel at least somewhat real. But there are two huge technical obstacles in the way of that, neither of which has an easy solution.

First, we need some kind of interface device that can fool the user's sense of touch. There have been various attempts at this, but so far they've all produced expensive devices that don't work worth a damn. The best current tech struggles to simulate a simple interaction, like picking up a rock. Something as complex as running your fingers through a woman's hair? Completely impossible with any device that currently exists. Solving this problem is going to take a breakthrough comparable to the invention of LCD screens, followed by a significant period of development to get the quality up to something decent.

Second, good collision detection has proved to be an enormous computational challenge. Ever notice how even the best modern games still draw objects moving through each other all the time? That's because your computer doesn't have the processing power to properly track where the surfaces of objects are and how they interact with each other. This is a fatal problem for VR porn, because sex involves lots of soft, squishy objects with irregular geometry interacting in very complex ways. Right now you'd need a supercomputer to simulate that in real time well enough to look halfway convincing, so it's going to be about a decade before you can hope to do it with a desktop machine.

tl;dr; Don't fall for the hype. VR sex isn't going to be feasible until well into the 2020s, so we're probably going to have to deal with immigrant invasions and a global financial meltdown first.

tz said...

@Atavist - assuming no contraception, marriage, etc, shutting off the male sex drive - if reversible - would not be sinful assuming no other side effects. Rendering yourself comatose does the same thing as does castration which are condemned.

tz said...

No, the old Catholic Church was just a big fuddy duddy who didn't want anyone to have any fun! Why else would she have done something so mean as declare masturbation a mortal sin?

Maybe because it was simply correct and accurate in the identification of that as a Mortal Sin no different than identifying Uranus as a planet instead of a star.

One aspect of Christendom - Western Civilization - was "chaperones" whose entire existence and purpose was to be old fuddy-duddies preventing people from engaging in fun mortal sins.

(This week Molyneux actually shocked me when he noted in the original Novels a common theme was to prevent adolescents from engaging in bad behavior which can result in STDs, pregnancy, etc.).

tz said...

The problem with masturbation is that orgasms in males tend to imprint (as in the baby duck following garden can sense). Masturbating will associate the pleasure and cause imprinting with something which will not be a future spouse. Fetishes might be one problem, but the perfect airbrushed 11 (only 10s can exist) won't be there if you decide to settle down. Another correlation noted (but hidden) is between homosexuality and masturbation.

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