Thursday, April 7, 2016

Stefan ponders the next generation of Europe

It may sound petty, but on such questions, the fate of nations are decided.


Alexamenos said...

A few million foreign born, sexually frustrated, military aged males living in your country? Hell yeah that's something to worry about. Will give it a listen.

Matamoros said...

Here's an article on Russia slowing giving Siberia to the Chinese:

It is happening all over. The lack of will to protect the Western World.

MycroftJones said...

I knew an Indian doctor. Young, handsome, in his 30's. I tried to set him up with some decent looking virgins of his own race, in their early 20's. He wouldn't even look at them. No, he chased a 35 year old single mother, blond hair blue-eyed. He never got her. But he would only chase the blonde hair blue eyed slender ones.

Stefan never mentioned "status", but that is what it is about. Having the blonde hair blue eyed wife is a big status marker. IQ not so much.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...


Will Western Women date Migrants?

Ask their fathers.

MATT said...

Deepak isn't an infant. Fuck him and his beliefs. Stop making excuses. ForDeepak and for modern women

ScottC said...

Private citizens need to take the matter into their own hands. Europe needs more men like the 200 men who stormed the Stockholm train station, busting kebab heads left and right.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

European men are going to have to act.

Behind every mudshark is a beta dad or an absent dad.

ScottC said...

Europeans, be like this man:

Aeoli Pera said...

Not a great interview, nine minutes in they haven't been on the same wavelength even once.

Aeoli Pera said...

To answer the question of SMV...there are two reasons a white woman might prefer a minority dick over a white dick, rather than merely settling for it (as in most mudsharking). 1) Fear makes them horny and the sex better, and 2) self-righteous feelz because invite the world, save the world, nurture the minorities.

Now, in terms of SMV dynamics...most European women will not mudshark for the reasons Stefan mentions: no job, can't speak the language, no common culture, etc. However, their presence lowers the SMV of European men because it reveals the powerlessness of European men to protect them (nevermind that this is due to government protection of minorities, sexual attraction is not a rational response). Impotent men are not sexy and have no value in a fearful culture filled with dangerous immigrant predators.

Aeoli Pera said...

However, their presence lowers the SMV of European men because it reveals the powerlessness of European men to protect them (nevermind that this is due to government protection of minorities, sexual attraction is not a rational response).

Bad pronoun use Aeoli, yuck! FTFM:

However, the presence of immigrant predators lowers the SMV of European men because it reveals the powerlessness of European men to protect European women (nevermind that this is due to government protection of immigrants, sexual attraction is not a rational response).

Aeoli Pera said...

What is wrong with Indian women?

Well not to put too fine a point on it, they smell like shit and their culture is retrograde and disgusting.

Anonymous said...

I just think it's extremely indicative how Stefan spent a huge part of the show trying to get Deepak to cough up why he wanted European women and not Indian women, and Deepak simply wouldn't answer him. And it's clear Deepak knew exactly what he was asking.

Are Indian women ugly? Sure, most of them are, but there are good-looking ones, just as with most ethnicities. Looks isn't the reason here.

Are Indian women infected with feminism? The Westernized ones are indeed rabidly feminist, and arguably worse than European women. But again, Deepak didn't say this.

If it was because they're in short supply? Because there are too many Indian men because of sex selection and the surplus are forced to hunt outside their ethnicity? Again, he could have simply said that. Anybody would understand. But he didn't.

No, the real answer, that Deepak didn't want to say: I want to impregnate European women because I hate the European race.

At least the muslims are more honest about wanting to spread their jihad seed among European women. These dishonest Asiatics are something else.

However, the presence of immigrant predators lowers the SMV of European men because it reveals the powerlessness of European men to protect European women (nevermind that this is due to government protection of immigrants, sexual attraction is not a rational response).

Yes. It shows that European men, collectively, have repeatedly failed a societal shit test. The justification for letting them in doesn't matter; what matters is at the primal level.

After all, when European women asked the men to be compassionate and let them all in, that was the textbook definition of a shit test. (Along with giving women the right to vote, or power in government, of course.)

miforest said...

will they "date" them ? no, no movie and dinner. will they put themselves in situations where the masculine migrants can "take " them? He77 yes, then they get the rough sox they crave guilt free. after all , they didn't really say yes, and you know, their culture and all that.

" what difference , at this point , does it make? "

I have no idea how this will all work out. demographics will not be denied, any more than the laws of physics will be denied.

Aeoli Pera said...

Yes. It shows that European men, collectively, have repeatedly failed a societal shit test.

I think it's worse than that: they've allowed themselves to be oppressed in their own countries by a vocal minority- anyway nobody likes a cuck.

Laramie Hirsch said...

Laguna Beach, question: If women dating blacks is because of crappy dads, do you suppose men marrying Asian girls is due to crappy mothers?

limoc3 said...

They'll refuse to date migrant men, for the most part, because the migrants want them over women of their own race for one or more of three reasons:

1) Shitskin women are, for the most part, arse-ugly. That's what 1400 years of blind inbreeding does. Black women are even uglier.

2) Having a white girlfriend is a sign of higher status among your buddies than having a migrant girlfriend.

3) They hate whites and want to do their part in the demographic jihad against our existence.

Now, as dominant as the act of raping a white slag (the ones who go anywhere near them are tier-2 and tier-3 slags, that's simple fact) who won't date them might seem, the whole feminist anti-rape narrative clashing with the multi-culti narrative creates an interesting conundrum for them, and though some have demonstrably stayed true to the latter, I think the majority will have a change of heart once they realize how much of a threat to the sacred sanctity of their peaches the migrants really are. German women are already realizing the error of their ways in droves, and the best thing the migrants can do to serve the movement dedicated to throwing them out is to keep chimping out the way they have been.

The Demographic Jihad is going to have to get worse before things can get any better. For now, just weather the storm. People always come back to reality once you directly threaten their bread and butter.

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Change can be scaring. Instead of passively accepting what is happening it takes actively influence the process of change. Otherwise you will have to live in a world other people have created.


Thanks, J. said...

re: Women dating Asian women. It's partially because American women are fat and/or bitches.

Crowhill said...

I love that he yawns at about the 1 minute mark.

Anonymous said...

Stephan has more patience than I do. I would have told the guy to speak plainly or GTFO. As #7634 said, I wish Stephan had pushed the guy even more. Why wouldn't Deepak say why he didn't find Indian women attractive? Why could he only speak in large generalizations and not specifics? He couldn't even say he likes white women's breasts compared to Indian breasts. He couldnMt say white women are the most attractive.

And that's it. Status and the best looking woman available. I'll bet looks trump IQ any time of the day. He wants a white woman to get the thrill of conquering, the status boost amongst his friends, and a woman who doesn't smell, doesn't have black forearm hair and lacks a unibrow. And I don't blame Deepak for wanting that.

But this is why European men need to fight back. They have the best women in terms of looks. Intelligence is decent, and when healthy and in shape, they look great and can be fun to spend time with. You can't just surrender than to the mongrel hordes outside of Europe. Let them cultivate their own women.

Anonymous said...

But this is why European men need to fight back. They have the best women in terms of looks

It's not just that, but also the very basic life-and-death matter of White women being the only ones who can give us a child who looks like we do.


Chent said...

It's easy. As I saw when I traveled to India a year ago, Indian women are very ugly.

I love dark skin (my first girlfriend had dark skin so this marked me) but I found Indian women repulsive.

MichaelJMaier said...

Laguna Beach, question: If women dating blacks is because of crappy dads, do you suppose men marrying Asian girls is due to crappy mothers?

From my observations, White Western men think that they will like Asian women because they will be more feminine and less "work". I have three friends that go to Thailand and two married women there. One was married and after she got her green card she told him "You can go get sex anywhere you want and I won't care". She divorced him soon after. The other's wife is an ex bargirl (hooker) and hasn't made it here yet. He sends her about every spare dollar even though "she has a great job at a bank".

I would bet the women there run informal (or maybe even formal) seminars on how to jack Western men out of their money. I have no interest in going except to visit whorehouses and I'd rather do that in Europe. It seems I'm far less likely to unwittingly wind up with chicks with dicks there.

So my guess is that men seeking Asian women are being weak and lazy, thinking they're going to get a discount good wife without having to try very hard at being a good or strong man. They think just being their typical weak selves is enough to get and keep an Asian wife. They think the shit tests and get divorce rapes won't happen because they have a "feminine, traditional" woman.

But I bet even IF these broads are feminine and traditional, they will eventually get annoyed by the pedestalization and divorce rape their men.

tz said...

Stefan erred in the title:

Will European Women be date-raped by Immigrants.

tz said...

@paworldandtimes Ah, now I know why people prefer white eggs over brown eggs or other colors.

tz said...

Are Indian women infected with feminism?
I didn't consider feminism was a STD.
However most women infected with feminism often have gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, HIV, HPV, or chlamydia.
Fire is cleansing, so perhaps this is the first time I've understood certain practices of the natives of the Indian subcontinent.

tz said...

Not a great interview, nine minutes in they haven't been on the same wavelength even once.
Patience. Also remember descending from the peak is faster than ascending from the nadir but it takes time until there is a meeting of the minds.

tz said...

Old joke: I have a problem; what?; My brother thinks he's a chicken!; why don't you get him treatment?; We need the eggs.

Updated: I have a problem; what; The Women I've met ndisrespect me, and want to strip me of my assets; Why don't you hold out or find others?; I need the eggs.

tz said...

I think if he ever talks with John C Wright or Edward Feser, Molyneux will become a Latin mass Catholic in 2-5 years. He is pursuing Aristotle, which leads to Aquinas... He can join Tom Woods (and fix him) and Lew Rockwell, and myself.
The bright light of the star of truth, once seen, cannot be unseen.

you hate me said...

I am indian. My wife is white. I have a non-computer engineering degree. I served 2 tours in US Army. I believe in hbd. I hate feminism. I believe in 1st ammendment, 2nd ammendment, 3rd ammendment etc you get the idea. I am a staunch Trump supporter. What did I do wrong? Funny thing is I have to remind all my white friends of white people's contribution to the advancement of human civilization

Anonymous said...

What did I do wrong?

You prevented a White womb from producing a White child.

you hate me said...

I prevented?
May be if all the white guys in her neighbourhood weren't sub 100 iq losers and drug addicts.

In her words "none of theese gouys are going anywhere in life"

Besides mixed race babies are sooo cute!

Laramie Hirsch said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mr.MantraMan said...

The Indian man upthread makes a point whites' evolutionary breeding uptrend has been broken by cultural trends that point down to Idiocracy.

A thousand years from now the Vulcans will show up and they will find a white planet, the SJW led Inquisition will be in the history computer banks, and nearly the whole population of the world will at least be culturally Christian.

you hate me said...

Christianity is part of the problem. All of the christians at the the church my wife and I go to care more about Isreal and the after life than they care about today's America. The christians of Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin and Midwest in general deserve what they get

Mr.MantraMan said...

That is true and yes you probably deserve the hatred you claim. Churchianity is but a fashion for the womanish minded. On one day a woman will claim it the next day she will scorn it with the heat of a thousand suns, and once enough of the right leaning autistic spergs come to understand GAME then Churchianity fashion will go the same way as thongs pulled up out of the pants.

you hate me said...

game? game isn't going to save America or the western civilization.
How many kids does heartiste have?
Roosh? Vox? Any of the other leading game proponents?
They are evolutionary dead ends just like gays and trannys outside of adopted somalians

Anonymous said...

YHM is a troll. His conservarive-sounding self description is a lie, as are all such unimaginative stock-character descriptions. Mixed babies are not cute.


you hate me said...

I am troll because you don't like the answers to my questions.

Anonymous said...

No, he's a troll because he's so formulaic.

Ocean said...

They want better sex and more attractive and smarter children.

MichaelJMaier said...

Besides, most babies are cute. But are they going to stay that way? Yeah.... probably not.

tz said...

I'm beginning to wonder if the American Redoubt needs to accept refugees from Europe - White, Christian Europeans.

The next post appears to indicate the latency (longer = lower IQ) for realizing rape is 5 years. Statute of limitations implications.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Around here and Mr. M's work for and by men but for the quiet woman listening he offers similar to Vox such clarity and reality.

Important video:

Stefan promotes rational argument, thinking skills regarding, knowing when one does not know how to think and squashes the 'gynocentric' (awesome to expose this particular issue) or emotional/women centric worship of feelings.

Part of growth is to accept being wrong, turning from wrong and embracing the correct way to think or reason.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Commenter UnKnown, that is awesome for you, happy for you. We are speaking of the next generation and those whom want a future.

Commenter White Devil: I do not care about MRC because there is no interest there and as stated zero attraction to that which that is not of my background.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

There is no SMV among even an employed man whom is not of her culture even if they look the same in color or creed, she isn't going to be interested in someone outside her culture, against her religion and there is no sexual attraction. It is odd or a level of cultural shock in post americasforcedcoalburningandmulticulti - women (well, traditional women stateside and abroad) know there are plenty of women for muslim men to rape or love or marry or whatever practices of those ideological dysfunctional regressions so desire. The lower IQ men, gammas, men who won't lead, deny Christ, tolerate feminism are NOT ATTRACTIVE TO US. Weakness is nauseating and tribal women want men of our own similarities.

Jewish men and women are strongly geared towards remaining in their Jewish faith for a spouse.

(it is surreal we even have to talk about this as 60 years ago, this was not a topic at all but thanks to foolish immigration and horrid entertainment culture promoting all sorts of non-nullsense revolting low SMV men thinking they can have women outside or be attracted to women outside their race.)

Regarding media pushing (to borrow a term) dyscivic, utter dysfunctional, totally problematic, unrealistic MRC - its not attractive. I do not know any young women whom find men outside their race attractive, we want those men to stay with their own women point 13:30, Indian women are beautiful and special, go date them. The man talking with Mr. M, can train himself or retrain his desires to be attracted to women of his own kind.

14:40 This is a common issue that repeats itself or something I've noted along with others over the last few years, really 5 years in immigration policies.

Many stateside women, Euro women do not find islmic, varied migrants and their aggression attractive.

Aggressions are not alpha, it makes a woman walk or run away stateside to euro, rotten fruit are not wanted by women (us). We want men of shared Christianity, higher to highest intelligence, and shared values, chemistry etc.. and are also willing and unafraid to hold us accountable, lead us, pray with us, and not kow tow to churchians weakness, no feminism and whom will defend us in time of danger.

Tell me what person the caller describes with Mr M is going to have, offer or do any of that?! None! Those men are takers, users and abusers.

Men are not evil, we fallen humanity and feminism is still failed and dying out. Warm, loving non-feminists are never going to let retarded vamperv hollyweird dictate their nullsense to us. Symbols almost rule the world not so much words, money, etc. Most, some, French, German, Italian, etc., European women, white American women know a "fetish or fling is not a stable home for children", outcome:dead end man and a dead end future. Deepak and a German woman will not be loved or accepted by the parents of the newly married couple, "its true, its a fantasy to think a white girl and a another man of another race is going to fail - why should she bear him children and now raise the kids as Hindu, German, Christian, etc.? at 30:00 mins in.

There is another example if a statesider woman marries a European man of white Christian place will raise the children in accordance to his family, the woman takes his name and follows his lead therefore the children are raised to speak his language and be raised in the church of his land.

This is total relationship anarchy - again at 30:00 understands the basics and what the caller wants is SMV negative, its not going to work and the wife won't have help with the children.

Laramie Hirsch said...

Michael Maier:

"So my guess is that men seeking Asian women are being weak and lazy, thinking they're going to get a discount good wife without having to try very hard at being a good or strong man. "

Not sure I agree. By this metric, men out to prove themselves should be jumping after negro brickhouse women.

MichaelJMaier said...

I said nothing about men "proving themselves". I think men going mail-order or visiting Asia to find a wife are likely being lazy and do not care what the rest of society thinks. Probably because they've already been rejected. I can sympathize. If I found a very white-looking Asian woman that I could rationalize might breed me sons that look like me, I'd be very tempted myself.

Some of those men may just be strong, decent dudes honestly seeking a good, traditional wife. But I would wager those would more likely be men who had success here and found our women wanting, as opposed to not having success here and thinking it will be easier there. Out of the four dudes (forgot one earlier) I know who go / have gone to Thailand, I would say one was extra-low Delta / near Omega, one was low Delta, one was Beta (successful businesses) and one was Alpha (several successful businesses, Nam Green Beret, ex-cop, seems cool and chill but I'd never do anything to piss him off). I think 3/4 of those (everyone but the Alpha) married up Thai broads, none were higher than SMV 7, IMO.

Also, all kinds of men wanting Asians want thin, feminine females, not fat, rabid bulldogs. So that leaves out a vast majority of black women and a good number of all US females.

Anonymous said...

Not sure I agree. By this metric, men out to prove themselves should be jumping after negro brickhouse women.

Nope. Men want feminine women, and women are hypergamous. Lazy men in a high-status race go for low-status races with feminine women, such as Asians. Men out to prove themselves would go after high-status feminine women, who are mostly white. (Think of Donald Trump for an obvious example.) Black women are rarely either high-status or feminine.

tz said...

Stefan is playing with fire in reading Aristotle. That was how Edward Feser and John C Wright became Catholic. Perhaps his daughter will get thee safely to a nunnery and become a doctor of the church.
I'm not sure what else his daughter will do when she enters the real world and finds almost all of the rest of the distaff side are ... not as well endowed mentally.

Gunnarvoncowtown von Cowtown said...

This is the first time I've ever heard Stefan Molyneux. The Good: He makes great points and has the patience of a saint. The Bad: He really oversells the appeal of female IQ.

This exchange was hilarious.

Kebab PUA: But the question is like, uh, at the same time, uh woman is having much more options like, in Europe, like, one MEEL-yun migrants, young male, the gender ratio is, uh...

Stefan: No, no, no. You're not listening to what I'm saying, mate. They DON'T HAVE sexual market value to European women.

Kebab PUA: ...OK

Top kek! I'm gonna run this thru Audacity to see if the sad trombone sound is audiable.

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