Sunday, June 11, 2017

"Then we cried"

And then she dumped him. Deservedly. Ye cats.


Stg58/Animal Mother said...


Unknown said...

The only reason any man should be crying over Wonder Woman involves Gal Gadot having sex with him with her Wonder Woman costume on, then her proceeding to the kitchen to make sammiches.

John D Alden said...

It's odds on he made that shit up, but in case it's true, what is she even talking about? Have I been hallucinating all the women in movies since the very beginning of the film age?

This isn't even the first movie in which Gal Gadot *herself* played a highly competent hottie.

Anonymous said...

And then she dumped him. Deservedly. Ye cats.


you think this guy has a non-inflatable girlfriend.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Gadot is also an IDF veteran. And she got married in her early 20's and popped out some kids.

MichaelJMaier said...

This fag and his idiot broad deserve one another.

Anonymous said...

SJWs always lie. Every single sentence this thing wrote smells false (like Denver).

Anonymous said...

It's this guy.

WARNING: Opening the link carries risk of cucktamination.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, smells like #shitthatneverhappened.

Either that, or his girlfriend is a blue-haired landwhale.

Tarrou said...

Reads like male feminist projection to me. Doesn't sound like any woman I've met talking about a movie that got to her.

John D Alden said...

I dunno, now I looked at the guy's page and saw the girl who is apparently his girlfriend--and I get a nonsexual relationship vibe from these two--she does look like the type who would say something like that. Not a blue haired shrieker, but a plain, oh so serious feminist type who reads shitty poetry about her experiences as an oppressed woman in America at the local coffee shop open mic on Thursday nights.

Unknown said...

"She knew nothing about Wonder Woman"

Bullshit. That's absurd. The only people who probably haven't heard of Wonder Woman are Amazon tribes. And considering Wonder Woman is a bit of a feminist icon, I can't believe she doesn't know about her. So yeah, bullshit.

Fenton Wood said...

It looks like typical Gamma humor. "I'll show those anti-SJW's by being even more shameless and undignified!"

Russ said...

If I could help him out of his madness, I would. But you can't help people who want to stay crazy.

JRH, esq. said...

"So that's what representation feels like."

Seriously, who the hell talks like that? Nobody sane.

Tatooine Sharpshooters' Club said...

Did his girlfriend just come out of a decade-long coma ("Those are all women?". Gesu Cristo)?

Haus frau said...

Lots and lots of professional photos of himself looking serious and so stylish. Also his girlfriend wears problem glasses with her hair tightly pulled back. I hate hipster faggots.

kh123 said...

"After the movie, she had to take a moment in the car."

Good God man, that's why theaters have bathrooms.

Evil Genius said...

This guy is pure soy.

Dane said...

"So that's what representation feels like."

Yes, we have been neglecting the warrior women living in secluded all female enclaves, magically spawning daughters without the need of oppressive, inferior men.

Thank goodness, we've finally righted that wrong.

This is the sad reality of the new-male. They're essentially Gamma's, nueterred and lacking any dignity. Convinced that playing wife/bestie to a woman will get them laid.

Stg58/Animal Mother said...

Did his girlfriend just come out of a decade-long coma ("Those are all women?". Gesu Cristo)?

"It's called a nap, Susan Lucci!"

Dexter said...

If only I'd seen an ass-kicking, kickboxing, don't need no man, tankgrrl female movie character before this!

Gulo Gulo said...

....Then we cried.
Where upon I dropped her off and she immediately dialed Chad who came over for a booty call. He then used her like the dirty whore she is.

Unknown said...

He's a different kind of cat- well, more of a pussy

Anonymous said...

We cried together? Really? This pussy is probably surprised and all busted up that she threw him on the rubbish pile. The country has become so pussified. Really disappointing to see so called "men" asking to get it rammed up their sphincter.

maniacprovost said...

The movie is all right, for a DC movie. The WWI parts were great, except when interrupted by incredibly stupid moments involving Wonder Woman's superhuman magic powers and copious special effects.

S1AL said...

"This superhero movie was great, except for the part where it was a superhero movie!"

Don't be That Guy.

maniacprovost said...

I'll go out on a limb and guess you haven't seen it.

Robert said...

Sounds like they're both women and no one in the movie is. Did someone kill all the real women when I wasn't looking?

Shadowjoser said...

The guy crying is terrible, however, if the good things I've heard about the movie are true I'd much rather women identify with Wonder Woman than anyone on the Once Upon A Time cast.
One of the things I thought the Buffy TV show got right, for all its many faults, was that Buffy was believable as a girl, not the usual man with boobs or uberfeminist most female heroes are.
When I see the movie and if they make her believable, they will get my applause, just not my tears.

Anglican said...

They both have punchable faces.

Whisker biscuit said...

They played Wonder Woman as part of a double feature at the local drive in. It's standard superhero fare; nothing you haven't seen before in a hundred of these special effects riddled movies, except the glaring feminist horseshit. It's laughable.

Unknown said...

All these special effects movies are just trash. Millions of dollars and personnel hours wasted producing meaningless, tooth-rotting garbage.

Timmy3 said...

It's a box office hit. Oddly, no women in my family wants to see it. Preferring to rent Beauty and the Beast instead. There's no crying in superhero movies.

lowercaseb said...

>The country has become so pussified.

Don't's not like they are reproducing.

robinintn said...

Then she screwed the HVAC repairman.

Joe A. said...

No woman would naturally say this outside of heavy, consistent doses of institutional brainwashing during her formative years.

Feather Blade said...

Preferring to rent Beauty and the Beast instead.

The original Disney animated, or the live action Disney remake?

If the latter, they'd have been better off watching Wonder Woman

Kallmunz said...

I shouldn't have done it, but couldn't help it. Posted on his wall "you are a lucky man, she could do so much better." He blocked me, oh well at least he can cry again.

Terrific said...

Everyone is right. No normal person, man or woman, talks like this chick. The fact the odds are good he, and perhaps even she, is a mormon surprises me since I have lived in both Las Vegas and Northern Arizona and they crawl with mormons. Few are like these two freaks. If she exists. Let us pray they never reproduce, either separately or together.

Double E said...

What's with all these people pretending like Wonder Woman wasn't created over 50 years ago?

Why hasn't the character counted as 'representation' before then? Idiots.

And what's up with this dumb broad being surprised that a movie has women in it? Has she been watching Laurence of Arabia on repeat her entire life? if you haven't seen a movie with multiple female characters, you haven't watched very movies. They are all over the place.

If we were in the wild, I would eat this dude. Pathetic.

OGRE said...

dude somehow even makes his beard look feminine

also, hes got some massive gay/pedo face going on

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Harambe said...

White women are the cotton-picking negroes of the 21st century apparently

Desdichado said...

I'll go out on a limb and guess you haven't seen it.

I've seen it. You're still "that guy." It's not a good movie except for the superhero bits, because it's a SUPERHERO movie. Are you not familiar with the character concept for Wonder Woman?

It was a decent superhero movie. Bland, kinda boring, too long, forgettable, the characters had rather less charisma and chemistry than I'd have liked, and I'm not really a fan of the character Wonder Woman in the first place. But they managed to not make it a raging feminist agitprop piece, which is what I was expecting, so in that sense it surpassed my expectations.

maniacprovost said...

Look... sword fighting training to surpass her mentor >> random CGI shockwave power surpassing her mentor.
blocking bullets with bracers and shield >> jumping through a building to knock it down
Charging a German trench >> running through CGI fire vortex and punching them all out or whatever the hell that was

I don't care if I'm "that guy," somebody has to be him. Maybe you're "that guy" for saying the characters in a superhero movie lack charisma and chemistry. It's just an observation that the incredibly stupid moments all involve some kind of superhero magic.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
GB said...

He doesn't have a girlfriend, he's in the friendzone and deluded about it.

S1AL said...

@maniacprovost -

You're like the guy complaining that a country singer is "good, but his first has twang, and it's stupid." Or that "the boat is pretty neat, but it only works on water." It's a *superhero* movie. It's *supposed* to have CGI and magic and *superhuman feats*.

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