Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Omega thesis

Focus on the Failures: the Impact of Socialism on Losers--an Abstract

Thesis: Poor prole women used to marry some omega males, now they don't need to anymore.

Abstract: At the very bottom of the human male hierarchy are the irrecoverable social failure, the “omega males.” No one writes about these guys; they are largest group of at which no one has ever taken a serious look. (Yes, here we have an "omega" writer, but I'm talking about the category of omega for whom there is no hope.)

These are the least sexually desirable males and therefore are the ones who are unable to find a women for a healthy normal relationship because their desirability is too low given the
existence of less women than men, the omega's own standards and, in some places, men marrying multiple women. (There are about 105 males born for every 100 females.)

In modern times, women would rather become the second trophy wife of an older alpha male or never marry at all, than settle for an omega male.

Irrecoverable omega males will be lonely and womanless their whole lives and as an added punishment pay taxes to support the children of women who don’t notice their existence, or, if they do, see omegas only in a monetarily
predatory way.

So some questions for the experts:

What are some characteristics of irrecoverable omegas?

What becomes of them?

What should irrecoverable omegas do to wring the best out of life?
Some of the characteristics include low self-esteem, fixation on a single woman for an extended period of time, social dysfunctionality, inability to provide for themselves, overdependence upon parents, excessively childish interests, physical unattractiveness, and extreme timidity.

I honestly don't know what becomes of them. I really haven't ever been very well acquainted with omegas; even in junior high when I was at the nadir of the social hierarchy, I was too happily occupied in solitude with sports and computers to become involved with the omega crowd at all.

But what irrecoverable omegas should do to wring the best out of life is to remind themselves that relationships with women are but a small portion of life itself. The average married couple has sex 92 times per year. That leaves 75 percent of the calendar sexless anyway. Isaac Newton never married and was said to have remained a virgin, and while he was certainly peculiar and at least somewhat socially dysfunctional, few members of homo sapiens sapiens have ever risen to such glorious intellectual heights. This isn't to say that one should aspire to become the next Newton, as that is all but impossible, but to look to him, and others like him, as a potential model for a generally happy, successful, and valuable life.


Giraffe said...

Truly irrecoverable omegas aren't that common.

Giraffe said...

As I posted below, my older brother is one. Women hate omegas, whether they have a reason or not.

He once gave a note to a girl at work to ask if she wanted to have coffee with him. A polite "no thank you" would have sufficed, she went nuclear, told human resources, and he got fired. Probably the only time in his life he had the courage to make that attempt. I am sure it didn't do her ego any good for him to think she was attainable.

He cannot work for a female boss for very long. They very quickly hate him, and will fire him if they have the power, or scheme up something to get him fired if they don't. On one occasion a male coworker tried to accuse him of stealing to get him fired. He usually quits when it gets bad.

As you can see, he doesn't support himself very well. He lives with my younger brother, or he would be living with my parents. He is socially awkward, not highly intelligent, yet is opinionated. Not having much tact and being religious tells you why many don't like him and an atheist female boss especially doesn't work out.

I don't know what will become of him. I feel sorry for him, but I really can't help him.

Anonymous said...

I am an omega, never having a girlfriend at the age of 28, although i am not a virgin, so you can ask for some of my perspectives if you want. Here goes my personal experience:

I have a very aspergers-like personality, and i simply can't connect with people, unless there is something specific to talk about, so i am socially dysfunctional. I don't think myself as timid, it is simply that i just can't relate to people.

One thing that seems to redeem my omeganess is that i am somewhat intelligent, and i am working towards a master's in a STEM field, i am also a very good programmer.
As my mind tends to be somewhat systematic, reading Roissy and PUA blogs gives me a framework of thought to think about women and social interactions in general, this somehow has given me a little confidence, as before all this seemed a mystery.

There was a period of my life, about 23-27, where my omeganess did affect me psychologically, as i wondered if i would ever have a normal life, this was source of even existential despair and depression.

Now, alhough some day i would like to have a "normal" life, as i get older this sometimes seems more unlikely, although i don't lose hope yet, maybe i am still "recoverable".

Anonymous said...

First, let's define Omega.

1) Usually quite ugly.

2) Left half of the bell cuve for IQ and most other positive attributes.

3) Tends to have social deficiencies, but not necessarily.

What should these men do?

Honestely, work toward realistic goals and forget unrealistic ones.

Realistic goals:

Get a blue collar trade job.

Earn enough to pay for escorts occasionaly.

Have fun with friends watching sports, playing video games, shooting shit with shotguns, etc.

Unrealistic Goals:

Get married.

Have children.

Have LTRs with women.

Have one night stands with women.

indyguy77@work said...

I was a bitter Omega from 10th grade to age 25 or so. I'd like to think I'm a Delta now, though, like Vox, I have serious loner tendencies. I simply don't like being around people all that much as MPAI. Though I'm actively trying to change that as I think it's an impediment towards living as a Christian to an extent.

I've had at least one healthy long-term relationship with a great woman I practically lived with for a few years. She taught me a lot about living with a woman and convinced me that I could be a good husband.

Dave DiAngleo's "Double Your Dates" ebook got me started having fun with women, reading on Game the past few years has massively opened my eyes.

And if I hadn't have gotten saved, I'd probably be happily nailing nerdy cuties with glasses, long hair and pleasant personalities.

Right now, I'm massively discontent and examining how I can more please God, among other things. A wife would be great and I do hope for that but I'm not terribly worried about it right now. If it happens, it happens.

Long story short (TOO LATE!), Omega to Delta is not that big of a distance to travel experience-wise, but it's a MASSIVE gap mentality-wise.

Geese Howard said...

What should irrecoverable omegas do to wring the best out of life?

Do ecstasy. Lots of ecstasy.

(Disclaimer: side effects may include anxiety, paranoia, and a proclivity to behave like this guy. Proceed at your own risk.)

Mike M. said...

I think the real question might be what constitutes "irrecoverable".

I'll add that geography has an influence as well. I live in an area where the adult population is about 52% male, and the nearest areas with eligible women are 70+ miles away. It has a tremendous effect on the dating market.

JCclimber said...

I am not inclined to work with Omegas anymore myself. Trying to get one to see even the smallest particle of light is near to impossible. I think the only way to break through to them is to put them into a long-term life or death situation where they either learn and survive, or don't learn and die. So, in modern society, they will drag on and on without learning.

I don't believe any human being is beyond recovery, because I believe in a creator God who can make things new, including new hearts and minds. Most omegas won't allow God to change them, however, so....

Anonymous said...

"Most omegas won't...change..."

"can't change" and "won't change" have the same result. Once you're in omegaland, it doesn't matter what route you took to get there: if you can't/won't change, you're screwed so far as the traditional routes to success and happiness go and need to go a different route to fulfillment.

Mike M. said...

I also think that "omega" may need refinement.

There are the true omegas, with the list of characteristics that Vox provided. Physically unattractive, socially dysfunctional, and (I think most importantly) not very independent.

On the other hand, there are the Lone Wolves. They may be unattractive, sometimes mildly socially dysfunctional - but a lot of that is that they find most people uninteresting. But they are independent sorts. Sigmas sans Game. I'd argue that Newton fit into that region.

indyguy77@work said...

MikeM: if our ranks are determined by social-sexual aspects, that's how others see us for the most part. So I don't see that there's much utility in differentiating between Omegas & Lone Wolf Omegas.

Others perceive them as the same and they end up in the same place, don't they?

Der Hahn said...

Not wanting to get too far into a taxonomy flame war but I think most of y'all are talking about Gamma-Deltas, not Omegas. I know cuz I'm a long-term Delta - One marriage, one LTR, a few ONS/STRs - trying to work up to lesser Beta :) though as a bit of a loner I don't really run with an Alpha's pack.

I think Anon@10:02 had the right idea .. spend your time aiming for a decent paying job (blue collar or a technical white collar) and indulge in your own passions. For almost any non-Alpha guy doing those two things are going to be a springboard for improvement in your status if any improvement is possible.

Aeoli Pera said...

I agree with most of the comments above that there's a huge difference between omegas on different sides of the bell curve.

For instance, I'm a high-IQ omega. My sexual development was basically stunted in my preteens; I may or may not be aroused by physical intimacy at this point, but I'll probably never find out. But I can at least excite my intellect, and I'd recommend Vox's advice to similar men:

"Isaac Newton never married and was said to have remained a virgin, and while he was certainly peculiar and at least somewhat socially dysfunctional, few members of homo sapiens sapiens have ever risen to such glorious intellectual heights. This isn't to say that one should aspire to become the next Newton, as that is all but impossible, but to look to him, and others like him, as a potential model for a generally happy, successful, and valuable life."

Basically, channel that shit into something you enjoy and/or something productive. I only disagree that it can make you happy. Happier, maybe.

Low-IQ omegas are the real puzzler, though they presumably don't read theoretical Game blogs anyway. Societies typically treat them as lower than garbage (which they regard with only mild disgust). Suicide is the best answer I can think of.

stg58 said...

Hopefully, the Omega man will protect us from hordes of humans who have turned into quasi vampires.

Anonymous said...

I have a friend, a complete geek and nerd, he spent his entire teen years doing nothing but playing video games and surfing the internet. As a result of this, he suffers from an extreme case of social anxiety - he shakes like a stick in fear when he is forced to have a phone conversation. I consider myself an Omega, yet, in his presence, I feel like an alpha. He is like slightly functional corpse.

And yet, in spite of this, he sometimes has girlfriends, usually ones he meets on the internet. They are not even unattractive, I would say his last girlfriend was a 7. And he gathered the courage to meet her in real life. This is all probably due to his above-average appearance. He told me that he once hooked up with a "smoking hot" girl, but he was too afraid to go and meet her in real life. What do you think he is? (on the social hierarchy)

Josh said...

My advice for omegas:

1 go to the gym
2 paleo/primal
3 stop dressing like that
4 go out and get drunk a lot with male friends

Anonymous said...

Since omegas are a big threat to women, perhaps the only thing to do is throw them into camps. A horde of sexless men is going to cause nothing but trouble. Eventually an omega will end up like George Sodini. Wouldn't it be better to take steps to stop such a tragedy before it happens?

Wendy said...

Is there a way to gently point an omega in the right direction? At least as far as correcting the inability to provide for themselves and overdependence on parents?

Joe A. said...

Being a person who often has Omega tendencies, I can safely say that only pure effort will work toward driving a stake into the pathetic state of mind that is omegadom. Short of that, force is required or nothing can be done, think.

Joe A. said...

I think.*

Brad Andrews said...

As I noted in the other thread, almost anyone can change. Most won't though and that is the problem.

Anonymous way up here is right, it takes lots of effort, but change can come.

JC, I wouldn't waste time on anyone who doesn't desperately want change and is doing something for it. I have seen that even in myself. Change only happens with massive effort and that almost always must be built on a strong desire for the result and willingness to do whatever is necessary. Few have that and it is tough to sustain even if we start with it.

Josh, is getting drunk regularly going to help as he is likely to lose control of himself and revert to omega ways? Is being drunk inherently the answer to everything many present it as?

Whether an Omega would be better off getting and possibly marrying a "3" is an interesting question. I know the game sphere is against fat women, but that would seem to be a better goal for some Omegas that none at all. (Not that marriage is the only goal as Vox noted.)

Aeoli Pera said...

"Is there a way to gently point an omega in the right direction? At least as far as correcting the inability to provide for themselves and overdependence on parents?"


You can't "correct" inability. Hopefully, you've misdiagnosed the problem or that's just a euphemism for disinterest and/or social anxiety.

Case 1: If disinterest is the problem, a parent can create the incentive by charging rent. It's surprisingly effective, because he probably doesn't enjoy your company much more than anyone else's.

Case 2: If social anxiety is the problem, it's probably due to impaired development. Learning Game has helped me to form some basic social skills, and learning economics helped me to understand where "the rules" come from. However, I'm autodidactic and very smart, so that story has limited utility. Maybe someone else has an idea?

Case 3: If inability to support himself is truly the problem, then someone will always need to support him or he'll die. I don't have much advice here either, but shuffling him between providers would at least distribute the burden.

rycamor said...

The world has always had its omegas, in the sense of the classic vagabond: homeless, afflicted, perhaps insane, the outcasts of society.

However, the late 20th century (USA and to a lesser degree other developed nations) have provided us with a whole different class of omega. It used to be that at least a minimum level of intelligence + hard work would guarantee a man some level of female attention, even if he might have to work a decade into his adulthood to be worthy of a her hand in marriage. In other words, social level somewhat equaled SMV, and as long as there were women at your social level, you as a man wouldn't have too much trouble pairing up with someone. Now we have a situation where a large % of fairly intelligent, capable young men, some of them making a decidedly upper-middle-class income, are left in the dust in the sexual arms race.

I suppose you could attribute it, as other Game bloggers do, to the social shift in the world brought to us by feminist-enabling government, easy birth control, entitlement, and Hollywood's relentless siren song that every woman deserves the BEST.

I think there are other factors, though. And part of the explanation is physiological:

1. The almost complete lack of need for manual labor in the middle classes, combined with the increasing prevalence of processed, prepackaged food (and who knows what other godawful results of our genetic tampering with the food supply), and who knows whatever other effects of modern industry, increasing TV and computer time as entertainment rather than outdoor sports, have all resulted in steadily declining testosterone rates in men.

2. Meanwhile, everyone knows that there is a decreasing supply of reasonably attractive women in that great middle tier due to the same factors noted above leading to obesity (many women who should be 4-6 in looks end up 1s and 2s due to this).

3. In both sexes, inactivity + obesity and bad food (not just that it is bad food, but that there is sooo much of it available easily) leads to depression and neuroses.

Add these up and a great many young men don't have the motivation to pair up with the great number of young women who otherwise might be just right for them. Ironically, added testosterone can make an average woman look good to a man, while also giving him the confidence and masculinity to attract the above-average woman, so from the high-T alpha's perspective, the pickings have never been better. Meanwhile, the low-T depressed cubicle worker who brings home $90K and spends all his time on the internet doesn't even interact with normally attractive women for the most part, so the only women he even sees are the hot celebrities or porn stars on his computer screen. Cue the utter hopelessness and apathy.

I'm sure there are other factors, but I think this one is overlooked. And I'm not sure there's a cure to it, absent a complete breakdown of our modern society's machinery. It's just the path of least resistance for too many people.

Wendy said...

I wonder sometimes if it will take the loss of external family help to make him self sufficient or it will just start a spiral of despair. (He's always been way too emotional for a guy.)

So that's why people have had problems with him at past jobs. It's nothing he's actually done, just how he is. That's probably why he always hates his jobs and doesn't last.

Still, I think it's pretty low to try to get someone fired because of it. Why is it that some people intensely dislike even being around losers while others tolerate or try to help them?

Giraffe said...

So that's why people have had problems with him at past jobs. It's nothing he's actually done, just how he is. That's probably why he always hates his jobs and doesn't last.

I think that is right. He may not be the top person in the job, but he probably isn't the worst. It isn't performance, its personal.

Why is it that some people intensely dislike even being around losers while others tolerate or try to help them?

I don't know, but it makes me angry too.

A solution may be to find a job where he doesn't need to interact with people that much. A truck driver, for example.

Aeoli Pera said...


In so many words, it's Case 3: An inability to support himself because he's unable to keep a job. Getting along with coworkers is an essential job qualification.

They're called people "skills" for a reason. Not least of which is because they can be learned. Is he reasonably intelligent? Introverted or extraverted?

I wonder sometimes if it will take the loss of external family help to make him self sufficient or it will just start a spiral of despair. (He's always been way too emotional for a guy.)

Been there. I went into a death spiral, personally. (Limited utility, yada yada...)

I suspect he has never had to maintain a budget or feed himself a balanced diet. Is that the case?

Aeoli Pera said...

The point of all this is that you will be surprised by the seemingly trivial skills he has not learned. Stuff like "don't evangelize to your boss" and "don't speak at length in a monotone."

It can be difficult to explain something that seems very obvious to you.

Aeoli Pera said...

(Were I in a snarky mood, I might add "don't give advice to a woman who's just venting her feelings", but I like to hope for the best in individuals.)

Anonymous said...

25 year old handholdless virgin here, no job, still live with parents, spend all of my time at home, etc... I basically meet all of the descriptions for omega, including extreme depression for years due to unsuccessful oneitis... I can't say that learning about game has helped me fix any of the major problems that I have in my life, but at least I feel a lot less depressed now and things are starting to make more sense to me

Anonymous said...

What about a guy who has a history of relying on his daddy's bucks, has spent long stretches of time reading science fiction, and whose only claim to sexual success is gold-digging wife compelled to stay with him due to religious nuttery?

Tee hee.

Wendy said...

I suspect he has never had to maintain a budget or feed himself a balanced diet. Is that the case?

He's always had a fallback and can't cook. He's not fat though and was smart enough to take honors classes in high school. The parents didn't help him any in raising him - a domineering mom and an omega dad did a number on him. Now he dwells too much on the past and their mistakes rather than looking ahead and taking control of his own life. He's a reed blowing in the wind.

NicholasHoltman said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aeoli Pera said...

What about a guy who has a history of relying on his daddy's bucks, has spent long stretches of time reading science fiction, and whose only claim to sexual success is gold-digging wife compelled to stay with him due to religious nuttery?

Tee hee.

The author displays the usual symptoms of atheism. But is this a random encounter or a scripted battle that will advance the plans of influential men?

Either way, this goblin is fat from living in a cage. Low yield, but XP is XP all the same.

Aeoli Pera said...


That description greatly clarifies the picture. I have a preliminary call to action in mind, but it's not ripe. I'll let it mature over the weekend and return to the question Tuesday.

I suspect a general method can be produced with just a bit of effort on my part.

Anonymous said...

If you are an omega, there is the sour grapes position. As an omega, look at the aggravation you avoid by never dating or getting married. Note that in case of massive lotto prize, do not attempt to look too good or flaunt the wealth. That way you avoid the fiscal predator women.

Anonymous said...

If you are an omega, there is the sour grapes position. As an omega, look at the aggravation you avoid by never dating or getting married. Note that in case of massive lotto prize, do not attempt to look too good or flaunt the wealth. That way you avoid the fiscal predator women.

Anonymous said...

yep...ive had girlfriends,ive lived a crappy life,but i am somewhat attractive....the women just look and smile nowadays....i dont compete with men for women but i do seem to attract a lot of married women,what am i ???-oh yeah average iq

Anonymous said...

The funny thing is mot women are not even omegas from the point of view of social initiative. What happens is that it is very easy for them because it is accepted that they have a completely passive role.

Anonymous said...

Technically, I am an Omega Male, although personally, I don't think humans should be labeled as such.... I think incel, TFL, w/e u wanna call it, is on some level delibarately done. We've been taught all this Hitlerite eugenics Darwinian "survival of the fittest" garbage about how "the weak and inferior genes must be culled from the gene pool" or w/e....

Look, perhaps there is some small amount of truth to all that, yeah, it happens in the animal kingdom... But if we're gonna just say "oh well, that's just nature," well by that logic, so is rape (and no, I'm not condoning rape, just saying in the animal kingdom this is how non-alphas spread their genes or have sex). It was like this with humans too before civilization....

This was a way for evolution to throw diversity into the gene pool... And there are consequences to eliminating this diversity. It's a bit much for me to break down here, considering lots of people would laugh at so called "conspiracy theories" (even though conspiracies are a proven fact of human nature, it's how we survived so long, look at history, Nazi Germany, the slave trade, witch trials, etc etc were all conspiracies).... But if your open minded enough to believe in human nature then by all means this isn't hard to prove. I can give you mainstream sources openly talking about this, it's not even being hidden anymore.

But my overall point is, at what point do we stop saying "this is just nature" and start saying "this is some barbaric out-dated cave man shit?"

I mean human nature can be challenged, if it couldn't we'd still be ran by the British, and probably still own black slaves.

I'm not a bad looking guy, I've had 2 girlfriends in the past (this was after millions of rejections-- I was 24 before I had my 1st, I probably won't ever get another woman). But I have heard women talking behind my back to each other, one telling the other I'm "just a decoration." But, wait, doesn't this mean they aren't hard wired to not be attracted to me? Plenty of women have told me I am "cute." But they won't give me the time of day.

As for Isaac Newton junk... A person has to decide from within themselves, society generally has this attitude like "just be lucky we allowed you to live," ironically, many "omegas" would rather just be shot in the head and euthanized. It's a billion times more humane.

Don't take this rant as an attack, it's not. If I sound a bit bitter it's because I have lived a highly stressful life because of all this, being invisible, being laughed down, being treated less than human in society... It's no wonder why things like Va. Tech, Columbine, George Sodini, etc keep happening (not justifying what they did, but from an evolutionary psychology perspective, it was a natural reaction-- we could just as easily say "it's just nature" but that still don't make it right... But I totally understand what lead them to it, even though I don't condone it).

Anonymous said...

The issue is a conflict btw logic and biology... Logically, it's not worth it to be involved in relationships these days, too much drama and baggage... Biologically (especially if you've been starved your whole life) if you have a high sex drive, your still gonna have that urge. Nothing will make it go away.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know the suicide rate among "omegas"? I'm sure it's sky high. I know among males with Asperger's like myself, it's a 1/3 suicide rate. Of coarse not all Omegas are autistic. But I still suspect there is a high suicide rate there.

Anonymous said...

Also, as for "low self esteem," most Omegas don't start off with that, it's the bi-product of constant rejection and ridicule. Anyone would develope that after so long, even alphas. I hear alphas complaining if they have to go 2 weeks sometimes w/o. Yeah, try going 15 yrs....

I've got my self esteem back up, but it's still a shitty life... I had turned to compulsive masturbation as a way of alleviating the tension, trying to fill the void, and now, at the age of 33, I am impotent and having to go on pills to get my junk up.... I am asking myself, "Why am I even alive?"

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