A study has found that female vervet monkeys manipulate males into fighting battles by lavishing attention on brave soldiers while giving other males the cold shoulder. After scraps with rival gangs, usually over food, females would groom males that had fought hardest, while snapping at those that abstained.That would certainly tend to explain the female preference for Alpha males.
Female vervet monkeys have been seen manipulating males into fighting battles by showing active males more attention and snapping at those who sit out the fight When the next battle came along, both those singled out for attention and those aggressively shunned would participate more vigorously in combat, according to a study published in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.
Wednesday, November 23, 2016
The primal cheerleader
Apparently cheerleading combatants, and responding to those cheerleaders, is literally in our genes:
Female Imperative
Isn't it something like 70% of men that ever lived have left no mark on the gene pool whereas most women have? That ain't just rape.
All you need to do is look at men who've given up on women to see the female influence on the species. Minimal (yet comfortable) living conditions, video games, and porn is really all a man needs once stripped of the drive to reproduce. Without women around, men are dull but pretty peaceful.
Without women around, men create great works of art and literature, win battles, and save souls.
Make sense...
The eternal female.
So even female monkeys pull the "let's you and him fight" crap.
Then again, they do share 98 percent of the same DNA ...
Appropriately timed in light of Dalrock's last post about the corrected Bible mistranslation from "her desire shall be for her husband" to "her desire shall be contrary to her husband."
The alpha predilection is certainly contrary to what women desire from a husband.
You can see this same behaviour at a bar frequented by teenagers and "young adults".
Not to derail the thread ..but still relevant to this blog
Stumbled on this article and figured it was worth sharing as all the tells of a gamma are seen throughout this loser's life.
Nice guy ( to a fault) , habitual lying to maintain pretenses of status, afraid of physical contact and best of all his final quote.... In his mind he still is the secret king.
Fathers don't let your sons grow up to be gammas
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