Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Is period leave sexist

It depends. If the period leave policy is nothing more than a matter of recognizing a genuinely debilitating condition as a legitimate reason to use existing sick days, I don't see a problem.
All that official period leave will do is ensure these women can tell their employers the truth.

As Coexist point out, it's optional - so women who don't suffer period pain can avoid it altogether, and those who do need the flexibility can work more productively.

Fears that women will take advantage of period leave and spend too much time at home are unfounded– both male and female employees already have the potential to do just that, with regular sick days. Indeed, there’s really no difference between existing sick leave and the new policy.

Period leave is already a legal right in some parts of China, Indonesia, South Korea, Taiwan and Japan, which first introduced it in 1947. Nike includes this type of leave in their code of conduct worldwide, making it the only major company to do so.
But I am dubious that the justification being offered is either the real reason the policy is being pushed or that the consequences will be any different than the skeptics expect.

Let's face it, once "on her period" is recognized as being a legitimate reason not to be at work, it's not going to be long before the argument will be presented that a woman shouldn't be penalized for not working when her absence "is not her fault". After all, that's what happened with maternal leave.


meerkat said...

majority of women dont need days off. this is the worst kind of pandering and white knighting. very few women have debilitating period pain. most have a bit at the beginning but it is nothing major that a cup of tea and half an hour of sitting down wont sort out.

another way many women use this hormonal change as a way to misbehave with their husbands and family. but they can control their emotions with strangers and bosses.

Unknown said...

Download This Amazing App And Recall Your Childhood...!!!

Anchorman said...

Years ago, my buddy told me, "Women only want two things: to have kids and never work a damn day in their lives."

Anonymous said...

Yup. If you can already take sick days, you don't need to "tell your employer the truth" about why you feel too terrible to come into work. That's TMI territory. If you end up taking a day off or calling out sick every month, all your coworkers are going to figure it out on their own anyway. (And yeah, as much as monthly debilitating pain sucks, for the few women who suffer it there *are* medications a doctor can prescribe to help.)

Miguel D'Anconia said...

This kind of SJW stupidity gives more incentive to not hire employees, especially non-white males. Contract everything out.

frenchy said...

"Let's face it, once "on her period" is recognized as being a legitimate reason not to be at work, it's not going to be long before the argument will be presented that a woman shouldn't be penalized for not working when her absence is not her fault". And they wonder why some businesses may loathe hiring're likely to get less productivity out of them.

What they should do then is to say Period Leave is "Unpaid leave". Most men would need to be near death before calling in sick. A woman? "I got a headache." is sufficient.

@ Anchorman,

You're on point. My sister, who is a SAHM, pointed out to me these women preaching how they want to work are full of crap. She said, "Look at the rich. Ask yourself. How many of these rich men's wives work? None of them do."

The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

A good argument. One always has think in advance and consider possible future developments.


Ron said...

If a guy has a consturction job that requires him to climb up and down buildings, but he has no arms or legs, that too is "not his fault". But just because its "not his faukt" doesnt mean we have to pay him.

Similiarly, if a guy is a nice sweet guy, who simply hates confrontation because he had a rough background, it is also "not his fault". Yet no woman on the planet will have sex with him unless he pays for it.

Nice guy, not his fault, doesnt matter.

All this shit means is that women cannot be hired unless companies literally force everyone to hire them. The end result being small buisenesses which cannot bear the cost of incompetant women in the workplace will shut down, and the mega corporations which can bear this cost will hum along without a problem, which is the real reason this filthy shit is being jammed down our throats.

Feminism is just a way for evil men to weaponoze women against the rest of the men. Its a scam, a con, a racket.

Natalie said...

Want to mess with everyone's heads? Tell people that women deserve extended maternity leave (6mo+) but that you want to get rid of affirmative action and let employers hire whomever they want. Jobs that require women (ie L&D nurses) will still make that happen, but employers won't be forced to hire women as account execs or whathaveyou. Breastfeeding rates will go up. Breast cancer rates will go down. Productivity will go up overall. And both sides will fling monkey poo on you as fast as they can.........

Will Brown said...

OTOH this official policy shift would necessarily permit "she's on her period" as a permissible job qualification metric. I think the usual fem suspects will sit on this idea. YSWIDT

Will Brown said...

OTOH this official policy shift would necessarily permit "she's on her period" as a permissible job qualification metric. I think the usual fem suspects will sit on this idea. YSWIDT

Matamoros said...

Equal pay for equal work. If they get period leave, then they have to provide an equal paid leave for guys - after all guys have to put up with their period b.s. and are stressed, during this time too.

Revelation Means Hope said...

Methinks this is some quality black knighting.

There are phone apps to track periods. I would be tracking every woman I deal with where it is important to know exactly how to game them.

Timmy3 said...

Just take the sick day. Women shouldn't get anymore days off for just being women. They get maternity leave, which is something men don't get although men can take off time to care for their newborn as vacation time.

Noah B. said...

Instead, let's get back to the idea that having a job is just another type of free association that the government has no legitimate reason for being involved in.

Anchorman said...

Won't anyone think of the post-menopausal women?!?!

Jason said...

Women cant do this at the moment? With exisiting sick leave provisions?

If it is extra days it will just make womem even less employable than they are now with all the liabilities associated with hiring them (maternity leave etc)

Unknown said...

Remove the wage gap by removing the ovaries!!!

Bob Loblaw said...

What they should do then is to say Period Leave is "Unpaid leave".

That's the way it will start. But it won't stay that way.

Aeoli Pera said...

Won't anyone think of the post-menopausal women?!?!

That's like asking "Won't anyone think of the adult male detritus?" Well, no, almost certainly not.

MichaelJMaier said...

I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.

Aeoli Pera said...



Sorry, you scared me is all.

dc.sunsets said...

Once genetic science locates the codes for propensity to violent crime, I have no doubt that the Left will seize on that to claim that violent criminals can't help themselves and that they should not be punished for their biological predilection.

Women won't have to show up to work in order to be employees (or managers, or CEOs), blacks/browns won't go to jail for rape/robbery/murder, and Nirvana will emerge...finally.

dc.sunsets said...

@ Aeoli, isn't it funny how all this is moving even further to putting young women on a pedestal and putting everyone else (men, older women) under it?

Aeoli Pera said...

@ Aeoli, isn't it funny how all this is moving even further to putting young women on a pedestal and putting everyone else (men, older women) under it?

Yup, although "funny" isn't the word I was thinking of. Think of the 21-year-old girls you've known, and imagine them being in charge of society and believing they're competent to be so because grrrlpower.

We would be remiss if we didn't note that this also pedestalizes the small segment of men to whom these girls are attracted. Essentially, the only thing that matters under gynocracy is sexual self-actualization so children, older people, unattractive people, etc. all get the shaft in a serious way (e.g. abortion, abuse, sexual harassment and false rape charges, etc.).

Aeoli Pera said...

Thus PUA is a way that a few men barely on the fringe try to move from the slave class (young men beaten like a mule) into the privileged aristocracy (attractive young men).

Bob Loblaw said...

Yup, although "funny" isn't the word I was thinking of. Think of the 21-year-old girls you've known, and imagine them being in charge of society and believing they're competent to be so because grrrlpower.

That's basically what happened in Cambodia during the 1970s.

dc.sunsets said...

Think of the 21-year-old girls you've known, and imagine them being in charge of society and believing they're competent to be so because grrrlpower.

My wife teaches in a grade school stuffed with young women whose arrogance is only exceeded by their ineptitude. Seriously, one early-20's girl who lives with her parents has stated out loud that she thinks she's the best teacher in the school. The young ones also strut around in high heels and high style despite largely being 40+ lbs overweight.

From the Killing Fields to the Red Guards, few things worse than proto-adults with God complexes.

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