Sunday, January 25, 2015

The loneliest paladin

A recovering ex-Gamma male once told me that the heart of the Gamma is a relentless willingness to lie to oneself, even in the face of the undeniable. This tweetstream of @mikebrendan, Paladin and Straight Stepper Upper, provides an illustration of the truth of his explanation.
MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
What's incredible is they don't realize how they're making themselves look. Completely clueless berks, the lot of 'em. Ah well...
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
It was mildy admusing watching those fuckers foam at the mouth, but they're a really sad lot if they have all that anger in them.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
All these idiots are doing is giving my block button a workout. Wasting their time.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Things I don't get: why Ghaters would rally around Vox Day. Dude is the epitome of loser.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Not only did Vox get kicked out of SFWA for being a racist homophobic sexist dipshit, he took sixth place on a five person ballot.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Sixth place. That's like...the Colonel's Secret Recipe of dumb and ignorant. Oh well. Dojodrive time.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
So, Ghaters, revel in your lies and your cowardice. I'll be out there in the world, kicking more ass than you'll ever sit on.
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Tomorrow, Ghaters, I'll be training, gaming, and then out on a date. I'll be enjoying life, while you sit at your screens refreshing in RAEG
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MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
So, GooberGhaters, here's what I'm gonna do. Pour myself a nice glass of pinot noir. Watch Star Trek. Paint Skaven, because I'm a gamer.
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So, we have someone who is drinking wine and watching Star Trek alone on a Saturday night. WINNING. Notice all the replies, retweets, and favorites, or rather, the lack thereof. He can't even get a response from anyone without mentioning me.

Gammas are always in search of dragons to slay in order to impress the princesses they pedestalize. Don't be the Gamma. Be the Dragon. The hotter the princess, the more she digs Dragons.


Dark Herald said...


All these idiots are doing is giving my block button a workout. Wasting their time.

Laughing at you is not a waste of time.

My Block-Fu is strong and powerful!

You are obviously reading this. Make your case here. Engage for once in your life, instead hiding behind your unread twitter account.

Follow the rules of the blog, be polite and we'll be polite.

Other than that we are just going to spend another day making fun of you. While that is enjoyable, it doesn't stretch us.

KJE said...

What kind of man really plays Skaven anyway?

Unknown said...

Drinking wine, watching Star Trek and painting Skaven (whatever that is) out of spite to make one's enemies enraged with jealousy at his none-loserness... I'm sure that will work as planned.

I'm all for men cultivating their hobbies but not under the delusion that they're going to make any panties wet.

Also interesting is the fact that he's spite-engaging in two non-gaming activities and one that is tangentially related to gaming (I'm assuming he's painting game miniatures) to prove his gaming credentials, instead of actually, you know, playing a game.

Unknown said...

'Gammas are always in search of dragons to slay in order to impress the princesses they pedestalize. Don't be the Gamma. Be the Dragon. Don't be the Gamma. Be the Dragon.'

Nah be the Knight. Work on your craft and put everything into it. That way when a dragon does come up, you'll be ready. When a princess gets the hots for you, you'll be ready.

Dark Herald said...

What kind of man really plays Skaven anyway?

A console peasant.

Unknown said...

'the heart of the Gamma is a relentless willingness to lie to oneself, even in the face of the undeniable.'

That sounds like the heart of the obstinate.

We've all had our bouts of this...what matters is if we were humbled by it, or we doubled down on it.

VD said...

Nah be the Knight.

The Knight is the Gamma, Earl. The princess is never going to get the hots for you; you will wait in vain.

Dark Herald said...


Things I don't get: why Ghaters would rally around Vox Day. Dude is the epitome of loser.

Dude is a millionaire, rock star, author, best selling game dev living in Italy with a beautiful wife who despite what your hero Scalzi thinks, actually does exist.

I don't think, 'epitome' means what you think it means.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Earl is a white knight.

I ripped my big toenail out yesterday and sent pictures of the damage to my wife. She wrote me back in all caps that I was a horrible person. I love driving my wife crazy.

What is Skaven?

Unknown said...

'The princess is never going to get the hots for you; you will wait in vain.'

Even better! More time to focus on the important tasks.

Unknown said...

And please remind me what is the difference between being a Gamma to get female approval and being a Dragon to get female approval.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

The Gamma never gets female approval. It's not just another way to get women, it never works.

The Dragon gets more female attention than he knows what to do with, and picks the best one.

Rek. said...

What hateful speech! This Mike certainly is no gentleman. #harrassment

Mr.MantraMan said...

Trayvon Martin would beat his lame gay cracker ass. What would be more "racist?" Lighting a cross on MLK blvd, or forcing vibrants to sit thru hours worth of lectures from the likes of these SJWs?

Unknown said...

'The Gamma never gets female approval. It's not just another way to get women, it never works.

The Dragon gets more female attention than he knows what to do with, and picks the best one.' tends to work a lot and one doesn't tend to work a lot.

My point is there's a third way to go where female attention or approval seeking is taken out of the conversation. Because you realize it's flaky, fleeting, and nothing to build your house on. Merit on the other hand is.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

What way is that, Earl? MGTOW?

Don't give up and run away.

Happy Housewife said...

No doubt his "date" (Mom?) will be regaled with tales of his Twitter heroics the last couple of days. She might be so impressed, she will forget to have a friend call her after half an hour with a family emergency that requires her to leave immediately.

Happy Housewife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

And please remind me what is the difference between being a Gamma to get female approval and being a Dragon to get female approval.

Earl, you've been around these parts long enough to know the difference, so I don't know if you're honestly oblivious or playing word games, but it's tiresome.

If it truly doesn't matter to you whether you ever have a woman in your life, then consider yourself lucky and go climb mountains or start a new monastic order or whatever earth-shattering activities you spend that extra energy on when you're not commenting on blogs. I wish you well in it.

But try to understand that most men aren't so fortunate. Most men, just like Adam (before sin, you'll note), feel like something's missing where a woman belongs. Telling them they should just stop caring about that missing piece is a bit like telling a drowning man that he just needs to stop wanting to breathe.

There's nothing wrong with a man wanting a woman in his life and being willing to spend some effort to get one. He's not less of a man because he hates sleeping alone. No, that doesn't mean he should sacrifice his values for them, chase them around, try to make them happy, etc. That wouldn't work anyway. It doesn't mean he should marry a slut or cad around. It doesn't mean he has to "build his house" on female approval, so please drop that strawman, finally. But there's nothing wrong with him trying to improve himself as a man in ways that will also make him more attractive to women, and taking that potential into account. That doesn't somehow make him less of a man than the man who doesn't feel the need.

MGTOWs would gain a lot more traction if some of them would stop acting like their own lack of interest in women represents some higher stage of manliness that they need to bring down to the rest of us.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Lifting weights to look better for women has many other benefits too. Just an example, Earl. Are you dumb as a post?

VD said...

And please remind me what is the difference between being a Gamma to get female approval and being a Dragon to get female approval.

A Dragon neither seeks nor cares about female approval. He just takes the princess he wants. And she is happy to be taken.

Rigel Kent said...

"Things I don't get: why Ghaters would rally around Vox Day. Dude is the epitome of loser." You know what I find telling about these guys, just how often they fling this insult (loser) at you. While there are several insults that could be reasonably applied to you (under their world view), loser isn't one of them. A simple google search will turn up enough info about you to make that obvious. So why do they keep using it?

Because it's what they feel they are, or are at least it's what they're scared other people will think of them. What they don't realize is that they are making that happen by their own behavior. In this particular case this guy should either move on or, and this is really crazy I know, come here and discuss this like a man. With courtesy using reason and logic instead of emotional outbursts and SJW propaganda. Unfortunately (for him) he's unlikely to do either of these things. Most likely he'll double down on stupid, and then he'll either be ignored, or mocked and made a fool of. To his face by us, and behind his back by the people he believes he's doing this for.

Unknown said...

'What way is that, Earl? MGTOW?

Don't give up and run away. '

Nah that's giving up on everything. I'm speaking more about matters when it comes to what God sees as approving.

Unknown said...

'Lifting weights to look better for women has many other benefits too. Just an example, Earl. Are you dumb as a post? '

You lift weights for the health benefits, stress release, improve your form, and because the body needs physical exertion. One of the side effects is that women can see you put time and effort into how you look.

Bill Solomon said...

"What kind of man really plays Skaven anyway?"--- not me; but gotta admit, stormfiends, pretty sick tho.

Natalie said...

This is begging for someone to post the song "Do Virgins Taste Better than Those Who Are Not." A few men come up with their own solution for keeping women away from the dragon's clutches with no white knighting required:

Unknown said...

'MGTOWs would gain a lot more traction if some of them would stop acting like their own lack of interest in women represents some higher stage of manliness that they need to bring down to the rest of us.'

I like the St. Paul mode of thinking either focus on the Lord or get married. MGTOW is not some higher form of manliness but rather a cowardly removal from picking a road and sticking with it.

Unknown said...

'A Dragon neither seeks nor cares about female approval. He just takes the princess he wants. And she is happy to be taken. '

And after the Dragon is exposed she is booted out of paradise.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Earl, is your real name Mike Brendan? You sure sound like him.

#6277Hammer said...

"......then out on a date....."
He managed a date with his hand? Does it count?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Didn't he mention her name? It's Rosey.

#6277Hammer said...

ODonnell......? I'd stick with the hand

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

No, Palm. And her five sisters.

mmaier2112 said...

"And after the Dragon is exposed she is booted out of paradise."

???? Exposed? As what?

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Earl is a super gamma white knight. Can't you recognize the language he uses?

Mindstorm said...

'Earl' Thomas, MGTOW do pick a road. Their own.

David said...

Very very few men who can get a desirable woman forego that opportunity to focus on higher things. MGTOWs do what they do because they cant get what they want, not because theyve got more important things to do. Most people lead unimportant lives as it is.

Earl, are you an MGTOW? Because you use their language.

Doom said...

Hey, now, I do that. But then I want to do that. Wait... no wine, and not Star Trek. Try beer, whiskey, or scotch, and no television. Damnable commercials and I'm not interested enough in a Vivo or whatever the commercial killer is. Not worth the price or effort. And it's not like I couldn't have sex (with a real life woman), but it would just be another fling. Though I am triangulating toward a wife, sort of. We'll see on that.

Some of us like not having a vagina around, especially some sorts of them. Demanding, moody, bleed everywhere, and don't know squat but are sure they are equal, many of them. Still, I have my eye on a newer model, and am contemplating. A lot of work, but for kids, domestics, regular regular, might be worth some effort. She has all the right sentiments and features, especially considering the age we live in. I've already broken her heart, I think, so... we are on the road. Maybe.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Doom, is there any woman's heart that you haven't broken?

Nate said...

Vox... men slay dragons. That's what we do. The point is... to slay dragon because they are dragons and you're a man.

Not to slay dragons in the hope that some princess will love you for it.

Anonymous said...

What good is merit to a man that cannot dominate his treacherous wife?
What hope do the children have?

There is no third way; the very presence of women triggers a fight or flight sexual response in men. The issue is whether you apologize for it and defer to women or if you let it feed your aggression.

MGTOW is practiced, self-conscious flight and avoidance, and it is a superior expression of self-discipline to involuntary or unconscious deference.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Nate, I think Vox said be a Dragon as in the Martial Arts context.

Laguna Beach Fogey said...

Hot chicks dig jerkboys, assholes, fascists, and Dragons.

Dark Herald said...

He's not a MGTOW. He's a Bill Bennett Man-Up type. Men are the problem and they only need to unscrew themselves and women will happily follow.

Earl you are too old to get that this isn't the problem.

The problem is that men become what women want them to be.

In the 1950s women still needed the physical protection and provender that only a solid man could provide. In response men tried to become John Q. Public hard working solid citizens. It wasn't too difficult for most men to do that. So they did that and were rewarded with wives that were faithful (about 65% of them anyway but that's another topic) and demure home makers.

Earl, women don't need men for those things anymore. Western governments have cuckolded the western male. Extracting resources to support the single female age 18-35 is now close to it's primary function.

Women don't need a good man anymore. And here is the problem you can't seem to face. They don't want one.

Now they want a man to be Joey from Friends. A funny, jerky, unserious recreational good looking hawt boy. It was easy to be a hard working good man, it is not easy to be Joey from Friends.

Duke of Earl said...

Skaven are the rat people in the tabletop wargame Warhammer Fantasy.

However I wouldn't brag about painting them on Twitter or anywhere else.

Pirran said...

A transitory glance through NinjaMike's tumblr reveals A LOT of Trans resources, virtual hugs and an obsession with an underage Russian body-builder with a doll-like face. All that on the first page - I couldn't quite summon the strength to explore that psyche any further.

deadman said...

"Skaven are the rat people in the tabletop wargame Warhammer Fantasy."

& taking into account that the Skaven are portrayed as highly fiendish, scheming, duplicitous & one of the most vile races in that game... it's all quite apt that a deluded leftist would gravitate towards -that- race.

From Wikipedia :

'Skaven are portrayed as sneaky, conniving, selfish, cowardly and backstabbing. They are also closely linked to plague and disease (particularly the Skaven clan Pestilens). The Skaven believe themselves to be superior to all other races, especially those that live above ground.

Despite its large population, the existence of an organised Skaven society is carefully and violently concealed from humans and other races of the Warhammer universe. Even when presented with irrefutable proof, the common man regards them as an urban legend or merely another form of Beastmen, although there is no direct link between the two species. It is a widely held belief that if the Skaven could put aside their in-fighting and distrust of each other, they could potentially take over the world: fortunately their innate paranoia and deceitful, treacherous natures make such an occurrence all but impossible.'

Yeah... I wonder why a so called 'paladin' would gravitate towards a 'race' like that... just can't imagine why...

KJE said...

All I am saying is that if you are going to pretend to be a Paladin, at least play Brettonians...

Anonymous said...

"Bow to me. Only me. Thou shalt not have strange gods -- or goddesses -- before me." -God

MikeBrendan @MikeBrendan
Not only did Vox get kicked out of SFWA for being a racist homophobic sexist dipshit, he took sixth place on a five person ballot.

Heh. This one also sounds like The Scalzi. I guess being "scalzied" really is a thing. And Rigel Kent, I suspect the SJW definition of "loser" is "anybody who SJWs hate and who has therefore failed in life by not gaining SJW approval."

In re Earl Thomas, I think cailcorishev put it by far the best. He does seem like a Gamma Churchian, who thinks God disapproves of behavior that He doesn't actually, such as teasing and being "mean" to women.

Anonymous said...

I wrote him a long, politely-worded reply to his "Paladin" post. Deleted, of course, Typical pussy,

I have never deleted a single response to anything I have ever posted on a blog. I revel in my Enemy's hate. The only reason I would delete a response on one of my blogs is if the response in question violated the law in some way.

Phunctor said...

Just binging on the Liaden Universe. Dragons got game.

Pirran said...


Thanks. Actually that's why I didn't want to look any further. Now I have to pour Drano down my ears and hope it percolates into my gray matter.

Pirran said...


There seems to be a wabbit trope of being dominated by underage Xenas developing here. Obviously Scalzi has the incestuous frisson of being spanked by his daughter (a sort of debauched Purity Ball), but NinjaMike's comments over the doll-faced Russian are bad enough:

"I, for one, welcome our new supermodel powerlifter overlords. You, go Yulia. You show the whole damn world how beautiful strength can be."

Pirran said...

Actually, it seems those comments are from some of his creepier followers. My bad (his worse).

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

Vox is superior and out grew the sfwa. He could have won but the group went SJWW (2nd W is worship) thus the genre was perverted with story lines that didn't fly. Also according to their own rules or handbook didn't the group violate its own handbook? Finally even if he won could Vox has began CH?

Gunnarvoncowtown von Cowtown said...

I'm a beer/whiskey/rum guy, so hopefully one of you wine guys can set me straight. But, isn't "pino noir" one of the gayer wines? We're talking the cranberry vodka of wines, right?

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