If you wonder why I shiv this magnificent mangina so hard, you need look no further than the reason for his internet fame: a craven, dorky, shitlib virtue signaling post on his inane Whatever blog that likened Whiteness to playing at the lowest difficulty setting on a video game.You shouldn't look. But you will.
This lumpy hypocritical doughgoon who lives in a 98% White town deserves every bit of contempt coming his way. He is the androgynous embodiment of everything that is physically and psychologically deformed in the White leftoid race.
With that as context, Scalzi’s marriage — which he loves to boast about on Twatter, always (naturally) casting himself in the egregiously self-deprecating role of the anhedonic willfully emasculated doofus beta bitchboy raising an empowered feminist daughter and licking the boots of his warrioress wife — is revealed to be the PERFECT example of the Law of Gender Conservation in action.
Thursday, January 5, 2017
The Law of Gender Conservation
The Chateau not only tells, but shows. THE HORRA, THE HORRA
You shouldn't look. But you will.
This might explain why his daughter lifts more than he does.
Maybe give Scalzi an opportunity to explain why his vision of desmasculinity is superior and all men especially white (especially them) but men of color as well should aspire to in their lives.
So Andre the Giant didn't die, he transitioned and married a pedofaced pod person.
Unfortunately in this case, I receive Heartiste's columns via email.
Whoa. That is seriously a woman?
Eh. I've followed links from the Steves.
The articles formula is interesting, though.
I looked
Of course. And if she had been properly brought up and given to a strong man, then she would have created a generation of strong physically men. Unfortunately, she was badly brought up, and cast aside to be picked up by a feckless weakling.
C'mon, guys. At least they're heterosexual!
Prechter writes that androgeny rises in bear markets (declining social mood) along with increasing political power of women, while sexual dimorphism becomes more pronounced during rising social mood.
From my perspective, this is incorrect; increasing frequency of masculinized women running things is a symptom of sowing the seeds of decline (either a trend change from up to down, or continuing down.) Women grab the controls only once things are very good, and they then destroy the system that produces goods. Once the resultant hardship approaches its peak, masculinity surges into men and they retake control. Then does a society turn back upward.
Women-as-men appear late in uptrends and continue for much of the downtrend. Men-as-men appear late in downtrends and continue for much of the uptrend. Scalzi's wife is the poster-child for the looming apocalypse.
@ justthinkin, perhaps (pure) homosexuality is another special subset qualification for the Darwin Awards. Would that those who display androgyny never reproduce....
So, Scalzi is the one with long hair?
Wait. Did VD punk us with a "face-swap" app?
That's a man's face on the "woman" with long hair.
Fess up.
And this is the man who thinks that others perceive him as an "ex-special forces badass."
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