Thursday, January 28, 2016

Alpha versus Gamma

This is how a Gamma thinks one should handle his differences with a woman:
Here's the latest from the cuckservative media about what Donald Trump should do about the debate. Seriously, I JUST heard this from the Neocon Betaboy himself, Michael Medved.

He said Trump should go to the debate and instead of walking directly to his lectern, he should break protocol and walk over to Megyn Kelly and. . . I'M NOT MAKING THIS UP. . .


And this is how an Alpha actually handles them:
Speaking on “The O’Reilly Factor,” Trump continued his long-running feud with Kelly, who he has been criticizing ever since she challenged him on his past derogatory remarks about women at the first GOP debate in August.

“I have zero respect for Megyn Kelly,” Trump said. “I don’t think she’s good at what she does and I think she’s highly overrated. And frankly, she’s a moderator; I thought her question last time was ridiculous.”
Gammas pedestalize and supplicate to women. Alphas put them in their place.

Watch and learn, grasshopper. Watch and learn.


The Crucible - Oliver Maerk said...
A great comparison! A good lesson to be learnt.

Anchorman said...

Flowers? Really?

Whatever happened to writing a woman 154 sonnets?

Harambe said...

Give her a hamper of slimming products and cellulite cream.

Artisanal Toad said...

A much better choice, although a bit pricy, would be a KegelMaster 2000

The reviews are hilarious.

Timmy3 said...

A man does not beg a woman. Fox could have fixed the situation, and save face, by using a complete set of different journalists. Why give Megyn two chances? This war makes no sense. Trump showing up on O'Reilly is a sign that compromise can be found. Fox now looks unreasonable.

Desdichado said...

Fox IS unreasonable. Murdoch is one of the biggest proponents of the "right wing" cuckservative open borders and amnesty push. They're gambling that their influence is bigger than Trump's right now. They're playing chicken with him.

And yet; they've vastly misread and misunderstood the electorate. They're going down, and they're going down hard.

darkdoc said...

With her new haircut, Megyn Kelly has gone full dyke.

liberranter said...

The Donald must have been in a conciliatory mood. I'm sure that what he really wanted to say was something along the lines of "Look, we all know,that Megyn, like almost ALL of the women on FoxNews, is a talentless, airheaded bimbo who was hired solely for her looks, as well as the fact that Fox, its "conservative" posturing notwithstanding, is as dedicated to feminism as its liberal counterparts. So enough about this. The next time that dumb skank or any of fellow bimbettes get it in their heads to try to project sophistication that they don't have by asking stupid, pointless questions, I'm going to demolish them. Got that?"

Of course The Donald wouldn't put it so articulately...

Peter said...

Here's more evidence that you should never take a women's advice on how to attract women: a Salon piece by Sophia McClennen titled "There's no beating Megyn Kelly: What Donald Trump should have learned from her Fox News interview with Michael Moore." Trump already knows the lesson of that interview: attractive women have contempt for Gammas who attempt to flirt with them.

Anonymous said...

Women cringe when beta’s supplicate and defer the same way we feel disgust for the frumsters and fatties…

As another example of MSM outlet Time (as most operate now as a loss as W. Banzi, artist in residence over at Zerohedge, and run these rags for more insidious reasons) Barbie is now curvy (read: blown-out size 16)

Fuck off Time…another example of the FI trying to control the narrative and move fat acceptance into MS. Mattel should make a Spinster Barbie, or Crazy Cat Lady Barbie, or a Blue Hair Tatted Up Fugster. The later would be more representative of the US Chick population.

Unknown said...

If they ever find themselves alone, Megan will suck Trump's cock. That's how women work.

JonM said...
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JonM said...

@Tom: So girls can now choose between College freshman Barbie, college senior Barbie, and Betabux Hunter Barbie, eh? Gotta wonder if the last one comes with four cats.

Norok said...

Just now, I realized why Trump picked a fight with a high profile woman.

To show that he can, and will, be best to take on the presumptive Democratic nominee regardless of their genitals.

Student in Blue said...

Just now, I realized why Trump picked a fight with a high profile woman.

More like she tried to shit test him, and he passed with flying colors. Now she can't stop thinking about him, for good or ill.

Double E said...

More like she tried to shit test him, and he passed with flying colors. Now she can't stop thinking about him, for good or ill.

It's a bingo!

Rex Little said...

Slightly OT: two women of my acquaintance, one of them black no less, are Trump supporters. The black one tells me there are many more like her. Can you imagine if the election is Trump vs. Hilary, and Trump gets more votes from women than Hilary does, and 30% or so of the black vote? So many talking heads will explode, they'll be weeks cleaning up the newsrooms.

Robert What? said...

So let me get this straight. All the cucks who have been telling us month after month that Trump is just a flash in the pan are now giving him advice? Two tips: Never take advice from a SJW or cuckservative. Never take advice from someone who has no faith in you.

little dynamo said...

Alpha, beta, meh. What's reported here is the difference between someone trying to be a man, and someone who long ago gave up and went Full Supplicati.

It's an incredible anecdote tho, illustrative. America's 'conservatives' respond to the treachery of scum like Kelly by BRINGING THEM FLOWERS in (yet another!) grovel-a-thon before the very women who destroy the nation. Medved is just another cucked coward. He and his friends threw Fatherhood and Family under the bus the past decades while worshipping the Sisterhood, and pretending that's 'love'. Medved and his crowd are far worse than Hill and Billary, or Barry O, because Medved and Co. pretend an alternative that they can't deliver.

Instead of trying to turn Trump into a castrati like himself, Medved should learn something. But he probly won't. America has installed little boys where the men are supposed to be.

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