Saturday, May 11, 2013

Women Ruin Everything: Jewish edition

There is literally nothing too holy or sacrosanct for feminists to assail in the name of sexual equality uber alles:
The shrines of Jerusalem’s Old City have been known throughout centuries as, among other things, tinderboxes of inter-religious bickering, violence, and bloodshed. On Friday at the Western Wall, several hundred female Jewish worshipers known as “Women of the Wall’’ were targeted by rock and bottle throwing from a crowd of thousands of ultra-Orthodox Jewish demonstrators outraged by their use of prayer shawls and phylacteries traditionally restricted to men.

The image at the Western Wall evoked scenes of civil rights struggles form the 1960s. Some 500 Israeli police officers on hand formed a human barrier between the women worshipers and the surging crush of demonstrators, who taunted the women and blew whistles to drown out the worship.

Police said that about 2,000 ultra-Orthdox women initially arrived at the prayer site at the urging of rabbis in order to block the Women of the Wall group from reaching the massive stones. The peak of tension came after the hour long prayer service, as the women exited the Western Wall plaza and boarded armored buses, which were then pelted by rock throwing and spitting ultra-Orthodox demonstrators.
The worst thing is that you know there is a very good chance that most of the women who were so determined to "worship" there are atheists, or at the most, pagans who don't even believe in the Jewish God.


tz said...

It was at the bottom of another long thread, so forgive the repost.

Gamma Rabbis v.s. Feminazis.

Ahab had his Jezebel (read it, biblical game!)
Uriah the Hittite his Bathshebe
Solomon his idolatrous wives.
Ananias his Saphira.
Herod his Herodias and Salome.
Adam his Eve,
Issac his Rebekah (Esau and de-furred gratification)
Samson his Delilah...

Jill said...

and vice versa, obviously

Philalethes said...

So, I wonder when they'll start insisting on being circumcised...?

"Equal treatment", after all.

Walt said...

Women, all by themselves, don't always screw everything up. Just some things. But women in congregations larger than two can be depended upon to screw things up somehow, or at the very minimum, miss the point altogether.

sunshinemary said...

The worst thing is that you know there is a very good chance that most of the women who were so determined to "worship" there are atheists, or at the most, pagans who don't even believe in the Jewish God.

I agree. It is unlikely that such women are motivated by religious convictions. It is almost certainly about furthering their social-political feminist agenda. We have the same problem, when you think about it, with women here forcing themselves into the pulpit as pastors. I doubt they are concerned with pleasing God or shepherding souls. Their concern is almost certainly about asserting their "rights" and furthering their own power.

rycamor said...

tz said...

Issac his Rebekah (Esau and de-furred gratification)

Chortled, I did.

You forgot about poor Hosea, ordered by God to marry a prostitute. Men, whenever you might think you have it bad...

Anonymous said...

Their concern is almost certainly about asserting their "rights" and furthering their own power.

Its almost like women have this innate drive to seek authority over men and try and control them...

Philalethes said...

Its almost like women have this innate drive to seek authority over men and try and control them...

Thomas Berger's classic novel Arthur Rex, a somewhat unusual (and wryly humorous) telling of the Arthur legend, has a whole chapter about this. I haven't read it in years (the local library's copy seems to have been stolen), but as I recall one of Arthurs peerless but horribly naive knights is given the quest to learn what women want most of all. I don't remember what he wins if he finds the answer, but he travels all over hill and dale and questions everyone he sees, until at last he finds, I think it was, a woman honest enough to tell him: "To rule over men."

When I first read this, nearly twenty years ago, it was an eye-opener, as I was still very Blue Pill as regards the female. Someday maybe I'll find the book again and copy out that chapter so it can be put online somewhere; it's great reading.

Jeigh Di said...

Their concern is almost certainly about asserting their "rights" and furthering their own power.

Its almost like women have this innate drive to seek authority over men and try and control them...

They do. Genesis 3:16; that word desire is the same one used in Genesis 4:7, where God warns Cain about sin. The desire is to control.

Obdurate said...

Philalethes, it sounds like you're referring to a version of "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle"--what women want most is "sovereynté".

Philalethes said...

Obdurate, this does indeed sound like the original for Thomas Berger's story, though I think he's changed it somewhat. I do remember that "to rule over men" is definitely the "solution" to the riddle. And as I said, it's a fun read.

Johnycomelately said...

I wonder how long it will be before they storm conservative Christian altars and force everyone to drink ambrosia?

realmatt said...

They do. Genesis 3:16; that word desire is the same one used in Genesis 4:7, where God warns Cain about sin. The desire is to control.

Because they know that aside from their sexuality, they have no power at all. So they seek to annoy and control every situation as much as they possibly can.

Ron said...

They screwed up, they should have rioted using only the men. You cannot send women to fight your battles.

A serious, hard core, burn-everything-to-the-ground, paralyze the city, create bad press, fill the jails, throw cinderblocks at the cops riot would have sent the proper message. The Haredim know very well how to do this, I guess they thought this was a better tactical idea. Big mistake.

The thing a lot of people seem to miss is that conflict is expensive. It costs time and money to put men with clubs and horses and water tanks out on the streets, it is expensive to shut down your holiest site due to a riot, it is expensive to deal with the political fallout. Which is why when you throw such a riot, the powers that be tend to take notice. They begin to think maybe the status quo is not such a bad idea. Maybe their great ideas for "social change" can be put off for another day.

Maybe the Haredim figured this was a one time event, and it would be best to tone it down, but I don't know. All I know is that if they don't tear the place apart if those bitches manage to put up a separate area for prayer, then they are making a terrible mistake.

Compromise is only worthwhile when the other side is only looking for the compromise, unfortunately, I know all too well that the leftists never ever stop.

Mudz said...

"Thomas Berger's classic novel Arthur Rex, a somewhat unusual (and wryly humorous) telling of the Arthur legend, has a whole chapter about this. I haven't read it in years (the local library's copy seems to have been stolen), but as I recall one of Arthurs peerless but horribly naive knights is given the quest to learn what women want most of all. I don't remember what he wins if he finds the answer, but he travels all over hill and dale and questions everyone he sees, until at last he finds, I think it was, a woman honest enough to tell him: "To rule over men.""

"When I first read this, nearly twenty years ago, it was an eye-opener, as I was still very Blue Pill as regards the female. Someday maybe I'll find the book again and copy out that chapter so it can be put online somewhere; it's great reading. "

I just read this in my 'Myths & Folk Stories of Britain * Ireland'.

Mine goes:

Crone: "Arthur! Ask me the answer to the riddle: only I can tell you true."
Arthur: "Sure, why not? What is it that women most want in the world?"
Crone cackles: "Their own way."

I was tickled by all the negatives. What a woman does not want most is apparently: fine clothes, noble husband, happiness, the Kingdom of God, food, baby.

Curiously enough, in my book, although it starts off kind of winking at the notion of the 'more moral woman', it all seems to reverse itself by the end. Gawain marries the crone and because he gives the correct answer: "You must have your own way in this as in all else," she turns into a beautiful princess, forevs.

That's just the version I have.

kh123 said...

As much of a fairly large plaza layout as it is, it's still tight quarters when something goes down. The fact that these women would walk themselves into as contentious of a corner as that doesn't speak well from either strategic angle - you can't physically escape from your display of soap-box solipsism.

They should be thankful none of the folks from above the Wall decided to join in. Although again, their strategic brilliance failed them - those eyes most definitely took note.

Matt said...

Philalethes, it sounds like you're referring to a version of "The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle"--what women want most is "sovereynté".

Interesting. Feminism generally claims to be about sovereignty, and if that were true it probably wouldn't be so bad. But feminism is not about the freedom to make choices. It's about the freedom to make choices without consequences. And that's not something that's compatible with civilization.

Carlotta said...

Any chance of it ever saying feminist ruin everything? There are some of us fighting the good fight and we are getting onslaught from every side here.

tz said...

@rycamor I thought Hosea at least did average or broke even. Whores aren't hypergamists as such, but businesswomen in the 2nd oldest profession.

@Carlotta - it isn't merely feminists. Those are only the end result and the obvious case. The far greater evil is the seed where the woman thinks one very small thing will be better, often for her children. But she sells her soul to the devil for that thing. Like Obamacare. Or gun control. Or shredding the constitution to prevent islamofascistowelheaded terrorism. Who call for torture and can only sleep as there are those who will commit mortal sins on their behalf - forgetting that with knowledge and consent, they too are participating in the sin.

It is not the feminist idiots who gave us Bush and push those like Romney, but Women who want to fight the good fight, and settle for what they hope will be the lesser evil.

But perhaps you really are different and aren't fighting for a different tyranny, but for liberty for your children and grandchildren. If so, I applaud you. However, if so, you are very rare. Most women that do not ruin from the left will ruin things from the right. One more example, one side wants to repeal the death penalty, the other to extend it beyond any moral limits (there are none today as per Evangelium Vitae).

The wheel of the rationalization hamster can spin either to the left or to the right. The hard part is to stop it spinning completely.

LP2021 Bank of LP Work in Progress said...

WRE were just agitators, they did not care about worship or they would NOT have voilated a simple rule and value; what is for men is for men not for women.

End of story.

rycamor said...

tz said...

@rycamor I thought Hosea at least did average or broke even. Whores aren't hypergamists as such, but businesswomen in the 2nd oldest profession.

Translations seem conflicted on whether she was a literal whore or a "promiscuous woman". The point was, she symbolized the People of Israel's lack of commitment or "spiritual hypergamy" (easily distracted by more exciting, mystical gods).

Carlotta said...

Tz so the female of our species is faithless and evil?

tz said...

@Carlotta - Yes. But the Male too is faithless and evil. The critical difference is evil men sort of know they are evil.

Think of some evil men. They are almost iconic. They look bad, act bad, are either amoral or actually evil. They commit crimes, and directly kill people. Blood is on their hands obviously.

Consider evil women. Margaret Sanger is at the root of today's abortion, having killed more than Hitler (and is up there with the atheist communists). Women voted for (the serial rapist) Bill Clinton just after Clarence Thomas' "high tech lynching".

Not all enemies of feminism are on the side of righteousness, and from the Women's organizations I've seen battling, they are on the side of big-government Leviathan. MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) has done more to destroy the constitution than Obama. Women. Family. Mothers. Utterly evil and destructive. Worse than the ACLU by far (the ACLU sometimes does good). Who lobbies for student forever-debt loans so their kids can go to college? Who argues that the FDA and USDA should regulate everything and destroy organic farming and real food (other than ADM and Monsanto)? Who argues for the states to vaccinate their children to protect them? Who argues for censoring the internet lest their children view pornography? Who argues for the militarization of the police for the war on drugs? Women. Christian Women. Church Ladies for Romney or Santorum or Gingrich!

On the side:

Meanwhile more evidence

Luke said...

1) if you would speak of women whose lives resulted in the death of millions, I nominate Rachel Carson. Her preposterous book "Silent Spring" probably resulted in 8 digits of deaths in the 3rd World from avoidable malarial infections, due to the lynching of DDT use.

2) Re Israel: the Orthodox are the main ones having children amongst Jews there. Such offensive behavior as this "half a peace sign" to their beliefs from these atheist radical feminists won't happen ever again after 20+ more years from now.

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