A bright orange bus appeared in public on Monday in the city of Madrid with several phrases written on its sides stating blatant biological facts: “Boys have a penis, girls have a vagina. Don’t let them fool you. If you are born a man, you are a man. If you are a woman, you’ll keep being one”.Debate is no longer permitted. Fine. That doesn't mean the war is over, it merely means the time for talking has ended.
It didn’t take long for the government officials to spring into action. Madrid’s City Council, which is ruled by liberals, promised to take the “necessary measures” to stop the bus from touring the city saying the vehicle did not comply with local traffic ordinances. The regional government, ruled by cuckservatives, said that it was consulting with the Attorney General over whether the bus broke any “hate crime” laws. The cities of Barcelona and Valencia, both with progressive governments, announced penalties up to 3,000 Euros if the bus dares to come to their cities.
At any case their complaints have been successful and the bus was impounded by the police and taken off the road. The judge said the bus would remain immobilized until the slogans were removed, adding that the messages went beyond simply advertising the group’s ideology and attacked the dignity of certain people by denying their sexual orientation.
Tuesday, March 7, 2017
Biology is a hate science
Thought crime on a bus in Spain:
They hate Nature and its God. The chaff actually believe it for psych and identity reasons - "You're Ok therefore I'm Ok". Marxism as fostered by the Elites and their whore, prostitute politicos is nothing more than a ruling tool to get the faithless, damaged plebes to "do it to themselves" - and with their own labor. Self destruction and ruin on command, taking everything noble and natural down with them. The Technocracy. (golf clap)
The bus driver apparently refuses to admit that 2 + 2 equals 5.
The last time progs tried to pull this type of crap in Spain they had a civil war... which they lost, bigly. But Catholicism hadn't been left for dead by the SJWs at Vatican II yet, so I'm not holding out hope for Spain this time around.
“In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is…in some small way to become evil oneself. One’s standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
-- Theodore Dalrymple
There are Four lights!!! Four.
Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about 'diversity'. Diversity just means White Genocide.
Freedom now from this enforced, coercive, parasitic, anti-white, genocidal diversity. Its a crime, not a 'policy option'
Reality is sexist and hateful and shall be assessed a fine the amount of which is to be determined by the EU Court in Brussels.
Who would have imagined, 22 years ago, that a social mood mania would eventually induce people to believe such irrational and openly, obviously false things?
I simply marvel at what herding animals can be forced to believe by their innate drive to fit into whatever social milieu develops. Up is down if a man's mind demands it be so at the level of cognition in the limbic system.
Now we can know how most of Jim Jones' People's Temple members did not need to be forced to poison themselves and their own children. Herding behavior exercises an IRON grip on many, if not most people.
The last time progs tried to pull this type of crap in Spain they had a civil war... which they lost, bigly. But Catholicism hadn't been left for dead by the SJWs at Vatican II yet, so I'm not holding out hope for Spain this time around.
That's the scariest part in all this for me - the speed at which a society can go to seed like that. Spain, in living memory, used to be pretty religious.
The Italians get a lot of flak for their political dysfunction (often deservedly so), but how come so few people seem to know what a fucking disaster Spain is? They went all in with the "green energy" economy, and it wrecked them, their politics are even more polarized than in the US, and secession is not just some idiot lib blather (like Calexit), but a very real possibility in Catalonia, and maybe the Basque country.
By the way somthing', their Iberian neighbor in Portugal tried the "everybody gets a free college education" approach, and it didn't work there either, because as any sensible person would know, increasing the supply of something doesn't directly increase the demand for it (in this cause, overeducated Portugeezers).
I heard Riker had a chance to have his own penis. Do y'all think Nate knew that?
Does anyone know the spanish for this phrase?
I live in Spain (just outside of Madrid). I´m going to start a graffiti campaign.
The leftist is either at your feet or at your throat.
So the facts of life are now hate speech? Geeee...
C.S. Lewis wrote about this exact situation in "That Hideous Strength". The secular materialist Mark Studdard is being put through an initiation to join the inner circle at the N.I.C.E. He is ordered to do a series of different, apparently innocuous, behaviors that seem to have no purpose. Throughout he is told each behavior is intended to teach him to see things "objectively". None of it makes sense. Finally, he is put in a room with a crucifix on the floor and told to stomp on it. He refuses. Not because it is blasphemy, but because the Christ-figure looks so helpless and pathetic. In spite of their continuous demands and rationalizations he refuses to do it. After his inquisitor leaves, Mark feels that he has won a major victory but does not know why.
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