Friday, February 26, 2016

Live bold

This is absolutely true. Women, even more than men, admire courage. They are attracted to fearlessness; that's why so many teenage boys kill themselves performing stupid stunts: to impress the girls.

You can spit in a girl's face and she will still be attracted to you. You can call her terrible vulgar names and she will still be attracted to you. You can even beat her up repeatedly and she will still be attracted to you.

You can be a complete psychopath, murder your parents, or tattoo a swastika into your forehead, and more than a few women will actually find that attractive.

But show her that you are a conflict-avoidant coward, particularly in a social situation, and she will recoil from you as if you were a green mamba with a scorpion's tail.

And it doesn't matter if you try to conceal your cowardice by calling it "being a gentleman" or "waiting for the right moment" or "not feeling like it". A man being a pussy is like a woman being 150 pounds overweight to a man. It's not something you can overcome.

So don't be a pussy.


The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...

Women hate cowards, they appreciate heros, strong masculine men! It is only the permanent brainwashing of sissy men, and deluded women who intoxicate society with other messages. But the more people get entlightend the more they see what bullshit they are sold via the mainstream media.


Anonymous said...

Women value strength, not goodness. This is why women like the bad boy in such times, they are the only ones with any strength and courage. Pity that so many Christians can't figure this out or notice.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am really struggling with this.

Not being a pussy, ok. Saying, "no!", sure. But from what I am reading here it seems I can't even be a good person, I need to go full sociopath. Now if being a jerk means openly admitting that I am a racist, that I don't like blacks, arabs, jews and muslims, I am already doing it. But if I can't even act politely and respectfully towards all respectable human beings and animals then I don't know what I am supposed to do.

S1AL said...

It's not about being a sociopath. It's about doing things on your terms. If you want to be respectful? No worries, but make sure you know when that respect needs to be set aside. Not everyone is meant to be, out needs to be, a hyper-alpha or sigma. Such a society would be nonfunctional.

Timmy3 said...

Being fearless is not being her defender. Don't get yourself killed for a girl.

357Delta said...

Thomas how has your position worked you for you in actual quantifiable terms? Do you date regularly or have married? Have you had a long string of success in the past with "women who value both strength and goodness"?

frenchy said...

@ Thomas,

You are white knighting. Yes, NAWALT, but ALL WOMEN ARE HARDWIRED LIKE THAT (AWAHLT). Don't try to kid yourself. Doesn't matter if she is Christian or not, this behavior is programmed into her--to not be attracted to a man who is a pussy. And the argument is not that women possess no inclination to be attracted to good behavior, but that they are not attracted to pussies because at the end of the day, she wants to know if you will be a good father/protector to her and her children. If a man is a pussy, then she'll move on.

@ Douchebagdeluxe,

No. The point is just don't be a pussy. Stand up for what you believe in. I mean, Vox used the word courage for crying out loud!! [paraphrase the Brady rules: "Be attractive. Be courageous. Don't be a pussy."

Anonymous said...

"So don't be a pussy."

This is true. Nobody respects a pussy. But I will give a real life example of winning both ways, kinda.

Back in the day as a high school senior I deflowered a drop dead gorgeous 10 freshman prom court girl (who went on to be prom queen). At the same time I was toying with the idea of going out with another hottie, an Italian girl (a solid 9) who went to the local Catholic school, a senior like myself. Well my freshman girl got wind of this and decided to quietly accept an offer to go see a movie with a guy a year older than myself, who was a year out of HS. I found out thru one of her friends and went ahead and showed up at the same movie with a buddy of mine. Well she sees me there and starts crying. So the guy gets her to leave the movie with him. We followed them out. As I had a few choice words for her and punked out the guy... Or so I thought. All of a sudden the guy reaches in his car, pulls out a pistol and points it at my face over the hood of his car - I was on the passenger side as she was trying to talk with me thru her tears, saying she wanted to leave with me not him. He got all bug eyed and threatened to kill me. I stood there for a minute looking down the already cocked pistol barrel, then looking back at her. And finally said to her "you're not worth it". Turned and walked away. This is where the "kinda" comes in. As I didn't turn and run from the gun. I assessed the situation and made my decision on my own time. Not his. So it could be construed by some as not being a total pussy, I guess?

Anyway the freshman 10 and I did our thing for another year or so and then I broke it off. But she continued to call me multiple times a week for years after, until she was old enough to come see me in the clubs. Even then she would call me late at night after the clubs shut down to see if I would come pick her up. Despite her having two boyfriends during this time period. And yeah, I continued to tap that on and off as I wanted to, until I finally moved out of state. So walking away from a gun in the face was still a win.

Another time several years later it was a buddy of mines birthday. So 4-5 of us started partying early in the day. Breaking the drink before noon rule. By the nite we're all trashed and at the big club in town. So I'm walking down the stairs thru the crowd and must have bumped into a guy. He said something, so I drunkenly leaned in to ask him what he said and bam. Took an overhand right to the nose, but managed to catch myself on the stairwell bannister with one arm to keep from going down. He wisely headed out the bar (as it was my territory) and I can see a buddy of mine calling to me follow him outside to take a shot at the guy. I say to myself F that and by then the bartendress and one of the bouncers I knew come and take me to the backroom to get me cleaned up. Blood all over my white hard rock cafe shirt. So this smoking hot blonde follows us to the back to "take care of me". Everyone wanted a piece of this chick. After a few minutes we got the nose to stop bleeding and she says "you wanna dance?". I say "do I look like I wanna dance?". To make a long story short, I took her home that nite.

Oh and my buddy who followed the guy out went all Billy Jack on him. Took his shoes off in the parking lot and tried to fight the apparent monster. The cops took them both downtown and it turns out the guy was a starting linebacker for the local college team. So it was a good decision on my part to let them take my drunken ass to the back room to get cleaned up. I had racoon eyes for a good week after that one and to this day could not tell you what the guy looked like.

VD said...

You need to find women who value both strength and goodness. They exist. They will not want you to be "strong" if you are also being unnecessarily cruel to others or taking unnecessary risks.

Then again, I just realized I'm speaking to the minority of people out there who are genuine, serious Christians. Those of you who are in it for the fun ride down the wide and gently sloping highway can ignore me. I'm just speaking foolishness.

You're completely missing the point, Thomas. You confusing "value" with "be attracted to". Those "good" women are attracted to exactly the same thing that the "bad" women are attracted to. Now, that doesn't mean they will throw themselves at every sociopath any more than a good man will throw himself at any woman with a nice body.

But their attraction and repulsion triggers are exactly the same. The good woman hates a man behaving like a pussy every bit as much as a bad woman does.

VD said...

Not being a pussy, ok. Saying, "no!", sure. But from what I am reading here it seems I can't even be a good person, I need to go full sociopath

Read it again. You're reacting emotionally to trigger words, you're not actually reading for content.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Sigbouncer how do you have time to comment here and run your stable of HB10 ladies?

Unknown said...

This post should be Chapter 1/Rule 1 for every PUA/Game book or blog. "Don't be a pussy" is the first step to the Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

Comments only take up a few minutes at a time. Besides that 'back in the day' written up today was over 20 years ago. 9-10's were more plentiful back then. I'm down to rotating three (two in my area, one out of area) these days, strictly at my convenience. I still have no troubles going out and picking up some new. Had a beauty Russian girl (8-9) half my age the last time out whose dad was Spetsnaz (which lead to some great convo as well).

Bars and clubs are my zone...worked and played in them my entire life. Just passing on some experiences along the way that might help the young ones. I think there's a timely neg (not that I even knew what a neg was back then?) in my posting today that most with game will pick up on. Maybe it will help for those in a must back down situation...maybe it won't? But there you have it and how it worked out for me.

And as an aside. You'll also see some pretty good stretches here of little to no posting from me. Just so happens my work cycle the past couple months is more conducive to posting these days and probably will be for another month or so. But summer's coming and this cat will play...

ScottC said...

Some men take "not being a pussy" to the same extreme as boys who risk their lives trying to prove their fearlessness to girls. The solution is to find a balance between psychopathic aggression (which in many cases is narcissistic posturing) and timidity. Be firm, but don't be a (mock) psychopath unless you're prepared to do time or die and no woman is worth that (the ones who are be attracted to such displays are not worth the trouble). The man with the swastika tattooed on his forehead is serving life in prison.

Jed Mask said...

Well... it would be an "understatement" to say I've learned and retained a lot of good info and life experience in particular from this special post...

Mr. VD well done.

Thank you also @Sigbouncer for sharing your great life experiences. I've learned from it. Also @Thomas Davidsmeier is very true about the Christian perspective" on this subject of male courage and female attraction. The very Word of God affirms this indeed.

@Durandel Almiras: ...Thank you... You're right about the brethren. Amen.

Also @"d-bagdeluxe: Yo man, it's simple to be courageous and kind although it might not come as easy to people with "conflict-avoidant" temperaments; but you can DEVELOP yourself to be better. It starts with PRAYER to GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST the EPITOME of STRENGHT and COURAGE. Amen. He died a MOST HORRIFIC DEATH on the Cross for an ungrateful, wicked, sinful, EVIL creation knowing His Father would Reject Him? That's COURAGE.

Why's it so hard to think being "strong, courageous and kind" you have to become like a "sociopath/psychopath" to naturally attract females? Just follow those natural masculine INSTINCTS inside you telling you to CONQUER and LIVE FOR YOURSELF to OVERCOME.

From personal experience, I can't see how "deep down" in your spirit and conscious you KNOW being a weak "coward" belittles you from being the strong man you really want to be. It's a war in your MIND more-so than the physical fight if you get beat up. Just standing you ground to be able to FIGHT and NOT RUN when you HAVE TO EVEN IF YOU LOSE is the VERY DEFINITION OF COURAGE.

It means you don't GIVE IN TO FEAR but you actually TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR FEAR BY CONFRONTING IT AND TACKLING IT the best way you can in the given situation; socially with people or otherwise you just don't "give up" when you are scared.

And God LOVES you. Amen.

Jed Mask said...

P.S. I don't know for y'all but recently I just checked out Mr. Cernovich's latest article titled "The Internet Is Not Real Life" and while I agree with many of his insights; my spirit was GRIEVED after reading his HARSH ATTACKS against Christianity and the WORD OF GOD!

Nothing makes my blood boil than reading something that unjustly CRITICIZES the WORD OF GOD! I'm not mad at him at all just "EXCLAIMING" by the exclamation point. lol But I'm truly serious in this matter.

... Just thinking for those in Christ we ought to pray for him and that he does NOT let his "antichrist-like thinking" be used as an instrument and PROP for the Devil because unless Christ intervenes the Devil may have his way with him... Amen.

Unknown said...


I see what you are saying, and you are right that avoiding conflict when a woman believes conflict is warranted is repulsive to her.

But, I think that different women see different actions as falling into the repulsive category depending on different situations. If I beat the crap out of someone who was only mildly asking for it (or perhaps not at all), my wife would be horrified, not attracted. Now, if I did it in defense of her, our kids, etc., that would be a different story.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Sigbouncer you're the most inspiring person whose writing I've ever read.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Patrikbc said...

Sigboucer said: Bars and clubs are my zone...worked and played in them my entire life & "he wisely headed out the bar, as it was my territory". What is this, west side story?
Sounds like a load of shit to me son....if it was your territory, and you had boys, how'd he get out to begin with?

Anonymous said...

Good to see you found some value within the post Jed Mask, thanks.

Anonymous said...

"Sigbouncer you're the most inspiring person whose writing I've ever read."

And he even doubles down. Too funny Stg58.

Anonymous said...

"Sounds like a load of shit to me son....if it was your territory, and you had boys, how'd he get out to begin with?"

Yeah I could have figured it would sound that way to you.

It's like this. The stairs I was walking down lead directly to the front door. Think 5-6 steps down and another 10 feet to the door. Their doorman (little guy) was strictly a money taker (cover charge). It was a week day nite. Club was packed basically 90% of the time. Bouncer by the back bar and another on the other side of the front (circular) bar that I had just passed to go down the stairs. The linebacker immediately hits the door after throwing the punch. As he can see the front bouncer starting over from the other side of the bar. Front bouncer, as previously stated, with one of the bartendresses takes me to the back. If the front bouncer would have felt he had a shot at getting the guy, he would have. Both bouncers there were good friends of mine.

To the outside. There was a cop car already out front when my buddy (who followed him out the front door and) tried to throwdown with him. Cops immediately took them both in. That's how he found out the guy was a backer for the local U.

Unknown said...

If men knew all that women think, they would be twenty times more audacious.- Alphonse Karr

Patrikbc said...

Ok, so....your 3 feet down the stairs, drunk of your get hit by an "apparent monster" linebacker who you didn't even see...But, you grab the railing so you don't fall. The guys leaves, because according to you, he could see a bouncer on the other side of a bar, above 3 ft of stairs, 4 ft of bar and a crowd, start his way over. Now the door guy downstairs doesn't stop him, because this big, regularly busy club, puts a little man, the guy who id's and tells people 'no you can't come in, hey there's a dress code, your too drunk go home" on the bottom floor by himself, with all the change and door money? Then, the bouncer and female bartender, abandon the bar, to take you in the back to freshen up, leaving a bar full of people alone with all that liquor, a cash register, and a tip bucket? Of course then the hottest girl in town, a solid 10 follows you back to where, the office, the liquor store room, the beer cooler...the infirmary?
And the police who were outside the whole time, arrested him and your friend 'goose' for fighting outside, but no one including your friend mentions that he hit you, no charges, police don't question you....nothing?
Yeah, your going to have to work much harder than that, you get an A for effort, for putting all those weird details in there, but ultimately, the little details are your undoing.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

I think that's the dead giveaway, PBC. Never under any circumstances is the bar left completely untended when it's full of people.

Dexter said...

Labels: Scalzi, Jeb, Romney, National Review Staff Writer

Anonymous said...

"leaving a bar full of people alone with all that liquor, a cash register, and a tip bucket?"

Wrong perception on your end. I'm not trying to write a book and include every character and worker in the bar.

Two bartenders/bartendresses at each bar, one guy, one girl. Still a bouncer at the back bar who now moves up front. Also they had a guy barback who stocks the beers and will (as needed) help the bouncers. And actually both bouncers were called outside pretty quick because of the cops/arrest.

And as I wrote before, a weekday nite. This means two bouncers working. The weekends they had four bouncers working. Adding one to the front door and one by the dance floor.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Okay Raymond Chandler. Whatever you say.

Anonymous said...

"And the police who were outside the whole time, arrested him and your friend for fighting outside, but no one including your friend mentions that he hit you, no charges, police don't question you....nothing?"

No, we don't talk to the cops when being arrested.

Anonymous said...

"The guys leaves, because according to you, he could see a bouncer on the other side of a bar, above 3 ft of stairs, 4 ft of bar and a crowd, start his way over."

Yeah the bouncers are readily recognizable at 6'5-6'6 250lbs and up with black shirts and white print that say bouncer on them.

Anonymous said...

"Now the door guy downstairs doesn't stop him, because this big, regularly busy club, puts a little man, the guy who id's and tells people 'no you can't come in, hey there's a dress code, your too drunk go home" on the bottom floor by himself, with all the change and door money?"

Yeah on a weekday nite cover charge would only be $2. So he worked alone at the front with his small money till. Bouncers walked the club as well including to the front door and back. Sometimes one might hang out at the front for a bit. Sometimes the barback might hang out there for a few.

Remember the scenario I described was simply their location when I got hit.

Anonymous said...

"Okay Raymond Chandler. Whatever you say."

Not familiar with him.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

< bored face >

Did you say the words right this time, Ash?

Anonymous said...

"Did you say the words right this time, Ash?"

I gave a pretty detailed breakdown of the situation. Should be enough to satisfy the curious.

hadley said...

Sigbouncer, Stg58 is just sh!t testing you. She's turned on.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...


I just get the biggest hard on for wannabes who make shit up to win the Special Olympics.

Anonymous said...

"Sigbouncer, Stg58 is just sh!t testing you. She's turned on."

Just needed a few more details to spin the hamster...

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Has no idea what an Stg58 is or who Animal Mother is...FML.

Bill Henry said...

There is a difference between facing down unfounded fear and looking down the barrel of a gun. Not being a pussy means standing your ground, don't avoid conflict just because you are scared.. but at the same time.. by all means avoid bullet holes and large sharp knives out of prudence and reasonable appreciation for your own life..

SirHamster said...

P.S. I don't know for y'all but recently I just checked out Mr. Cernovich's latest article titled "The Internet Is Not Real Life" and while I agree with many of his insights; my spirit was GRIEVED after reading his HARSH ATTACKS against Christianity and the WORD OF GOD!

I've been a big fan of Cernovich, so I had to check this out. There's only one sentence in the whole article that could even be considered an attack on Christianity. "How Christianity ruined everything."

Everything else is pointing out how the SJW mindset is religious in nature and is in essence a warped version of Christianity. Look at this:

A real Christian understands that we are all sinners, and even those who are redeemed by Christ struggle daily with temptation. It’s hard to spot a Christian, as they are too busy struggling to live a moral life in a fallen world to impose themselves upon you.

Fake Christians would cheat and lie to you while talking about God whenever possible. The same is true of the church of social justice.

These are not the words of someone who is against Christianity. Slow down, read for comprehension, and lose the CAPS FOR EMPHASIS.

Anonymous said...


What country are you currently living in, if it's not too far from Belgium I would like to meet you and have a chat on women, health, wealth and life in general. I am sure you would be a great mentor.

Ron said...

That photo says everything. If there was ever a male (I can't call that thing a "man") who embodies the words "dead end" it's that bastard. And look what he is with! Many good men would risk life and limb for a woman that looks like that.

Anonymous said...


What country are you currently living in, if it's not too far from Belgium I would like to meet you and have a chat on women, health, wealth and life in general. I am sure you would be a great mentor."

Reading Vox blog here and following it up with getting real life experience in your best mentor. As I'm sure Vox has had far more success than myself in all the areas you have listed. And he is certainly more dedicated to them than myself. There is at least 4-5 years worth of good reading here.

Thanks for the kind words. Btw, if you have an interest in martial arts. Serge Augier has a couple schools near you in Gloucester and Copenhague. I've heard good things about his teachings.

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